HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1999-04-14, Page 22 -TNI HURON EXPO*ITOR, April 14, 19M Township wants delay to hold public meeting FRAM Page I :mail population centres near. MRC communities as well as .Clinton. Tuckersmith : council decided Jilts Apnl 6 meeting to ask for a delay in the MRC decision until June. • Reeve Robert Broadtttot toild . The Expositor councillors hope this will . allow council time ted hold a public meeting. like the•line. requested hy'Strong. where -;:ach councillor can erprecs his view: and figures and tnforrnattnn'regarding each •scenario can he preschted. •Hower.r. the five other. : fun c pahues nave all `ailed in favour of the regintiaunnti proposal. at !heir nil) dual :nuncil meetings - Two opinions on what direction to take . .Ratep..o 'rs it :he -T:icker:ntilh.• neet:ng. spressed. many ,:•oncern; ranging from .t _■eher:il disagreement wi'th.thc: ).erall .,incept of'reitr'Icturing to •coccitic concarn.. ahiiut vhid h dir-ectioh 'he• to unship .hhuld he_ looking at. C.oncerns_':vcre exnreed- ' lt'ow ..;oct :Ovines from each ,r,)tlr, tvllh ,me \'.►nastra .►rea resident iuegesttng::McKiiloli • h:l one .,oc.•thc highest tax isses,ments ,if -the townships yhile:Stanley. trom,ihe MRC' .!roup. ha' one nl-ihe A•lcl_ac`tlan said Siante'. t 0..e i %h.> P ;t.t, :he .sot r ,;.�e:, 1,:es,ment :n the )rlriJ Ind T_W Kdr:m:t•h ' r;i\y Patti, :; 71;1,1.-11 `a•th. h railed 'nth_ :mean 1ri nlah'er ' hara- Stainer anti McKillop. also ?it_riser .. 'ban SF.InIe': T ., ^ r,ir :inke:d 'lift . .'_.t.: t to r•determinuci =her: d' ::,: trout t 5�1; .? 4F1ferenc&• ''C d ....i ' .1c scenarios twit • -'t •:he neetr,n_'. 3r::atttut)t ;a:d :he .)v:t n , h.t; t` . ;often ,oto ,peLitt- c areas ik streetlights and insurance costs with, Seaforth and McKillop Township to help compare it with the MitC proposal.. • With only three enmities. and regions in the province that have:not restructured yet. Broadfoot .said. - ''We're hehind the eight hall." A ratepayer asked. -Are they leaders or followers.- . - But Broadtooi indicated the threat remains trom the province that• 'if municipalities 'don't work out a restructunng, arrangement.' A commission step in and dect'de what .• boundaries change. 4c1.4ehian. \vhoi Js working. as hath Seatijrth'; inti Tuckersrnith : lark inti he taking on McKillop • duties as. well text month. Laced questioner about his role in TuckersmtigvTownshtp. • -.So. you hiust work just part 'Fme- tot Tuckersmith:' ane ratepayer asked. " MkLachtap•explained how - each mu )ricipaitt\ deputy Perk 'assigned spectticall • to its `teed. and •\lcLachl: n look ,• after .-adlninistr ;Ye: necils•'Or .►it three. ' • kid 1 "lave 'teen putting! •n• .t sits more .1\•.t.ritrnc lour.:'' sail. .tdding.he as -been .'ork)nt!-on some , S.utirdays. . . ' He was asked .vhat will :tapper ,to -'ns: position 1 ?If :13wtlshtp.,amaigainates .vtth he '1•II�C 4rdttp ' -and •MIc Lachlan said he diad know ' ,.�rtuther csident ..:411ed. for. 1 referendum ii tltmv the ::extOents to Jec:tle ,shat _lirectuin 'he township ,hitnitt take. - Council was .list) :did -Neat. • 'eciiuse i.it the ,hared ser icP arrangement and the 'act he Vanasira offices ±11vc 'leen • moved Seati)rth'makes it -•ik,t •he- 'iltyn5ttlp. .ntends 't) 'esti It lure with Seaforthr 'and \1c-Kilion township, But Br- tu.tilot aitf Council plans to fill - fifth c ouncillor's . seat lchCrsmiT:7 t' ynsttlp has ,iecidccl c) .icc:.l r -ti ::tunctll.,r. :'face at :he . F•una :ahie itis 'con ..avant ;irn e Ree' -c Bill •_.tr txhan , death .arbor. ;his i ac, • R:'ren •Brrladloot Assumed ;tic ie o -eek e. easing -1 -,:td,anc'r it :he uric. , k: .-\pr•. h'.meet'n_' .1'unul ;aced _ohcerns ,rim •-atepaver.• that the position had lit -. One resident said ie :poke with MP Paui Steck e ,ttice ind was tt'id ci`und::t had ll,' ix.. •i' .ti': 'le ^u,tt;c`n `r -at' ^a\ers `ilii •r` '0 'ne t.)ntar•r \lun,c,rai B.•an: i' t.i\e then) 'a.he .are •I 1. Bn?adttry I 'cid :he .Arid 'I trout 7e0PIe •na( _ierK- :reasutir lack ‘k:Lacnian iatl -flit directed council 't) ill 'hat position. - He said council Jceoied •ne t r'ur of them should 'r\ resOive•thc restructunng ;s•tie (ir't. rather than rang Jr) 1 tiith person who would hal e >i tic .'rater.- to the decisoln. Council:, -currently turn between seeking an amalgamation with Seaforth and ‘IcKilltip Township and the \tuitieipal Restructuring • Committee ut Stanley and Hay. Township and Bayfield. Clln�h.itul lIs n.,tlt;_. _ said the Wunctf position would likely be tilled within W1 Jays. Breadti'ut said. "We all Leel that seat should he tilled. l think that's' the only process. we can go." . Council has advertised for 'an elector twin, Tuckersmith Townshipwhch: roust be received by Nlclachlun by :April 2' .Al)plicants will be allowed to speak a council's regular May 4 meeting before council make, a det:csion. Broadtot t hopes council can ,have the restructunng issue settled before the fifth person is elected. Ccw►icil is planning a public meeting to present to ratepayers information and opinions about both possible Jiro tions -for amalgamation and to hear what the ratepayers have to say about that decision. The• costs to taxpayers associated with each scenario 'ilea -.ire Oct Iiin111CaIilly •ltlferent ind Broadi1)ur-:Jud t •s natter •if determinine..tmot community )i nterest '. '010 ',est serve. rid .c - 1nllil t„wnship. Broadtimt';aid t '.voudl 'tee • much • easier. in :he -1e..% ct)unctili)r tf .t -cstructurne dectsaon could 'e made -letnre that person ;urns the _rune:i - '-. '';re .1 :nULn --Tot; nor question.'-Btnannia._ ',Jud of the !'itch counctiltr should. ne or. he he iected` "eti,re .1 :e.tructtinnt' Jcclslon ..an `e made.. Pie person aril ne cit 'eti '\. .:1)unu1 from ;he laird. submitted: 11 there Is 1 ne \ uta •'n who that councillor should 're; the position will ire siNcd . �\ .'otter:. sitting at the council table. they are along way from restructuring. Another ratepayer wanted to know why since the MRC' meetings were going -well and those townships were getting along. they started looking -to the other dire. non. J3roadtoot said there were issues such as the Budges of Seaforth development. -a subdivision .ia Egmondyvi Ile. that are atTected by Seaforth. that -made them think they needed to do 'more homework on .i Se.tt,irth .arrangement. County opposes annexations As amalgamation ,discussions continue between groups of municipalities in Huron County. the county government is warning those groups not to muddy the .waters with -talk orpossihle annexations. - . • As far as the. county is concerned. it'only wants to see amalgamation plans which have been given the -support"of all interested parties. Plans which include 'recommendations for the - 'hostile annexation of parts of neighbouring municipalities Will not he looked on -favourably. - At Huron County Council March 25 Reeve Roh Morley of - Ushorne Township asked .what• the response of the county would rte if a municipality or group of municipalities tried to ' • annex. part of a municipality. County Planner Gary. Davidson told council the strategic planning committee had discussed whether itr-not- to .allow-annex-ahnn. and chose "at -this time.-" to recommend the. county only support the amalgamation of munic;palities "IS a whole." ', In the past- Goderich Town Council • has ::xpresscd • concerns about the hate of. populated lands immediately adjoining :the town boundary including a subdivision and shopping development to the east -and cottage areas to the west. It was concerned amalgamations would lead to a- situation where the. town'; houndanes would he frozen and future gmwth would he stopped Seaforth also. -faces •t srtuatino where • the communities of Egmondville. and Harptirhay.' part of Tuckersmith Township. immediately adjoin. the town's borders. -- Davidson said the hest path for the cniunty to take is tat_ onlv.support restructuring pians in which all panics agree. He also noted It,.,tlmc boundary adjustmcnts..►rc still needed. the county cciuid. make those changes after the restnictunng protxss. - Grev Reeve Robin Dunbar agreed With Davidson.' If we Flet inti► boundary • adjustments. we ;ire eiing to grind to a complete .ton. said Dunbar.. If hostile annexations were allowed. he' said. 'The county. would he goitre into 1 hornet', nest. ' By Blake Parterson Edward Jones ins iter v ou to attend a seminar on GENERAL INVESTING IN :1 LOW INTEREST RATE .ENVIRONMENT • Wliv are interest rates itiw? • flow does this atreet vont now :Ind in the tllture • What :titernativd•s :ire available for better returns? , Date: Wedln 14day. kpril 28. 14)4)1) riddle: :0t)-4):01) p.111. I'lud e: Seaforth frena Committee Rodin The 'enunar is free. blit -leatine 11. lioutesl. Pli•a•e rail •i 5 191 :3•I43-91373 to reserve .1 -eat. .vww. auwardfones. _torn .J(e Waite '1 Ontario Road • - Ititl•hldl. Ontario \f1K I Nod"' l.i 14)1 34}3-4)8"3 Edward ones Serving individual. Investors Member C,PF Council Vacancy NOTICE TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSNIITH Due to the vacancy on the Township ,i •,,, sirs:Pith Council the Council ot the Township ,v 'lid sd•r-nnth Ire accepting applications •corm elector ut the Tuckersmith who are interested tnbeing appointed •ne _ -----position-at Qualification of Elector. Personsare-entitled-tube 111•>letturit.u)eied•l,n7 in a local municipality !Mlle.!, prohibited •\ •ne - municipal or a►y other act) • if he or she,' . residua in the local municipality, , rr iI) is the Owner or tenant or !and in :he :numcipaiutt • 1 1 puilse of such, pecan, and al is, a Canadian citizen b) • is of least 18 years old, and .. ci • nenot prohibited from voting under the '\iunla`par Elections Act or any other law If you are_tnterested in filj,ng this position and quality as In elector, please submit a resume setting out your ' /151ifications and community interests lay Tuesday, :April Y1(1%1499 to. J.R. McLachlan, Clerk -Treasurer,. Township of Tuckersmith 42 hirst Avenue Vanastra, ontant' NOM 1L0 - Applicants will be considered at the regular meeting of 71.1ckersmilh Council scheduled for Tuesday, May 4th; 1999 during which applicants will be given an opportunity to address Council before a decision is made. For'turther information please contact J.R. McLachlan at ;27.1997. • LCR COMPUTER SOLUTIONS Want to buy a new computer? Intimidated by know-it-all sales staff? - - Call Bill Ryan at LCR. He is your computer consultant. (519) 345-2560 PC Support s ,ilso available -tor ti)‘ rl,lrrhv.irr• •1111`.v.irr• i)ruhlems. - • We now offer private training ,n: Windows 1.11 Windrow; l ore) \A'ordP.pstect Suite 8 t.:)muider ".,rrfvv.tn• QUALITY WORK AT REASONABLE RATES CALL US FIRST AT (5191 3•45-2560 FITNESS iS FUN The Seaforth Recreation offer the following Fitness . Department is pleased toAl Classes: ' TUESDAY & THURSDAY MORNINGS AEROBICS - -Jrusuta wilt lead. you through a great morning aerobic workout ••om TOO to 1100 am This workout will ,nctuae using weights any t,,ces , Tuesaay--'hursaay morning aerobics w)n.begin on .dor, 'C. ' 999 ar-1 -ast'0'weeks. TUESDAY & THURSDAY MORNING LINE DANCING 'some -Jilt .1na line Uance '0 arse pod •)Id ", oris. )t ' • ..; asrnrusule _aitch .vitt luide you )hrough alt •he',teas. Ae.p1r4ivam win he i3eiri `uesoav )n9 'Thursday *ram '0.00 to .1 30 :)m neq:nn:nq on -ion; ._0. '999 and fast 1,0 weeks. - WEDNESDAY EVENINGS AEROBIC - STEP COMBINED ince again .insula caul 'instruct JarJm:cants -1 Ole ' n0u: -r-1!1. tel ::ass. -Its • :ass Not( :)e Pala from - 33 •r 3 Jaornneq:m'n ; :n :tarn • _ '999. -his mil also OP, •l 'N '.veelr3esslon- THURSDAY EVENINGS STRENGTH AND STRETCH sue '-•anion .viii i)Ner i .STRENGTH h 3TRE' CH :LASS. -'-•s .:ass - ,ased on the •eachtngs of Joseph el -3•Iates :IPU >:ome "oqa . 'ecnniques to strengthen the core muscles .xroch win :rnprrve Dail adios areveht inlunes and increase strength:and ri iso:itty .-a aerobic; ''JO: 3:00 am neginn•ng on Aont 22:.-999. - ' • ALL CLASSES ARE HELD AT THE SEAPORTH & DISTRICT COMMUNITY • CENTRES. ✓OU MAY REGISTER FOR ALL JR ..UST ONCE PER WEEK. • 1 ''IME 3ER WEEK 540.00. 2 -:'MES 'F_? 'NE EK 360.40, 3 . • TiMESaGP WEEK - S7ri.JD , ' , "-Cail the Recreation Office• '. • . 527-0882 f -C EGISTEA CR '----CR \SCFE NF- PMATICN ' Church • Services You are invited to attend • : these area churches St. Thomas Anglican Church ,arvis 31 Seaforth ' 3ev. aober„S_cox 182-'Sfit Sunday, April tit” service at Howv Communion 11'1:30-• t.:n - - CAVAN _ NORTHSIOE Gooer rr : •.: . are••1 • ,,, - UNITED CHURCHES Minister .rev ,anencearer %Z.- :ccavhsat.11;.;n::a • ;unttay Scnooi `:u1mq Jnr :erv:;.e • . •lursery r,rr; 151 ' '0.00 F•'ilowsn n •4--o• :1 •r;-r^aC -':0 n . :,rro •.dor1s4n:rr) .,.nr.c' First Presbyterian Church cioaencn 31 N: iearonn • .VCRSHIP SUNDAY 1.15 AM: iupoay.School dung Worship 'Aay, 1 mothers Jay Breakfast ' 30 - •0 Am. •27-•)!7f) Egmondville United Church '4ev. ,ualthunP'len vorshr• t..r p • 3unaay-acnoot 3rades •0.' • 0.0 .r- -, Nurserv'o :rat ' • i..nj Bethei.Bible Church An Associated iiospe, 'iurcn C h:w Meeting at searortgh re Senor. 9:45,1.:^ 3•cn 1. A.Yc•sn•v Small Group Meetings 'NeeKly. Pastor Doug Gornveau 122.0070 Catholic Church Masses Victoria t . 3ealotttl 5aturnav t< nrr, •it: ;arraw••s , it •t r,ttn•rn. ,air •13v • ' it 'osuuti • •rye •5uneav• - . . -31 Micnaer 1' rr llvin •-3undav - •- un . - 31 James •'-,r •-r ,.:.i!nrrn =-finer J1) ;a,vaar• The staff at The Huron Expositor would like to welcome all of our new subscribers. we hope you enjoy our publication 52 weeks of the year. If you have any ques- tions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to give us a call at 527-0240 or drop by our office located at 100 Main St. Seaforth. r.t., dDivu e, Scott, - Terri, La.r rr 1 -and ,Susan "Your Community Newspaper"