HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-4-30, Page 3„,. Scouts Help Control Traffic. Chief of 1 aline IYIacLsehlin of Chat- ham, Oat„ has voiced his approval of a suggested scheme whereby older Boy Scouts of the city be used. as traffic o)fcere at dangerous iutersections of the city to protect school children at,. certain times of the. day. With the co-operation of the local Scoutmasters the boys, to undertake these duties will receive special training from members of the city police: force,' Montreal's J,emboree. The . Boy Scouts and Wolf Cubs of the Montreal District are holding a -•- big indoor Jamboree in the Morgan De- partmental Store Building (a whole floor of which has, been set aside for the'purpose), on April 15th'1 16th, 1,7th arid 18th. On the 17th their special guest is to bethe Chief Scout for Can- . ada, His Excellency Baron Byng.,, of Vimy. Besides demonstrations of -Scout work, there will be many ex- hibitions of Scout handicraft. Pianning G111wiw1.1: Damps: Provincial Scout. ' Headquarters' et. ' Toronto is now working out tentative plans for this summer's Gillweli.Train- ing Camps for Scoutmasters, and is consequently anxious to know as early as possible the names of men planning to attend. The probable dates of the camp' are July 7th to 18th; intllisive, 'at Ebor Park, near Brantford, Ont. This will be the' third year that this fine, partly wooded, 55 -acre site will be at the dIsposal, of the Provincial Council for its leadership training work. Those who have camped there in other years pronounce it one of the finest camp sites in the older sections of Ontario. Concerning Scout Huts. • • We have previously referred to the fine Headquarters Hut owned by the 1st Chatham Trodp.. This week's news contains' the announcement that the Troop is undertaking to enlarge the hut- by adding a 12 -foot addition at the rear. The addition will take in the Scoutmaster's Den and the Court of Honor room, thus. allowing the apace now occupied by these to be used to enlarge the main club room. And with- thenews of the enlarging of Chatham's• hut, conies the announce- ment that the 3rd London Troop (The Fighting Third), which had its .name in the papers last week for its success in the Wallace Nesbitt Junior First Aid Competitions, is constructing a hut of its own, it having•autgrowii the tem- porary •quarters it has Veen using in a little' suburban church. This is the Spirit Much has been written regarding the Scouting spirit, but the following pleasing incident shows that spirit in 'action. A surgeon on the staff of the St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, tells of a boy who was painfully although not seriously injured in an automobile aG cident just a day or two' ago. As, the boy was brought into- the accident ward with his clothing torn and dirty. and his hands and face bleeding from the cuts he had received, the doctor cheerily said, "Well, sonny, and : how did you get into this mess?" The boy then told hie -Story. "Welly sir, I was riding -my bicycle on Queen Street and I tiirned-in froman automobile, and of course 'it ran into me and knocked me down; and here I amr" ."But,'" re- turned the doctor, `most boys would have said that thee_ automobile ran them down." "Ye'sy replied the toy with his - chest visibly swelling, "that may be,Tut a Scout wouldn't." The doctor„ rebating the story, said, "That's the- spirit! I'm fuer the Scouts: every time after the case of . that piii,cky Tittle chap." If WordsCould Come to Life! If the 'words we use could bring up, Iike a cinematograph film, the pictures which lie behind them, conversation would be more entertaining than it is as a rule. For instance, when we say a thing is dilapidated, we bring up en image of an ancient temple crumbling to.. ruin, for' the root meaning of the word is "crumbling stelae." Similarly, the' word stunned means thunder -1 - struck and ardent formerly meant burning. - What a remarkable picture the word scandal calls' up. Its original applica- • tion was to that part of ,a.•tear; on which 'the bait Was' 'placed' and which, when the, trap was touched, sprang up acrd caught the 'victim. Another odd Word is. 'siyrupple, which 'originally 'meant a little stone, in weights means twenty grains, and in modern use means something which lattrt5'or, Wor- ries. the conscience. Irritate referred originally to the snarling of a 'dog. Perplexed brings' up. ay picture' of being tangled in miles • of string, wound completely round and. round; whilst the -word eliminate de- notes what the man slid to his barome- ter when It continued to register "Set Fair" after it bad been raining for a week, fox it means "to kick out of doors." ({ " Very Effective. "I supos'e, Henry," said the old gen. tleman to his new son-in-law, "that you are aware the check 'for fifty thou - Fend dollites t put among your wedding �irea"e""ri'ts wasTneiteli ,Moi. effect," "Oh, yes, sir," responded the Henry,cheer- trill • "and>the effect was excel-: ' tent. The bank oa bed it. {hie morning lvithf,tlit a word." People who use "Red Rose” are usually those who like tea of extra good quality ellsgoo4 tea /E0 The ORANGE PEKOE is extra good,. Try it! HEALTH ,EDU ATION BY DR. J...1. MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health, Ontario. Dr. Middleton will be grad to answer questions on Public Health mat - tors through this column. Addresshim at Spadina House, Spadina Crescent, Toronto. From away out in Vernon, B,Q., comes an inquiry about healtlematters from a reader of this column. The correspondent' in question asks about neuralgia and its treatment. I may say at the outset that it' is' impossible to accurately diagnose the cause of a complaint of this kind by correspondence. Neuralgia is not of itself a disease; it is a symptom. One can only guess at the cause and sug- gest certain things that need to be given consideration. For instance, I don't know whether there is a focus of infection somewhere that' is poisoning the System and causing pains through- out the body, which the patient com- plains of, and describes as neuralgia. Then again, the trouble may be caused by an 'anaemic condition of the blood. In fact, neuralgia is sometimes de- scribed as "the call of the nerves for better blood," and in many cases that is exactly 'what is wrong, but there may be other causes, such as a growth somewhere irritating a nerve or series of nerves, and we mast not. forget the well-known complaint usually de- scribed as sciatica. There may be many other causes than these for neur- algia, but`I have just mentioned these few examples to show how difficult it is to tell a person who 'writes a letter from a distance, just what should be done for his complaint. The reason that''a difficulty exists is that to cure any disease, one must first find out the cause of the disease, and this cannot very well be done -without a thorough } physical examination by a ,physician. I : ,o mention a few more underlying causes of neuralgia we include mal- Laria, alcoholism, diabetes, lead poison- ing, syphilis, gout, rheumatism, or . Bright's disease. It may be that neuEralgia is really an expression of central disease -for instance, loco- motor ataxia. It may be some local cause such as a diseased tooth or a diseased ovary. In every case treat -1' ment must include treatment of the underlying cause. Neuralgia-- means } pain in the nerve. There is a differ-' ence between neuritis and neuralgia, for in the _former case the, pain is usually steady and persistent, while, in neuralgia it comes and goes. In neuritis the course of the inflamed nerve ,can be made out by tenderness on deep pressure. Massage and manipulation may be of use in some forms of neuralgia, and benefit may be derved from the use of salicylates, iodides and other neur- algic medicines. Preparations of opium, morphia, and codein should never be taken for this condition be- cause the danger of habit is too great, No medicine of a . sedative nature shouldbe given except for short per- iods and then under physicians' con- trol. Rest' and electricity and light therapy., offer more hope of relief from pain than do other agents. But first of all go to your physician •and. have him give you a complete physical examination. Before you can cure the disease, • you've got to know 'the cause. DE HER- BABY - PLUMP AND WELL Nothing makes •a mother more grate- ful than a benefit p conferred upon her f child. Mothers everywhere avho hemp: used Baby's Own Tablets' `for their children speak in enthusiastic terms of them. For instance, Mrs: Z'epheri'n Lavoie, Three Rivers, Que., weites:— "Baby's Own Tablets are a wonderful medicine for little ones. They never fail to regulate the baby's stoinach and bowels,'and malre him plump and well. I always keep a box -of the Tablets' in the house and would 'advise all moth- ers to do:likzwise:' Most of the or- dinary ailments' of childhood arise in the stomach and bowels, and can be quickly banished by Baby's Own Tab- lets,. These -Tablets relieve constipa- tion and indigestion, breakup colds and simple fevers, expel worms, allay teethingpains and promote healthful sleep. They are guaranteed to be free fr•om,Injurious drugs and are 'safe even for 'the youngest and most delicate child. The Tablets• are sold by medi- cine' .dealers • or by mail at 25c a box from The Drs Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. There are 16,60S Boy Scouts in On- tario. "Staminax''Growing Mash The finest BAB'ir CHICK STARTING MIXTURE the world produces•. The'Feed Which Raised the Winner of the Ontario Egg -Laying Contest, 1524. Write for booklet and name of STAMI NAX Agent, TheMotherwell Grain Co., Limited, Dundas, Ont. FREE IF YOU ARE INTERESTED • IN FISHING WRITE FOR THIS 1300K 'SRt.SM EN S.:HEAi1 QALLCOGic _ UAIRTER$i , Pron SEVENTY .6b;kriitLTTdry,r, T6,14*TO„ CAN•I' Haydn's "Ox" -Minuet. .A peculiar title for a musical com- position! om- ositi n.Yes,it is ee liar • • at least p 0 P u , r peculiar on the surface. But, hold on! There is a story attached to it! This. composition, 'the "Oxl' Minuet, wasn't given a title like that merely to create aP ubhc sensation. It came by the title honestly, as the following incident will testify: Hadyn one- day received a visit from a butcher, who stated that he and his daughter were admirers of Haydn's music; and,- as the young lady was soon to be mar- ried, he made bold to ask that the composer write a minuet for her wed- ding. Kind "Papa Haydn" consented, and in a few days the man of meat se- cured his music. Not long afterwards, Haydn was surprised to hear this same minuet played under his window. Onlooking out he Saw a band of musi- cians forming a ring around a large ox, tastefully decorated with flowers. Soon the butcher came -up and present- ed the ox to Haydn, saying that for such excellent music he thought' he ought to make: the composer a present of the. best ox la his. possession. Ever after, this little composition, it is said, was called the "Ox" Minuet. Baldness is stated to be increasing among civilized people who live `in cities. Send for One of Our SECOND HAND BICYCLES AT $15 Fuily,Guaranteed. Money back if not satisfied: Varsity Cycle Works, 413 Spadina Ave., Toronto, ITFe1 ti i1Zll1 TABLETS Nothing better for your ferns,.flowers, shrubs and gardens; they are so handy, clean and odorless. You just have- to place a'tabdet in the earth beside the plant and then watch it. grow: . Once used—always used, on account of the economy, results and convenience. Always' ask for "Witte' Fertilizing Tablets." If your dealer does, not keep -them, just send '25c and we will forward you, post- paid, a box containing 120. C. Wats, Fertilizer Works,: Norwich, Ont., Manu- facturers of Complete Fertilizers and Pulverizers of Sheep Manure. Farmer Proves Value ,of Pure Bred• Bull W. G,'Potter reo ived $52.25 nibrt+for steers sired by'a '•t" Pure Bred Bull than for Steers tired bya Scrub Bull. Ile shipped five steers from common grde cows of equal, merit. The two steers sired .b ' .5c lr Bull 1 brought $95M each; while' the three steers sired by the Pure Bred Bull brought $147,80 each. The Steers received.the same care. Fewer and better cattle are incl taplei tliart,, a, ' larger number• of Scrub animals: pi ' -' =' + Makelour cows Work you' rather han'you'slid'ulcl ' i'o �I,. i' 4.: q, wo>�c r them. ,, ' Your 19g5 resolutlorl;was to get rid of that Scrub Bull—Have ye Sone' 1t? • BETTER BULLS PAY • If all the carts were, painted gay i id .all,'•tiie streetsswept clean, Ano all the ehildyea• came to play By iieiiyhonks, with green Grasses io grew' between; If all the houses looked as though Some hearty were in their stones, If all the people that we know Were tlressed in scarlet gown's, 'With teal -tete' in their crowns; Ithink this gaiety! would ,make A spiritual laud, I think that hoiiness would take This laughter by;tlie hand, Till both should understand. --J. Drinkwater. RLr{,,if1SllE s a {, �li j S IN Are Proof the Blood is in a Weak. and ,Watery Condition. One of the surest signs that the blood Is out of order are 'the pimples, and unsightly eruptions that break out on the face or body. The same 'condi- tion is indicated by an attack of ec- zema or scrofula, You cannot get rid pt.these troubles, by the use of purga- tive medicines, es so many people try to do. Purgatives merely gallop through the systeiii and leave it still weaker. What' Is needed when the blood is shown to be out of order is a tonic which will restore its missing elements and leave the blood rich and red, For • this purpose there is' no other tonic can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, every dose of which helps enrich the blood, drives out' impuri-, ties, and brings a new feeling of health and energy. Mrs. R. E. Bishop, Haw- thorne Ave., Hamilton, Ont„ tells fo'r the benefit of others what these pint did for her She says:—"I was suffer- ing terribly from scrofula. ,I doctored with several doctors, but without suc- cess. uecess. My complexion was, sallow, I had no strength, feeling very weak and languid. My neck was full of lumps called scrofula,, and at times they were very painful.' After trying several so- called blood medicines, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were recommended to me and I got half a dozen boxes. After ,',king them I found a decided im- provement, in my• appearance, and to my joy tam lumps were disappearing from ray neck. I persevered in the treatment, and finally the only sign left of the trouble was a scar on my neck where 'one of the swellings broke. Since that time I have been in robust health and heartily recommend Dr. Williams' Pink, Pills to any suffering from -impure blood." cad. Ydii can get these pills through ally medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box from The InaeVilliams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. When Are We Most Clever? Interesting facts about the age at which a ,van's faculties reach their highest pitch of .efficiency have been compiled recently. It was found, forexample, that the average age at which twenty of the greatest inventions were produced was thirty-two. The inventors' of the steam engine and the steam turbine were each twenty-nine when their labors resulted in these epoch-making devices. The self -binding reaper, wire- less telegraphy, and the vacuum air - brake were invented by men in their twenty-second year. The inventor of the sewing machine was twenty-six, while the discoverer of the process of producing aluminum cheaply was only twenty-three. Edi- son was 'thirty when he made the first incandescent lamp. Wilbur Wright, the pioneer aviator, was thirty-eight when he conquered, the air. The result of these investigations points to the fact that artists and musicians as a rule develop their tal- ents very early in life. Authors seem to attain the peak of their creative powers at or about the age of forty= two. Financiers and business men generaIIy reach their zenith at fifty- three. Statesmen and generals are highest in the list of Ma,. ages,. n g y of the great- est acts of diplomacy have 'been initi- ated by men in the seventies• and eigh- ties. Military •history shows that some of the most crucial battled have been. directed by men who were old enough to be grandfathers. But the would-be inventor, artist, musician, or poet who Is rapidly out- growing his youth need not be dis- couraged by these facts. There are many exceptions to prove the rule. Dilliam de Morgan, to name 'but one example, was sixty-seven before he made his bow as a succesful novelist. Hold the Health Thought. Holding the, health: thought, the health consciousness, will help you to obtain the. healt condition, On the other hand, if you carry a 'physical weakness and disease conscioitsnesas, you ^cannot possibly' "build a perfect health condition. Your ideal of the thing you want, the picture you hold in your mind, must be of a perfect thing. .1f it is impeefect, the real which you built up -on ,-the , physical ijime wily be•&Yimperfeet, ° 'In. other \vo 'dsI y"6u''wi71"outpicture •your mind; YOU' will'Ou,tpicttit'e your"Con.viction of yourself, of your health, of your ssttua- tionin lite, of your success, -of your poverty or prosperity. There are lots of little thin that wise men do not understand, but it is benealiy believed that -hens lay eggs: becks' 'so thry cair't.stand them on end. 1 of prbs`i5iir ri"t Use Minard s Liniment ••Yi il,'x:. ,•ii.'r'+••Si'.. ,yij,47 a i ti 1Nlo Money' Made With Poor $tock.: Bers ac' racng problems todayoflive thas requairee e'fxpiert business -like handling, rrhe high coast of feed, labor and heavy oyez -head expenses • are matters the average farzaer�finds confronting him every day, . Succoianful farmers have always real fired"the value of good >breedings in livestock. Testimonials from these men are easily obtained and should' convince the most skeptical,•that the only way to beat the labor situation, cost of feed,, etc., is to' keep' onlz those animals that are bred to produce either milk or beef. '- Tim Tire surveys conducted by Prof. Leitch in the different, counties all' go to prove that where farmers are using pure heed, sires in either beef or dairy herds, - they are making greater in, comes with practically the same quantities of teed. 'When we consider that these figures were obtained from actual farmers, living under average farm conditions, we can, hardly discredit them. Liberal feeding of inferior live stock, it was shown, was not' as great a factor in increasing the labor in - came as was the use of pure bred sires, The pure bred sire has back of him generations of ancestors, that were selected and bred with a specific pur- pose in view: either: the production..of beef or the production of milk. These characteristics are highly in- tensified in hie blood so that he trans- mits them •to his, offspring, even when only a grade female is used. The 'grade sire has back of him generations of ancestors, that, like "Topsy," just happened: The result is that you can expect nothing but are liable to get anything. Haphazard hit and miss. breeding operations are the causes of low labor incomes and financial failures among Ontario farmers to -day. The remedy lies in the farmers' hands. - Buy a good pure bred sire of the breed of stock you are interested in and you have made the first step to- ward success. • An Ancient Porch. Dating back to 1331, a church porch in London Wall has been transformed into a tiny tostel in which city girls may have a quiet rest during lunch time. ' Furniture made in Queen" Alex- andra's Technical School of Woodwork on' her Sandringham estate, can be bought by anyone who visits the place. Queen Alexandra 'started the school about.. forty years ago for the benefit of lads onh t e estate. WE WANT CHURNING REA We supply cans and ;ray express charges. We pay daily by express money orders, which can be cashed anywhere without any charge. To obtain the top price, Cream must be free from bad flavors -and contain not less than 30 per cent.. Butter Fat. Bowes Company Limited, Toronto For references—Head Office, Toronto, Bank of Montreal, or your local banker. Established for over thirty years. } The Ritz-Carlton t0 n Hotel Pite otelANte w tiJeCY America's Smartest Resort Hotel. Famous for its Euro- pean Atmosphere. Perfect Cuisine and Service. Single rooms from ;5.00 Double' rooms from $8,00. European Plan New. Hydriatric and Electro f Therapeutic Department. - ICU ,AVE TOTT,,Manager Abbreviated Thought. "What ire you think she could have been thinking' of when she cut off her hair?" "Why, of cutting off afew years from her age, I suspect." o YOU STAMMER Don't sutler under this handicap any longer. Successful pupils everywhere recommend our methods of -treatment. Write for free advice and literature. THE ARNOTT INSTITUTE KITCHENER, ONT., CANADA ZUI?LN EYES IRRITATED DY • StJN,WIND,DUST &CINDERS tiECONMENDED G SOLD BY DRUGGISTS G OPTICIANS. SATZ lea reef eye CAaa 11001C MVnINa CO. CauCA00,VSA Ideal Spring Vacations Only 2 I$cysfrom Newlfork Go in April and May when Bermuda is ablaze with Flowers -perfect days for rest or play. Palatial, Twin -Screw Steamers "FORT VICTORIA" and- "FORT ST. GEORGE" For. Illustrated Booklets Write FURNESS BERMUDA LINE 34 WhitehallStrect - New York City or Any Local Tourlst Agent Can't Keep House Without Minard's C. E. Wright, of Foxboro, Mass., writesas follows. "Will you please advise me how I can get your liniment? I can't keep house without Minard's. We were never without it in our home in Nova Scotia." Minard's is splendid for sprains, bruises, rheumatism, colds, etc. Minard's Liniment Proved safe by millions Headache Neuralgia Pain Toothache and prescribed by physicians for ' Colds Lumbago �'o Neuritis Rheumatism Acca t 2121.2 ,Sayer" package which contains proven directions. Mand"I3ay er" •boxes of 12 tablets yy ' le f 24 and 100,. --Druggists. Also bott e o Oman) et Da or muiefacture of iixono detle- Acid, 'A. 5. ,A."). While it 'la toil kaolin Rifest the public. against Intltat.funt,, the Tablets their gettci'al trade mark, the " Th ycr 'Croda," lslir.]n,ls, the tendo mark to tstertd in -ecldester hi" Shcicyitanrid (Aiee�I"'6bilesto that' ASpirie 17mtees' ilnySt 119u1atteture, to of Uhler .CiorePa Y will 6e Rratopsa with og Amateur builders are erecting.their own houses hi Austria. Forty villages have sprung up on the outskirts of Vienna as a result of their labors. Minard's Liniment for Colds. A man's busy day is when he stays at home to rest, and his wifekgets him to do a few odd jobs in the house. Classified Advertisements' FREE CATALOGUE. p ASPBERRY BUSHES, GLAD- •a -h' iotas, Iris, Peony, Fancy Dahlias. and Barred Rock Eggs. The Wright Farm, Brockville, Ont. MONEY TO LOAN. Tit ARM LOANS MADE. AGENTS wanted. Reynolds, 77 Victoria, Toronto. Cuticura Promotes Permanent Hair Health Shampoos with Cuticura Soap, with light applications of Cuticura Ointment when necessary, tend to free the scalp of dandruff and minor eruptions, and to establish a per- manent condition of hair health. ample Each Pree by Mail. Address Canadian Depot:_ Btenboeee, td., Montreal" Price,. Soap Oin e. tment 25 and 60o. Talcum 26c. Cuticura Shaving Stick 26e. cotio, NOT SLEEP NIGHTS Pains 't and Headaches . Re' ! lieved by Taking Lydia Ep Pin kham's Vegetable Compound Dublin, Ontario.—"I was weak and :.ereguiar, with pains and headaches 'and could not sleep nights.: I learned about Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound by reading the letters in the newspapers and tried it because I wanted to get better. I have got good results from it as I feel a lot stronger and am not troubled with such bad headaches as I used to be and am more regular. I am gaining in Weight all the time and I tell my friends what „ kind of medicine I am taking. You may use my letter as a help to others."— Mrs. JAMES RAoxo, • Box 12, Dublin, Ontario. Halifax Nurse Recommends Halifax, N., S. "I am a maternity' nurse and have recommended Lydia, E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to , many women who were childless, also • to women who need e good tonic. I am English, and my husband is American, and he told me of Lydia: E. Pinkhani while in England. ,r would appreciate, a copy or two, of your little book on women's ailments. I have one which X' keep to lend.. I will willingly answer letters frorn'Ony woman asking about the Vegetable` Compound. "—Mrs. S. Colurd;ASi, 24 a m Street, .flair a Nova Socia. iShh''f: Mo. 17- 'tae