The Huron Expositor, 1999-03-24, Page 19BOW['.ING ROUNDUP TOWN & COURr17 ',1;trch 16.Wa.ntll,. 1/EN . IIK, t1:ERAGE; (•t•.,r•,i. iahn_tr•n • -; t11C1ti_J1hLLE; 1Oh.s,utn 141- UI(iH.fll1?I:E; l"hfUnn Ks;• iir:l-fER rHA ;QIZ Risk Shrnp ,h•.t,+n ,� Jtihnct„n .. • 1'lil.Pt.f;:s O', :At 400: ., ,tri,;..., . ., , •r,t! 1 (Jtrt:.\ 11(.11 ,I\t.I.r. t ,ttth , •I '(11,H FA „hn.1„n a1- tll l•i••t( ;AA 199; L.un.r :11- 11 :.:.1t -11., if't.\1)l.\v,' • , . • .,•r tth(,+�.. I i{ti,l{ 1'131L14 •111 tt '�" a1 r etas. rit,,\ al►: i(1{ Lrl{l;-fli�l\MMI. - trillte ill 1i i12i1' (:,,rhett i 11-r'GK ,HAM 175 t.1rhrtl r • t,. 1' -1 i;ti 111.‘N U9 t' ,inrn T 1 \!r • • 27°. JAAALSZ iN t1- .1411'1.1%. t! r , iZ 11.. \ Jtto rrnur+ i is t, n 1 ' :t • y.1' •1�iti: CLi \i, LE; '• ;WI lr f41I't.j;,' torr '1<rit:lou. I i fat K IU ,. sou; 11 1 K ' fi\` MNI:•n,,nc• • M . i.. SOUND. •• - -: FL LL P.1. SERVICE • ., 2ixeurtotts, sr..'rr• .,ar,t \i( 482-9984 't ening. • HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY t1ty i1G 13RU1'I-IER Rob Kenney ,I) ~lurch 20. 1999 FYirally Legul Love Raven & (Motel hops you Jon ! r niCnt ci 'his when i Jut n •1 Seatorth Agricultural Society TRACTOR ELIMINATION DRAW • WINNERS February 12 - Winner Paul Parsons orn Seed 'tom Seatath Co-op March 12 - Winner ROY SIBBICK Mycogen Brand Seeds Next Draw April 16, 1999 '500. Voucher from Pioneer Seed Houseleague playoffs Mart March 29 The \lintir ' Hockey Hoteseletigue Playoffs will he held on \Manch''.; March Tuesday M:ir, h 30 ,Ind Wednesday. , • March II Below tc .1 :eliedrile: Mon- MarCh 29 . (.110- pm Canadians rs. Oilers 01) pal. -Tuck, v... Bruins Y:00, Den. Panthers vs. 13hies - Tues. March 10.- 5:00 pm. - Whalers vs, Sharks • - fi:O0 nm Kings •'s. I.eais -till nm Sr: 13 Inial f..tsc( ,t( I7nek•+13rtnns v'. Loser , ti Panther.i Blues - - {'111) ;Jill - lr k fele( `.1,niier ,tt thick.+'Bitot(.. Winner .11 tianther.iBhte. -11'ed \•larch 3 i .- h -t111 gm. 1r- C Final -110 ,not, • Ir. B -1 -'-hal _ t•;;n in'.. • tr .l• (•trial :moor 1E'nat rtiant. :'. ht: •icterrtlttti•rt tit .nitlslrllitllls (root Hospital auxiliary l ve. Hos ;)11,l1. \u•.,Ilery °youlii Ike '(t to le irt\ new ate ntlier, ,, 'a.'tr ne\t nt•r•Iul.t' ihu•:i .viii `le. -held 11 ` or:: 7t'i Illltlti •It ,('• 111. r'lt n(1t111L is Icitl I1 Illl'.t .1Cd. RJttin .0 the Htl:nttai Lower. Levet I: 'Come earn mitre About :he \-,t x:•i.try and .✓hal •11e•: 1i:. Cntnv some t:iiit•, .1:o ;:(/111 'hili 1 (::.tic ut•n, For nitre ,ntisrtTt,i(:, \•t.ir- 'i \I, ,_•• ,u • t : ,'_ •11:111' lienlleit Shllt11t 11itar(1 SC111Elr ;.1 -'1.•x•.11.1 }Recreation Preview by Marty Bedard • 4. fihtiikee. • 52:' .)98C We apologize for last Saturday t'Vignt's mix up on Tony Lees arrival.: SAT. NITE TONY LEE ^\•PNCTISI tx. 3510 -IDV :3 .t0 loot You were they?. : r ne BEGINNING! . Be them-' '(:r -he END! • ..'.Uf5Cil1,. 11.1'1 �- =l THE LAST HOORAY (- )1:10 11 �= ,.• 182-1234 BUCK & DOE for Jolene Wagatha and Jamie McNichol Sat., April 3/99 For into contact Trudy 887-2638 or Dave 262-1033 .-,tntinue.olen• \Vednesda .diernnon ' lour I 311 tit 4:(0 pal. at the 'eainrttt and Di.inct.Comnninnv Centres. Everyone is welcome: came enjoy -an -afternoon of tun and social.. Last weeks winners were: 1.adiec ;Shirley Morrison - • 40(1.. Velma Preszcat(1r - 17.1 and Maxine Marks ' 151( Men: Earl \lcNaughton - 1^-3.. Ken Presicator - 1.1-1 and ('tirneGlrte - 400 ('.lease ittlie that shuffleboard will he cancelled ,1n ✓larch L. April ' and:Aprll - due to •Arena :tall hi okin¢sa Senior GnMes The Seatiirth Senior Gaines • Comtnittec will hold its next cUctirc ,tn•.1-nri1 'r' it it Registration Regt.tration \itiltls r Minim 8:111.. ` \lint+t Hinisetcague Soccer i1'. Rollcr`Hockct will :akc' place .it he Seaionti Arena ,rn Monde,. March 29 and Tu'.1ttiv. March 30 from 7:110,16:9:00 pm each •,1i! ht. For more information '.n -ins tit these pmlgrpms 11lea.e ::ail the- Recreation Olice -. it, '_�-'»0(2.. \i CU1..\tij'1T HOT BEEF 5535 Sunday Special March 21,5to7PM' CHICKEN SWISS $6 95 i7R 8 oz. STEAK jJ X795 SPARKY'S PLACE FAMILY DiNING 527-1964 3o Main St. Seator rn 11i4 _Taal Steve Fritzlety Jackie Roth Sat. Apr.. 3rd "-9 p.m. to 1-a.m. 56itfnrd Valley Heti . Music: by 600dfellas' Age of \rlajonty Lunch Provided Free taxi from hail FOR TICKETS CALL... 524-1109 OR 482-3224 SOUP & SALAD LUNCH Wednesday, ,March 24 I I .;v t,a►1. - I -o p.m. St. Thomas -Anglican_Church Seaforth All .you can eat! 55.00 Come & Enjoy: alt_ ! t.l: ENDS THURSDAY I RiLL1.1\1 1\1) 1111 1,1 1)15 I'; I:R I,11\11\1 t. 1 1111 1 til ! ' INTENL TIONS FRI. - THURS. FRI. & SAT. 7 819 PM orrt,I."�iar"�M1°or MAR. 26 -APR. 01 SUN. - THURS. 8 PM 14. 10116 OISrANCE' CAU. ' 800-2b5-34311 COO TOU FOIE MOVIE INFO t _ _ Atwood Lions BINGO Atwood • Community Centre EVERY THURSDAY Doors Open at 6:30 pm Bingo Starts at 7:00 pm $1000 on 54 calls Pot of Gold $1000- on 1000on 54 calls I-oonie Bin ,��,�,-,�/-ry,-�� -��•,-�••��,����w��.rRrsrrr la��. ice-'----.--;-� - .:r:.i�.:•��r..ar��ixi��� 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ;ispoCmommAinsonwoC STAG & DOE For Calvin Flood E &' E Dianne Doln3age o at Brussels °a Community Centre E Sat..:Marcii 27. 1999 -E ):00 p.m. - l:00 a.m. E Lunch Provided • E Age o1 Majority. n $5.00 E , DJ-- .Calvin Kerr.E rail 524-1324 In° • ,)r 527-0496 n - Happy 40th Birthday March __ Kevin Bennewies Luutd Morgan uld'vtom! 4 - McKillop Louts Ball Dance (Bashi Sat. March 2?. 1999 Brodhaeen Hail 9:00 P.m. - 1:00 a.m. For tickets or info. calk Mark 345.24?? Hollywood 3454042 -Age of Maiority Tickets $5. IP' 211i\31, THE HURON EXPOSITOR, March 24, 1909-1•9 FATHER MARK CURTIS PERFORMING "Lent, Springtime in the Heart" at St. Thomas Anglican Church* in •Seaforth Saturday, March 27, 1999 at 7:30 p.m. A freewill offering will be taken. OPEN FOR SEASON .ln ffZID'\l' MARCH Zhth SEAFORTH FREEZE KING DRIVE-IN 1968- 1999 0 ' Oldies on Grill ` Children's Menu B -Lite B -Healthy CAN'T STAY? Gotta Run? Call ahead for Take Out Phone 527-0034 Fax 527-1949 (will fax our menu l just call Ron & Gloria MAPLEWOOD MANOR PRESENTS... Meal :sway Day' ( For Seniors Featuring Home Cooked Mean'. Meal -Away Days ttelu in the. • first Tuesday of ach inenth. Where: Vlaplewnod. Dining -Rodin: When: Tuesday. April c ih Time: 12:45 -Cost: S5.00 per person - - Please cZill 527-1449 ,rr, ,ituc 11- :11. '.1Oncla - 1 PI r( 'too Take:une to ;tamper ,(,,r''•.t ..: II • III III it I. • 111111 16 17 19 20 22' 24 i 15 2' 23, 25 1 N t --N MR Clues ACROSS Clues DOW 1. Faith 1 Caugnt sreann•; 5. Masticate 2. Coat btactis 8. Chest 3. Dweller 9. _hal. Chine$e cilli' 4• Biotogtcai groups - 10. Line integer 5. Went down \ ff: Fabric- - CaIcutabng machines -_- 12. Assuaging 7 Classifies 13. Wel are 16: Dedication . •18. Acted towards others 19. Carrs and 22. Elastance untl 23.. Antelopes 24. Dasnery 25. Captivity '4. pronounce° 5. usages - 20 =rom a distance • 21 Armadillo FS7.�EF# •G1ts EdwardJones Serving Individual invt•r ori -Mutual fonds '1iR5Ps 'RRIFs (111irzy twwwechvardporwsa.tri, • ice Waite - ''► Ontario Rd. Hitcnell, Ont. VOK l (vO 519) 148-9873. '4tiutxr(rrr ToMMIN WIMP 527-0180 SOMETHING'S COOKING!! *See small print for details Pest HEREB a OREAT 0EAL. PIZZA TRAIN MS ONCY snake EVERY MONOAY. TUESOAY a WEDNESDAY FOR ow( $3 Kt Twee OR FOUR ro CHOOSE FROM. PLEASE CALL AHEAD AND Ogo€H. WE'VE GOT OUR CONES BACK! 4 1110%