The Huron Expositor, 1999-03-03, Page 5from page 4
THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Much 3, 19911-41
Taylor was one of Canada's great builders Electronics stolen from Radio Shack
intensive husiness; and the'
government would lose a lot
of tax dollars if the racing
industry failed.
i remember an amsuing inci-
dent that showed a side lir Mr.
Taylor few people ever
was holidaying on
Bahama with Jami, .
Patrick. Mr. Taylin ' J
asked if.I in
Nassau. When I explained that
1' couldn'1'leave the. boys
alone. He said. "Well -then. 1'll
come and see ,you." "I have
just acquired anew. DH -125.
jet .and it. will be a good- way
to•oheck it out;" 1 picked, him
up at the airport and he took
me to the posh Grand Bahama
Club for lunch;-
• The rental cars in Freeport
in those days were small. and
get washed only when it rains.
Picture the six foot three
frame of Mr. Taylor in the
front seat. H;s legs' are hent
and his -knees are about even
with •his chin. He doesn't
'complain. It's mid afternoon.
and we arc returning .him to
his plane. Jamie and Patrick
are in the back seat. •
As we drive to.the airport he
asks 'a question "that at first 1
didn't understand...looking at
me quite seriously he, -asks.
"Clare. what arc stick?" He
then explained as he was lcav-.
ing home his granddaughter.
Said.' "If .you are in Freeport
see if you can find sticks for
me." When he told me. "She
is always listening fo`the;
music the kids today like". 1
.suggested she probably meant
•a musical group called Styx. i
drove to the music store. and
Mr. Taylor. steps sharply up to
(he:countcr, Looking noncha-
• lant and •muS(c wis, he asks.
Do you.have Styx?" The
young Iadv .clerk replies: "Yes.
we have. tivc in stuck. which
one would yOu like." He looks
quizzically at me...and 1 ask
the clerk how much they cost.
When he hears they are $801)0
each he says•"1'11 take all
.. I could tell he was proud. A
man who has spent countless
millions buying !companies is
now dearly holding a.prccious
hag of tapes for his grand-
daughter. As we continue the
drive to the airport he Io oks at
the hag then at me.. With a
smile and a took of great saris
faction. he holds them tight to
chest. and says only.
"Styx." I'm sure the look on
his granddaughter's favc will
give him pleasure and pride
about equal to winning the
Queen's Plate.
The chairman .of the hoard
of the Metro Y.M_C.A. was
Jack Ackroyd. chief of police.
1 served on the committee
raising money fora a new
building to replace the central
."Y" on College Street. Jack
called one day and asked;
"What the hell did you do to
E.P. Taylor?". When 1 asked
• why he said, "He -sent us.a big -
cheque witha note saying
only...don't bother with a
Meeting. and we don't 'know
what it means." I told Jack
that I knew Mr. Tavlorhated
to attend meetings where he
would he asked to donate
money, so I wrote him a letter
to Nassau. I simply said you
and I would like to meet with
him the•"next time heis in
Toronto.•to discuss what he
might give to help build the
new Central YMCA ..1 was
pretty sure he would send you
a cheque to get out of.attend-
ing a meeting. . -
The last time i met with him_
we were again in the study in'
the Lyford Cay House. -He
talkedabout his family: He
was very proud ofhis 'on
Genealogists meet tonight
Charles who had been a corre-
spondent in China for the
Globe and Mail and was the
first Western newsman to he
allowed into the country in the
days of Mao Tsc-Tung. As
--usual he asked about my I'ami-
ly - and especially about.
Patrick. -
He shut the den door and
said...."I haven't said anything
to anyone- not even to my
wife Win._or others in the
family. but 1 am somewhat
afraid." "In the.past month on
two or three occasions 1 -felt
quite confused. -..I'm tine until
about noon and suddenly 1 am
disoriented." "Once or twice 1
became quite frightened lir I
could not rcmemher my
pame...1 would lie down for a
couple of hours - and 1 would
he tine again w hen 1 got up."
I tried. to pass it off jokingly
saying that sometimes I had
trouble remembering things
and it -was like I\ stress or sim-
ply being 0' ort i r e tl. i didn't
tell him that I h.1d gone
through exactly the same
thing with my• mother and
although. Fdidn't recognize it
at the time it foretold of what
was ti) come. i spoke to his
son 'Charles on the phone a
coupleof times after that visit
hut I rte\ cr did see Mr. Taylor
again. I know' he suffered.a
tong (jibe. - • . • -
He; had an outstanding life
and • was one. •o►f the great
builders of Canada. He did not
inherit wealth.'his father. who
had been a sharpshooter in the
northwest rebellion in 1 885
leftt him' only S12.225. in the
early `1940s his work as a
"dollar-:-year-man" in sap --
port of the sear e1tort wais.out-
u-standingHe. was personalh
appointed -by Churchill to
head up Britain's Wartime
agency purchasing vital sup-
plies in North America. Oil
returning to Canada in 194(
he was rescued from a lifeboat
about two hundred miles oft
to discuss 1842 assessment the Irish coast. -A Gerrhan sub-
marine sent his sh to the hot -
information. contact the Local .tom and .he was• in'the icy
president Pat Saundercock in water -for nine hours before
Clinton at 482-9650. being rescued.
Huron rolls now
on the internet
Looking for your ancestors'.
The . Huron Branch of the
Ontario► Genealogical Society .
(OGS) may •he able to help in
your search tiir family history.
The Huron OGS group
meets tonight Wednesday.
March 3rd at 7:30PM at the
Huron County Museum and
the topic for the meeting \.e
'be the 1842 Assessment Rolls.
For .mord than 15 ,years the
—HuronyOGS has Worked to_
collect a vast 'wealth of
information about people who
were born; lived and died in
Huron -County. The group has
more than 400 members.
including•more than 60 Local
Members who work • to
compile. and maintain the
records which.are stored -at the
Huron County • Pioneer
The group.offers open hours.
at the. log house on the
museum grounds when people
can • come in and search
through the records.
As well. .last year the Huron
OGS undertook a .significant
project when they compiled'
the 1842 assessment rolls for
. the Huron District. -
Patrick Rourke. a Goderich
high school student was hired
w completethe project and to
create' Si -wcbssiiiic..;`for : thc .
_ .intimation
The 1842 Huron Assessment
records the names of people •
who lived in:the arca now
known as Huron .County.
excluding thc townships in the
. north. which at that time were
still part of the Queen's Bush.
However the roles do include
areas cast to Stratford
including Ellis. Downie.
Logan. Hihhcrt and East •
Southhope, and the Middlesex
municipalities of McGillvray,
Williams and Biddulph.
projects that the Huron OGS
has completed.
The active group meets nine
times a year on the first
Wednesday oY each month,
ana has guest speakers. and
special topics at each meeting. .
Upcoming meetings this
year .will feature other
interesting topics. such as -
history of the, House of
Refuge (now Hur nviewa and
war brides.
For more information about
the Huron OGS. meeting
times and family search
He was one of the most suc-
cessful Canadian industrialists
of his generation and a gentle-
man of the old scho ol...1 was
so privileged to have known
him and honoured•to have
been a passing friend...l-was
the small town fellow from
Seaforth anti he wasthe multi-
millionaire...yet he always
treated me as.if f was more
important than he: 1 cherish a
beautiful hook nn horse racing
,hc gave.'s inscribed "To
my friend Clare" and simply
signed. "Eddie."
The Huron OPP report that on February 25.ibe owner of
.. Nifty Comers Radio Shack. Main Street. Scaforth. reported
the theft of electronic equipment. Sometime between 8:30 and
8:45p.m. that night a: man walked out of the store with two _
items under his coat. The store clerk working at the time
became prco>scupied with other customers and saw the man
leaving the store. Checking the shell' arra the two items were-
discvered to he missing from the shelf. Stolen was a Cantel
Mitsubichu Model AH270 cell phone and a Realistic Pro 63
.portable scanner.
The suspect in this case is .described as a•niale approximate
ly 41) years of age. who is 6' I" tall -weighing 180 pounds, hav-
ing light .colored hair.. wearing a brown leather waist length
jacket with brown pants and brown deck shoes. Anyone who..
has information on this theft is asked to call the Huron OPP or •
contact Crimestoppers
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