HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1999-04-21, Page 1Your C rnrnunity Newspaper Since` 1860 Seaforth, Ontario April 21 1999 -- .$1.00 'includes GST Recreation facility proposed. Plans would see indoor tragi gym for student and;public u *e BY S1;SAN IIIUN )F:RT LARK Expositor Staff " Several S-eafarth community ,groups_ hic"..e. come together to plan a $600.001) fitness compiex. are asking the Avon Slaitland District School Board for approval to huild the.I00 by I50'foot structure on school property' just north of •Seaforth District ffi2h Sfhool.. • But. education director Lcirne Rachli, said .the. i . groups have to go a step. „further and presenttheir idea, to the board in writing bet,re it can he -determined if , •the hoard <<ir, support the - • project: -Just making a presentation -doesn't cut. it. We need ,orriething in writing. it may he .. onderft.i1 or it may he wonderful and not for us." he said. adding he's "keeping an open mind on it." However. the fact -that the presentation must•also he made in writing .was not c1,rYlrnuntared to- . the Seatorth groups at rhe hoard meeting. ' Seaforth high school teacher Terry. Johnston: who' ij,4de the presentation to the hoatJl last • week:. said. Monday he waywaiting for approval :tli proceed from the.. hoard's exectlti.. e 'Jliiin-at.tec , to Indoor and hadr heart his rt.tnte sytn.tloor..t must -he made :n .urians -in :.1.:. ,t...:,) squash courts. order to he ,Ionsidered . • .. hamae n)oms. He added .that, rhe !roup, . , ,.•.,-;. .r ;t at hope to, he able to apply for :,,' ..:t 112::' , 7,;11-1 funding this year from the meet; -. ' Trillium Fdiundar: ,r. 1::.: Millenium f-.- no,: t . deadltnes :-. NI:: '*We hoo,e t,; it from: the ht,asrd ' i.r ,r.t + vi.e.re goi_n apply for randtrtr 'h.. he said .John;; .epr_`en _ Szaforrh`, ni_n r•::<. recreation deparrmenr..ind agri�ultr,ral.-.;;>v;'tv. presented pian; for the :1e•.. ,,. rr• .11 ). l,: 'C:.,tae ih:, le told r...... . .,:d17P.1 :. ,t-.. : , 1,., . 1 - r:: iLi,: the hoard's resources -inch as „dist rlhr11,1t- .irchitects and other experts , . He ;aid thelacitity old he used hy .the high school from 7 .t.m. to h p._m.and then by the• town from 6-1 1 p.m. •tore and more groups are necnmina involvedand many. many •people henefit from rhe facility- including aci ity-including students: ,rentor;. fah;. church groups .tnd !,,cal businesses." he ;aid. Whrle.the Seaforth zroup .r:einallv.looked at erecting itiuhhie. their `research i,uminum and steel aructtire made h"., a l t ,'s 1:..'1,"t i 1 n (.u,' tra ;, i. :-1 11. end; .t 1st a.•; .,,•,' 1,1 no- olpent'11 a ht• 'n11•• - h . li •hr of this :' n ' int:trlr; trait 1 , htllidin�_ :)v.• .:sort .lout.;1i e :atopies n •hr. :. nulituut ; ;f deed ';e '1C salt tttdyitt. that rhe used •1n tat nti. I,)t1:1;t:;1- e>pec,al - 11101-1-,1:01; ,. 1.1:1 1.1 'rrac:or ;.tans:.' . f 1 .)'1ei.`elle'1.1. 4u, ,' Grade 5 student Michael Janes and Grade 4 student Kim Steep, both dr Seaforth Public Sctlool help to feed a calf• during a session of A Slice of Huron. held last week in Seaforth at the Agri-Plex. See photos on. Page 8.. • HUNOERTVARK PHOTO '."!fir KD ,r . Stucleiits get A S1ice of Huroti Program brings students and agriculture tf)grtht r BY SCOTT HILGENDORFF Ecplsitor Editor • Brown eggs asst mitre than "-yhire rent e r^\ 1 :y11,:1:::ns eat more feed. - . a`w'hile coca can be Lound ;n ,)lis ail: to he Mint— :uoit. Is a vegetable. it ..:an also he rt,un'il is i h nr +:uc; ',1 " .,,,, X Suntnentai atf ,arn rtvo rt r•v,•_.intt t .1:i1+ '1.111t1:'. dab These are Just sort;of t!1< ,, 1 I 't ;tutdenis learned about Htirr'n count., dist,:"1'j •, I" agriculture.• 'I'd be ' ery surprised it there learn something. said Bill (t' -.n. ,t i; Jai,[ :fanner and one of more Than u ,ollinteer, .rat :thiy year's . Slice of Huron .it the -e:iI r•I: in,: ; '1'•;: •cr Community Centre', and he Seaforth AgraFlex. ,. The event focuses t+n Grade,o -1 and; _hitdren orad :< i.., ill ani ;shoal in the county.. -. (t features six different. omporlents r'ulvnti ":„i• and dairy cattle to farni safety and crt:p students could pick two lit; the:areas )nd •01:ucttt ,ori u•2n vorkshop-style sessions tocuss'itt•_ sir) lltfer,:ni .tanto i the'tw;o topics. • - • ='wu d .kive..to see .ver), Mass ._rnlrtr; • m ,rt-•, said Jane Ntuegge. one or the ,lthrdin.utlr: and "1fit:.;•Ir 1, ommunitles specialist with (Jnt.irttl \Am', Agriculture and Rural .itfair4. 'olunteer5 Lound the program opened the ^ rs 't: n:ni•• students who don't come from rural backe r,+urllt.. them a better idea about the work behind the torti he'. :it Some volunteers were surprised .to di-:ct,+.er ,rdents didn't know wheat was: in bread. That -lesson, was iearn'd at j a e sivri on IvcaTfv grown cru`pS`tutot"rttr•rthrstrrre•-x'har• • products.those crops become atter the sere har•. e'teti, Ct2ha't 4.1E1) ,n :'•1d2 • 1 Men charged for theft, hit andrun A second man has been charged in connection with the Seaforth liquor store theft and hit and run accident north of London that left a St. Marys woman in a coma in February. The two men had stolen a truck in Clinton, stole cases of alcohol from the liquor store in Seaforth and fled toward London in two vehicles. One of the men was involved in a head-on collission with the London woman before fleeing in the sectatad man's truck. A 25 -year-old London man was arrested April 16 at his Emery Street home and charged with criminal negligence causing bodily harm. 1 Tuckersnuth Oven delay in amalgamation decision BY NELLIE EVANS ' Lakeshore Advani:e Staft ' for alt extension.-. He said the township lost 11. direction .when it lost its reeve Bill •C'arnoxhan and two citizens' groups voiced opposite opinions on which municipal group Tuckersmith Iosnshlp'.•reeve .has they wanted to join.:kn.exteftsion ofa new• promised to ask his ,:outic•tl 10 vote `lav 4 on' weeks or •a month would give council ";t whether to atttalgainate with its hoe western neighbors or go east to Seaforth.and McKillop Township. • Tuckersmith Reeve Bob Broadfoot 'aid he'd be "prepared' to ask council to vote". atter the township was, given a one-month. extenaton.April 14 in Zurich at a meeting of the Municipal Restructunng Committee. The \lay 4 council meeting is also when Fuekersmith will hear applications from .citizens who wish to till a Vacant councillor position. - After each village of Hensatl, Zurich, Bayfield and the townships of Hay and Stanley announced their acceptance of the amalgamation proposal, Broadfoot said. "We're asking for your support at this time • chance to get a thorough understanding from the people." he added. , "We have no'motivn to support ur.reject the t MRC) proposal at this time.”, Paid. Broadfoot. "A delay of one month is not bad because if Tuckersmith goes with ISeaforth and McKillop) then we must find Out if well amalgamate in a five -member group," responded Bayfield Reeve Doug Grant. "However, at the next meeting, we should be prepared to either tish or cut bait." Stanley Township Reeve Jack Coleman painted out that Tuckersmith had previously asked kival couhcils for an extension to June 3U. "Council has not beers able to.tnake decision.", explained Brvadtoilt. "I have no. problem with t.one month delay. it's only fair," said H:iv t•,lwnshtp Reeve Jim Love. - Councils to decide on amalgamation of . eve Grant painted out the'majority tit municipalities voted itt t'i',oi 1)t amalgamation which could be. used !tt1 force Tuckersmith to join the group. "But l understood we don't want that because if amalgamation is successful it must be based on faith and trust.- he said. Henisall Reeve Cecil Pepperagteed. ,adding . councils should prepare for , ruckersntith •s possible decision to juin Seaforth and McKillop by di.' Bussing whether ttley'd . accept amalgamation of the Live municipalities. Grant supported the suggestion saying the proposal shouldn't be t<zyFIcit online