HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1999-04-21, Page 2OPP
Report e
2 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, April 21, 189
how their
food gets
to the
.Another Bear. students had
chance- to make sausage
and were .asked .what then
thrnielii the t.isini was in
which the meat was heine
.placed. Instead of intestines;
Mtiegge ,aid one student
thought it was a condom.
But Mucgge said that':
,)ne in the reason' behind- A..
Slice ,)t Huron. •to expose
s ming 'students to an aspect
lite around them'to which
they normally aren't
.'xposcd. •
'They need :o know where
?hctr food "comes from.-' she
Despite some not :being•
tamili.ar with agriculture.
�lucg e :said there -are. no
,lurch questions:so students
-.ire encituraged to tear
much is they can.
lr fabulous What
,liretions -they come :up
yob's" she said.
• Mary. (;race Ashdown-•
I>tirst-ot• Benmtller and Dick
.1)0•x,!:►1 )t Hcnsall.
,olunteers teaching the
stzrdeni;.about eggs. said
;hw 'srotiitt 'heir own skids
o -the Open himse ev ening..
acid last Thursday: It wasa
chance.for the children to
. ••hrrnh, their parent.: and"
families. to A Slice oI; Huron
:0 lake part in the same-•
prusr:uns'they. were entoyi g.
each Jar.
•Even though they live on
arin�. Dougal said -his
', iijtdren don't know ,ahqui
'urkev production or hog
• tarming, other aspects untie'
..Ltuegge said the.
volueers showed a keen.
interest: in educating the
. -W` ,ust_,:uuldn ' Jo ,t
~'; hoot eyervnude.-' ,he
Agricultural Society says
it wasn't approached
interested in our proposal.-- hoard gave the ,go-ahead to
said Johnston. pursue it.
Johnston added that he :We ridded hoard
planned to attend an approval' first, 11 just. wasn't
agricultural society meeting the right time- vet tt,
to officially present the approach them +the ac
proposal once the school Society he said. .
The president of the
Seaforth Agricultural
Society said Monday he's •
angry that his group has'not
keen officially approached to
participate in the proposal
for a new recreation centre
at _Seaforth District High
School. •
"We're not .happy -
campers.". said Jim Floyd.-
"We have • not, as a_hoard..
been asked to •participate. , FROM Page I -
Terry Johnston had•no right people," because tractors can he:driven through :t steel
to attribute any of his doorwayatoneend.
..othments to the.ag Society." Ht: said the building won't fall down from. -weight Of
However. Johnston. who snow or.when the power goes off and can have lights. and
presented the proposal to the • scoreboards installed'on-the .walls. And. compared to the
Avon Maitland -District $1M I -per -square -foot steel and bnck huildingthe cgmmutee
School Board last week. said - originally considered. the coverall ,building only costs S12
two agricultural society • per square foot. -
representatives have been : .J
Other features of the building include enough radiant -light
presentat each of the that no artificial -lighting isneeded during the ay .and
planning sessions for the insulation that causes it to be warm -in the. winter and cool In
recreation centre: proposal. • the summer.
•-'lt was my understanding . - "It's not a sweatbox like domes are in the summer."he•
Project could be completed
in stages if hoard approves
- that they were keeping the - said.
ag society abreast ofThe costs break down to $233,50( for the building..
evert•thing hat Was $16,000 for the floor, $13,000 for the lighting. $100,(101) for
happening. They certainly the sports equipment and $1500. per month for heating'inthe -
.!ave as every Indication that 'winter. Johnston said the project could he completed in
the ag society was very stages depending on the committee's success atfundraising.
nckersmith given time to explore
n .a> Seaforth and McKillop option
delayed further.
• Luvc asked if.Tuckcrsmith
could forward its decision to
the live councils -before the
next NRC- meeting 'tin May
. 1 : -so they -can :make - a
decision- on the question of
amalgamating the five.. •
Hay.•Ti►wnship Coun. Fred
Campbell said his council
..has `been ..expecting
Tuckcrsmith to pull out so'
•has • already. discussed
- opinions on. amalgamating
t it a municipalities:
• . 'Five will 'certainly change
the figures •• ,added
• Stanley, Township -Count
Individuals, commodity
,roups. ago-businesseA and
other.:asrfcultural partners
•. oiunteered for the event.
•Or *anizers were expected
'o meet last _night. \pril til)
to evaluate the success sit
this- year's event and look at.
any.changes for the next
tine t)t thine will he ;he
.target • .roup. \•lucgge .aid_
changes to the Ont- rto
curriculum .sill .et Grade z
students as the target year tor.
participating in the program:
"We'd lore to lee every
class shirts froin...every.
school, said 1•luegge, but
for now. a remains limited .to
the younger grades.
Doggal would like to. see
students- from Toronto have
access to a program like A
,Slice of Huron sine. those
• children have even less
• exposure to agriculture and
how their rood is produced.
Students taking part in A
Slice -tit Huron wi11 take
what they have learned and
share it with the reTt)Ttlteb-'-
classes :and students who did
not get to take part in the
.same sessions through
ioitow Up protects.
13i11 Dowson. asked -
'Broadtoot . to . he : upfront
about-Tuckcrsmith council's
•-views:on who they want to
• amalgamate with. He heard -
council voted to join the
MRC then the reeve would '
resign, . •
l3roadti►ut • explained
council's. position •w.hile
•-Carnochan was .reeve :v vas :to
complete talks with the MRC
heforc considering • the'
Seaforth-McKillop scenario.
Then Tuckcrsmith entered
clerk -sharing agreement with
Seaforth and McKi1kip and
subsequently . became
in.volyed _t -n amalgamation
talks..fle said`rhosc'talks
have been going on only a
month and the only -thing
discussed so_ tar is policing.
Tuckcrsmith connc:i also
• received a -financial impact
report from its .aerk at its last
• conned meeting an.Apnl
"How adatnant.arc: Cl1U of
rumors that if -the township no desire to -come west •.
A Review of activities at
- designated•Hospital Smoking area is -located on the ;).fila
• Cigarette butt ;tops for cigarette disposal have, been- installed •.n
the walls of Hospital door entrances. , . •• -
VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION WEEK Js .\pal 18-24- frit) •-
• Volunteers provide a vital "link ti) many a. chain. - Our. st.atl and
management• highly - regard the importance .ti the mans.
Volunteers 'associated:wish the Jctis'en• .and enhancement .)t
Hospital sere ices and programs if it weren't for Volunteers. the
Hospital.. pattents and staff would be deprived '1 the- +.iunacrous
therapeutic benefits that. the. skills. inrsonalittes ,uxf'ansa talents
•exhibit. Our sincerest appreciation to sou ALL- -
• • DIABETES COUNSELLING individual :ott,n,elline
avatlahle by ;appointment by contacting 12'-1F50 sat ._.
Canadian Diabetes Educators. Dianne W,,04
Lorraine Devereaux. Registered .Dietitian will address iuur
personal Diabetes concerns. Doctor referral is not necessary . •
' MORNING OUT" is a New. Parent Support Servtcc •,tfcred
:each-Friday:10:00-11:10 :tan.. -with -Karen Searle.'l:acilicuur
Moms/Dads. infants ire welcome to attend -and learn/share
inlormatton..andexperiences with (liscussion.�)n .r variety t)t-
postpartum topics. Childcare is available by pre-registcrint . with
(;race l)olmaee 527-3001. 00 later than \Vednesdav noun , 1 each
- week: . -
Rowson asked 13rt)atltina. .
.'Paul (it a •atk. pan
not. It`s) hreause-.,,t
• Bridges development which
. must be part 01 Seaforth..1.1
don't suppi►rt splitting of the
township." s. -aid Broadfoot.
"The Bridges of Seat<rth
Je'.clopment I; a .uhdiv'iston
located in Egmondville. -
The- MRC ended last
week's rneeting a halt, hi air
aiter it ilettan. Tsio agenda
atoms •were not.Ji,etissed:.1-
f inancfal
r,financial impact :tnatssis .rod
. transition costs:
Ttickersinith • .:ounc,1 •
expected to 'in{d:+ •suis{i,
meeting to seer- roto -rorn
ratepayers .;bout .vnich.
.!;rection the township .hould
take and to explain aspects ot
both possible seenanus.
Driver escapes injury after
pick-up trucl� flips twice
.An 13 -year-old Dublin
woman escaped injury hut
was charged With careless
driving after losing control
of. her --1996 Chev pick-up
truck and_'tiipping twice -into
The single vehicle .accident
• occurred April 1+1 at 5:45
a.m.-on Concession ill- in
McKillop Township near
• Huron Road 12.
The driver was westbound
...When she iiia. control at a
• bridge. entered •the north
ditch. where. her vehicle
flipped twice and came hack
on Its wheels before going
across, the road;.into• the
',oath ditch.•
The truck received severe
- Damages: •
Computer equipment stolen
Computer equipment and a
bicycle were stolen from ,t
-William Street home in
Seaforth after'a break-in
Overnight April' 11.
A black Magitrunic lap top
•Packard desk- jet printer.
Model 340 and a. Norco
Model Pro Street 1 speed
.bicycle were stolen 'from the
. Anyone
Anvone wall .any related
information should .call
Crimestoppers it 'he Huron
Truck stolen as owner
watches •
A Tuckcrsmith Township
man awoke at I :;aril. on
April 14 to see. his truck
leavingthe amily' laneway.
Hls.red 1985 Chev pick-up
truck, which had-heen let;
unlocked with the keys in
the ignition. was drive out ill
the laneway and travelled
west on Concession.3.
Officers responding to the
call found another vehicle:.,
1.986 GMSC - Wrangler.
abandoned in the ditch about
2 kiltirnetres west of the
man's home.
The seconA truck, which
also had. keys left in it for
the night.: had been stolen
from Roman Road -Di. (NMI)
Line in Tuckerstnith
h011e 11°4 4.
gqi+ 1399
"Your Community Newspaper"
100 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH 527.0240
Roth trucl.> •5C C
•ect)vered and rettii
;heir wner1/4.
frock scratched
-\ blue:oftl.(.:het.:ttci.
parked In the tancsa.a of
William 'tree;, home Jn
',catt,rth. was damaged Isv
scratches, to :is enure right
side on April ;4. repels the
Huron ()PP
Bicycle stolen
\ red Inca s HI -speed.
Supers}cle was stplcn troth
the frontporch 01 an isahclle.
Street home in Scati)rth
stunctone -hutween \Oril_ 11
,and 14. 'report. the 1-luron
anti 51) Much. more! •
• •- ( )PEN
- Moo: to-Fr1, 3 to 3: Sat..3 t(s5: Stitt. I2 to :)
Stewart Acres
Greenhouses ses atl(l Garden Centre
1' 2 maps east of -,ealorth .522-1)495
Glaucoma - Can it be Controlled?
• - Bv: 1)r. Louis LaPlante
(:laucoma<is an eye ,lisease- in: which the pressure
;nside vont-eves builds up enough to damage the optic
nerve. The optic nerve enters into. the back of the eye from
the brain and transmits signals* necessary for seeing.
.These nerve cells are delicate and extremely, small.
:neasunng about, i)20;000 of an inch in diameter.• For this
reason. they are easily damaged when compressed long.
,enough, and may eventually die. Their death causes
nerniarient vision loss.. • .
• The increase in pressure happens .when 'he
passages that normally allow fluid in voter eves to :rain
become clogged or .blocked. The reasons- that ' hest
passages: become blocked are not exactly known. however,
t loss of body tissue elasticity with increasing age t:
thought to be itfactor. . -
• It should he mentioned that there are some •
ndividuals who develop glaucoma• and have normai we
pressure readings. These eases are much less einnmon and
;nay tie due to -inadequate blood supply`to the eye,:or
:terve cell degeneration.' • . •
• Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness
;n North-Amenca. People:at greatest ,risk are those ;fiver
.tge 40 pers-'oit"s with a• family -history -4 glaucoma,and-
liatietics.•L3Iack people and-. those who are s•iary
Nearsighted are also at higher tisk. • - •
• The mstromon type of -glaucoma usually mdevelops
;radually and .painlessly; without warning signs ,)r
;vrptotns.Unfortunately. a great dein it vision, can. he. lost
'before someone. realizes anything_ is wrong.: A much rarer
type. known as .tcute :angle closure• glaucoina..occurs
rapidly and includes .symptoms of blurr•edvision, coloured
rings around lights. and pain. or. rednetis.in•the eves. .
Glaueotna - cannot be prevented, but .-an .lie
controlled if diagnosed and treated early. In most, cases.
can he slowed or,arrested by strictly adheruig to medical
therapy. Eye drops and/or pills are. the inyst omniun
forms of treatment for --lowering eye pressure. •In sonie.
rases, laser procedures or surgery may he•reyuired.:rlae.
hest defense against glaucoma is to have regular -eye.-.
,•xaminations as. 'recommended `by. your optometrist:.
.•Specially. for those in high risk groups.
Clay :i: Watch for: What is macular deeeneraltat! -
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