HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1999-04-14, Page 12(47. CARDS OF THANKS 12 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, AprII 14, 1SS9 1 CARTER-SNELL Julie and Craig would like to thank Dr. Hay, Dr. Wenske. Dr. Smith and . all the OB staff at Clinton, Public Hospital for the 'safe arrival of our daughter Hailey Lyn on March 26th. We appreciated the excetlent care and kindness shown to all of us. A special thanks to our family for their continued love and support. 47- 15x1 MCNICHOL - WAGATHA We would like to thank everyone who attended our Buck and Doe. We had .a great time and hope you did also. A special thanks to Dave and Trudy for the excellent job they did. Also thanks to Jacquie. Steve. Jeremey. Tout. MCI Sound and everyone else who helped out. - Jolene and Jamie 47-15x1c - (47. CARDS OF THANKS ) VAN DEN AKKER. 1 would like to say thank you to Dr. Zettel, pr. Rodney and the nursing staff at Seaforth Commuhity Hospital for their exceptional care while 1 was a patient there. Thank you to my friends and • family for their visits, phone calls and gifts. It was greatly appreciated. - Sincerely, Brent van den Akker 47-15x1 ,1,1‘) 1A( #21 Nttiltirk wieriwit c.in caime It AS of 1114111(.1nd df Multiple Sclerosis socricj cANAriA 8 0 0 2 6-8 - 7 5 g 2. Community Calendar THURS., APR. 15 .TUES., APR, 20 6:30-9:00 p.m. Slice of Huron- 9:00-11:30 a.m.% Parents and 'Open House at Me -Arena Tot Playgroup at .. • Nortbside United Ctiurth FRI.., APR. 16 . 9:00-10:00 a.m. Fitness is Fun with Drusilla.Leitch at the Arena 16:00-11:00 a.m. - Line panting with Drusilla Leitch at.the Arena SUN., APR. 18 7:00-8:00 pm: - QgObedienceat the Arena ' SAT., APR. 17 MON., APR. 19 7.30-10:30 p.m. ,Minor Sports • Council Bingo at the Arena. -tiost: Minor Broomtiall WED., APR. 21 7:00-800 p.m. - Aerobic -Step Class with Orusilla•at the Arena • • • ,f you're organiz:rg a non-profit event of interest to other Seatorth area residents. phone the recreation office -527-0882 or* the EXpositor at 527-0240. or mail the information to Corninur,r; Calendar, The Huron Expositor_ Box 69. Seafirth. Ortano. NOK VAC well in advance -of the scheduled date Free istrg ihcludes date, tare name of event ancnocation only. Space for `,"e CoMmurity-Caierdar s donated by The Huron Expositor • "One day there'll be an empty chair.." Q. What if my husband and I make our arrangements with a director here and then move to another area? A. Depending upon the type pf funeral preplanning . program you select," most arrangements are easily transferable to another area Be sure you:know who.vou are dealing with and.then thoroughly discuss this possibility in ,itivance. Businesses, which only sell funeral - • -merchandise are not always governed by state regulations For your free copy or One Dav Theiell Be An Empty Chao: the new 24 - page booklet from thebest-,elltng book.,AirerLrisv A Re. Cnmpamon 'for Those Who Are. Grfetrne: by Barbara LesSrrang. plea.se call or.stop b' Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home 87 Goderich Street West, Seaforth - 527-1390 NrrerLoss Inc • MO- ; • Students become confident speakers after completing leadership course It can cause jitters and sweaty, shaky hands and- can be one of the most -unnerving situations in school. Public speaking is required at all schools but a group of -Grade 6/7 students at Si. Colurnban marked the first group of youngpeople.in Canada to take the Christopher Leadership Course. -"It definitely has merits for 'the students," •said Sherri. kelly. While she is .their teacher in the classroom. she is also a Christopher Leadership in,strator. having Britanny Stacey .takin the course herelf a •, time in this country. Kelly hs already seen the students benefit from the program: In .one case. she -sawsome of theM much r more calm and relaxed -than normal when standing in front -of the school to accept awards. "I wanted tomake my speaking skills_hetter."..said - Sarah Van Loon. tine of 19 students at the school who' took the course. • -I us -ed. to get .really nervous.- she said. NoW, she still feels a .little tense,hut uses exercises taught at the' • course to relax. few years ago. • "They have - greatly imprOVed. their speaking skills." she said. • _Developed in the United States. --Christophe Leadership •Coarses. have been offered to adults in Canada since 1953. The program is designed to help people become -better speakers and speech writers.; while improving their self confidence. Toni Melady.a local organizerOf the program. arranged for it to be offerbd to young people 'for the first Sarah Van Loon . She 'cOuld -See a _h' g di Ile re nciy between her speech -last year about horpscopes cotnpared to the speech at the 'entiof the . -course called; "If I won,a billion dolfars.: -1 think I should -he a' lot. better speaker, than I. was before,'-' she said. • She wants to he a leacher. and knb-ws she will he able to take the new 1' !carded through high school and into that ,prolession. She rememb.ers how nervous they all were .n the start ofthe- course: when they had to speak :thou! - themselves: "But by the, end. 1 .could talk about Anything:-• she said.. Brittany. Stacey' also took ibe .course and came away with the Christopher Leadership pm. awarded to a -.student who progresses the most and is helpful toward Aithers.. She -wanted to enhance her speaking skills and become more.sell-ctinfident. • She had die -same kind of ex.perience as Van Loon.' finding r.y the end. she could - speak in front of every one.. and 'inkhe alittle nervous. , At the end of the- si 5 - t eek •course. they Were required to_ gIve a two -minute talk about • an lorIC- It ss as in.froni oI 90 people. "I. hope they •keep doine- ibis for the school."she said. adding • that. 'now -other 8ludents can. see how -they.... Inoe benefitted and will w ant • • to take the course. Looking hack. Kelly ciin. see.. how she would, hav benetited from the course • when she was in school and7 hopes- the program continue to.e \nand III NC11001 • \ e Staffa 4-H group learns to dehone chicken, The 44I group from Staffa oine.d l'or the Iourth time on March 24 -at 740 P.m. it.) &hone a chicken. We started iffIsy: reciting the .4-14, pledge. going- over the minutes from meeting thrbe .and Toil call. which was -asking where you have,seen. or -heard ah, nit cholesterol. Peggy Kerslake discussed. the different layers of an egg and asked u fiout our experiments that -we were to do at home. The experiment was to,make an egg shell - disappear by'sciakilig it in vinegar. ' • We.gathered-in the - _kitchen and watched • Doris Jeffery debone a chicken. She started -by 'breaking off the tips of the wings and then shivvly' made- her way down the chicken. .Painela \idler and Amanda Pullman led us in a game of "Crack the Ego " We were to .it .one by one tin a balloon and pop it. Inside each balloon there was a say ing, such as act like vou're laving • Our Annual 1999 Winter Sports Edition will soon be published and we need your help! Please bring in your,team pictures to the Huron 'Expositor at 100 Main St., Seaforth or mail to us at P.O: Box 69, Seaforth ON NOK 1W0 (Please make sure you identify all participants) OR • To arrange a team photo, please call our editor Scott Hilgendorff at • 527-0240 "Your Community Newspaper" an egg. All memhe rs had lots ' We then read some pages just' a -time to•come out and of fun. We wept ahead to from . our booklet and gossip. listening how to sharpen a ths-cussed different ways to knife 'and Kim read, from cook an egg.' 'Wm. .were each . pages in our booklet. lucky to have the pleasure of, . On March 11 the Stalla -blowing tht. sotkvitt 1)1 in :-Crack Head,s gathered for .jegg.Wtth the .eggs' • their fifth rpeeting. It beganpicked.'out favourite colour -with the pledge add 'reading and dyed it. While all this , the minutes.- was happening, Doris was in Jennifer Aikens andlikrnin the kitchen With ,r fOt' Leczman described the:social members cooking chicken rep for this, meeting., EaCh lingers 'and stir fry: Atter all. member .was given a plastic the eggs • were- dyed we -T. -egg. .1f any member saw enjoyed' tasting Doris' another place their elbow tni cooking. , .• . ' ;the tablethey•could take the Jasminthen handed; out away..- At. the. end,., ',cheery crepes hm.h she -had- whoever was:left with the made at home. - most eggs"was treated -with a On. April 9 at 6: .30.p,m.. the prite..group iparticipated in . We .enloyed a good laugh Achmecmnent Night and Whit Rh d h few jokes she had fOund: • with awards. social rep'...and The following inember completed -this egg and . chicken club: Linda Voeels., Pamela Miller. Lmiri --an- -- Bakei; Kenny Van eakel. ! K,iin McKenzie. _Lanra, Mckenzie. Carrie -Harris'. Ian Ker -slake. Allan Kerslake.- Jenessa Vincent. Jennifer Aikens..Ntelissat Murray. ' • Ainlanda Pullman. Heather Kerslake.'Cliatitania Merin). •,Megan Vv'ebber.•Cassandra Parsons. 1 asmin Leemnan 'and Ashley Wettlaufer. The leaders were Rhonda Niiller. :Peggy Ke.rstake and Doris • Jeffery. Mary JanePinisinis donated the chicken. ' . , . Linori Vont/et-I\ e on a r ymed olf a enjoy ell a potluck supper • 4-H Club challenged by chinchillas The fourth 4-H chinchilla meeting was held t a.m. 'until -2:00 p.m. We opened. the meeting . . „with -the -14.1 pledge. ' The minutes were read from the last meeting by Nicci Moore. -We talked about '7-any...new or old business in pur.com. niunity. The roll call. "Having looked atter your animals for a lew months, what -do you think it Would be like to manage 200-,anamals or even 2000?" The most common answer was would be hard,- or "1 don -t think I could do that tOr a long time.- Barh theareadabout 71-fohlistS or Being.a Full Time Rancher - and she also .read about "Colour phases and athe Seaforth Agriplex on Karch 27 at 9:00 what are.- We went o‘er to Iwo cages that had babies an them ,Ind compared the colour phase. After N1 all hada look Barb them asked 'et one what they: think of housing chinchillas. The most common. answer was.. Ai is .1 Iii of work to keepilrem-hcalthy." We ended thc meeting with the 4-H minty which is "Lcari to do by domnL Barb told us that weiean mitt around the buy. and sell .how and. set; 41 the'difterem things that people :ire buying:Ind selling there. --. St. Anne's fashion show a success The Fashion Show ‘s -as a that -in,itter.: to ipolitieize only one. credit hut both urea( success. Hats.tifto Nis: -issues. ' . - • percentage grades achieved Leroux and the. students and-- • -The- first isstie 1 vs ill .55.111 be shown .\ hdr:iwal • Mali who worked tirelessl%.. to discuss. is referred to as -hill from • .iny tar,ide 1 I . 1 2 or. .. ritake: it look so easy. 1 "wit-% . Diselosure.-' 7 OAC coirt\e. alter \pccilied - pleased to '.cc what -a hit the .In the past. students- who time. m, ill he slims n imim the . • show was. The auditorium ;took a course and failed it. •transcript. was full each night. • tried the course again and One cillICI•111 t/i (III'. new Mithtefins are •rapidly• hopef ully were then proem_ NS 1% 11111 St uderit - approaching and for any: successful. rl "„ie ()Mario Who hati- t: teritlattng grade nine student.eurrently . Student Record tOSR 1 has a.. eircumstances that caused in a half course. like Tech. • page called :3 transcript low les el of achtexement. Arts. Bus, 71C or .History. showing what credits base .• Such as illness. would not he this is the last week before been gained:This is updated noted by Post -Secondary ou switch to sour other regularly. amd at.present only Admissions offieers. The option.11i7Tialrilarriik ,the 40WT-the firjal pasSing.gradc --document clearly states . sernester two. part. one land course code.. ilex( principal moa a courses. is Friday. April 16. year. the transcript will show parent. or adult student to • Be sure to find out where the student's achievements in- identity h \ means of a your new class will he held Grades 9 and 1(1 with special indicator. those tirade SO as to avoid contusion percentages. shown ftir •11: .12 and O.•‘C marks that. Monday morning. successfully completed credit due to eAtraordiliaty The school newsletter went courses. It -will show a list of circutnstances are not a title out Thursday to all families. all Grade 1 1 and 12. and reflection of Ole student's This week I hope to discuss Ontario •ALademic Courses ability. A principal may also the changes in Secondary completed. or attempted by initiate the indicator on his or Education and how • those the student. with the her own initiative.. For more changes Agin affect your .percentage grade earned and ,intormation you may wish to. children in the future. Ido so the Credits gained. • : consult .the Ministry • of to clarify and articulate these - Students repeating a course.- Education guide.-Siepping changes. It is not. in my - for which they have already Up." interest. or the student's for. gained a credit. will earn Philip J. .VhAlillati Co-op student takes residents for walks' •• • Monday morning Queensway's volunteer auxiliary met for their monthly meeting. Everyone was reminded that the Voluntccr Appreciation Party is - planned for- April 15. Elly Van Bergen of thd Varna -Goshen United Churches led worship service Tuesday afternoon with Belva Fuss as volunteer organist. Wednesday afternoon Loren McKenzie. singer and. pianist entertained residents, . family members and volunteers in the activity room. Loren has a hugc 'repertoire of songs to suit every taste. ' Several individuals who • wished to he outdoors benefiting from the sunshine had an opportunity Thursday • afternoon 'when co-op student Joyce Beemer assisted with walks and wheelchair rides.