HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1999-03-17, Page 7THE HURON EXPOSITOR, March 17, 1999-7
Area teens fast to raise funds for food grains bank
Expositor Editor
Twelve area teenagers went
30 hours without .food this
weekend in order to help
provide food to others.
Members of the First
Presbyterian Church Youth
Group took part in a 30 -hour
fast to raise funds for the
Canadian Food Grains Bank:
Thr hank. supported
locally by an inter -church
organisation. works with
• church congregations whose
membership share the duties
o) growing food "on land
• designated for the hank.
More than 2,450 acres of
. land was seeded in• Ontario
last year. From that.and funds
raised by the organisation.
more than 50.000 metric
tonnes of food went to. 24
countries in ,need around the •
world. • ,
\lost recently: 942 metric
tonnes of wheat, oil. corn
- flour beans and lentils was
expected to he shipped to-
-Dominican Republic cur
families- affected by.
•Hurricane George and 6.70(
metric •tonnes of wheat• was
• expected in -Bangladesh fair a
relief and rehabilitation
project for families affected.•
by severe flooding.
Dale Anne McKichan. an
organizer of this year', event,
said the youth group used to
take part in the 30-Hour
-Famine..an•otfiCial program
that raises funds to help
.countries with. similar
However. McKichan said
:they decided to continue with
th.e .concept hut direct it
toward the local Canadian
Foodgrains Bank: that way
the participants could see the
organization they were.
Members of the local food
grains hank shared•slidcs and
information with the group.
.showing them how the
program.has helped other
countries. . .
"They don't just go there
'and leave the food.-
McKichan said. They were
able to sec how other work is
also do'ne on buildings and
tong -trio solution_ s to
problem, encountered.
"it's not just a Bandaid."
she said. "The kids can see
the results."
They gather pledges to he
collected atter•they've gone:
without food for the 30 -hours
and the Canadian
• international, Development
Agency. through the
Canadian Foodgrains.. Bank.
matches the money raised.'
tour to one. for e'cry dollar.
The teen, gathered
together throughout the cast
at the church where they
were ;allowed 1t .ter. fruit
juice, and popsicles::hut-no .
solid toads. = .
McKichan said the first
day usually goes well and the
kids play physical games like
Students from the First Presyterian Youth Group taking part in a 30 -hour fast to raise
funds for the Canadian Food Grains Bank were only allowed to dank bottled water for the
duration. Participating in the front row from left to right are Jill McKichan, Carrie
• Leonhardt, Lindsey Powell and Nicole Binnendyk,` in the middle row,. Craig Nicholson,
Ryan Nicholson and Stephanie Bach and in the backrow, Wade Broome, Ian McKichan,
Mike Dillon, Tim McNaughton and Ryan Powell. HILGENDORFF PHOTO
hall.. hockey but by Saturday.
(they started at- noon un
Friday) they're running out
of energy and good spirits.
They play games. watch
'movies .and scheduled a
practice for the church's
Easter pageant to help pass
the time without food.
They collected about -$500
in pledges' but anyone
-interested in supporting the
students now can still contact
.Jill \icKichan at 482-5762. .
"It's one project that the
kids really; enjoy." said
Men's soccer team meets
to distribute annual awards
A very "Happy St. Patrick\
Day" to all those who are
Irish - and all those who wish
they 1vere' As the famous
Irish Blesstni states:
\lac• the road rise up to
• meet you. slay the wind be
always at s our hack. •
May the sun shine warm
•• upon your face.
Andahe rain tall soft upon
-.Cour field.: -
.And may f4>u :h41iirw,
'Heaven. -- .. - - --- --
A -half an hour before the
devil knows you're dead.
The St. Patrick's Dai
euchre sponsored by the St.
.Colunihan • Soccer
• Association held Friday
evening at the Knights of
Columbus Hall was quite
succes,tul with 14 tables.
,Awards for the most green
went to Nancy O'Reilly -and
Reg Whyte Winners for the
cards included: Bill and Reg
Whyte. John' \lc,agher.
St. Columban
By Mary C. Ryan
Mamie Delaney and Jerome
Murray. -
More than 250 young:
:people have registered for
the upcoming soccer -season
with'the St. Columban Minor
ti ometr Asibdation.
John and -Karen Menheere
have' returned home.
heaUtifully • tanned. -after. a
'visit to the Fort Meyers area
in Florida.
Jackie Cronin. daughter of
Don and Teresa Cronin. is
spending the March break
with Terry and Natalie
Cronin,- and daughters.
Chyenne and Mickaela in
Boring (near Portland).
Frances Mclady visited -in -
Toronto with her son. Dr.
Don Meladt-.
• Recent winners from the St.
Columhan• Euchre Club held
at Dianna', include: Marie
Meagher, Matt Claessens.
Cathy Smith. Russell Smith.
John-Meaghcr, Gail Richt,
Laurie Neubrand and Frank
- Members of "':the Si.'
Columban men's soccer team
met at the home of Tony and
-Stisan Arts.. Htrrpurhev. for
their year end .awards
evening. Most valuahle
.'player award went to•Jim
O'Reilly. Mike Smale «as
awarded hest detcnceman
and Stephen Ryan received
theaward for most dedicated. •
• A family_gathering was
held at the home of Gerry
andKaren Ryan to celebrate.
two birthdays.- Happy.
Birthday to Cecilia Ryan and
Karen Ryan.
Joe�_lind Mary Ellen
Hicknell; Traci. Adam and
Horticulture Society hears
how water garden was built
The first meeting of the
Seaforth. and District
Horticulture Society wa
held March lO at Northside
1 nftcd Church.
Tw enty one members sat
down to a potluck dinner
where. Eleanor Horst
welcomed escr one.
Helen McNaughton. acted
as secretary in the ahsence of
()late Little. Rollcalt was
answered by telling what we
accomplished . oyer the
winter. -
Corrie Mayer was
--:•--�.(urit;,nJS�1_wit_ servrcc
certificate and trophy.
Betty Hulley introduced
our guest speakers: Bili and
.amt' Feitheringham from
Tuckcrsmith_.Township. who
. spoke on the building of their
water gardens. They started
:last June and completed in
three months. sag ing a lot of
money hut working hard
doing.it themselves. The
stones were gathered from
surrounding farms.- Bill
passed -out booklets of the
Huron • Harvest Trail
Directory of which the farm
is a part.
A director's meeting .was
held in Februaryat Eleanor
Horst's home. eg Delong
and Nancy . Kale are our
contact persons for the
plowing match. We are
having a hroth at the Home
and Garden S11low. on April 7
-and 8 and a plant sale on
May 8. The annual meeting
will he held in Ayton.
sponsored by Neustadt on
April 24 :\ rc_i.strauon tee
of S12 i, to he sent in thv
April 15, The convention is
June -I I, .l2. l _3 in'
Collins woxxl and registration
Allan Carter, Broker
• Home • Auto
• Commercial
• Farm
522-0399 Seaforth
1-800-265-0959 Strathroy
is to be in by May 10.
The O.H.A. is selling a
-pink tulip for the year 2(100.
Orders are to be in before the
Township of Hullett
Notice to
are available for sale at
the Municipal Office.
If purchased after
March 31, 1999, an
additional charge of
510.00 will apply.
Do you have questions or
concems about how your
child talks?
Would your child
benefit from a speech
Hteco-Pa th Preschool assessment?
Speechltarguage lruoabve
CALL 273-2222
and ask for small TALK
kat. -'1 \IL\ 1
l )ilk -I It )I'
It's a fart in today's world -
more and more women are
taking dtarge of thew finances.
Are you ready to join their
ranks? It set, we re offering an
educational workshop you
won't want to mss.
This workshop week prng am will
pmvodr you With tore rtmdwrn{ital
m(orritation you need to take charge
of your own fnandat future. ;The
workshop is free but Tare is limited.
S. please call today. -
March 18, 1999
t mr.ts,: 7:00-9:00 p.m.
1 Date's):
a Plaeals): 79 Ontario Road,
Call (519) 348-9873 to resenie
a seat.
Joe Waite
79 Ontario Road
Mitchell, Ontario
Serving Individual Investors
'.....c -..dmfs corn .Weer Ove
Automotive Repair
"Class A Mechanic"
Sewiee eedette
® S27-0881
24 Goderich St. E. Seaton a
St. Columban
Minor Soccer
would like to express
appreciation to the following
for door prizes donated to
our Euchre Party!
A(oette (Ann Cronin)
-Total Image II
New Wave
Sparky's Restaurant
Seaforth Jewellers
Archie's Service Centre
Ceramics by Linda O'Rourke
Also thank you to, the
parents that donated
.lunch and to everyone
that came out and made
our evening a success.
t Services
You are Witted to atter
these area. churches
You are invited attend
area churches
St. Thomas
Anglican Church
Jarvis St. Seaforth
Rev. Robert Hiscox
Sunday March 21 s'
Service of
.Holy Communion
at 9:30 a.m.
(Winthrop) 9:30 a.m. &
{Godench SI.. Seaforth) 11 00 a m.
Minster. Rev. Jane Kuepler
Muffins and Coffee at Northside 10 00
Sunday School dung services.
nursery provided.
First Presbyterian
Godench SI: W. Seaforth
1115 AM •
Sunday School - dunng church
Minister Rev. Nicholas Vandenney
Bethel Bible Church
An Associated Gospel Church
Meeting at Seaforth High
9:45 a.m. Bible School
11:00 Worship ,
Small Group Meetings Weekly
Pastor Doug Corriveau 522-0070
Catholic Church
. Masses
Victoria St., Seaforth
Saturday - 5:15. -urn
St. James Parish, Seatonh
Saturbay :7.15 pry?
St. Joseph's Patti►h,Cuntoa
Sunday - 9:00 am
St: Michaers Parish. Blyth
Sunday - 11:00"am
St. James Parish. Seaforth
Father Dino Salvador
We'II (OO1iflUQlo look
atter your.eIeUriuty. Deeds.
As a retail customer who is served by. Ontario Hydro,
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We're pleased to welcome you as a customer and we'll
continue to keep you informed as the industry evolves. And
as always, you can reach us at our Customer Communications
Centre. 1-888-664-9376. for any billing or service enquiry.
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