HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-4-30, Page 8Tint New Goat This Wee New coats which are arriving this week will freshen ne am' Stock and complete o'er, range of sizes. People ' appreciate ,the food values we are offering and these new coats will sell quickly, so come in pick Yours out this week and have u full .red son's service tram it. Popular, Prices'; $12.95 $15.95 w$iS,5O' $22.50 $25.00 ' oleproof os exy' 98c. r Full fashioned silk stockings: -in all`';:€'h.ee new shades and black—the Holepi-oof Brand assures satisfactory wear i:vi our price of 98c. a pair is certainly resonable. Ask to see our special stockinks at.ser, pair o, 25c.. and bac. For Dresses We are now showing the nem7 Ging- hams, Voiles, Linens, English;+. and Silk. Broadcloths both in plain and striped; Printed and 'Brocaded Crepes, Dress Flan- nels, All Wool Crepes and Silk-linit ma- terials. We stock the Standard Design- er• patterns with the Belrobe System in-,;; eluded which makes home dressmakinga simple task. Come in and see our dis- play of materials in exclusive lengths and by the. yard. A. Stewart BETTER V�LUES IN PURNffUKE. at G RDINER'S Latest Designs, Better Ser ice Largest Stock Lowest Prices The }Lome Furnisher 41' tr L U Director of Funeral Service Motor Hearse and Horse Equipment DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Q LONG DISTANCE CALLS PRO1,IPTLY ATTENDED TrO.,;. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE. 74J; Night'es'ilt74W LSO - fMen's Store Phone 81w Men's- Store TWO-PANTT H READY-TO-WEAR L,: SUITS ,. 123.00 -;,:::::,LI; t.� r{t Pf 6 45 Young Men's Models in Twee Effects, Homespuns and Worsteds - Merchant Tailor and Gents' Outfitter ;S 4 eter „Mar ,'e Wheat, $1.25. Barley 65e. Oath 50c. Manitoba Flatly $4.90 Blended Flour $4,55 Pastry Flour $4.15 Deed Flour $2,00, Bran $1.50 :Shorts $1.60 • Mutter, 30.c, Creamery Butter 39c. Eggs, extras, 26c, Eggs, firsts: ,,21c. Lard 20c hog's, Soleets $12.9 0. Hogs, thick shil.00th $12.00, THE ETR 'MMES -ADVOCATE THURSDAY, APRIL 30th, 1O25, a137M41 l'UslzTA/St xituAtaR � ROT. -4nmea Foote, 13,4.9 UnitOr l �N11II�M I�IIl.llll1lNlillllll(ll0t1lflll1l1INi1li fall rills MMIIIlIiMIN101111111111111i1I11111111A 11lN1.IltllNllllll0.l( I#1NA1I1 nN, 19 a,�•�-�-611ud�y School, and.. Bible 11 a. m. Sehvl§.es as Ustlal ",.., 7 P. M.-•-,-SexVices; ,a5llstic�,l, w,,,;�.a,,. _ � � _. Slogan f ox S.titing That'sjthe Ri +l•+++ +++-l•a •§••i•r• i4++ II•• 'l+'II' i + II + LOCAL •1•++++•.°-e ,. 4.4•+++'H, a Mr, S. G. Bawden, of Goderich, visited in town Wednesday. The 'foundatipn is 'in for a new bungalow for Miss A, McAnsh o Jahn St. Mrs. Mills, of Windsor, visit relatives ins' Exeter for a few do la,s �� week, Mr. Lionel Howard, of London, visited with Mr. E. J. Christie over the 'week -end. Mr. and Mrs., Robt. Hpnney and dailghter Miss Ella are visiting for a few weeks in Detroit., Mr. A. Easton has rented the resi- dence on Gidley St. recently oc- cupied by Mrs. M. Blatchford. Mr. Chas. Davis is able .to been i and around the house following h recent operation for appendicitis. Mr. A, Merrett moved his house hold effects here on Monday and will oceilpy Mrs. Johnson's house, on Mill Street.' Mr. Mervyn Wilson of London an,t1 'friend Mr. Guss. Barclwill spent Sunday with 117r. and Mrs. Sid Wil- son,- Elimville. 1Vir. Rd. Ten'y has rented his farm on the 14th concession df Stephen to Mr. Isaiah Tetreau, who lives just across the road. Mr,Geo. Vosper returned to his home in Toronto. on,,Saturday after visiting for a few weeks with his sister, Miss C. Vosper. t Y.aA. �. JAMES STREET 3SODIST R VTRCH Rev, W. E, ."o)inelly, E. A., Pastor W. U. Gottic inb, A:T,a.hL Organist and •Choir.Leader " - COMMUNION SUNDAY 10,15—Morning .Fellowship.` 11.00-•-Coinn un on Meditation --=- "The Master's Cup." 3.00 p.ln.=Sunday School, and Bible Class. 7.00—"Dust and�DiviAify• "" 'ritt Memori vral C ,hurch n Rev. A. A. Trumper„ L. Th., Rector. 1111 a.m.—"A Call 'to Christ." Y,s 1. 7 p.m.—Prof. Colclough of Toron- to University will be the preeicher. Dr. W. E. Weekes, of Glencoe, is locating in Exeter and has rented the rooms ,,of Mr. E. Elliott, over Miss Yelland's millinery store. Mr, and Mrs. • L. Grieve and two. children and Miss Dorothy Smith, motored up from Strathroy and `spent Sunday with relatives.Jn town. Mr. and Mrs.''John Markham of London, former residents of Exeter; visited in town this week, guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Davis and other friends. Mr. Louis. Love has moved from 'Stephen Tp. where he recently dis- posed _of his, farm to the house on William St. recently purchased from Mr W. H. Harness. +lea Ts Fred E1lerington-and John Cole have purchased an Al' premium Clysdale from James Norris, of Mit Chen. . This horse is of outstanding appearance and merit. Mr. Bert. Gardiner, who has been attending Business College: in Lon- don, is home owing to nerve trouble and -while able .to be out is under the advice of a physician. Rev. J. G. Litt, pastor of the Evan- gelical church, Zurich, has been transferred to Shakespeare and Rev. J. H. Grenzebach, of Shakespeare, has been stationed at Zurich. Mr. Geo. Atkinson, of London, visited in town for ,a couple ,of days during the past week. Mrs. Atkin son has been quite ill with rheu- matic trouble for several mouths. "The New Outlook" is the name chosenfQr the paper which is to be iseued in the =interests of the United church of Canada and which takes the place of the Presbyterian Wit- ness, -the Canadian Congregationalist and th'e Christian Guardian, at pres- ent published in connection with the three denominations which are unit- ing. Mrs. S. Jpnnston and daughter, Pearl left this week for Seaforth to, make their home in future. Mrs. Johnston is going to live with her daughter, Miss Ila, who ,has• a good. position in that town. Their many. friends in Exeter while regretting their departure will wish for„them every happiness in their new home. 'The' Rowland -Family Band ofli seven -players of Ingersoll will :con- duct the services on Sunday for the, Salvation. Army. The evening ser- vice.4111 be conducted in the Town Hall, musical.items will be render- ed during the evening, An open- air service will be held after ,church service at 8.30: p.m.. on Sunday night. The `filial meeting of the Y. P. League of. Main St. church took the form- of a social evening on• 1VIOnday f this week. The first part. con- istod of a program in which several of the: young .people took part. Dur- ing the program Mr. George Mawson. ave,: a short and practical address. n "Some things expected of a League Member."'Then followed a series of games and h contests in' which all participated most heartily. A light lunch was served, bringing o an end one of the most successful ears. among Main St. Young People, They are looking forward to a •splen- id" Tallying for good: work during next year. On Saturday.evening April llth. t Edmonton, a quiet ,home wedding ook place between Marjorie, eldest &tighter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. allard : of 106 Street, formerly of 'Victoria, and Mr. Harry Neil. Elston ecbntl son of Mrs. a,nd the late Mr. ktbiiias Elston, of Exeter, Ontario, Canon Pierce -Goulding ,officiated iss 1lelen. McCltire played the wed-, ing march and was maid Of honor. Mr, Charles Ballard supported the rbom. After, the ceremony " 2, dainty buffet' supAer was served. Among those present Mr.and Mrs. 0 0 t 5 d B B ri ti g l .avid Elston the Misses Miriam and Miss' Grace ' 1leanian,' of undon, Dinah ',Elston. Later' the happy has been visiting With. rata ;ivies ilh,:coua,le loft for flan 14fatec, Ca;lifdrnia town for the least -week. 'whore they will resicl : pays use YIARTIN m-SENOU RED SCHOOL HOUSE PA For Barns end Outbuildings it has no equat Write to Head Office:Montreal for Free pooldet 'HOME PAINTING MADE EASY SOW BY. G. A. HAWKINS EXETER Young Creech., of Detroit, -.averal days during the Week Powell's Bazaar Plain- Price Store The farmerettes tell us that "Hooper" pays more for, good eggs, • than • any other ''dealer within 20 miles of Town. If• this be true then every reader of this paper ought to bring their 'eggs tq': Exeter, and deal here becauseyou,dan get most any- thing you want at ('better" prices than elsewhere. 'especially if you patronize this store: Sounds like "bunco" maybe, but come and . see for yourself. At no time do we ask or expect business from you unless our prices are as low or lower than elsewhere. The Store that meets our prices'; be entitled to an "even break 1 lit- what about the one that triols' You. Look over our FRIDAY,- SATURDAY SPECIALS— TUMBLERS, fluted 5 cents. EGG CUPS, china 5 cents, Trade at' Powells ,.and save -money.. IVIJIOLM FARM" Choice Strawberry plants -for sale. ,Senator Dunlop:' anti` hood River varieties, 75c. per 100. L: V. Ho- garth, Exeter. Seed Potatoes "2ob ' Sale- Green- Mountain;,, also two well bred York- shire sows coming first *eelt May. Apply to .Jos C. Ferguson. Concession 4, ,Usborne Towhship. BABY CHICKS Bred -to -Lay strains;: S. C. White Leghosns, $12.50 per '100; Barred Rocks, $15.00 per 1.,00; from 20 2i,.;cially selgCto.. ypr,.nr;,;" oi:� RY 220, $25.00 per 1'00.' From 25 ` specials; -selected April pullets out of 140 $202.00 per hund- red Eggs for hatching : =A quantity of Dooley seed potatoes also for sale 50c. a bag. Apply W. F. Abbott, Exeter, Ont. TENDERS WANTED TO l3UILD SCHOOL HOUSE SEALED TENDERS will be re- ceived b -y the undersigned Trustees Stephen and Bosanqutt, -up to Mon- day, May 4th next at -7- p.m. to erect a two toom brick School, House at Grand. Bend. General cocnditions for all contractors, together 4•with plans and specifications -May be seen at the office of g McBride, architect, London; ,,a,t4elie office of H. Eilber & Son, Crediton or at Brenner's Garage, Grand Bend. Maurice Drenner, Aaron Ireland, Harold Wolper, Trustees,',D.S.S. No. Flowers -for Mother's :Day. Don't forget to leave your ord# early.— Harvey & Harvey. tile welder fer gold and ,silver wel- ding. This work that -previously had to be sent out of town, will now be done at home. This also applies to the metal line spectacle frames. —Sylvester Taylor, Jeweler. LOST—License plate No., 196-766. Finder rewarded by leaving at Times-Advobate office., The Ladies' Aid of James St. church will , hold a sale of home- made cooking in the sampls rOinxi of •the Central Hotel on Saturday next beginning at 3 o'clocic, Ladies -of the Aid are requested to bring their donations without being canvassed. FOR SALE -1 Brood sow and 10 Pigs 4 vieeks old, De Laval cream separator, nearly neW. J. Wil- son, Lot a, Con. 8, Hay Township. FOUND—A couple of Screened boxes used in connection with bees, 4found near Woodhani on Tuesday and left at the Times -Advocate. Owner may have same by paying for advertisement.. ' STRAYED--etinto the' premisee of Chas. Harvey, Huron: St!, On Thurs- day of last we,,e a dark bay horse. Owner may UMW sante bY proving property and expenses. - EXETER LAWN TENNIS CLUB A meeting of the above club will be held in the Bank -of ComMerce chambers on Friday, May'l),at'8 pen. All members and Others interested in"the game and desirous of.. becom- hig members are "requested to at - PIANO TUNIN'e Mr, Stein 'has arrived in towv. Pa,rtieS wishing pianoCtuned phone Mrs. Gambrill, No. 101., esweee machines at'Saritlers Mfg, Co. h'..lreter, Ont. Apply at factory,. oiolo MOM 11111114011 MOWN NIMBI minvon MEIN IMMO ragnso mamol .11141.4 PINE MUMS oNdallol MINIM MINN 1110,1111. lOmok NOINNIONI IMOCOSIO agalblO ammo ,,Men., we are showing a beautiful range of New Cloths this seasen tailored in sing16 or double breasted, , It is a good time to buY now. Let tie show you our.values at We are showing several new patterns in this popular floor .04Y- ering. All sizes carried in Stock.' sao.00 Linoleum Rugs We offer the new patterns in this sanitary floor covering. Our prices will interest you. .NEW 'LINOVUIVI$ Bring in the size of your roona and get our prices. We carry the test patterns and will la,y them free of charge. New Wall -Papers Good Blinds at 98c. Brighten up the interior of , This a shipment of seconde and . your home with a few rolls; pf one. • ' 'are' worth in the regular way new wall papers. At per roll . .$1,50. We have a limited quan- CURTAINS and CURTAIN NETS We offer a larger, better and ah`eaPer Shan- ever before. Pretty nets for bedrooms and kitchens at 20ce-25ce and 35c. Better qualities at 40c., 50c., 75c., 90c. Bedroom curtains complete with tie -backs per pr. • otythcott Bros ommonik MonlOONSP rIFIM„inregliolnisdla,aj ENIECLICEYE REPAIRS AND INSURANCE 'YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED FL J. CHRISTIE OFkICE: North of Elliott and Jlohns We are now prepared to do al? whereai before, we had to send them kinds of repairs on broken frames, or -Spring _ YOU WELL WANT SOME, - HEA.VY SHELL FRAMES YOUR OWN LENSES, WHILE YOU WAIT, Ammo. SPECTACLES, LARGE LENSES, Dr. John Ward CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. PHONE 70 VIOLIN AND PIANO INSTRUC- TION Pupils visited or received Terms Moderate, Concert Engagements Accepted. -ROBERT GAMBRILL Phone 161, Exeter -Meat Market HAVE YOU TRIED DIM SER- VICE?' 'IF NOT GIVE US A CALL. SERVICE AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF MEATS. PHONE 38 R. McINNIS LICENSED' AUCTIONEER FOR For best results let R. McInnis handle your auction sales. FIVE YEARS EXPERIENCE HAY posT OFFICE TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenderd, marked "Tender for wiring Court House" will be re- ceived by the undersigned up t6 8 o'clock p.m. May 25th, 1925, for re- wiring the Court House, Goderich, for lighting purposes. All material to bs furnished by party receiving _the contract. Plans and specifica- tions maY " be seen at my office. The lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. Geo. W. Holman, County Clerk Goderich, April 25th, 1925. - FOR RENT --100 acres of pas- ture land on Con. 5, Tp. of Stephen. River supplies plenty of, water. Ap- ply Mrs, 13. Coughlin, 2-11 Pall Mall. London. 4-16-3t. Libby McNeil & Libby OF CANADA, -LTD., CHATHAM is how Open to write pihle acreage irt and around the districte of •EXe- ter and Hensall tor the coming sea- son: Anyene wishing to contract will kindly see Mr. W. W. Rice, dis- trict man in EXeter, or write him and he will gladly can, and see yeti and give you any information yeti may require. We are Paying more money, and receiving larger pickles TrY:, ono or two acres. New Furniture' - Your old Repaired THE PLACE TO GET YOUR RE- PAIRING DONE IS AT IC N. ROWE'S WIEERE YOU ARE SURE OF A GOOD JOB. OUR STOCK OF, FURNITURE IS OF THE VERX BEST AND OUR PRICES CANNOT PLACE. IR. N. ROWE EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone Bus. 20W House 20S Safety Razor Blades §harpened (any make) SINGLE EDGE . 3e DOUBLE EDGE 4c Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, Druggist CLEANING PRESSING and REPAIRING fO FIT YOU AND..YOUR POCKET ELLIOTT AND JOI:DiS' W. R. Goulding Organist and Choirmaster James St. 1VIethodist church Instrucction in Piano Vocal -Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Concert Engagements Accepted 'Studio Victoria, St. ' Box 57 CONTRACTOR Cement and Carpenter Work ESTIMATES FURNISHED EXETER ONTARIO lAroocl for Sale eALE H Bagshaw TRY , Phone VON BARRNTER., SOLICITOR, ETC, Loans, Investnients, Insurance Oince,Carling Block,Main, St. Exeter GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers , Solicitors &c. Money to Loan, Investments Made Safe-deposit Vault for useaof our Cliehts without- charge. ERNEST ELLIOT CONVEYANCER, ETC. HIGH CLASS INVESTMENTS (Trustee •Investments) Bearing interest at 5Yd. per cent. INSURANCE Office: Main St.'''. Exeter, Ont. DENTAL , SURGEON Graduate of the itoyal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Unifersity of Toronto. Late Distriet Dental Officer, Mili- tary District• Number One,- London, Ont. Main Office, Main St. Exeter, Ont. Phone 34, Exeter; Hours 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Phone No. 79. 'Office over I. R. Carling's Law, Extractions Under Oxygen Gas. Honer Graduate of Toronto univer. eity DENTIST • office, Main Street Exeter. FRANK TAYLOR for Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed EXETER P. O. or RING 138 ainriMiesmillUffmnew Veterinary Surgeon Office--1VIcDonnell's Sales Stables' on John St. Phone,cailds receive prompt attention. Phone 26w :TAMES W. WATSON. LICENSED AUCT.IONEER Salea conducted in any locality. Farm Stock sales a specialty. Sat's., faction ',•guaranteed. Charges mod: orate. Orders left at this Office will be,promptly attended to, NO. 1, Kirkton. Phone Kirkton 54r2, WARMS FOR SA.LE----A XONV 0110100 in the Townships of 'Osborne, Ttickersmith and ,„Hibbert. Good, buildings and well located as to mar, kets. ' Priced right, Apply to Thal