HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1999-04-07, Page 144-H News
14 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Ap.t 7, 1!1111
Grade 6 students at
St. James Catholic
School performed a
Passion Play Friday
for the. rest of the
school. (above)
Curtis Ryan portrays
Jesus while Chris
Cronin narrates the=
Easter story.
Healthy eaters learn
about healthy lunches
This second meeting of the
Healthy Eaters 4-H club was
held at the VandenHovens on
March 30.
We started the meeting with
the pledge which: was led by
Anita. Then Gerda talked
about'some requirements,
front, the last club. Helen and
Gorda then introduced Caillie
Cipriano and Brett Van Dyk
who .are new 'Members in.Our
The minutes from Last
meeting .were ..read . by
secretary Lindsey McClure.
Everyone then answered the'
roll call." •
We talked about special
toods.'we'tike and dislike..
Gorda explained what a good
and• ,healthy lunch is..
Everyone split up into groups •
of tour and we filled out a
sheet called -Safety
Shippets." .When everyone.
was done the sheet we
corrected it:
Everyone -hurried. over to
the ,kitchenand .we made
pizza loaves and birdseed
bars. Once we were done,
everybody went back to their
seats'and we discussed what
a healthy sandwich would be.
We talked about environment
friendly lunches. Everyone
tried the pizza loaves and the.
birdseed bars and we had
Science --classes
learning matter
Expositor Editor
. Seaforth Public School's gymnasium was transformed. into
a stripping and receiving centre for Avon -Maitland District
.School Board's rapidly aniving'science equipment.
With renovations continuing at the. new Avon -Maitland
District School Board offices. principal Lorne Rideout
volunteered the school's stage for space to leave shipments of
science equipment. part of the Ministry of Education's
"investment in classroom learning materials." •
But during the March break. the shipments got. ahead of the
sorting and students came back to school with the
g� mnasium linedwith boxes all the way around
"The trucks have been coming constantly." said Rideout.
—And:_they.ace _legv_ingwboxes filled with everything from -
microscopes and slides to weight sets avid g oWtighir-------
There are boxes with equipment .for every school in the
' It tied up the school's gymnasium for a couple days as
board staff organized the shipments into piles to be shipped
to each of the schools.
Rideout. who has had a chance to see how much equipment
has arrived. expects the schools will be excited when they see
what they are getting.
There is something for primary students through to the
OAC year.
• The first' phase of the program involved text books and was
the most controversial when they arrived prior to teachers
being able to order'the manuals that went with them.
The science equipment marks the second phase of the
program. helping to ensure students have suitable equipment
for learning about the sciences, hands-on. in their classrooms.
Because of the government program. the equipment had to
be bulk ordered. Coupled with the continuing renovations at
the new board offices in Seaforth,.it led to the need for a
depot. '
"It's just a tremendous job.",said Marie Parsons; assistant
superintendent of education, elementary.
It kept several board staff members busy last week sorting
through all the boxes.
"it's been a tremendous time commitment on the part of
staff; `Parsons said.
The third phase of the program will allow the board to
purchase books or science equipment that may have been
overlooked by teachers when they first had the chance to
submit their requests to the board.
Spring Car Care
Sick cars can ruin
a motorist's vacation
Cars are a lot like people;
when they're in good health
they're ready to take 'on the
world: But when they're sick
they can ruin your whole
vacation. And thousands of
vacationing motorists this
summer will experience -some
kind of disabling car trouble.
Some mechanical, difficut-
ties cannot be -anticipated.
When. a' part such .as an alter-
nator fails. for -example. it's
usually without warning. so
. preventative measures don't
But when .the alternator-
Iight comes on because a
worn • -drive belt has been
overlooked, that situation
need•not •_have happened.
• ,Most highway breakdowns
can he avoided through pre=
ventative measures done on
one's "home turf".So before
you leave .on your • summer
trip, find out whether your
vehicle is.up to the task:: Use
this check list from .the Car
Care Council of - the
Automotive Industries:
Association to give it a good.
"physical." After. all. • if your
vehicle doesn't enjoy the trip,
:you probably won't either.
* .Cooling System
Coolant at proper level .and
• dean; pressure cap. thermo-
stat -and hoses in good condi-
tion. Connections tight. •
*`. Drive Belts •
Check "condition and, adjust-
ments. • . •
* Battery '
Check fluid. where applica-
ble. Inspect terminals.
* Lubricants
Check all fluids. Change
engine oiland filter. transmis-
sion fluid and filter. as need-
ed. Lubricate chassis -where
applicable. . •
* Engine -
As a ' preventative measure.
invest in a diagnostic check of
electrical. -ignition:. fuel and
emission control systems:
Have needed services,. includ-
ing tune-up. performed.
* Suspension, Steering, Tires
Check steering linkage. shock
absorbers- and/or struts.
Inspect tires. rotate and bal-
ance as required. Check
. wheel alignments if tire wear
so indieates. .
* Brakes
Inspect. brake lining and pads..
hydraulic. system. Replace
worn 'pads.
* Exhaust System -
- Check- for holes in -muffler
and pipes. loose - support
* ,Windshield {Vipers:;
Check operation of wipers
and washers. • Inspect • glade
and arm. Replace .as needed.
Top off washer fluid.
* Bvdy
Start out with . a. -clean car.
inside and out. Clean and
apply wax or other protective
coating to paint and trim sur-
faces. Clean and repair interi-
or fabrics.
* , Lights. -
Check all lights. turn signals
and flashers. -
NOTE: If your plans include
towing a trailer . consider
installing : overload shock
absorbers for a safer ride.
Taking care of your
exhaust saves money
You hit a hump on the road damage -caused by the ele-
and your muffler starts drag-' merits . tweathert. 'flying,
ging on the road. sparks fly stones. or other .road debris.
ing everywhere. Then. the . . Another warning noise. fhe
Muffler goes flying off. right: familiar .rubble or roar of a
into, the. left headlight and blown muffler. or in its early.
bumper of the car behind you. ' stages a faint. "pfft...pfft".-can
Annoying. embarrassing and he deadly -if not tended to
expensive. this kind of sce- 'immediately. These sounds
nario can be avoided with a . may be caused by a smalT-
few easyandinezpensivepre hole in: the exhaust- system.
,ventative measures. •The loss ' -Colourless and odourless
of a muffler. and/or the pipes exhaust fumes. composed of
that go with it. is usually due 'carbon monoxide gases. can
to a broken support bracket or seep into your car and they
hanger that secures the • can he lethal. The snorer you
exhaust system to the frame' replace the detective exhaust
• of your car. These flexible parts. the better and healthier-.
—brackets .are vulnerable to - ready to take on the world.
Tire care reduces
operating costs
t'roper maintenance of tiro
and wheel alignment can help
to reduce the costs of operat-
ing your vehicle.... for exam-
ple. tires under irifr'ated by
only eight pounds can .reduce
gas mileage by five percent
and cut tire life by 25 percent
..or...more. '"the_ amount of
money we pay for gas and
tires today: makes it worth-
while to check tire inflation.
And ensuring your vehicle is
running at peak efficiency is
environmentally friendly. too.
How do you -check your hire
pressure? You may want to
own a tire gauge.' which is
available inmost automotive
-stores. such as a retailer.
-department store. ior autorno-
tis`e parts'wholesafer for -under
SI 0.00.• Also..when • your
'vehicle.is on the hoist. or lift
for -regular vehicle -mainte-
nance or repairs. ask your
automotive servtd . o.hnician
to check the tires for abnormal
Careful attention to steering.
suspension and tires are
among the .major considera-
tions to keep vehicle mainte-
nance costs low.
• Windshield Repkade = nt & .Repair
• Door and Rear Sliders
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QUI( I•f'IOft
Now get a Comeback
Cheque worth 325, $50 or =75
off any product or service on your
next visit. when you purchase any
qualifying Monroe' Sensa-Trac' Shocks or
Struts or Walker• tluiet-Flow- Muffler at:
220 Main St. S., Seaforth
See in store for details. Promotion expires June 20. 1999.