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The Huron Expositor, 1999-04-21, Page 6
6 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, AprII 21, 1999 Grade 2 student Stephanie DeJong took part in the first-ever science fair from a Seaforth/Brussels organization of home schooling parents and children. The fair was held Saturday in Brussels. Stephanie's project involved tracking the growth and development of a chick from its start as an egg BONNIE GROPP PHOTO The investment Centre is now located at 26 Main St. Seaforth (beside Box furniture) Due to labour disruptions at Bell Canada, our new telephone and fax numbers have not been connected. Call us at (51,9) 527-0420 Doug Elliott B. Math until the labour disruptions end. We are sorry for the inconvenience to our clients ?Investment Centre Seaforth 26 Main St. Serving Seaforth Since 1986 527-0420 JOHN DEERE SPRING SAVINGS EVENT JS60 WALK -BEHIND MOWER 6 HP Steel Deck Side Discharge Board looks at initiatives' list it has historically funded "A lot of taxpayers will say, 'What the hell are we giving them money for?' and I agree with them," says trustee BY SUSAN HUNDERTMARK Expositor Staff • A list of special initiatives historically funded by Perth and. Huron County boards of education. including S106.395 in Perth County and S59,1,24 ' in Huron County. was presented, last night to the Avon Maitland District School Board. Trustee Abby Armstrong • told 'the board she requested the list to show trustees how much more money . is involved than the 53.700 paid to the Seaford)District High School All -Girls. Marching Band and the 5900 paid to -- - the.. Blyth/Brussels/Bclgrave School l=air. • ' • "I strongly feel this is something trustees should have some say, over. It's a significant amount of ma�ttey and there, are quite a lot nTore people involved in this, discussion that didn't even know they 'were involved. she told trustees. . A new board policy, passed at the March 23 board meeting, gives administration the power to determine what .groups''will continue to be . funded. The board defeated a. moiion, by Armstrong that' would ensure the hoard made thc final decision about which groups are funded. "I would like to see thc. whole thing reconsidered," said Armstrong. - • Trustee Donald Brillinger said the issue is still a matter of not having enough money to fund the _groups. "I don't. know :what all these groups are but if they're worthwhile, there's a process .thcy can go through to apply for funding. A lot of taxpayers will say. 'What the hell are we giving them money for?' and I agree with . them," he said. Organizations in' Perth County on the fist receiving funding include Brock_sden, championship -arts, championship athletics. dairy program. developmentally -- handicapped special games. the developmentally - handicapped swim program, environmental awareness, Fryfogel, Gallery Stratford. Report says'early learning grant should he spread around., BY SUSAN HUNDERTMARK Expositor Staff • An Early learning grant. offered by thc province for. the first time last 'year to augment programming for primary students who did not attend junior kindergarten. should be spread to schools throughout the Avon Maitland district. not just io schools that do not offer junior kindergarten; said a report to trustees at theschool board's April 13 meeting. Upper Thames Elementary School and North Easthope Public School. both of which did not offer junior kinde jgarten last year. received a total of S195.489 to buy resource materials and hire educatioml assistants for litcracy--and- numeracy -'skill building -programs for kindergarten to Grade 3 during a one-year pilot project. associate director John Patterson told the board. The remainder of the $344,278 grant went into the general budget. He said that while North Easthope will offer junior kindergarten in September. Upper Thames will not and wants to continue receiving about 5140.000 in funding to continue the pilot project. • "We would 'argue that we have to meet the needs of all students who did not attend junior kindergarten in all schools in the system." said Patterson. School boards arc only eligible for the earlyarning grant if junior kindergarten is not offered at all schools in the system. said finance superintendent Janet Baird -Jackson. "Tile challenge is to provide the best services for students at the maximum grant." she said. As well. the grant is dependent on a "take-up rate" (or proportion of JK to SK students within a district school board) of less than 93 per cent. This year's take-up rate for the Avon Maitland board is 65 to 70 per cent and next year's is estimated at 74 per cent. Trustee Abby Armstrong said that if at least one school could not offer junior kindergarten for the board to qualify for the grant. we have to give that school a specific cut of that grant." Education director Lorne Rachlis said the board still needs some direction from the Ministry of Education and Training but added. "if not having JK at one school means $300,000 in grants. we should do that." The board passed a motion telling the director to develop a plan to use any early learning grant allocation it receives for the 1999.2000 school year. Interlink Project, Kiwanis Music Festival, Lions Quest. literacy programs. math contest, Newspapers in Education. performing arts. Perth County Museum, Perth County Youth Choir. Sci- Tech Encounters, Sisters Cities. Vision -On program. Organizations in Huron County on the list receiving funding include Huron- High Art Attack. competitions beyond local level; regional sports. director's recognition,_ awards, Grey Central/Ministry of Natural Resources. ' "Beyond enrichment program, Quest and VIP; literacy festival/Slice of Huron. Math L .e a g u c • Blyth/Brussels/Belgrave fair, science fair: safe schools/violence against women. peer mediation and mentoring programs. Wcscast/adult education, and Seaforth District High School All -Girls Marching Band. Finance superintendent Janet Baird -Jackson told trustees that thc list before them was two years old and tltat'a' more up-to-date- list 'Will be presented to the board as part of the budget process before May.15. . i Check Out Our Selection of USED LAWN & GARDEN, EQUIPMENT $399°° +Tax 3 In 1 Deck -Mulching Standard -Side Discharge (optional) -Rear Bag (optional) LT SERIES LAWN TRACTORS STARTING AT $59 PER MONTH* OR $2759 • Powerful overhead-valve engines • Tight 15 in. turning radius • Heavy-duty welded steel frame LT LAWN LT133 LT 155 LT166. TRACTORS ENGINE 13 HP 15 HP 16 HP, V -TWIN CUTTING TURNING MULCH DRiVE WIDTH RADIUS COMPATIBLE 5 -SPEED GEAR DRIVE 38 IN 15 IN ✓ 2 -PEDAL AUTOMATIC 38 IN.. 15 IN. ✓ 2 -PEDAL AUTOMATIC 42 IN. 15 IN. ✓ The 'No Risk' 30 -Day JOHN DEERE PROMISE If for any reason you're not happy with your John Deere lawn mower, rider, lawn tractor, lawn and garden tractor, or residential front mower within 30 days of purchase, just bringit back. 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