HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1999-04-14, Page 44 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, April 14, 1999 Your Community Newspaper Since 1860 • Terri -Lynn Dole - Publisher Scott Hitgendorff -.Editor . Susan Hundertmark - Reporter Lorry Dalrymple Sales • Pot Armes --office Manager. DianneMcGrath- Subscriptions/Classifieds ^•>•Dora40r• v c sAbocor Bows - PubliSllaS • limited . E-mail us at Seaforth @bowenet.com" - SUBSCRIPTION RATE', . °CAE 32.50 a year ,n advance, plus 2.28 G S r SENIORS: 30 00 n sear ,n advance. plus '2 10 G S T USA d Foreign 28 44 a year advance plus 57800 postage. GS T exempt SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Published weekly by 5 gnnl • Star P,blishinq of 100 Mom St Seatonh Pubhcation mad •egrstrntion No 9696 head at ;entomb Ontano Advertising .s•ixcepted on . -• condition that in the event of a typographical error rhe advertising spore ccup,ed by the erroneous tem :noel -ter N,th a reasonable allowance for sgnature, wdl not be charged but the balance of rhe xtve tisement e,n(l be pata for at the oppticobte role n the invent of a typographical error advertising goods or services at a coonq once goods or services may not be sold. Advertising d. merely an offer to •fell yid may be w. hdrawn at any •ime!t The Huron Expositor .s not responsible for the ons st •tnmage of ,nsoiioted manuscnptn. photos or other materials used for repro 1od.oh ourooses Ganges of :address, orders for -subscriptions and •indet.verrsbte roo:es'are t7 been, to The Huron t'xposttor . • _ Wednesday, AprII14, 1999 - Editorial and a.stnesa 0flle.s - 100 Malin Sheef.,a.aferth Telephone (319) 327-0140 Pan (519) 347-29139 • Mailing Address . RO. MK 49, Seaforeh, Ontario., NOK 1 WO ' Veemher -.t be t:angd.an .immunity Newspaper .:ssor.nt.on .'+nr.o ro/nmun.N N?wsaooers ASsosiation Publication Mail Registration No. 07605 eM �' Editorial TueJersmith in tight spot with restructuringiss-ues Tuckersmith Township council is in a real tough spot. It's a north versus south civil war -like situation developing in the township, although the name-calling has barely started between the two :sides. But most of the narne calling is being directed at council: i The issue creating the civil•, war is restructuring.. Residents from the Egmondville side of the township would like to .link with Seaforth while residents on the Vanastra. side 'are - looking. to Hensall and Stanley Township.' Tuckersmith Township has 'already been involved in -restructuring talks ,with Stanley and Hay Township and Bayfield. Zurich and Hensail (known as the Municipal .Restructuring Committee or MRC) but has recently started ' looking . closely at Seaforth and Egmondville. . Thefirst major hurdle for the township has to be overcome tonight (April 14) with a meeting -of 'the MRC that could' see Tuclzierem-itt -bound`- into-= that group's - restructuring proposal to be submitted to Huron County. Seeing the rift in the township and financial tigures that' show no signifi the cost to ra.' p avers by joining either scenario:' Tuck t has asked. fp . ,a dela in the decisio haus t to be matre by the MRC tonight. If it agrees ,tib .allow the township to wait until June before deciding on that proposal, the township will have had a- chance tohold "a public meeting and present detailed information to the ratepayers about both possible directions for the Township. Not an enviable position to be in. - There is no way the councillors can makea decision that is going to please all of the Township. They are trying to determine which is the community of best interest to Tuckersmith but with two distinct. sides having strong ties. to either community of interest, there's no ' way council is going to come out of this unscathed. - Maybeit can reach a decision before the anger switches from being directed at council to each other. STH How to access us Letters to the Editor and other submissions can be made to us by noon on Mondays at: seaforth @ bowesnet.com All letters and submissions must be signed and accompanied by a day -time .telephone. number. All submissions are subject to editing for both length and content. Don 't forget to check out our homepage al: w w w.bowesneLcom/exposiitor/ Tuckersmith changes manner of councillor replacement To the Editor: • Why isTuckersmith council changing tradition' • It has been the custom in Tuckersmith •Township, w.hen a vacancy, has -occurred within a -councillor's term. to offe- • that vacancy to the 'highes! defeated councillor. This • occurred when Rob McLeod replaced councillor Doug Smith. ' Recently.: • in 1998_` councillor Rob McLeod resigned and Paul Spittal. being the • defeated councillor in the previous election, was approached. accepted and was appointed to fill -the vacancy: • With the -.death of -our - previous reeve there is at present a vacancy on council. Bernie :MacLellan Letters ti ted in the last hen he ran for &eeve. According ractition,•should he not he accorded' the same opportunity as the aforesaid - councillors to fill this present ..vacancy as councillor. In the latter part of the recent council meeting held on April6th in the Seaforth town hall. when all.. but three of the- fifty-five taxpayers had departed the meeting, the business• of tilling this vacancy was approached. • Bernie MacLellan'. name ,was brought . forth .. as .1 candidate. Reeve Bob Broadfoot stated he did not think he would be an acceptable candidate When questioned by councillor! Doug Vock as to why he held this opinion. he said he was • against • this appointment because --he felt, concerning amalgamation MacLellan favoured going with the west. 'Dries -our reeve wish to hand pick a councillor to ensure the Note goes where he wishes'' Paul Spittal. who obtained •his seat on council in the manner • previously mentioned. also voted - against giving this similar candidate - the same opportunity as he had received. Do these action, .how integrity or inanipulation•? . in this, most important decision-making_ process of amalgamation.. we- . as taxpayers expect . and deserve. to •be.treated'with openness and fairness. Only . by heing treated in this Manner can We continue to have trust and respect for • -our local governing body. • Only with taxpayer participation can -this 'he - .olved to the -satisfaction of all. Does<..:ouncil have the courage to lay all their cards on the table for all to see before the hand is dealt?' .. •- Matt Haney Bob Fotheringham SAA disapproves of tough new laws surrounding vehicle impoundment If you occasionally lend your car to: a. friend or relative. as many of us do. you should he -aware of the province's tough new Vehicle Impoundment law that took effect this year. , The •new legislation allows police to • impound anv vehicle -driven hyany person wh tse • -license has heen suspended for a Criminal Cade offence .uch-.is impaired driving. That means that if a suspended driver is caught with . your, car. yotf •could lose your vehicle for at least -45 days, and result ie costly towing and -storage charges. , CAA strongly • supports vehicle' impoundment: St's an .important . measure to keep `dangerous repeal drunk,, at vers.' Who' ,often ignore .uspe_nsions. off:-• .1he - .road. Unfortunately, we believe. 'the government has not .adequately informed car owners, of their specific obligations under the program. placing. them -at unnecessary risk of losing their vehicles. . Under The new -law car owners are expected to exercise "due diligence' by ensuring that any person Borrowing. their car has a valid driver's licence. Owners. can call a hotline r h-tiC10-565- 6555, to check on other driver's licence: hut they must have the licence • number and t•he eal1costs 52.50. CAA has two main concerns with this new program. Firstly, the government • 'has not defined what constitutes due diligence.` Is it enough,to check a person's licence every week- Every Two weeks? Once a month;?' No firm.: guidelines have been established. which means that motorists will have 1o,wait for parameters established by the courts and future decisions by the. Licence,' Suspension Appeal Board. . • in the meantime. motorists will pay stiff penalties. - Secondly, CAA does 'not .ieree with the plan to charge a tee.tor licence verification _!t- is •unfair to make motorists pay forintormation they need - to fulfill'their legal obligations' iii everyday life.- _ C:NA supports the new law and we want it to work. But we believe vehicle impoundment wiil he both anore fair. and. more effective if. vehicle owners ' are .not .left guessing about their responsibilities under the program. Driver of rig rides horse home after crash April 14. 1899 .Tice home of Mr. and Mrs. a . As T. Murdock Of Hensall Lou Aberhart to McKillop. was driving home'. tfpaegis the•.cene (it. happy Seaforth. his ,team shied and In the Years one Gathering when o� er 10U - fell over a culvert:.upsetting ( friends assembled to .pend :r . the,- rig and hurt him social evening hetore they considerably. One'of the horses got ,twat' and he rode themoved to their new home in >t tiouth. Tliev were Madeihe - • other to his home. recipients of tine .gifts, and :he address- was read by John • Joseph Hugill of McKillop recently bought from H,d: - :McNay. Henderson of Whitechurch the imported stallion Hackard. Miss Frances Crich of Seatonh vas chosen to take part in W:[lter Rogerson and bride of Tuckersmith have got settled demonstrations Y11 home 'nursing in the new auditorium at . in their new home: 3rd concession. the farm purchased, from 'Alma College. St. Thomas. • Mr: Schtt of Brtucetieid. •' Dr. li ;H. Ross. Seatonh. handsome new driver carried off 1:E. Ball-of-Tuckersmith had• a wood=-bee-and-got-a-good,Yt rst_pnz&at,ll�Clinto_n_F;ur` supply of wood cuti _ . ' Messrs..1.F. Clutf .and Wm.'Atnent•of town were in. ' James Dtsart of Leacfbury has purchased a fine •water Toronto.Iasr week attending the coal dealers convention: - spaniel from Geo.'Broome and intends raising stockers. Harry Hinchlev left for Tamwcinh, where he 'will manage a Andrew Lose of. Hillsgreen etas.purchased a.cream creamery, for the Bowes Co. nt Toronto.. • _ ,epa atilt. - Miss •\l-irf••1ret Grieve (it E:cmpndvtlle has heen,ipPointed The new school desks for school in Sect. No 7 Stanley valedictorian for this' year•' :lass at the Sirattord Normal arrived and have been placed in position by trustees. They School. , were manufactured in Waterloo. ' • tpril 15, 1949 . -- • The• Ladies Aid of Egmondville Church are. hating the .. Elgin' McKinley; Stanley Township tanner. was named Interiorot the edifice thoroughly renovated. Alex McKay of Egmondville intends starting on Monday next tor. the Pacific Coast where he intends pushing. his fortune. • Murdock Ross -of Bayfield put up his summer's supply__ ice last week. It was of _excellent -quality although harvested In April. • James Swan of Brucefield had quite a large• delivery of • farm implements on Tuesday. • • •• . - The Molson's Bank att.Nensall, has' opened an agency there in Petty's Brick block. • The North Road is said to be passable for wheeled vehicles as far north -as Leadbury, but after that. there is plenty of snow. The stage from: Brussels came through On wheels for the first time this season. • Dr. `R.R:'RaW; Whtrbas-been attending -the-Dental College - in Toronto and who graduates this spring has leased the brick residence of Mr. Kline. Alex Cardno has leased the store in the Charmichael block • and'intends to open therein a second bakery. While scuffling in Cardno's Halt. John Cardno slipped and fell, dislocating his shoulder. . The stables at the farm of Joseph Scott, at Roxboro were so flooded, that he had -to remove all his stock and three of his pigs were drowned. . April 11, 1924, - , Another pioneer person, Mrs. John Britton, passed away at • Constance in her 74th year. The making of maple,syrup at Cromarty is pretax. much the order of the day and the season has been very protiiising so" tar this year. Mrs. J. Tough of Brucefield had a thimble -party last week. which was enjoyed by her many friends. ` Robert McGrath. of St. Columban left for Detroit. Before leaving, she was presented with a club bag, by the choir of which she was a member. an egg circle was formed at Zurich at a meeting held in their Town Hall., Russell Preeter of Zurich won a handsome Hudson coach in the London adveniser subscription -campaign. Mrs. Chas. Regele of McKillop entertained the ladies of the,vicinity to a quilting bee, it being Mrs. Regele Sr's 79th .birthday. ' Progressive Conservative •candidate for Huron Penh in: the next Federal'election in Mitchell Town Hall._ • :Albert Pepper has purchased the brick-feoidence ttf C.N: ..Shultzin Egmondville. Mr. Shultz has.purchased-the _.residence ot.Miss Cleta•Dickson on Market Street. • The male quartette of ;Seatonh.:Mssrs James T Scott. Fred • Willis, M.R. Rennie and•d.L. Reid were in _Dashwood on Sunday evening, furnishing' special music' in: the Evangelical Church there. . • - • . Mr..and :Mrs. Ernie Whitehouse of Kippen. have moved from Allan Cockrane's farm to the 'farm they purchased !tom Mrs. Carrie McLean. • A quiet hut pretty wedding was solemnised in St. Thomas _ Anglican Church when Rev. T. Dale Jones united in marriage Jacqueline Elizabeth Brown to Douglas •Wm: `Herman Racho. • Theywill.reside in Dublin:... • _ The •Seaforth Women's institute re-elected Mrs. John Hillebrecht as president. , - • April 11, 1974 Structural repairs to the Community Centre will .tart, shortly: Seaforth Council at their regular April meeting Monday approved a tender by Bert Wesley Limited, for structural reinforcement at the .vena. The project; estimated .. to cost 565,569 became necessarc. -after Department of Labour engineers said the structure was att.-strong enough to. withstand the'•average:.nowdall for the area. 'Thirteen supports: are to be straightened and brought up to the specifications:requited before any funher renovations can he carried out. At a special meeting 'of the Huron County Board of • Education Monday night to' discuss the,make-up of the budget. R.B. Dunlop. Business Administrator reported he had received the grant structure. from the Provincial Education authorities in the; mail that day.He reported numerous calls from clerks in the Municipalities, anxious fo . have the school !ivies. He said the ceilings have changes but "this has not been a problem with us." • An attempt by.town council to get a flashing timber light at the intersection of Centennial Drive and Highway 8 has. been rebuffed by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications. Over. the past three years there have been two major accidents at- this corner, along with a number of minor accidents.