HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1999-03-17, Page 10• 1O -TRE RUBOR EXPOSITOR, March 17, 19011 and Country Fri I NDAY, 1:00 PM CALL C.E. COMING EVENTS AN OPEN HOUSE for Mary Robertson on the occasion of her 90th birthday. will be held et Northside United Church. on Sat. March 27 from 2-4 p m Everyone welcome. CE -11.2 4-.. WORSHIP SERVICE - Lively .music. skits, readings Everyone Welcome -(all denominations and ages). Egmondville United Church. Sun. Mar •21. 7 p.m. Sponsored by _ all the area Churches CE • 11-1 SEE BLUE HORIZON Pools and Spas display a( Suncoast Mall. March 19.!1 featuring pools,. spas and new vinyl fencing tine. or :all 524.9804 for appoint lent.' CE.- x1cc EXERCISE CLASSES with Sue Hannon at Walton Community Halt every Wednesday starting March 24th 'or -'0 weeks. One nour -ow moan/ aerobics starts 9:00 am Gne 'lour stretch and strengthening starts 1015 Pati. ake one session 'or 538 or both for 376. Babysitting available. Pre -register .oy calling Judy 487.6735 Sue 527-1862 it Sam 587-6068. CE:11-1 , REARMS LAW' .nformation Seminar -res. March 30 ' 30 p . Cavan ::hurrh Winthrop. ,.'rearms specialist from OPD _ondon speak. .;how slides and answer questions. To show :our. ,merest please ;all Mike Haan 527-1542. Gail 'Schroeder 527- t 247 • -Soonsored by Community Oriented Policing Gonimittee.; CE -'1-2 :A7 SHOW - Stratford Coliseum .. March 27.28. 10 0-.m,- 5 a.in..Adults 54.00. Chiidrentsentors 32.30 • Breed demonstrations. cat stratifies. and :oltectibles..For more nforma- ;ion call 233-3106. CE -11 x2cc • SINGLES DANCE at Wingham Pcval Canadian Legion. Sunday. March 28. ' "'p.m. Ken Scotts Orchestra: 38 Der person _inch provided CE- -2 YtARCI- S _P!LEPS'e Awareness • Month :haw ;our support by aur- :nasii•y :cffee at -ashy 'vu •Bakery. 'Awn .t. Seaforth :n Friday. -Marsh ? luring -Our :.;ttee tapers urdrarslnq event Cc- =;S-'VAL CI7' SINGLES LANCE Sat. Mar. 20199. Dancing 3.30 :o" Pari aoyal Canadian _axion. 207.. 3t- •'atnck 51. Stratford. 7op. J : :ress code. Couples welcome. me f Jrovlded. nto call 51T-273- '897 :E• 1' x - LATHER M"ARK 'erforming - Lent. Springtime n :he -'eart' St. 'Thomas Angtrcan Church, .Seaforth.. Sat.. Mar. 3-'f99. ' 30 p.m. A free +toil offering aken, GE -1t-2 Come 'o .the 2,inton DACE N -'LRON SHCP- 'or unique 'land - :rafted stems. artwork. nomemade 'oods. -easonao v Jriced. Vendor nquiries •nvded: ' 5 nctdha :t.' 182- '523. CE-11x1cc SOUP ANQ.SALAD _..NCI-. Ned.. March 24. 11:30 - ':30. St. Thomas Anglican_Churcn,, eaforth you :an eat S5.00.. Come and •Jnw,i. 2E-'0x3c MELVIL:.E PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - Time. Treasure and latent Auction. =n. Mara 26.' 999. ?review 5-7 ,.-n.. Auction p. n 3uest Auctioneer -even, MCAner _Jncn booth. CE-'OxJ =LCHRE TOURNAMENT Nanton -'ail; March 11 and 25, 8 a.m. 55.30 per person. Bring own partner. 5'00 )0 •n prizes. .uncn •provid6d. .;E -t0.3 BEEF SUPPER Nartt . -sail. Marcn _" 1 5 p.m. Adults S8:00.. :nildren 5. '2 54.00. 5 and under 'ree. CE -10.2. SEAFORTH TRACTOR Etim'natton Draw. Sal. July 3199. Fol tickets (S'00) please craft 527.1321, fax 527.0983 or wnte PO. Box 886. Seaforth: On. NOK t W0. CE -10-12 HELP PREVENT CHILb; ABUSE - Support the. Teday gear Dream ' Auction. Saturday, April 24th. ti 4nignts JI Columbus Hall, • Goderrch. nckets 525.00 .ncludes oirxr-TE7rastt►rients 7entertetnment - ;820.00 may be claimed 'or taxpur- Dose). 524-2852, 524-4287. 482-• 8777. 237.3857.CE-10x6cc HURON COUNTY Beef Producers' Beef BBC and Dance, Saturday; March 20. BMG Community Centre. Brussels Droner 6.8 p.m. - dance . 8:30.12'30 a.m. Music by Cactus Jam. Tickets • 512.00/person. Contact your local director or Mane Bishop 887.8186.. CE• 10x2cc • . SEAFORTH MINOR SPORTS Bingo every Monday. 1st and 3rd Monday of each • month. S750. Jackpot. 2nd and 4th Monday 51.000. Jackpot. Doors open al 5:30 p.m. Ticket sales 6:30 p.m. S.0.C.C. Lottery license 4M297196. CE -09-1 BINGO Goderich Knights of Columbus. every Thursday, 7 p.m.. Columbus Centre. 390 Parsons Court, 54.400 in prizes. progressive jackpot 51.000; regular lackpot 51.500 must go. Luc. '1157920. First Saturday of every month, 7 p.m.. Columbus Centre, 5500 nave Jackpot, 51,500 , fackpot. • Total prizes 54.600. Lic. 4310858. Super Star Provincial Game every Bingo night CE -06- tfcc MAPLE SYRUP FESTIVAL. Saturday. March 20. 9 a m. - 2 p.m. Sponsored by Hibbert ' United Church ik Spring Valley Products. Staffs. Alf you can .eat pancakes 8 sausages. Adult 56.00. 10 • and under S350. Free horse drawn wagon rides to Sugar Bush :.orated County- Rd. 180 south of. Dublin. Hibbert TWO. Shed. CE- 09x3cc • 1-• 'ARTICLES FOR SALE� REGULAR .CAB LENGTH running board 88-89 GM 'pick-up S50: bug Zeeector 320; 5th wheel trailer hitch Mount S150 Call 345-2407 . -3 - - - • SKLAR SOFA !3 cushions),dove seat and hair.Fotour -. beige with multi fleck 3est otter. Call 233-3296 after .i a m )1.11141 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE -ANTIQUE TABLE 5250.00: 4 press back oak chairs S400 00.pine desk 5150 00. All in good condition. 527• 1123 Of!eavemessage 01-10x3c • MATCHING CHESTERFIELD and chair like new - in excellent condi tion Call 527-2099. 01- t Ox3c EUROPEAN ENTERTAINMENT: and watt Jirds. made in .1940'i to 1950's. Phone 519.523-4533. 01- 09-8 -_ r STAR CHOICE satellite systems. now • with no money down. -Low ' monthtyi payments OAC. Repairs to TV lowers and C Band program- ming. Call .Ontario Country Kable, 519-233-3944 anytime. 01.09x5cc Once in a- Blue Moon you get a really good deal... ONE DAY ONLY! WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31 9 AM -9 PM 4C1earance Hot Tub Models - *Over 44 -Above-Ground .Pools •All -Chemicals *Pool -Heaters •Solar Blankets *Pools & Spa Accessories `Mkt lire 41tea t ta'rgeat sfsat JlioW7,o s. Rti !yule North if 'Ninynam m Hwy. 44 v'NTds • ,,, etta (519) 357-2628 or 1.800.716-8685 -' QPEN:Mon. •i. Jm-o J0 pm:•Sor. 9 am- b leo 060001/47 3r FARMS �1. ARTICLES FOR SALE ABOVE GROUND pod (24' roundl• Large sand filter. includes all neces- sary Items • to operate. excellent. ' condition. Asking 5750.00. Call 519-. 527-2796.O1.10x3c • - FIREWOOD: Dumptruck •toads of hardwood. stabwood and edgings - or blocks. Call R.J. 0ungey and Sons 549-348-8477 01-45x11cc WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS. For your reading pleasure we have available at -'he Huron 'Expositor office eight weekly newspapers: The Mitchell Advocate. The -Clinton News -Record. -he Godench Signal - Star The Lakeshore Advance. ;Zurich), Shoreline News, ;Port Elgin), Kincardine News. Lucknow Sentinel and The Huron Expositor 01=01-ttnxe Annual SPRING PARTS SALE 'Super Savings til Mai. 31 SEAFORTH 519-527-0120 ULCGULT FARE: EQUIPMENT LIMITED "D, HICYCLES r ;PECIALS on new: and used bicy- - :es. Wilt 'ecair Phone 482-5698. - -p-Ilx2cc , `G:RE• eVIR1(LL• .;11PFRS&TR,1ILE:RS) FOR SALE: 1999 Patorntno Cott CH Camper Spacious accommodation J The Huron Expositor's SSIFIEDS C E ,:ominq Events 01 Arocies For Sale 73. Garage!1ard Sale J 4 Ant!eues R An 4A. Crafts A Hobbes 95- :ars kr Sale )6 'racks For -Sale - 7A ='r Sale (;eneral 78 .Vaned 'a Buv 'C Nantes To Rent ▪ D. Bicycles TEL 'Antorcvcles ATVs s Gtr. 7F. Snowmopues Eautnrrent . it Computers. 1/ideos Etc Automotive "? Pets liltltKrtiihilpl!< 11* -1i •'A For Sale General • 18 Wanted To Buy -10. Wanted To Hue . • 1 0 Employment '.Vaned • 1E. nvestock -IF Farm P•opuct ' 1 G. Farm EQutoment • 11-I Farm Serv,ces '.1 J. Farm Lan 'to Farm Real F:Jare Aec- /enicieS• . _, Real Estate For Saie Campers 4 Trauer5%tnpite Homes floats. Motors R 'Aerate `J. Serv,ce P'trts n a'baus `k 'Swimming Prot 6 suooi'es . ' 4 .'acatron P'ooen'es , R-Qr item '7 - - • 7 Apanrrents.For Rq,t '8 Houses For Ben? '9. Rooms Frit -Rent To Rooms & Ooara DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS MONDal" :.(4) z')1 -For other papers Deadline is :MONDAY 11 '',M .till rates plus GST '15 WORDS ilne Week 56.OQ !i weitks ;5 :,- weeks. $5.o0 '•a. .veek.:ldditionat •.vnrd., �0 r•r' 'c r. .. 52.00're.added tt i.,tlling to necessary in Memortams - 36.06 plus :,5 cents per 'int, (Sr-. card ,t'CIranks 4. [ljrth lnnouncements tdditionat wnrd 10 teats - - Wt, ire nso Mie o ; lace '.corn ids n •t,. .. 1;ucknoW ;irnrar ,lacing in id :n The Huron Exposi::-r -acne „r 35 .vrirds-,r .esc, :r. Jnv .of the ,parr ::,i:or- :lon:,i .43 HO . 'or up to six people. features include . "HESE '.E{ICES ARE PRE -;'.11: stove. sink. Tabte..40 e.nest arta cur- .. - -'40 \londav'0 'riche ,i u,J :,1 tains. Asking 55.-300. Oak 519) 348-4606 'or oetaus. 'G-:1 x2nxe HUGE RV SHOW "26TH ANNUAL" Campground .Operators and Associated Suoptiers n Attendance March 1.9, 20...10-9 Sun., March 21...10-5 . Western Fair Grounas. London - Admission: 57 00 • Seniors 52.00 l;ff -rldav On!v For Info: 519-685-1110 VIDEOS. ETC.-,. if \ - OOMPIJTER ,-ACTORY`. Blowout: Amazing .Joe /ear no Payments then' 3.16/week OAC.; 300 'Az parted: Winter, monitor igternet: ottware- and more. ; "'ee scanner. tettvery and setup. • '-400-515- 5545. 38=09x5Cc �l g. PETS ' J FOR SALE: Border Collie X pups. -5 'reeks old. 325,00. Can 3452728: . .0-11.2 "TIRO \ IS, MOTORS & \iARE.\E S 'OUR CANOE ,n need of repairs ' x •s tt time to 'eptace . t? Call Cowan --Canoes 'or-'easonabte .rices on repairs 7n9 -in new •and 'sed canoes 'and kayaks. 519-887- 9342 'r 387-9281. -1-1-.39x4cc 'AA AND PAWS GROOMING . :en'- . ed. gentle 'groomer:-easonable ates: =ats welcome. 3athS. 'laity: .omb-outs. On Highway 21 north of �t Joseph Calf Dianne at 519-236- -770. '0-08xttcc iII:. FARM PRODUCT- 0.n'. FARM sERvI :ICs ti iivim gi mob CUSTOM 1,1Q!JID "MANIJRF. REMOV\L -Vacuum rank l 2 Units 'attitf7�e $ �:*ltilll(1n V REY-:V;RA 1 :..19-3-1;5-.4.)047 . fi-ihari R1 '••'sr1 1 . ._i_... iiiiir� :TRAW "0R SALE. ;ail Seaforth ' :22 -1130:'1F -11x2 11.1. FARM L:1ND i .VANTEO '0 RENT Crop Land tor ':non or'ong :erm Casn or variable Fent. Thone Nott =arms. 482-74.39 ' 1J--)941 Culligan REAL ESTATE LTD. , FARMS LOOK :lfantec • Seato:tr• area. : t,0 -r c v,r,0- seed 'o alfalfa. iv -:rc fear nae r' e, : rte `Aatt '-Laney -- 1 •- 34 ACR FARMS t00 ACRE CASH CROP FARM n Tuckersmn^ Twashrp aith' 90 USTOWEL AREA :c es .ru,kabre Pus -.Kier bock norne 1.,S15379.-.40') a su acre corse 'arm .is15399190 BRUSSELS AREA 9 .Lues ;it53L5..4t1 33 CHALK STREET. NORTH 183 JARViS STREET, SOUTH 5i_9.:.+v. 47 GOUINLOCK STREET '54 MARKET STREET _1st S89 900 38 GODERICN STREET, EAST 78 • 'STREET T 579,900' • UST 579.900! • 2J CENTRE STrSQMONOVILLE., .._It WEST WILLIAM STREET LST 5139.900.! - • UST S89,k0O 207 TOWNSEND ST., CLINTON 40 WEST FRONT ST.. EGWONOVILLE S6 HURON ROAD, HARPURHEV • UST 5139,9VJ' LIST 5199,000 . • UST 589,900 1 - 74 EAST WILLIAM STREET • UST S104.900 • .iv 10 SILVER CREEK CRESCENT LIST 5229.000' 172 JARVIS STREET, SOUTH 73 LONDON RD, EOMONOVI IE • UST 5109,000.1 - • UST 580,900.1 • r 51 BRANTFORD STREET - UST 5105,000.! • 22 YEARS SERVING SEAFORTH & AREA Seaforth Office: 519 / 527-1577 8 Main Street 'MAUREEN NIIDFONG 'PERCY SOMMER 412.3224 546-5604 OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK! 501141911 343-2030 ,y 'SALES 11MRESENTATIVE MLS IitiALTOR MCKiLLOP TOWNSHIP '9 f. .0 s(res _ ,i 5449.L00 MCKILLOP TOWNSHIP '5 acres , ADDITIONAL PROPERTIES SEAFORTH 64 MARKET STREET 32 MAiN STREET. NORTH 126 MILL STREET 79 WEST WILLIAM STREET 55 JARVIS STREET 67 GOUINLOCK STREET 66 ELIZABETH STREET 80 GEORGE STREET. EAST 10 SILVER CREEK CRESCENT 91 1/ EBTWRLTAM STREET'- -- 183 JARVIS 183JARVIS STREET. SOUTH' 132 MILL STREET. 71 JARVIS STREET 24 CENTRE STREET 74 EAST WILLIAM STREET 9 RAILWAY STREET 93 GOOERiCH STREET WEST 'DUPLEXI 165 MAIN STREET. SOUTH 78 JOHN STREET 51 BRANTFORD STREET 47 ANN STREET . 172 JARVIS STREET. SOUTH 169 MAIN STREET. SOUTH 10 WEST.WILLiAM STREET 58 RAILWAY STREET EGMONDViLLE 1 23 CENTRE STREET 3139.900. i 16 EAST BAYFIELD STREET 519.900. 40 WILLIAM STREET . 5189.90b. 32 CENTRE STREET 3154.900. 40 LONDON ROAD 579;900. '3 t 'v N ROAD 589,900. 40 WE:. TONT STREET 5199.000. 569.900. 26 HURON IOAD ‘HARPURHEY =Q.9O(r 3139.900 51.-9 CO'i ay,"ir'J 586 V9.L'J'J s84.1..K/0 :79,900. ;105;000. :159.000. 3109,(r,iv 574. KJU 389.000 339.900. 66 LONL)t 4 ROAD 51,1 9,900 56 HURON ROAD 589,900. j