HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1999-04-07, Page 5Agricultural co-op program will send students into fields BY SUSAN HUNDERTMARK Expositor -Staff A joint propbsal for a new agricultural co -pp program. for high school students In both .the Huron -Perth Catholic District School Board and the A4on Maitland • Disarict School Bbard has received first year funding of SI 70.006 from the province -It's a .great thing, and it's certainly. fulfilling a need we have.m•Huron and Perth. Count les:: I think it will he .• er,,,, popular."' • trustee Bernard Murray -told trusses - ,tst night's Meeting of the ,Hitron-Perth hoard. (..t1Jed• :Bridges to ihefthree-ear --• .prog-r.int includes .a c.o-op -education _ .. progr..int:.ror sfudenk from -; - (trade ,.! to ()AC with An • agricultitral tocti5.-.starting •••••this.Sententher. . • It -inClude, comprehensive display for • credit financing from the Catholic secondary school Grades 7-10 outlining career Farm Credit Corporation. eligible 10 attend. opportunities in agricultural- agriculturalland stewardship related fieldsfrom numerous from the Huron Stewardship latm organizations in Huron Council:. farnigate to market and Perth Counties and issues from Ontario Agrifood Ontario. Education • . and waste . ,In Grade 11.. students:: managerlient ,from the • would 'take'. prerequisite- Ontario Ministry of: courses leading 'to the • Agriculture. Food and Rural agricultural !o -op Such as. Affairs. hiolo-gy.- Math. construction The three -credit internship technology. tarot- includes 160 hours tf onithe: equipmentiauto mechanic's: -Joh trainingwithip a farm - entrepreneurship. marketing„ related business. such as a accounting and _information' farm implement dealership. processing and in rrade f2. iced mill or fertilizer plant • students would complete four :ind 161) hours of on-the-job -credits. one in schoorand training within a- farming . three ontwo placement: operation such as heef. dairy._ The 121) -hour n-. seltobl• • poultry or mixed farms: : credit tncludes an u..ri• Dunne the firstyear. 25 10 _preneurial coure from the . students will' participate Huron ;Business Centre,. with he ,:lass located it. farm-hased •aceouniing from - iontli Huron Secondary the Ont.irto .Xgricultural. SvhOol in Exeter. .wait Tr unInl! Instaitite-:.• farm. :Indents --from the .atety from he Farm Safety urro1inding econdary' :Association oi Ontario. lan. chools St. Anne During the second and third years. 5.0 to 60 students will he enrolled each year. Second year Classes would he offered at Listowel District Secondary School .durtng" the ; first semester.and.ai Mitchell District Secondary School during the second .semester. Third. year classes would he offered at - Sit -afford Northwestern during the first .• semester and at St. Artne's• during the second semester.: - The projected hudget • shows a need for S148,000 in both the second and third years. 7 . 'Education. •Ni.ipertntendent Ray Contins . said the province hasn't et committed to funding the program, in :its second -and third years: it will continue but the- first year will. he- audited • to•inake sitre 'we're doing what-wesay we are.- he•said. Drinking -drivers:. stopped: -in townships. • OPP 1, 1 c2,•.: ..1 Ir 1 • . 11., . Ile.) . • ' • • ' .1 t •4.11.11;41,1 21) it i 11. . 121 1`i ( :amen.). mpat r,.!‘.1 1 ill mill, 7 • 77. r1 A .1 • 11 p.t(1 on drivimg vith ,21- 0. rig • it Huitett• alcohol in !'-.i11 '111 • ;- tiled a Atirti -4.1i 2: 111 I.:11. 7 i The.inan , )90 Xlercttr,' Topaz w:t. \e'en: .it !r":1,2. Hic.!• I. on in Ciinv Riu :1 7 ici.,..tr,inith Township, N•IcKillop 'Township iiti - .sinnetititc -letween Stinday SCI•11.001:€ report Impaired driver sittpped Se 1 1 1 : '1 Nati- tound to have physical symptoms ot- impairment when stopped. Moron OPP.. . i)reath (ems 4iowed him ie :nitre than -two itincS ' lie ectal li iit rintnit-ecii to drip vehiclf. -. VIN stolen •• .ill-(errain yehicle.was Aiiien !Jinn t resi(1encc'on Xiarch Ind risis-creates March '(1 Ke•.• •:.: Ct' 11 111., • 0 . . :Imhof, )1 he 1`1(6 Honda 0 1) portunitv tor in -put . . . ,,,„).-:errain •-•,-ehicie . ... t ,iich -was iiatteil :text 70 . . : Elti) . t,..:h.:o clear'v-.111 u :s tied ,IN 1. ,,er.Edna:mon' r'ie;-.• • r", r Lie i-ic.ti:Latartlers*. 7eit enernead ,ind 1 llnk 5801;.1(K) r•-, f 1R2 7e.layttetcr' budding nosy •attacned zo ate .tin ”17101 it:w delivery •systern( m Seaforth sorry. Eat Har, -17. :nil-Se:north • •-„iour Voiirschool:Your 'lien E. int your zok•crinnent: rIte\—c.- hid .air rrkt n e I er kward -or-the hest_ • '11 NOLO .1 260C11 IeIicr :s. -.oticners. orMance c si)1" .,1d :he 131%.,tn Festr- •w 134, Council of the Township of McKillop invites v o u _to OPEN HOUSE for the retirement of NlariOn McClure .on FRIDAY, APRIL 1.6, 1999 4t.Seaforth.District. Community Centres t upper 1l) Duke S . 3AX) p.m. -6.00 p.m. - Truck Load SALE! of INFINITI Sp•cis *4 DAYS ONLY* • Fri. Apr. 9, 9 AM to 8 PM; Sot. Apr..10, 9 AM to 5:30 PM Mon. Silues. April 12 & 13, 9 AM to 5:30 PM • Manufacturer's Clear Out NEW MODELS SCRATCH & DENT Save up to $ 1,O0�° 1-800-479-2419 or 273-0976 404 Eris Street, Stratford INFINLTL cvalwo apo Complete kutomotive Repair 'Class A Mechanic' --(REALES 3ERVICE qP4IFI ARCHIE'S senceice eesafte ify) -,27-0881 LUNT udtilih SI. E. Scalorth the house. - • Anyone with anv related !ntormation :is .asked 10 Call. • Crimestoppers or the Huron OPP. '• Driver's licence guspended- , 2. 1 -year-old Exeter man !tad his drier"; licence' -stispended for hour5 and • was chargcCi withea vti•ilation.:ater t routine check Mafch ).;fl; on gliNit.; Ttickerstnith Township. ()pen alCOlio1 Ails ;mind n lie ar Anti I he Ari ver was In • Alcotcst. whica i,-..a.steren warn. MASSAGE THERAPY BARBRA ELLIOTT ELMS, Registered Massage Therapist For In appointment Call 527-1242 -7:ealorth Chiropractic Clinic THII MINION ILICPOSITOIN. *.ii 7. 111111141 LCR COMPUTER SOLUTIONS Want to buy a new computer? Intimidated by know-it-all sales staff? Call Bill at LCR. He is your computer consultant. (519) 345-2560 PC Support is also available for any hardware/sottware "We now -offer private training in: Windows i..11 ' Windows 9S DOS 6.22 Core! WordPerfect Suite 8 Computer Hardware QUALITY WORK AT REASONABLE RATES CALL US FIRST AT (519) 345-2560 Seaforth Recreation Department Presents.... DOG OBEDIENCE WITH INSTRUCTOR ANITA HANSEN This 10 week session will begin on TUESDAY:APRIL 20; 1999 7:00 - 8:00 PM at the Seaforth & District -Community Centres Registration fee is $45:00 Interested persons must pre -register by calling 527-0882 NOTE:YOU DO NOTNEED TO BRING YOUR OOG ON THE FIRST NIGHT- Y°Lere invited The Seaforth & Area Business Reterition & Expansion Committee thanks all who helpea JS COMPIle 1 .vealthof atormaticin about the businesses n our :ommunity. We want to share the cesults -tt •he n,totrrtation gathered and plan 'Gahm -wed actions 'or a prosperous future in Seatorth. Please join us at the Seaforth Legion Monday, April 12, 1999 - 7:30 p.m. far our PUBLIC MEETING SEE YOU THERE! -7,..scus.s BRAE !.uiveyresuas 'lentity actions ir,ov i'leIWOilc with omit Itresnments • ornmunq iiembers 'or Issues B E BUSINESS RETENTION+EXPANSION Taking care of bus iness in rural Ontario. Say good -by to nightshade, nutsedge arc - annual grasses Say hello to Dual 1 Magnum or Dual II Magnum in your soybean program Proven performance. New technology. -You'll get the same great control of problem weeds bike nightshade and nutsedgei. plus a wide range of annual grasses. Make Dual* MagnumTM, Dual 11 Magnum or BroadstrikeTM Dual part of your soybean program in 1999. 'Find out more at 1-800-459-2422 or www.cp.ca.novartis.com