HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1999-03-17, Page 2$-THE HURON EXPOSITOR, March 17, 1999
will have
one site
in counties,
will have
to drive
Expositor Staff
Summer school _ will only
be offered at one. site at
Mitchell District High
School this year, opposed to
the five -.sites in Huron and
Perth Counties last year and
transportation will no longer
be provided.
"The bottom line is there is
no money. A lot of hoards
don't offer summer school at
all." superintendent Marjatta
Longston told the Avon.
Maitland District School
Board at last week's meeting.
"Parents really .interested in
summer school will find
ways of getting their children
there," she said.
"I sec this as a way of
phasing it (summer school)
out," said trustee. Vicki
Culbert. after asking if it
couldn't possibly be held at
one site in each county to
reduce travelling time for
Education director Lorne
Rachlis said he would share
information between
students to try and encourage
students from the same arca
to ride together.
The summer school
program will also be limited
to remedial credit courses in
math and English grades 9-
12 for students have failed
and wish to upgrade their
New -credit courses, such
as computer studies and non-
credit courses such as
English as a Second
Language. computer camp
and -babysitting. which were
offered last year, will no
longer be an option unless a
principal can do so "on a
cost -recovery -basis." Also,
no elementary courses in
math or English Will he
offered and a minimum glass
size of 16 students will be
required. ,
However. a recent
announcement by the
Ministry of Education and
Training that $10 million
will bc'avaitablc for summer
school may cause the board
to "revisit" some of its
decisions. said Longston.
Ken, Sylvia'and Silver Parsons.
Board now manages
Resource Centres
Expositor Staff
The Avon Maitland District -School Board is now managing
three of the five Huron Employment Resource Centres in Exeter.
Goderich and Wingham. Susan McKee. coordinator of the
lifelong learners program, told the board last week . .
"It's really exciting to be able to offer a comprehensive
program to adults. We've been able -to Offer parts before but not
the whole package." she said.• •
She said adults can walk into a centre and receive a whole
continuum of programs. from an initial needs assessement to
finishing grade 12 to training in computer literacy and_
employability skills to job hanks and help finding a job.. -
"Managing these centres is very congruent with the board's
philosophy of lifelong learning." she said.. .
McKee said she's excited that the board will he able to help the
43 per cent of the working population in Huron County which
does not h•e a grade.12 education receive the training they need
to find keep employment. 7
"Over 80 per cent of the adults coming. out of HERC centres
are finding and keeping work," she said.
* While managing the centres creates no cost to the board.
McKee said it is too soon to know if it will do more than break
even with the one-year contract.
'The seven partners that form the Huron Employment Resource
Centre (HERO) include the Avon Maitland board, the Huron
Business Development Centre, the Huron Employment Liaison
Program, Conestoga Coltege.Jtuan-tounty, Ministry•of
Community and Social. Services and Human Resources
Development Canada „The partnership has existed for 15 years.
"The partnership has been very responsive to the grassroots
needs of the communities and has brought the level of programs
available in cities here in a cost-effet:tive way." she said.
"It's a very leading edge program and the first of its kind across
the country,' she added.
In Clinton the employment centre will continue to he
managed by the Huron Employment Liaison Program and in
Seaforth, it will continue to he managed by the Huron,Business
Development Centre.
In Goderich and Exeter, the NERC centres will remain at their
present sites but in Wingham, the HERC centre may move from
the Wingham Chamber of Commerce to F.E. Madill Secondary
McKee said a.series of public meetings wilt be held in northern
Huron County to consult the public about a variety of adult
learning issues.
Hospital teams help show
strength of Seaforth facility
FROM Page 1
were suggestions. rather than
Williams said hospitals
sometimes wait until they
know the • accrcdiation
process is going to take place
and engage in a "mad flurry"
of activity to make sure
everything is in good shape
when the accreditors arrive.
But he said in Scaforth's
case. they have teams already
in place to look after. the
_specific areas of the hospital
that come under accreditation
review. •
"The reason I think were
so successful is they realize
the Teams we have. have been
in place for quite some time."
he said.
The report arrived early
this month and the hospital's
teams have allready been
reviewing the information
and looking at how to
Andrew Williams
follow-up on the suggestions.
Suggestions include minor
improvements to
communications of
information regarding
patients between staff.
Another big part of the
accreditation process is a
look at recommendations
from the past accreditation. It
takes place every three years
and. when recommendations
are made. the next time the
hospital. is reviewed. the
• accreditation team takes a -
close look at how well the
past recommendations were
"They surveyors we had
were very pleased with how
we • handledthe past
recommendations." Williams
He said the repon is good
"tor th-e-ntganizatton ant-the—
community. Patients and
members of ,the community •
are also consulted as part of
the review. .
"I think it's a strong vote
of confidence in what the
hospital is.doing," he said,
Scaforth's next full survey
of the hospital will take place
in 2001.
Two public school board staff salaries
top the $100,000 public sector list
The Avon Maitland District
School Board announced the
salaries of its two employees
making more than $100,000
a year last night , as required
under the Public Sector
Salary Disclosure Act.
Associate director of
education John Patterson
was reported to have made
S101,435.38 in salary in
1998 with taxable benefits of
John Carter. a secondary
school teacher and
coordinator of the
continuing education
program, was reported to
have made $124,173.85 in
1998 with taxable benefits of
"Mr. Carter is at the top of
his salary grid and does a
whole host of other things as
well," said education
director Lome Rachlis.
The information has been
filed with the Ministry of
Education and Training and
the Ministry of Finance for
an official Ontario
publication to he released
April 1.
Silver treated
like gold
the teeth were showing.
Silver almost bit that guy. 1.
never really worried much '
about Mom being at home
atone when I was on the road
after that." says Ken.
, A pampered pooch. Silver
has always refused dog food
andeats whatever her owners
eat. Now that she's ,trucking
with Ken, her dict consists
mostly of McDonald's fries
and hamburgers. But on days
when a visit with Sylvia is
scheduled. the dog won't eat
until after she's seen her
Ken plans to continue
hringing.Silvcr to visit his
mother when she moves to
Ritz Lutheran Villa in
Mitchell this week.
"I treat this dog_ like gold. -
says Ken- "I don't like to
think where Mom would he
without her,now."
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Township of Tuckersmith
To all Residences of the Township of
Please be advised that effective March 19,
1999, the Municipal Office will be relocated to
the Town of Seaforth Municipal Office. The
Municipal mail box will be relocated to the
Recreation Centre.
The new Phone Number will be 527-1997.
For additional information contact
J.R. McLachlan
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