HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1999-04-14, Page 1414 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Ape11 14, 1999 Seaforth Farmerettes bring home silver from nationals the Sc.tforth t-errncrcuc; won a silver medal at th `C'anadian hroomhall championships in 'Bathurst. New Bninswick last week during heir first national ciimpetition ever. . ' They played their first and last games .t)farnst.the Que.hec Huskeys.last year's national champions and last the first game in •a '3- 1 battle. When they met the •fiuskeys ,igain in the gold modal game. they lost again hut played a I,,,t• fond game. nosing. in second death overtime s) wuh eight minutes lett in ihepeno d ' .We.played the toughest team twice. -:Says Farmerette player Tracey Eckert. -Almost all. Of the Quebec team•is about .19.years old and it •w.as disappointing to lose to a•hunch of young kids hut we .irc•second in Canada." "We feet as a team .sr ill played well and: Parr'Line Ladies Elite team win provincia1si1ver rr tidal . Parr t.sne Ladies Elite are provincial medalists after 1 compirtruon held in• -l.tndsay.tn March -Trams competing from the. Eastern ' 'Region. were • tilidnicht: Runner.. :McMillan: Sand and Circa: t and the Phantoms •• 'From C...nr .11 West Region •w -rc Par:- Line t.adies and • nce•Far,)....,r Lint! ; a _•ams ^.vats 1;1 \I n eht Ritnnir: ' h Parr Lae cans only -1. 2.1(7,e scop the net. game . 1 r. .t .n:t;len,fe Ana .too play • -; c:ctalty V •'1- ins oris) : \,l t rasa .on. the 1-: 1-!y. while. nl,nutes. ,c =sure -'tit' i Par. Line i•,. r �t ppc 2 .1 a v..rist ,hoot •,, r _ .0 -!Arne ^ `,,no :h1• n .he ;ei:ond halt of .the game. McMittans strong offensive praying overpowered Parr Line:to' , score of 3- 1 for Mervtillans. • , This put Parr line down to the losing side and they knew they couldn't lose another game 'or they would he dens. The 'Farmerettes' fires game was against the'p<iwerfil Vic �(i(Ian. The•;core• was 1 - for Mc Mil•t.tnt . and our Farnierette: couldn't buy. .enough goals to help them. • The F.tr-nterette:' next Jams was against- 4lidnight •Runners. The haute w IS on .inti the Farmerettes pulicu • off the wtn ti keep them iii the race Their next challenge was; against the Phantoms. The Farmersttes took the Lead early in the game and with only 12 Seconds left in the aame.•Phantorns iced .t up. It went into .t.ver'fine wow Phantoms -got the hreak ' and the win. 2-1. which put Farmerettes out.. - • Ph:, ' : on into Ole :aft round again ane, L.tdmc•s Parr Line had to believe ihey could do it or they too•would he done. But' nothing. could .top them. They pounced on the Phantoms- with -ample Chances of ;coring and did succeed with a win of .3-0 for Parr Line which.put them hack up into the wtnnsnt title again..t'eainst non Cher than McMillans Sand and Caravel. The battle was' Mick .inti Borth. hut Parr Line took a nape for a secontt and Mc Mi f Sim :cored not. once, not twice hut•: three times. Mc.Miltan went undefeated :rod capturcii:the gold'while Parr Line had silver. • Parr, Line bat pleased and lune ionourcd-to even he in the medal round.- . The coaches -said they- did believe we,zouid hang d medal home if we all worked,toeeiher. •W hat .t team effort. • eaforth-Gir:ls Pee. Wee hockey team competes in international tourney (-7;•T'a:e Wee hockey team car; 7,, .: )mpete ;a the h.)rrten.s Ht)ckcy ). _ ?,1 m Brampton. :sir tri England and all over North. ?•.e Wee BB a :-,t,)n ,:onsisted of three -so(ir e erns x•i;) s won iover Rideau . t c i. 'v.r a rus from, Mary r, ird,N;oris Ki.,tncr. In the _seAcond upset Brampton !4.) ,)n a _oar :,ie, Devereaux: Seait)rn wrapped up t:ietr pcx,i•play with .t r.r• ?tier Bur!int=tion. ` ' ,cored two-gi)als with •sinele at; .timing 'tr<'m Shannon Brooker, Cathy Brandin .and Nadide K:,tner ,. to their division the _tri, played Brantford to the Semi-tinals. The ;sine finished ;n .i scoreless tie. Two. Live -mote overtime periods failed to produce a •.rct'r, for other team. The game then .iectded ^V t sudden death shoutout. 1 t;l Craig ;dared :wtce durtng he four- -''a'cr ,hrutrut a' ort,,.+dc the win. Laura Hart:tt'r, was pectacular.tn- _goal. sp ; three i-:our,hrts_durne the shoot- out. SeatorthThen nlaved .aytiner. gushes -n he int), osint_'• so'} ,Aylmer ;cored three ,foals. ;n tie :rst i c minutes of :he iame•.tnd :hen reser• c:: ,rami t'goaltending 'i) sur{'ave an attemnteu :omerack from St aforih. The Brampr,:n ,'urhamcnt capped .t tremendous year t r he Seaforth ftris.`The team won :;ora.mmenr, .y Canohridee•, London.ind;:Mi,;issauafa. me finished second it tournament` :n Kitchener. Brantford and Brampton. Dunne 'he ear. the `cant was moved tp rn :classification r.rOttl B to BB and •let•e:tted numerous teams in the A diveaon. - Next year the eam will ,lompete tn,nc� Bantam Jivtsiun- ages ',L .and t :tad; iirk:s, to tfittiro ve..I-en 'urihen team members. go:u 'Laura Hamilton:• defence - Kendall C,trnoc.han. Stephanie Weber: Enn Van Dairen.' Michelle Durst. Sarah Hesse': forwards - Shannon Brookcr.- Cathy..Brandon. Leah Craig..Nicole Kistner. Emily Ratcht e..• Marv. Finlays<an. Brittany Wiitiams. Jeno Bias:.:. Becky Hiltz. Nicole, Devereau- :ouches = gill Weher. Terry 'Crate. Sart 1 Hi .sea. motto er - Diane Brandon. New babies honored in Dublin '-mer Dtjl,hn t, 101,' e (:,-• C,utdc, when. he r _et tt ;':they with ^ice Kn tin • .re ',I .aid 't'r B -id •,'h,'. !1 Tither ri Du^itn i the \kr" as. ; rc.her,. ]erre. R- na!i!. •�: thur and Jerome• Congratulauons tu•Rob and Heather Elliott ,'n the happy Dublin News By Dorothy Dillon got together. .with "their rothers.:Cyril and -Jus ;n Kitchener recently for an old-fashioned game ot. six - hand euchre. The card ;ame,ended :n a • 1 1. )err .:.rlgjttcr: Juice Faye. born on \larch' Congratulations to proud grandparent,. Bob And Glynis Rice of Stafl'a, and Stan and Clarice Elliott of Baltvmote. Jean Rvan visaed with her sister .Lnreen McDougall 'n London • i, ci• `!he Eisler weekend. • I'hou,_ni r;he Jay How Ju you s • , t Jockey player' You pucs.i it Get Ready for Spring with... oth SavingsMTD LAWN MOWERS & STRING TRIMMERS $29." LAWN RIDERS $47." GARDEN TRACTORS $69." CHAIN SAWS $29." SNOWMOBILES 9 19.9 Call Today For Details! FARM EUl1IPMENT LIMITED 527-0120 1 1/4 Miles, North of SEAFORTH gave it everything we had to hung home the gold but wc'are very proud of our silver medals... ;he says. . The Fa nerettes won the next tiur games. against British Columbia •1-0. against Nova Scotia 3-0. againzt• New Brunswick 1-1 and against Manitoba ?=0, placing them in the• bronze medal game against the other Ontano team from:the Ottawa Region. whom -they heat 144) to overtime. "The. Ottawa team Was the only :earn at the, nationals we'd ever playcd.helore and while thc•games were usually close. we'd never he#tten them before. .even at the provincials. So. rt was doubly exciting to heat.Ottawa and . go into the_ gold.mcdal _game. says.Eckcrt. ' A .most valuable player. was picked from hoth•teams. for every game played.an4 winners from the Farmerettes included. Chns 'Patchell.'Cheryt•Kruisc. Janice Finlayson. Heidi Elliott. Barb Elliott and Vicki King. At • the awardS'banquet on Saturday night. Vicki King was chosen team MVP for the Ontario, ' team for the tournament. Eckert says the financial and einottonat support Crum people in Seaford] and its surrounding area gave the team the opportunity to participate in the•nattontt1 championships. "a great cxpenence that will. -never he forgotten..* Farmereue players included Kim Watsun- Y1cKenzte.-Chen t Krtiise- Patt>, Jo .McIntosh. Janice• Finlayson. Sus.tn 0•11e1.1.. Lisa VandenHewct. Donna -.Art:, Heidi Elliott. ,. •Heather Wallace. Teresa Finlayson. Tracey 'Eckert. Barb •Elliott: LiUise Marshall. Chvnllc Lehaman: Chris Part:hc.11. Sheila • Walker: Linda Sauvc. 'Tammy `McKellar. Patty Burlotte and Vicki King. rbc coach was Terry Wright.. the Manager -wap. Brad •. Finlayson and khc trainer was Georgina Reynolds. - - ONTARIO ENERGY BOARD . Commission de t'Energie.. . . de i'Ontano . RP -1999-0019 Notice 'B" • NOTICE OF APPLICATION • -AND - NOTICE OF WRITTEN HEARING • FRANCHISE APPROVAL FOR • THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP An Application. dated- March 1.5, 1999 haa been filed by Union Gas Limited r"L:nion"' with the Ontario Energy: Board t"the. Board") under the- Municipal Franchises_ Act. R.S.O. 1990, c.M.55, as amended. Union has applied for an order of the Board approving the terms and:conditions upon which and the period -tor which the Corporation of. the Township of McKillop ("the Municipality") is, by by-law ,"the By-law"a, to grant to Unionrights to construct and operate works for the distribution 'of gas and to extend -or add'"tothe works .in the Municipalityi"the Franchise Agreement"'. - Unton has also applied for an order of the Board dectanng and directing that the assent of the•electors'of the Township of McKillop -to the By-law is not necessary. Union- is presently serving the Municipality and holds a Certificate -of Public Convenience and Necessity FB:C. 253) and -an Order of the Board approving the ,terns and conditions and the period of a franchise agreement between Union and the Municipality. which 'Will expire nn July 31, 1999.!E.B.A. There have. been no boundary, changes since the effective date .of the current franchise. • The Board intends to proceed in this matter by way of a written hearing. How to see Onion's Application Copies of Union's Application areavailable for inspection at the) oard'.5'otiices.'at Union's head office. at the Union regional •office in Waterloo. and at the office of the, Clerk -Treasurer of the Corporation Of the Township' o'f McKiIlop , addresses below r. - How to Intervene If you wish tointervene (Le. thctively participate) in -the proceedings relating to this ApPlication, you. must tile a'letter of. intervention within: 14 days of the publication of this Notice. Your letter of intervention. must be delivered or mailed to the Bioard Secretary and to Cnion • at the addresses below: the letter of intervention trust state:, 1. your name. address, telephone'aiidfacsinttle numbers: - 2. ,your interest in theApplication: ' 3. vourrintention to participate in the written hearing; the issues you intend to addresa in the written_ hearing; and 3. whether you intend to seek an award of costs • If: you wielt to participate in the French language in the proceeding, .your letter must state this.. • Written Rearing The Board intends -to proceed in, this mutter by way of A written' hearing. If you wish to object to this' matter proceeding by way of a written hearing you Must .file your objection with your tetter of intervention' or. within 21 day' of, publication )f this Notice. If. an. inrervenot objects to ;a written hearing the 'Board will tl)en• proceed by way of an oral hearing. . All Intervenors and Board Stats must file any written submissions with the Board and with Union by May 21. 1999 at 4:45' p.m. Union .must Mile any reply Submissions by May 28. 1999 at 4:45 p.m. • • ° Procedural orders as to hew .these myatters will proceed may be • issued- by the. Board from time to time. Copies of any procedural orders will be sent to all uiervenurs. — _ Hoyt► to Observe . If you do nut wish to actively participate, but wish to monitorthe proceeding and receive Board issued documents, you may fequest observer status in the proceeding by writing the Board Secretary within 14 days of the publication of this :Notice: • How to Comment If you wish to comment on the Application without becoming an intervenor or an observer• yoit may write a letter of comment to the Board Secretary stating your - views and any relevant information. All letters of comment will be provided to Union and will- become part of the•public record in the proceeding. Ail .letters comment must be filed with. the Board Secretary. within 21'.daysofthe publication • of this Notice, IMPORTANT • IF TOL' DO NOT FILE A LETTER OF INTENTION OR A LETTER OF COMMENT, OR IF YOU DO -NOT -FILE -WRITTEN SCBMISSIONS OR OBJECT TO THE MATTER PROCEEDING .BY WAY OF A WRITTEN HEARING, THE BOARD MAY PROCEED IN. YOUR ABSENCE AND YOU WILL NOT BE ENTITLED -TO ANY FURTHER NOTICE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS. . '!.ADDRESSES ,• Ontario Energy Board P.O. Box 23.19 2300 Yonge Street 26th Floor Toronto, Ontarito. :M4P IE4 Attn: Paul B. Fudge Board Secretary' •Toll Free: 1-888-632-6273 • The Corporation of the 'Ibwnship of Mcis R.R. til - Seaforth, Ontario NOKIWO-. Attn: Marion McClure Clerk -Treasurer Tel: (519) 527-1916 DATED at Tb onto March 30, 1999. All documents sent by mail should be • directed to.the following address: Union,Gas Limited 50 Keil Drive North ----ehattham; Ontario. N7M .5M1 Attn: David W. Kunsch Solicitor Tel: (519)436-5396 Fax:"' ( 519) 436-5218 'op Union Gas Limited Divisional Office "603 Kumpf Drive P.O. Box 340 ' Waterloo, Ontario • N2J 4A4 Attn: Bob Adie • Tlal: (5191885-'7400, ext. 425 ONTARIO ENERGY BOARD Peter H. O'Dell Assistant Board Secretary