HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1999-03-24, Page 16111 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Mach 24, 1ff111 (26. HELP WANTED J NANNY NEEDED: Mother of 2 , ages 1 and 4 is looking for a fug time person to look after my chil- dren in my home in Kippen, 2 shifts. Ask for Jackie 263-5415. 26-11x2 26. HELP WANTED CHICKEN CATCHERS wanted immediately, lull and part time work available. Phone 519-799-5598. 26-05xtfcc HOME SUPPORT WORKERS HURON COUNTY We require caregivers for our community home support program. Resporisibilities include assisting clients with the routine activities of daily living. and personal care. Qualifications include a relevant certificate or equivalent work experience and education. interested . candidates may forward or drop off resume to. Saint Elizabeth Health Care, 80 Mary Street, Clinton, ON Saint E l l asfitb e t h NOM 1LO; Tel: (519) 482-8800; Fax: (519) 482-8989. 11 1 , , I " 2 , . r SALES CONSULTANT FOR EXPANDING DEALERSHIP We are looking for a Sales Consultant to join our team. Experience would be an asset, but we are willing to • train the right candidate. We are a medium sized car dealership • in the Gbdench area and offer excellent benefits and pay structure. Please reply with cover letter and resume to: Drawer # 56 c/o Goderich Signal -Star, Box 220, Goderich, Ont., N7A 4B6 TOWN OF SEAFORTH Temporary Contract Position ADMINISTRATIVE.ASSISTANT REQUIRED To act as Recording Secretary to various Committees and Council for the Township of McKillop. Required to attend a minimurn of two evening meetings per month. Pervious expenence in a municipal government office an asset. Must have experience working in a computerized environment: fluent in MS Word for Windows. . Excellent written and verbal communication skills necessary. Forward resume. with references. no later than March 26. 1999, to the attention of !'. R. McLachlan, Clerk Town of Seaforth - 72 Main Street South •• PO. Bon 610. Seafonh.Ontano NOK IWO Phone: 019,527-0160 Fax. (5191527-2561 Only those selected for an interview will be contacted . HELP WANTED Experienced small engine mechanic needed for Polaris snowmobile dealership. You must be highly motivated. willing to provide quality workmanship. a self starter and able to work under minimum supervision. To supply your own tools. This is a full .ttiAE.:yeat►r round position with pools in summer which would include pool openings, closings, service and installation of inground and above ground pools. Please submit resume to: Middegaal Pools & Spas 234 Main Street N., Box 137 Seaforth, Ontario NOK IWO 1.1 Hensall District Co-operative is currently seeking an energetic individual to further complement our successful team, at the Seaforth Location in the following position. • Hiboy/Rogator Operator with AZ licence Seasonal duties include the operation and maintenance of the above machine. Previous experience with crop inputs and an aptitude for machinery maintenance would be considered assets. Responsibilities will also inclpde elevator operator duties as assigned including grain receiving/grading. The above position also requires overtime as needed to meet seasonal requirements. Please respond by fax or mail by March 31. 1999 to the address below. We thank all applicants for their interest, however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. HENSALL DISTRICT CO.OPERATIVE INC. ATTN: Human Resources Coordinator 1 DAVIDSON DRIVE HENSALL, ONTARIO - NOM 1X0 FAX (519) 262-2317 "An equal opportunity Employer' EISTRICT ENSALL 0 -OPERATIVE 28. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 128. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 5 1 Becker's Foo }`Milk and „Loll LOCAL INDEPENDENT DEALERS REQUIRED IN... MITCHELL & SEAFORTH We provide: Comprehensive Training Established Locations Business Systems Advertising - Promotional Support You provide: Retail Background High School Education Customer Service Skills Minimum Investment Competent Staff • //you are eager to put your frill effort towards build- ing a successfnil career, Ice would like to hear from you. Please Forward Resume to: Linda Johnston Training & Recruitment Manager Silcorp Limited Mono Plaza , R.R.#4, Hwy. 810 Orangeville, Ontario L9W 2Z1 or fax to: 519-942-4572 (26. HELP WANTED CASH CROP farm in Clinton area needs a hill time person who is mechanically inclined and can oper- ate a full fine of farm equipment, self starter, fully responsible for operation, competitive salary. also includes benefit package. All resumes kept confidential. Apply Drawer 1265, c/o Clinton News - Record, Box 39, Clinton. On. NOM 1 LO. 26-12)cc HOG FARM WORKER for multi -site farrow. to finish swine operation. Duties: sow and gilt breeding, both natural and A.I., some trucking, general farm duties. Must possess good communication skills, ability to work well with others. valid driver's license. Preference shown to those with recent experience. Phone 345- .2317 or fax resume to 345-9934 Vista Villa Farms Ltd , R.R. *4, Walton.26-11-2 - APARTMENT- SUPERINTEN- DENTS: To manage luxury apart- ment building. in town of Clinton. Requiring an expenenced couple with related expenence to live on site. The successful couple will be responsible for day to day mainte- nance. cleaning. apartment rentals and tenant relations. Compensation will depend on experience. Replyto Drawer *257 c/o Clinton News - Record, Box 39, Clinton. NOM 1L0 by April 5. 1999. 26- t t x3cc NEED A PROFESSIONAL resume') Attend a FREE workshop. Godench Apnl 13. Exeter April 14, Seaforth April 20. Clinton April 27" and Wingham April 29. To book your seat call H.E.L. P. 1-800-598-2260. 26.12xlcc . VOLUNTEER PARENT MENTORS needed. Are you interested in being. a support to other parents in your community by: listening, shanng experiences,i supporting parent efforts with their child reanng skills. being informed of available parent- ing resources and services. Rural Response for Healthy Children is hosting a two day training course on Saturday. April 10 and Saturday. Apnl 24 from 9-4 at the Huron County Health Unit, Clinton. Please - call Kim or Tanya at 1-800-479- 0716 or 482-8777 for more informa- tion and to resister. 26-12-2 - 28. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY moms: - Replace your current income and stay home with your family. Call now for free information. Jean 1-800-996-5547 28-08x6 30. EMPLOYMIE S t WANTED NEED HELP with your house clean- ing? Call for Pat 233-3355 ten years expenence. Reference avail- able Taking bookings now for Apnl Reasonable rates 30-12x2 31. SERVICE DIRECTORY VCR REPAIR, most repairs done for $30.00 or under. Call Bill at 523- 9809. 31-12-3 CANADIAN Disc Jockey Service. Over 17 years experience. All occa- sions. Reasonable rates. Call 524- 1738 or 524-5140. Tim Gaudette and Roger Stephens. 28-11x4nxe . WILL TUTOR in my own home. Betty Beuttenmiller. 527-0282 31- 09-11 REPAIR AND REFINISHING of fur- niture and antiques. handstrrpping, also custom made furniture built to your plans Robert Kerr. RR *1. Seaforth. Phone 527.0786..31-09-ff PHOTO COPIES Photocopying Service available at the Huron Expositor office. 100 Main St.. Seaforth 8 : x 11 copies 25 cents per sheet, 8 -: x 14 copies - 35 cents per sheet. (GST and PST extra). Phone 527-0240 3t-01-tfnxe - erner C0N rRACTWNG 1.TO. *TRUCKING •GRAVEL •SAND & STONE • BULLDOZING • EXCAVATING • TOPSOIL • SEPTIC SYSTEMS &SHOP,,.482-9926 RR3 Clinton Res. 482-9212 VEALS Abattoir and Meat Markel Hwy. 83 1 t ! mile> ea't of Ewler 2:35-1 1 2:3 ill. us CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING k,it Mass - ur•d,ns 'OUR SPECIAUY Hume( unit ausi srlwkt'd nut ahs pruXesstd eras tls the was t C.H. Aslant Painting/ Quality Werbeenhip Shue 2982 E/1" * nferior • exterior • resident al • commercial Call 519-522-057$ SabalocaaAnalakia STAFFEN'S LAWN CARE 527-2280 SPRING CLEAN-UP *Lawn Maintenance •Lawn Rollmg Res: 527-1819 - Anytime Ilea* ilikeeitt.I.161%. 34. PERSONAL WANTED 10 people to lose weight and keep it off. Call Marg 522-0266. Start in March and save 10%. 34- 134. PERSONAL ♦ ARE YOU living with a dunking problem? Al Anon can help. Phone 527-1650.34-12.1 A.A. If you think you have a drinking problem Alcoholics Anonymous has worked for millions. Call 527-1650 or toll free 1-800-706-9833.34-09-1 135. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 4' NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS • In The Estate of JEANNETTE BANNON • All persons having claims against the .estate of Jeanette Bannon of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron. who died on or about the 31st day of January, 1999. are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned. on or before :he 19th day of Apnl, 1999, after which date the assets will be distnbuted- having regard only to claims then receuved. DATED at Seaforth. Ontano this 17th day of March, 1999. McCONNELL, STEWART & DEVEREAUX, Barristers and Solicitors 77 Main Street, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK /W0 Solicitors for the Executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Claims against the estate of CHARLES GORDON McGONIGLE, late of the Town of Seaforth. In the County of Huron, who died on December 18th, 1998, must be in my hands by March 31st. 1999, after which date the estate will be distnbuted. RALPH SMITH, Law Office 20 Gouinlock Street P.O. Box 159 • Seaforth, Ontano • NOK 1WO Lawyer for the Estate Trustee with a Will 36. ANNOUNCEMENTS ♦ MURRAYS' CHRISTMAS HOUSE is open every day 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Come share the magic of our shimmering home. Enjoy the ulti- mate shopping experience. -7304 Richmond, Arkona, 1-800-575- 1974. 36-09x39cc 37. MORTGAGES 1" & 2' Morkgage MONEY AVAILABLE sin : , ' e»es::, ess ' e's.:'a, _)ars 5214 oaveie.,is as 8.35, Amt Apo. • 5 -ice ' 2-' XC , Ss ' 6 •'5.JC\', ' 3' 26 UP TO 5400,000. ?Ye ;cec,4,ze n idficu," -,ortgages Local 364-0450 i-000-387.1932 - ASTRAL'FUNDING!NC. 38. AUCTION SALE 5- RICHARD LOBE AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 Sat., March 27 at 9 am - Coins. antiques. furniture. appliances, small lathe.. drill press. tools at Lobb Auction in Clinton. Mira.. April 1 at 11 am - 2 Tractors. straw ATV. dump trailer planting. haying. harvester equipment for IMrs. Tonyl Mary Van Dorp 3w west of Seaforth on highway S to Kinburn Rd then 2 pules north 482-9204. 'rues., April 0 at 10:30 am - JD2555 4x4 tractor. MMZ tractor. pick uptruck. machinery. tools. etc. for Erma Wheatley . Go 5 miles north of Seaforth to Winthrop turn right go 2' miles east. www,auctionhotLae.com 39. EDUCATIONAL Festival School of Hairstyling 552 Huron St., Stratford Looking for a new Career? Festival School of Hairstyling of Stratford is accepting applications for our Spring class. Make-up, Artistry ~and Nail Technology offered at no extra charge. Financial assistance available for those that qualify. For further information can 519-271-9551. 38. AUCTIQN SALE 38. AUCTION SALE CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Of Tractors: implements and Farm Related Items at the Jacob Auction Yard 185 Herbert St. in Mitchell Wed., April 7 at 9:30 A.M. Bring a full line or single piece to our 17th annual spring consignment sale. Consign by Mar. 25 for Ontario Farmer advertising. Phone 271-7894 to consign. AUCTIONEERS: Doug Jacob and Joe Zehr 519-271-7894 519-887-9599 ° CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm Machinery, Household Effects & Miscellaneous will be held for R . *3, Blyth, (WWOt'th eld) Lot 3 McNee. Conc. 4 East Wawanosh Twp. 2 comers north and 3 comers west of Blyth Saturday, March 27th, 1999 10:30 A.M. AUCTIONEERS: BRIAN RINTOUL (519) 357-2349 BILL HORST (519) 595-2626 LARGE ESTATE Auction of Appliances: Antiques: Tools & Vehicles and Misc. Items at the Jacob Auction Centre 185 Herbert St. in Mitchell Thurs., Mar. 25 at 4:00 P.M. INCLUDING: Baldw(n apartment sized piano (good); 9 piety walnut dining room suite: for bedroom suites; chesterfield suites; 3 cedar chests: china cabinets: La -Z -Boy recliner: sofa beds: new round oak table and 4 chairs; colour T.V.s: breakfast.nook: apt. sized deep freeze; matching Frigidaire washer and dryers Frigidaire Elite 24 inch stove: Kitchen Aid dishwasher: bar fudge: fridges: king size box spring & mattress: oak dresser with beveled mirror: rockers: captain's chairs: set of -6 spindle back chairs: trunk: music cabinet: many old collectibles: sheet music: collectible fruit jars: quilts and bedding: collectible dishes including Doulton. 12 place setting of Royal Winton: cornflower, depression. pressed glass. old goblets. Staffordshire. etc.: collector plates: our"usual large offenng of clean household effects: Agco Allis 1614H riding hydrostat lawn tractor (3 yr. old): MTD. 10 hp snowblower (like new): 40 inch pull -type lawn roller: Craftsman 9 inch table saw: Comet 3/4 hp gnnder: aluminum extension ladders: power & hand tools: hardware etc. Two auction rings at 4:00 P.M. - VEHICLES:from Ralph Leake Estate: 1992 GMC Sonoma SL, 6 cyl. with topper (20800 km): -1989 Buick Le Sabre Limited. 6 cyl., 3800. fuel injected, 4 dr. (16000: km). From Wm. Stohlke: 1989 Ford F150 pickup with topper (154000 km). All vehicles certified. Sold at 7:00 P.M. PROP: Estate of Emie and Manon Allen: Estate of Ralph Leake and Estate of Earl Martin. AUCTIONEERS: Doug Jacob arid Joe Zehr. 7 519-271-7894 519-887-9599 • LARGE AUCTION SALE to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Building in Clinton for consignors from Seaforth. Godench. Clinton. London plus additions from Times and Places Antiques who are downsizing. SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 9:00 AM COINS: Approx. 80 lots, include Can.. NFLD, Dutch. rare cans. SELLING AT 12 NOON. PLAYER PIANO: Old Willis upnght player piano. APPUANCES: White Westinghouse 30 inch stove like new. GE dryer. Filter Queen vac with power head, Kirby vac, dehumidifier, 2 floor model colour TVs, etc. • ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, ETC.: Indian type rug approx. 8 x 12, large antique cupboard, 2 antique hanging oil lamps. 2 slag glass hanging Tight fixtures. grain cradle. large Chevell mirror, Blue finger painted jug. crocks, crock chum bottom, Benington bowl, 2 Lincoln Drape Aladdin lamps. a few small bells, banquet lamp. wash basin and pitcher. ship lantern. 3 small antique scales, 2 CHANDLERS. Mamod toy steam train, toy tractor. 2 metronomes, . old pictures, German beer steins. jewellery, dishes and glassware including antique pieces. cups and saucers. Coal Port, Shelly, Czec Slavekin birds. depression pieces etc., bag of marbles. bedroom suite with queen box spnng and mattress, dining -tables, kitchen table and chair sets, cedar chest, antique settee with side chairs (like new). parlour tables. music stand what not, chesterfield with pull out bed like new, upholstered chairs. modem chesterfield and loveseat. other chesterfields, modem baby cub, captains chair. wooden chairs. wooden filing cabinet, several dressers and chests of drawers. etc. TOOLS: Small steel lathe. floor model dell press. small chainsaw, disc gnnder. skul saw, lig saw, Delta 10" table saw, drill bits, Mee, bench grinder. Skil HD saw. workmate. gas weed eater. hand tools, old records, old books plus items too numerous to mention, 2 AUCTIONEERS SELLING STARTING AT 9 A.M. TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D.. Auctioneer: Richard Lobb 519-482-7898 Clinton -. www.auctionhotline.com CLEARING AUCTION SALE Two tractors & farm machinery for Mary Van Dorp. Go 3-1* mites west of-Seaforth on highway *8 to Kinburn Road then north 2 miles. THURSDAY, APRIL 1 1999, 11:00 AM TRACTORS: Case International 5240 MAXXUM. 4 wheel dnve diesel with cab, heater, air, 14.9 x 24 front tires, 18.48 38 rear tires. front weights (RUN 2524 HRS); Case 1290 diesel tractor with 56L quick attach loader (1194 HRS. on rebuilt motor in 1996), set of chains, set of 18.4 x 38 damp on duals. STRAW: Approx. 1600 square bales. ATV: Honda Fourtrax 250. HAYING & FORAGE EQUIPMENT: New Holland 782 Forage Harvester with electric hood turner, 2 row narrow com head and hay -pickup, NH -Hay rake. MF.3 P1:H hay mower, 2 -Dion 3 beater forage boxes on double reach wagons. Case 600 auger -filed forage blower, Kools KB -54 forage blower. DUMP TRAILER: Super tilt 10 ft. x 6"s in. Hydraulic dump single axle trailer (NEW). MANURE SPREADER: New Idea 363 tandem axle w/2 beaters and stury gate. PLANTING & TiLLAGE: John Deere 7000 six row corn planter with Insecticides and monitors, Hardt 250 gallon trail single axle weed sprayer with foam marker and clear water tanks. 39 ft. boom, International 5100. 16 run double disc seed dnll, used only 2 years, Kongskilde 4 furrow adjustable sem,-mount hydraulic reset plow. McKee 19 ft. S tine trailer cultivator, Dunham Lehr 12 ft, 12 tine chisel plow, Tumco 12 ft land packer with 2-31 ft, pups, Vreten 6 ft. 3 in. stone fork (NEW), Keewanee 12 ft. wheel disc, 6 row scut ler with rolling shields, 2 -gravity boxes on wagon, old gravity trox on wagon, hydraulic fertilizer auger, 5 section diamond harrows with pole, Norwesco 1300 gallon plastic water tank, Mohawk 7 ft 3 PTH blade, Smith 7 ft double auger snowblower with hydraulic hood turner. Brandt 40 ft. 7 inch portable grain auger PTO (USED VERY LITTLE). Dan user post hole digger, 3 PTH vertical log splitter, cement mixer, Hu.gvarma 266 chain saw, pants, hat w/eye protector. 4 -plastic barrels, 12 ft. 4 in. auger with elecbic motor, torch tank can, plastic auger boot, milk dumping station, 2 -stainless steel strainer. 2-laval milker, Nomtent.CH 231, PTO wood chipper on wheels cuts up to 9lnch limbs, Tye series 5 15 R. no till drill, 5th wheel 8 x 14 tandem hog trailer, 2000 gal steal water tank on truck frame wagon wigs. engine, water pump. Noble 4 row scuffler, 8 stainless round pig feeders with cast iron bottoms. NOTE: NO SMALL ITEMS - COME EARLY! TERfME: Cash or cheque wIth proper I.D. Auctioneer: Richard Lobb 519-482-7898 Clinton 1