HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1999-03-17, Page 11I1J. FARM LAND WOULD LIKE to rent farm land for 1999 cropping season Phone Roger Fell at 519-345-2697_ 11J- 09x3cc 1 • 2. REA1. ESTATE FOR SALE TUCKERSMITH TWP farm for sale. 100 acres. lot 34, conc. 3. RS z• -...r nf- ,all 233-3136 12- /2cc . Farm for Sale Easterly 80•acres (+1-) of Lot:17...Concession 3; Township .of McKillop,• County -of Huron: NQ Buildings;. Contact Bob Nash -af. (519) 272-0427 - (Executor of the Estate . , of James Nash) WANTED POULTRY FARMS DAIRY FARMS SWINE FARMS CASH CROP FARMS PASTURE FARMS GRAVEL FARMS For .Spring Market RON O'BRIEN- Assoc. Broker REMAX CENTRE CITY (319) 439-1400 member of Land Market Also active farmer 12. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE (j1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE e Lii9NTEEJ Real Estate 19 Albert Ste, .Clinton 482-5991 _Tony & Mary Vanden -Henget 233-3168 ENJOY COUNTRY UVINO ,n this'3 "COMMERCIAL' downlown core bedroom brick oungaiow with attached area Approx, 1 500 sq. it. of • rated garage. lull'inished rec room. 2 baths. space fully rented plus a 3 bedroom aluminum soffit & 'asci. private deck Archrtectlirally designed apartment at rear.-BeautiltiN9 landscaped; Paved •Rad Move right n 5 UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING: 2 storey brick: 1 three bedroom. 2 two bedrooms. 2 one bedroom apartments 101' x 130' lot with 8 parking spaces 3129,900 (16. FOR RENT •- • SPACE FOR' RENT ;n - Dublin,' approximately 3300. sq: it office. workshop. storage, can divide Phone (519) 229-6028. 16-08-d C7. APARTMENTS FOR RENT) FOR RENT Bachelor apartment 3400 'nctucting utilities. Two -bed- 'ccm apartment 3330 including util- I Rs Large three bedroom upstairs - apartment References required. - 527-0560. • ft -1 . . .. it?, REAL. t'TLTE FOR SALE 1 IiSINTEE Real Estate 150 Main Street South. Seaforth (519) 527-05.60 Fax (519)527-2763 Associate broker 527-0560 Sharon Medd MLS Market Value Appraiser «?' -.csta rs 2oen oak staircasebrotess onaUV lecorated las ?frepWce.- Grahnv'tat. _arse ort }117.000. • rg Main 'icor aundrv. 3 bedrooms. 'epced 'n yard. lose 'o op 'own 3 Sct'ldols! 588.500. / , •i,umrnum sided Shop 55' x 32' '. 1:r « . - - :IviOed :n 'w0 sectrens. :air 'way 'or 5102.000. ':eta,Isi j -1cm: 1.. Free Home Evaluations Web Site: www.cotdwellbankeric.com 1". tPARTMENTS FOR RE1�iT 1 MAIN FLOOR. large one bdrm. apt. Eat -in kitchen natio "doors to deck. quiet budding. Suitable foie seniors: 3550/mo nctudes heat, `PUC. garbage _parking and laundry. CaII 524-9076 or leave message at 527- 2922. 17-1 txtfcc HENSALL - one and two bedroom apartments, available now. Well maintained building with convenient auidry'ac Cities. Call Sue 519-243- 2123 'xlcc 7. FOR 1RENT: two bedroom upper apartment. parking; no pets, would sun, :oupte. • References required. ?hone 522-1833. 17 -10 -if EASTV4EW .' APARTMENTS. Mitchell. 'Large Luxury 2 bedroom apartment, controlled entry, in suite aundry.three appliances.. Small storage area.ldesigned for mature ddu(ts. ground- floors unit. Ptior#ej 5 i 9 -?35.2961 17,0941c0 A GREAT TWO - oedroom in Seatotth: 'respiydecorated. 2,new i00ti?races available -.now S370. ust and ast •equired: No pets. Richard or Reid 272-2000 or 800- 353-' 036. 17.01-11 TWO i 2 bedroom Clinton .apart- •nennts. aarkmg, lauhdty, room.. garbage' iisoosel. Rent plus utili- ties. Available low. Call 482-1293. -48xkfcc -.. .i 17. APARTMENTS FOR REN• T • . � ATTRACTIVE Second floor. one bedroom. large apt in nentage building. Rent includes heat. (hydro extra) fridge and stove Controlled entrance. Laundry ,n basement Call 527-2389 17-09-11. NEWER 2 bedroom unit! Mitchel Controlled entrance. laundry tadtt: ties. Suitable for seniors 5576.18. Call 348-9102. 17-02xtfcc ti 18. HOUSES FOR RENT 4. THREE BEDROOM HOUSE for rent in Egmondvile, on main road. Large lot with small shed. appli- ances included 3500irno. Available May 1st. Phone 522-0603 after 6 p.m. 18-10 2CC THREE BEDROOM' duplex. close to downtown Seaforth.. gas heat, main floor laundry. References required. Phone 519-235-3220 alter 6 p.m. 18-09-M • (1 fOMMERCI4L PROPEI(TY' FOR REV ' OF'ICE. FOR RENT. upper floor. . 138 Main St: South, Seaforth. Call - 527-2901.23-1111 - • 24. WANTED TO RENT • WANT TO RENT 4 bedroom house in Seaforth for- June 1/99. Cali 527-2361: 24-11x2 25. -WANTED TO BUY 1 1 BABY -CRIB AND HIGHCHAIR in excellent condition. Must be CSA approvod. 527-2018. 25.11x3c W BUY ALL SCRAP METALS. - dais. machinery, etc. delivered to. our yard. 1 • 1/2 miles ,east of Wartburg, • Line -b2.; Secondary Ijesources 519-393-5390. '25- llxlcc • • • WANTED t- Mac Powerbook 5300c -dr other .vlthcolour display, mtemet capabilities and desktop publishing potential. Call . 482-8395. 25• 11xlcc WHY HAVE. AN AUCTION" Antique. collectibles. toys. 'coins. whole estates. Cash on the scot. .Call 519-364-0448. 25.46xtfcc WANTED: Older • Rolex wrist • watches such . • as Oyster. .. Skyrocketl Victory, Prance, Oyster Perpetual. etc. Will pay' top dollar. Gall Bruce Walsh..9 Market St. Stratford. N5A 1A4 1-519-272- 0411: 25-42xtfcc 1 ANTIQUE FURNITURE. -glass- - ware. china.. sewing machines.. -1 lamps. leweliery, post .:ands. maga,- zines:Paying 10e eacn !or Crown. fruit tars. Bran Butter. 271 8tlms- St., Strathroy • N7G ' G2. ?hone 245-3142. 25-23xtfcc (26. HELP' WANTED - •• HOG FARM WORKER 'or mule- site farrow to finish swineopera- tion: Duties: sow and gilt breeding. both natural and AA.. some truck- ing, general farm duties. Must pos- sess good. "commurncatton skills. ability- to work well witn others.. valid 'dnvers license. Preference shown 'o those with recent 3xoen--- encs. Phoria 345-231' or 'ax. resume to 345-9934 Vista Villa Farms Ltd..'/R.R. *4, Walton: 26- 11.2 ' CL;NTON: One bedr&,m •grour4p `Icer apattmentl 3320.00 monthly oto, Jtilities:.Availabte mmegiatety. •=hone ' - 405-652-3754- or 5.19.235- 2559 '7- 35xtfcc . HEATED 'wo bedroom apartment. 'iewly. decorated. ::ose t0 uptown, Phone 527,0215..' 09-tf " STOP! Free Month & Utilities •Spacious bach. 1. 2 & 3 trtrrn • S321 • 5529. Great • Great Manageme• • • Clean. fresh urrr ELIZABETH COURT 176 Oxford St.. Hens.ul 519-262-1060 All Points - Festival City Realty 4. r V V 527-2103 LINDA DZIOBA' Until Its Sold!!! :.MIKEHOOGINS• 34 Main St. 522 022' 527=21385 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Mlarclr 17, 19911-11 TOWN OF SEAFORTH Temporary Contract Position ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT REQUIRED To act as Recording Secretary to various Committees and Council tor the Township of McKillop. • Required to attend a minimum of two evening -meetings per Month Pervious experience in a municipal government officean asset: Must have experience working in a computenzed environrpent: fluent in MS Word for Windows. - . Escdlent-wntten and verbal communication skills necessary . Fonvard resume. with references. no later than March :6. 1999. to . the attention of: J. R. McLachlan. Clerk . Town of Seaforth '` Main Street South " PO. Box RIO. Seatorth.Ontann NOK) WO • • Phone: 1519) 527-0160 Fag:Only those setected for an interview will -he contacted" • Hensel! i .trict Cooperative is currently ,coking an energetic inJisiJuat :i,' -.further complement our successful team at the Hensel) Location. in the Petroleum Division in the following -position- . • - Petlro$eum Administrator Assistant • This position requires an individual who has excellent inierpersnnal skills -and the ability to ineet deadlines in a nosy office envi A.111c t Joh-responsibilities will mJude•maintaining communications by phone with customer .mJ - perroleum-Jnvers. computer data entry. preparation itrepons using. Word Excel. arid -other software programs as required and .cher general .iccounune ' functions as necessary. . The successful -candidate must he a highly. motivated team player who;'s° has' . the ability to exercise independent judgement - when•neccsiars; Yrestotis 'expenence within an office environment that provides excellent cu,l.=mer- service is ,necessary as well as the willingness to learn new ,kills s background in the -petroleum +ndusiry-would he an asset hut'is ant -, requirement.. Spine lighi•duty physical work will also he necessary - - • • The above, position will he on a 1911 time h, sis Monday•tn Fridas .lith possibility of -occasional overtime. HDC offers a compeunse-.a1an Sind Gall benefit package as per corporate policy.- - - .Please forward your resume resume by mail or fax "to ihe following address in %larch :. 2.6. 1999. We thank all applicants fortheir interest however only those eieBen for an mten•,ew will he contacted. . , ill*ENSALL finnan District(:t Cooperative •. Sttn: Human Resources Coordinator► !STRICT • I Davidson Drive - 0-OPERAT1vE. Hensaf VOM IXO .-Ontario • • In Equal e)pporrunin• Employer ' RECEPTIONIST/SECRETARY The Grey-Bruce-Htir'ort Perth Distnct.li-ealth Ci,unctf : DHC, lookingtor.anoutgotngarid ¢nergettcindividual totill the:"(1 it. -m tuil;ume RecepttonlsUSecretar4l •The DHG is .i busy -irolessti nal office funded by ;he :Ministry of Health: Recepuon dutiesncntde- handling- incoming phone calis. taxes! e-mail .rid reular n:ui:"a sr ll as resolving offtce•guests and assisting •shah 'neehnY arr,uigenca:. -Yec:retanal dunes Include woad processing Ina ptiotoonsme. Because the Receptionist/ Secretary is the first point • 11 . on;:,c: t he DH(f' office. the pgsition requires someone with .i ••ars ;mslusr• attitude and professional telephone demeanor. Me -.,uccessttit 'candidate will also have demonstrated experience :rt ;he (Ise ..1 -re • Microsoit-Off(ce ottware suite. ,speciaiis ,'sVord .Ind.' hittoe{k..r: Windows 95 operating ens'ironlTlent. Other =ninimum reyuireinctns •ncludea high school diploma.inil a v�alid•dnscr 'rccnce 'o .t vehicle tor citfice errands .ts reuuired. The DHC",” ter., . nmpetttn•e salarv,md hlnetits package. • `` i If you enjoy working :eta high energy environment slitrn •f protessionais..please •end sour resume with rcterenc.s \4r. Jim Whaley. Exccutive Director ' Grey Bruce Huron Perth District HealthCount:l 1 P.O. ftnx hi(I ' Mitchell. OMano NOK t NO . - F Lx: 51,1- 1411=97491 . The deadline nit:receipt of -applications 1s March 24. 1999. Ne naps til :nteres)ted applicants in advance hut oily 'hose '.electeu :,it .li. nterview .vill he t:9ntactett. ALL 001llTS•FESTIVAL CITY REALTY LARGE LOT - :n gat :ourse 529.000. - t:,)w pr'ce, Mansel St 'fees- Serviced. 3 ACRE PARCEL - New -P- ••: ` 529.900. SpaningSt. BUY 1 LOT OR MAKE A OEAL -r -rn 2 cis serviced, 56 t '32 ire♦' r . ' ••• saeelta 3r' 333.29 DEEP LOT -"_a* ?• ce 533.000. r F 1 CENTRE ST. = ' ots'S x 10? each lr0 at Sae. txi COLEMAN St.. v'ew of :euntrysxie. GREAT LOCATION - 539.000. 105' x +62 . TOO LARGE PRIVATE LOT RAP AROUND ' NEW 'DECK FOR W2 BATHS/WHIRLPOOL FAMILY ROOM p140 WITH FIREPLACE WITHIN YOUR DREAMS SPECTACULAR VIEW .100 ACRES - 98 ACRES WORKABLE -sIJLLETT TOWNSIi1P - 1x0 ACRES. -,Ouse and barn Al. •,iBBERT TOWNSHIP - 99.113 ACRES. Excellent budding location u1 aaveo •pad. 1 MORE LAND AVAILABLE • 1 HULLETT TOWNSHIP - 150 ACRES. iCIeS HUGE WORKSHOP (vaiiaae. • i,ULL0TT TOWNSHIP - 72.34 ACRES. 1 Another • -325 acres AND BARN ava('la01e• • • ' MULLETT.TOWNSHIP - 174.5 ACRES. --PAVED-ROAD------- •_._.mother- .. . 222 HOUSE DRIVESHED Aa nother 2" available. acres www.coldwellbankerfc.com ALL WE NEED IS YOUR LISTING 9.68 ACRES BARNANORKSHOP. GORGEOUS HOME (' O WHAT A BEAUTY!! A-1 LOCATION NEVA FAMILY ROOM WITH FIREPLACE FOR ' 3 BATHROOMS PNO�O, GOIRGEOUS DEoORAT NG l FULLY SERVICED LAUNDROMAT GORGEOUS LNING f n QUARTERS, OAK KITCHEN & BATHROOM - ZONED C2-1 MANY POSSIBILITIES EXCELLENT INVESTMENT S118,900. FIREPLACE STAINED GLASS WINDOWS COUNTRY SIZE KITCHEN/FRIDGE & STOVE, NEWER SIDING. ABSOLUTELY SPOTLESS NSW KITCHEN • CENTRAL AIR .r car_ GOURMET KITCHEN STAINED GLASS WINDOWS 43 WILSON ST CHARACTER PLUS SPACIOUS GRAND ROOMS SEPARATE DINING ROOM 3.1BEDROOMS FAMILY ROOM • MAIN FLOOR LIVING WE HAVE ALL POINTS COVERED IN HURON AND PERTH COUNTIES