HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1999-04-21, Page 1317. APARTMENTS FOR RENT SiLVER • CREEK Apartments. Luxury 2 bedroom apartment. con- trolled entrance, three appliances. designed for mature adults. Phone 519-345-2197 17.15-tf • ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT in Dublin. no pets Phone 345-2314. 17-15-tf - ONE BEDROOM first floor apart- ment in duplex near downtown Seaforth. References required. For more inlonnation call 1-519-585- 2791. 17-15-2 1 BEDROOM. APARTMENT 2nd floor. downtown Mitchell, fridge, stove. parking ' provided S310lmonth plus utilities 348- 9150 Evenings 345-2050 14x3c - MAIN FLOOR large one. gdrm apt. Eat -in kitchen patio doors lot - deck. quiet pudding. Surtabie for seniors. S55otmo. ,nciudes heat. PUC. garbage .parking and !sun- dry.. CaII 524-9076 br teave Mes- sage at 527-2922 17- it xtfcc • FOR RENT two bedroom ;upper . apartment parking, no pets, would suit couple .References required Phone 522.1833 17-10.11 - A- GREAT • TWO bedroom ;n Seek:in , 'reshty decorated 2 new appliances Available now 3370 'irst 30d ast teauired. No pets., �icharf1 r Reid 272-2000 :r 400- 35-1936 00-35-1O36 • )9-rf . ATTRACT V E Second Boor • one bedroom. arae ape .n ventage budding. Rent mc:udes heat .hydro extra) 'nage inn stove. •'Contrclled entrance. Laundry n basement.• Call 527-2369. •- •)9-4 (12. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE '1 t "(17. APARTMENTS FOR RENT HEATED two bedroom apartment. • newsy decorated. close to uptown Phone 527-0235 17-09-ff NEWER 2 bedroom unit. Mitchell. Controlled entrancelaundry facili- ties Suitable for seniors 5576 18. Call 348-9102. : 7-02xtfcc STOP! ELIZABETH COURT 176 Oxford St.. Hensall 519-262-1060 18. HOUSES FOR RENT THE BEDROOM country home ' 555d plus utilities Two bedroom apartment. Three oedroom House. Phone 527-1577 18.16-1 • CLINTON- Small nouse for rent.' - Available now. S375 00 monthly - plus 3tilities. Phone 1-905.852- 3754 -u 1:519=935.2559 •8. •6)dcc ' 24. WANTED 1'O RENT j. FAMILY REGLIPES 3 ur k bed- -oom house - n 3eAtorth -.11 i Egmondvdle Ghon". 5-3-9-A 1'a ,)r 527-9057 24-itix2 . "2S. -W.‘NTF.D- ro BUY - 4NTOUE='.RNITURE. glassware. mina. sewing machines. •amps. ewellerv, post -:arils.. -nagazines. Paying ! Oc each' !or -:town • hurt' ,ars. 3nan -Sutler. _ Burns 31. 4trathrnv ':7G •G2. phone 245• IISINTEE Real Estate 150 Main Street South. Seaforth (519) 527.-05160 Fax (519)527-2763 Associate Broker 327-0560 Sharon Medd MLS Market Value, Appraiser MittpMO WI!' 119 DEN'iors FULL FINISHED 3ASEMENT' RANCH STYLE! ']ounce let ..r. -n ^'reoiace n 'c Dom. moose ;arage..workshop- Eim,ra ,H:iint leiacrteit ;atatte. :overact tech.. 3 stove. •7udt. n bsnwasner. ::esrr res : '''':.•o' 5108.000. . brnte55tonail4 1e :-Late!' t n;irn, 5125.000. OPEN CONCEPT' •Aam • per :aunarv. FULLY RENTED DUPLEX! 1-, , •7 master .3earn,im. wile ensues, raven. Irive. arge , !xcallent .vrerr000t •uo, bnvate-,a,a 9 mote! nvesfmner ,POortunrtv ;90.000. 5138,000. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY! Large MOBILE HO ! : earn' s =;onba .voricsnoo - :an le nylrtea •nto .? 'nom. atpbrt mrh err'en,;]aa :enrret morksnoos. many . 30SSibnfues! .111 snea 539.500. 158.000. Ssaforth Glen Subdivision • 29 Serviced lots starting at 530.000. Y0 • Subdivision Fees - For amens call Sharon 527-0560. • Free Home Evaluations 25. WANT TO BUY WANTED TO BUY a good used piano or keyboard Phone 345- 2628 26-16x2c 45-2628.26-16x2c • WANTED TO BUY: Cars and trucks. scrap metal. Also used auk, parts for sale 8 to 8 daily phone 522-0816. 25-16-2 WHY, HAVE AN AUCTIONS Antique. collectiblestoys, coins, whole estates Cash on the spot CaN 519-364-0448 25.46x1fcc WANTED: Older Rolex wrist watch- es such as Oyster, Skyrocket. Victory. Pence. Oyster Perpetual. etc. WiN pay top dollar. Cal Bruce Walsh. 9 Market St. Stratford. N5A 1 4 1-519-272-0411 25=42xtfcc • 26. HELP WANTED • • FULL TIME position for cash crop !arming, plus other small duties. -•ave" benefit package to offer .ontact R - Buffinga, Clinton. Fax esllme to 482-5829. 26-16x1cc- CHICKEN- CATCHERS wanted immediately, lull and part time work available. Phone 519-'99-5598. 26.05xtfcc SERVICE TECHNICIAN We nave an immediate opening for. a Cass 'A- Heavy Duty, nr Agricultural Eaurpment Mechanic. -. Excellent wages • Complete Benefit Package Send Resume in confidence to -Tony Hwy. 423 North of Meehan at Bornholm 519.347-2251, Mechanically inclined person required - for assembly and light man- ufacturing. • • Send Resume n Confidence 'o: Tony KKAN Hwy. e23 North of Mitchell at Bornholm 519-347.2251 It1•Rr)NVIEW lin 1111111NI.E\ Ver DRIVER • drd.ddeats .,act Am;r r, ,.tin_ ,t taddt :2 .,'k.. ,t ..Tone /,mea: . ,.Prni.,!.I.• rot r.,.:., „ren_ ,tdrr1 r -n irnt. v. „.Id a./•. n fm..a..rnndr ..0 i.., il, np,....v ,red ,.•iqu,_-•, nr,�nn -ith ',., •.,.ai Orr the fititrahnnr • ..:a:.•kits.! _.-.u, n..- ,Haj air drtr ing: t f.- • .11 i ate Jet %Idle.. '„,ai ...(1•11•••••-4.,r kir „r _i -,r 1,-,1 1'.:..11. ai '111 se • ra • . Trine • 1l11. vritfie item • re.l Nd drrlitod era,glnll .,,-„•rural ... ,ai,. fnr /et: ,..n[-,nl.Itraunn, • N r,i e.. r,o..an, i sn.r • d api,neal..11, \laua[rr a llumau 'Glyn. r..-. • .ut' "r )lu...n • mr1 il,.u.r ,...,.,•. rrh. , nowt:. \7\ V2 ,u7,in,anti for -In .este,, ,e.d dill he ...near ie.i 26. HELP WANTED • TN! HURON IXPoi1T011, April 21, 19111!-13 26. HELP WANTED . IVAATED 1 home willing to pmrtde long -terns care to a nine year old reale child.. thirhome would need to able to work with the educational .system as rhe -child has some learnwq problenss. be accepting of the condition of AD110 and able to work with both the medical and sociol •rert,ce systems: A rural setting would be ideal with a degree of intents in ,ports. Experience with children would be an asset with es:her older teenage children in -the hone. grown children, or no other children in the home. A family that is also open to n lntanmg c ontaa was this end's .ablings who are currently also placed in the areg,would be. -If you are interested jn learning' more about this thud please leborah Pnpe-McCulloch, The Bruce Comm Children 1,1id Society. 1-890-461-1993 Or 1.519-A.(1- +82.7. Currently has openings on their BOARD OF. DIRECTORS Interested individuals should call to request -an application form -182-5288 Phoenix of Humn is a Non-pmft agency that provides rent -geared -to -income housing to women and .children that are victi►ns of family violence. REQUIRED - The Seaforth Lions Park and Pool requires an Instr'uctol'/Lifeguard. -This will be a summer position. All applicants should have the following qualifications: • National Lifeguard Service (NLS) • Red Cross - Lifesaving Society Instructors - • C.P.R. Certificate •- • Have a first Aid Certificate - •can'be any Aquatic Emergency Care. Red Cross or ". St. John Ambulance) All,applications or resumes.can 'nailed 'o: Seaforth Recreation Department P.O.Box 885 - . Seaforth, ON NOK 1W0 Deadline for applications will be Apnl 30:1999 4:30 p.m. Applications can oe picked up at the recreation office. Only successful applicants will be notified. - AvonDISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Maitland Learning' fbr a -Lifetime rvites applications for the position of;SUPPLY CUSTODIAN POSITIONS at various schoots. iodated. in Huron and Perth Counties. effective immediately. Inorviduals successful in obtaining a Supply Custodian position will be expected to work in an elementary or secondary school ,nctuding,shift'Nork Thts_posKloninvolves- irfting; climbing and eorkrng,with cleaning chemicals. interested appticants are requested to Suomlt a letter of application -along with a resume. including expressed written 8uthori¢ation to contact 3 employment-related references. to the address oelow • orior'o•4:dO p.m . 'Nednesday: May.5. '.999. • - .We thank those vino suomtt a resume and aavrse that only those mho are.inosen fot an interview will receive a rept'. Supply Ct,stodlan Job Competition Avon Maitland District School Board 52 Chalk Street. Nonh • Seaforth. Ontano NOK'' WO Lorne Racnhs .. 3,rfcror of Education - weedy Anoerson hair." . 100 ACRE CASH CROP FARM N `UC'(ERSr/.1 -CWNSHIP• SAT., APR. 24/99 -9:30-10:30 am .AHVIS STREET _ s: 575+.X10. -iCS'"4.3 'AAUREE'1.'4121'^,VG • -__7 4 MCKILLOP TOWNSHIP ;1ORKABLE ACRES'. _ ST -6429.30C ' wpm T rod. '3 LONDON ROAD, EGMONDVILLE - ST 589 XYJ SAT.. APR. 24177 -10:30 aai-12 Noon '72 ;ARViS STREET. SOt1TH .1ST 5109,000' - -+dST;NG. 'MAUREEN .VILDFGNG. '00 ACRES IN McKILLOP TWP. KITH BRICK HOME • 1. JUTBUILDINGS SAT. APR. 24/99 -10:3011:45 am 40 LONDON ROAD. EGMOM3viLLE UST 579,900.1 r4OSTTNG MAUREEN WILEFONG 19 RAILWAY STREET UST $86,900.' 24 CENTRE STREET - ST 369,900 28 HURON RD, HARPURHEY 40 WILLIAM ST., EGMONOVN•LE _ ST 5189,900.' 47 LIST S159.000 STREET 139 ONTARIO St, CLINTON 9b LONDON 80.. EOMONOv7LLE 40 WEST FROM 9T, EONONOVIILE R.R.,r4, SEAFORTN - 6 ACRE8 UST S'49.900' UST 569300' - LIST 5199,000.! . ST 559,000 '6 EAST BAYFIEID ST. EGt10N0VILIE \1 549. XY) 6993 LINE 34, DUBLIN LIST 5179,900' 207 TOWNSEND ST.; CURIOS UST 5139.900.! 186 MAIN STREET. SOUTH UST 584.900! 22 YEARS SERVING SEAFORTN & AREA Seaforth Office: 519 / 527-1577 ‘1, 8 Main Street 'MAUREEN WILOf0!40 'PERCV SCNNEIDER 462-3224 566-5504 OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK! 'BRIAN COOMBS 565-5350 •RON MURRAY 345.2037 'SALES REPRESENTATIVE MIS REALTOR 26. HELP WANTED ELECTRICIAN Nesbit Electnc Ltd. requires licensed electrician or 4th.term apprentice. Sand resume to: Nesbit Electric. Box 94 Kirkton Ont. NOK 11(0 or fax (519) 229-8903 NESBIT EXPERIENCED PRODUCE MANAGER required. .. Must be a highly • motivated:team player. ready to work in a fast paced environment. Excellent salary and . benefit package. - Apply in person to Steve Walkom Statfen's Food Market Mitchell, Ontario 28. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY . • r MOMS: Replace ; our current nconte and stay home with your family. Can now for free information Call Jean .1-800-996-5547 28-14x4 31. SERVICE DIRECTORY C -AX TIME: Personal ncome !ax etums prepared.Call Peggy 523- 9639. 31-15x3cc - i FURNITURE REFINISHING and -eclairs. hand stnpped. Eland rubbed acgyer finishes. 70r_k-up and aely . ery.-Free ?stirrates. Caul Gary - ,osling: 319-233- - ' 54 31-15-7 - BARB PAUN Cart 4etlexotogy-and ' 7erki. '!.prove irculation and -' ngestton and promotes relaxation.. :27.2546.31-15x3c -START PLANNING i NOW! -- *Wood' Decks ofnterlocking Patios - anti Walkways Call The Lawn Master - 527-1750 VEALS \battdir 'inrl -\neat .Market Iii•] ,ast or Exeter. -. CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING tl'J I)ws -: iosaar OUR SPECIALTY -Awe time ..Ida m11.1 J Most makes ono models done - '. --t1'� on she - 4 ft.i MITCHELL PHOTOGRAPHICS 348-4520 ADDITIONAL PROPERTIES SEAFORTH 64 MARKET. STREET 32 MAIN STREET. NORTH 11 JOHN STREET '26 MILL STREET .. - 55 JARVIS STREET , 67 3OUINLOCK STREET ... 66 ELIZABETH"STREET 80 GEORGE. STREET. EAST '0 SILVER CREEK CRESCENT 91 NEST WILLIAM STREET • 183 JARVIS STREET, SOUTH '32 MILL STREET •, 71 JARVIS STREET 24 CENTRE STREET - 74 EAST WILLIAM-araseT" , .- - ...• :... _-. 59 RAILWAY STREET . . 93 GOOERICH STREET, WEST (DUPLEXI '07 EAST WILLIAM STREET .'. 165 MAIN STREET. SOUTH 51 BRANTFORD STREET . . 47 ANN STREET ..._ 172 JARVIS STREET, SOUTH .. . 169 MAIN STREET, SOUTH 10 WEST WIWAM STREET . 58 RAILWAY STREET EGMONDVILLE 48 WATER STREET .$92.900. 23 CENTRE STREET 1139,900. !, 16 EAST BAYFIELD STREET 549,900. 40 WILLIAM STREET . . 1189,900. 32 CENTRE STREET 5154,900. 40 LONDON ROAD .. ..579,900. 73 LONDON ROAD . ....... ..$80,900. 40 WEST FRONT STREET 5190,000. 66 LONDON ROAD 580.900. 5129.000. $99:900. 569,90o. 579,900. 589.900. 5149,900. S52.500. 5229.000. $159,900. $139,900. 1199,000. 579.900. 569.900. $86,000. 5109,000.; 599,900. 584.900. 5105,000. 5159.000. 5109.000. 574.900. 589.900. -39,900. HARPURHEY 26 HURON ROAD 56 HURON ROAD . . 5119,900. se9,90o- VINCENT LAWN dt GARDEN RENTAL CENTRE -'Novi Opener - C_h asttsaws to iawnmilers :O Garden Tillers ror rent - • 1. 'ays iii ;ail (Iasi: Book Yours Today! - SEAFORTH :19-527-0120- LAWN ROLLING BUMPS & CLUMPS BEGONE FOR GOOD! You Call Well Roil R fight There. Lawn '`1veerIIILr, Tilling; vcti -iatne.It. Henslil, ,)nt. Bill - 2.63-276 - Jerry- I./L-,JTc.L 4 t1 � IS YOUR LAWN LOOKING A UTUU Last sat+ m.r was tough oft lawns from trough & grubs. WE CAN RENQVA?E! The LawnMaster 527-1750