HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-4-23, Page 5••.•
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TficURSDAIrr AP rd.0
e F '
., '11,1.Hensall-_--
., .
,.....,.......,.... ... , =
Are you Dissatisfied? Do T
ou want a Betteeter rainng
''' ' I H
to command a Bigger Salary,?:, vc.7.p.te:to:.,
. , 11:111v1i.,,r2runpaFair! motored to Kit -
The '''School of Cornmerce Cook Bros, have•perchased a new
, EsseX light-sik coach
Clinton, ,• -Ontario .. ! ..: qWig?' aaVinaer'svgalF•eotrdi-124ukPirel ilas 13111-
'. ' -
DAILY BY TRAIN ' ' ' - ••
Mr. Stewart of London, was in
„ town 'Tuesday on bilainess• -
EXTRA TUITION GIVEN BECAUSE OF $HORT SCHo91_, DAY Mr. MacDougall has purchased a
e Chevrolet car from J McDonell.
' Stenographic -= Com.rnercial ecretarial Mrs. McLean of KipPen, is 'Visiting
her sister,lVlisa .Tane Karr this week.
Special Courses , •- Mrs. Ferguson, of Calgary is vis
• •
• • ••,-_ F. WARD, B
• . • iting relatives in and around Hen-
. . . B . .A., • •
• ,V,Ice Principal , • ,.rrinciPal Miss Edith lVicEwan of Kitchener
..• Students May Enter at Any,'•' iS visiting her Mater on the London
Road, ,
INSURANCE POLICY Mr. Jack Reid of London visited Mr, Garnet Case was in Toronto
• . at his home in town oft Saturday. Saturday and brought back a neW
. "You make Me so angry, storm-
. Star car.
Mrs. R. Bullaitl left recently 'for
ed Mrs. Ragson, 'Tatters after tb.e Buffalo where she, rwill visit for
company had left. "Why do you in-
• sist on sitting .on the piano stool all
evening?" •-nEverybody knows you • The U. F. 0,•'egg pool, has opened
can't. play, aenote.'.' . "Neither. can 11P for business. aad will have its
any bedY else play while I'm sittin' 'headquarters at Mr, E. Rennie's
• there." explained R,agson placidly. grocery store. •„Patrens may bring
their eggs in any time, that the store
• is open.
Henson scholars ,who. are attend -
Mg school but, ;of town, and who
• have been home for the .holidays,
• returned to. their • respective places
of education, on Monday. A half
• dozen smallchildren carried their
slate and book., to aehool, for the
first time on Monday morning last,
_A- baseball meeting wits held on,
• Monday evening and' ft was decided
to get in tcitich• With teams in some
of the • neighboring et,OwnS and try
to form a south grouP -in the Huron
• County League. Any teams wishing
to enter will .; pieese ;write , to Mr. S.
Ronnie, Hellion, at, onee. •
1Vir. awl IVIrs.. Albert 'Whiteside
and family left, Wednesday for their
new home in;Goderich. • Mr. White-
• side's position as a -member of the
Prov. Police and also„High Constable
• for Huron Co., ,.makes ,it, necessary
for him to make his headquarters
at Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. White-
side are both long residents of Hen -
a11 benmissed here. Mr.
Thos. -Palmer accetiaptinied them and
Will spend Some linie • witch, them at
Goderich. • 1 •
• ' ' .
.. ,
Now' ..itoof
for a ;dwelling house pit- on
• the -Galt steel shingle. Meg()
shingles Are Made and gal-
vanized as' 'they' should be.'
For a barn 'put on the Galt
high grade -corrugoted steel
sheets-, if, you want a roof
made and; ,golvenized as it
should be.„' .- '
Pure copper ' lightning rods
and abovenroofing a specialty.
• APPLY TO '• •
John.Elder, Hensall .
' Phone, No. 1 -
. ,
• Asphalt Shingles „
Hardwood flooringlaid
.-. and 'Polished ' ,
Altera -tions and New Work'.
Promptly'attended to.
- ”
- ,,.,.... , .
. . ..
- -
Hensall Tile Brick
• ,. • .„
and. Bleck Yard -
Cement, .flydrated Lillie,
• Jiard. Wall Plaster and
Gyproc,,Wall.Board -7--
A,..:111{IVED, Ar,.?9,9_,.IWis.c0D, SEC-
pNivArAND (Biciplat4INF-pp431-
kaYht,PgAccErs8onti '. 41' AkE
7-k.W6WVELANI? qpT ppEcT.:412.
i•,:‘,:'4.'X'; $c .., ' .,1-:,,'-', 0 r.'*;..!,P4,-i:
_ .
--,-- - - -. nicine. 7 .. ,
, ..
I) P ..,. Ar. MOIR, L.' NU:0:C: 1
,.+•, PurstcrAN AND STJAGEON I
.* i.
Phone 70 ' • : .."HENSALL
-•, •
' .DR. .11. W. PECK
Oh -actuate' Of Faculty of Medicine,
McGill tniyersity, ,Montreale Mem-
ber 'of College -of PhysicianS and
$urgeons of Ontario; Licentiate 'of
Medical Connell of Canada; Peet
.Grad.ttote Menlber of, Resident Med-
Ical stoff of 'General Hospital, IVIont-
eal, 1914-15; Office a door east
eif Post 'Office. Phone 55,, Hermann
Ontario. - , .
• . •,
alti) 11111,__
OSCAR 'gtiorp , it9clitilis • Parents evq.t.P1124a)r',V...10Vi .ehurch.aal
' IY1,1,411,'111:47 Aleitda7 choir gaVe a
4 "' • riatter,'GAduate OareY oerwent:"•eenetera:teelY,`"1.‘er 'erve7' eeleetion attd,, MISS , gaiicy Necita-
, setto'n Soli:Opt!. Special: CoUrse take% ik cit4AAi'';OF,Oisafc'f.tftPK,;r94.34',ned; to. 'hee, tioh. uepote 'enbine ale tbiforos
nreeds0 home lai,ft,,,eeeek, 8110 id recoVering departmente" the ehurc,h wi
vioduitinispi.;e!S.eni;'""Estnte,,.e'ellnifin • giiren and all were verY SablafactOrY..
,8ales7 ' 'Rates , )(it Miss • Mande, 114i,ilar .of,,LondkriTor- Aftcr. the business eeting„tje
Trovailing pieces, Setlefactienv, sehtier,IWIto yidirting at lades$ set -Yeti lundh. A.II Present
•tired Write Oar KloP1TI Oirielt; or her IMMO, 'returned to her iltUdieS had a tory Interesting and enjOyab18.
•,Yri.rei 1848, Zurich.• • thil8 "Vveek.' • time.
, The death,:bccurrednin- Ifensall ou
Thursday Morning last of liars. Jos.
Ellis aged 75 -years: : Mth. Ellie
has been. pcior" health' fOr the last
two, ,years for the p,oat four„or
fffeel'itiiionthee'llae resufferedl severelk.
She was- born .4ft. the, Province of
Quebec, her maiden 'Wile being
Jane T. Gliders. She was married,
to the late Mr. EMS `51• years ago
last Noyemher arid than been a 'eoli-
th:moil's reSidefit •?o,e'lleneill for 38'
years, Mr,. „Epist,„predeceased her
some, fifteen Years:" The deceased
always took a.itiee pareln church
work and was a1/4,genxi neighbor -and
friend and will Ife`"greatly.lnissed by
her sorrowing family and friends.
She leaves to mourn her. loss, two
daughters, Mrs. Fred Sniallacombe,
of Ghelph. and Miss Mattie at hoine,
also three sisters -And ttierbrothers;
Mrs.- RhynheaktSaAd Mrs,: HorneY, Of
BinsCorth, Man.,. Mrs. ;:Millian, • of
Goderich,; William:Y. of 111,eledo .and
Fletcher, of Goderich. eAtie funeral
service was.-4,04ducted- 14. Bev, `.A.
Sinclair, assisted by ReyelDr. Flet-
ohern took place Saturdnyk afternoon
and was largery'attendedi•-interinent
at Henson tilion'•tcemetery. Ameing
those who attended the-htteral from
'a distance •Were lilre4Pred: Smal•la-
eombe, Jr., .ot.Gnelph;„ Mr. and Mrs.
Johns and Mrs. DOifieldi Of Detroit;
Mrs.'lloberte;'-of 'Gude-rink and 'Mrs.
Legg, of St..:crarYs:
A children's choir led the singing
in • the Methodist church ...Sunday
morning. •• .
Mrs. John Gray, of Toronto, • is
Visiting friends and relatives in town
this week., „
Mr. Tho. Kyle of the London
Road, North has porchased ,a, new
Maxwell coach.
leir. R. E. Cook, returned to To-
ronto on Monday accompanied by
Mr.. Lorne Zuefle. • •
The students of the continuation
school are this Week; writing on their
Easter examinations.
The may friends of Mr. Sam'l
Stacey are pleased to hear that he
is somewhat improved:
Mr. R. E. Cook and Mf. Lorne
Zuefle viSited over the week -end
with relatives in Toronto.
Mr. Wm, Craig' is improving the
apearance of his home by putting a
lawn in front of the house.
Mrs...German of Wingham, spent
the week -end, the- guest of her dau-
ghter, Mrs. (Rev.) Sinclair,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Murch of
Toronto' were recent visitors. with
Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Sinclair.
The Young People's League of
Chiseehurit are planning to redecor-
ate' the interior of the church.'
Mr. Allan Soldan left on Tuesday
for Tavistock, where he has taken a
position in the Standard Bank.
e Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hemphill and
family have moved into their new
dwelling east of the post office.
Mr. Earl Drummond is wearing a
broad smile these days due to • the
arrival of a baby girl at his home.
Stone,, Jr., 'returned ta
Detroit On--Monday.after spendihg.a
• couple .of weeks at his home here,
The annual district meeting of the
Exeter" District Methodist church
will be held in Crediton on May 12.
• Mr. Sid McArthur, who is under
the doctor's care at London, paid a
urNdaeyx.t sund,pi,y.
short visit to his home here on Sat -
Rev. Sinclair's sub-
jects -will be: 11 a.m:•—"Paul in a
basket;", 7 p.m.. ---"The Golden
' Rev. and Mrs. Townsend, of Til-
bury and Miss Townsend of Moose
Jaw, visited with the Messrs and
Miss Craig. nennot
Mr. Emerson Knipe has purchas-
ed from Mr. Lad McEwen his Star
coupe. Mr. MeEwen intends pnr-
„Chasing another new car.
The stores Will close on Wednes-
day afternoOns during the 4summer
months this year. Stores will be
open on Tuesday evenings: -
•• A mass meeting of the Salvation
Army will be hel,L1 -the 'rown Hall
here on Thtirsday evening. A lec-
ture on "The Underworld” will' be
given by Commandant H. A. Hurd.
-• At a'meetingof the Bible Society
'held reeently in the town' hall -Mr.
J. W. Ortweiii, the president, was
elected a delegate to attend a con-
vention to be held ,in London on
April 20th.,
Mr. Ross Millar; -of Windsor, vis-
ithd in town the.latter.part of last
week, returning -home on Saturday
accompanied by his, mother, Mrs. J.
Millar, who has been visiting here
for some time. '
• "a• hi, -
ViorL• ;,F -Cheibbv formerly of
4tid ' '
Staffa, passecletawey, , denly in the
Ontario GoVeral •1414pital, _London,
on Good', Vriday afternoon and , the
remains wereeeonveyed, to staffa on
Saturday. EutieraI'- serVices were
conituCted by Rev. H. Naylor, rector
of Grace Anglican Church4 Staffa,
T4e, many friends offnMies Beryl
133114, The hc9rfr-li41,1a ?alr9At
VrgslitOrl l'Ar& eilecised vtro ,her in
•the faMily ,e"r
etdiy al"Mill! town- 'again: She ts•' telleving Miss
• Ratile'e, !who
ire • e...„?
- . was taken in•a Week agoeanti;xeniovo,
atliefilienne tin ,PaisleY '
" 'sow' 1 Pi
CHISEL me,in atiteindeel,, concert, (wee p •
on -in the town hail on Friday 'efeeia-
e iss'' Belle„.13tintnell of Stratford _
. last by St. Marks dramatic
visited , over Easter- with her Par- mg
Club Of London. The entertainers
tnese Ronald .,Brint-,
eicecuted theii; serious roles' hi a
nee;-te4..';°*• Very creditable manner. and the play
"Mr. OrkpnceeeSti e.ed ,of ondon
visited Vi e -t& -over Easter.
,e•t;: wee much enjoyed.
In view of the approaching Do -
At the,4:nual Epworth 'League
nninion election nome activity be -
meeting tbV. officers elected for the/
11110" shown in political circles here.
coming year are •atnfollOws: ist. Vice
Presidents,,Maliel..PlirtlYe; Mrs. WI•o;• meeting of the executive of the
Cod_ Liberale-of South Huron was held
leybus;, 2nd ,ViceeBres,, Gordon
more, avioriei,x4srai vioe-Pres,, Wednesday •afternoon of last week
Helen., Millar?, Mrs.....ThOS Harris; to Set the date for a Liberal conven-
tion. The names of Thomas 1VieMii-
4th •Vice;Pree:,' 'Mieir.'"Itaney, Lloyd.
lan and -Dr. Shaw are bemg prom -
Horton;, ; "See'y,',:,Edgar Cudraore;
Treas., Sohn Tremeer; Organist, inentlY mentioned as the candidates.
Pearl Iiarels; 'set. organist; Ida The lecture and lantern slides on
Slavin;I: Floral ca,th., Edna Brinteell Cheng Ttt, China ,• given by Rev. F.
Florence.VelinOte,,,james Wilkinson. E. Clysdale"in the Methodist chttreli
,, • • Tuesday eVening was very well at-
, nultlh'er of t fetr1Pers In his tended. A piano trio was given by
viethity ere_I-IlirOugh seeding, Mostly 1VIISses Medd, .Dignan and Nfedd and
all will finish 'this week,
the horieS, '
weather has teen ideal this year for
The a trio by Misses B.ussell end Mr:
Ilboyeregitrd Digtian. Vere all g1et1y e1
Dick -Wilkinson of•Inecon Vise ••
congregationdi Ineetitigio•NAS
• , . ' „ , , ,
Dr. IL Cowen, L. D. S.
D. S.
• orn.Tiat SURGEON
At McCorMielt'e. pluck, ,uriehreverY
• Thursday and SaterdaY.
Hattleib'e Block Danhwood, OHL,
Mrs. Miller has „returned after
spending the winter with he daugh-
at Woodbridge. • ' .
' Miss .Alice .11offinne spent the
Week -end At Grand 13ewl. 4
MrS-. C. Guenther has • returned
after visiting, a few weeks Wind-
., .
Dr. Taylor was called to London
this week owing to the illness of
his mother,
1Viiss Ferrol Hartleib of Landon
spent the week -end with her par-
ents. •
Mrs. Rhode of Usborne is 'visit-
ing in this vicinity. ,
Mr. C. Stephan has moved into
the house he recently purchased
from Mr. J. K.Ehlers.
Miss Inez treery of Sydenham is
spending the holidays at her home
rieren.; John Fo
Mt: iler, on Dungannon,
is spending a few days with his bro-
ther, Mr. Fred' Fowler.
Miss Vinetta Routly- is visiting
wanhsahuer cousin Eleanor Skinner of
Mise ,• Lorene Stevenson • of De-
vizes is spending a few days with
her cousin Ina• Jacques.
The many friends of Mrs. Frank
Brock were 'Sorry to hear of laer ser-
ious operation in London, but are
pleased ,to know that she is doing
Mr. and Mrs J. Wilson, of Toron-
to, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bayley, of Lon-
don and Mr. alit Mrs. Patriek and
Helen; of Windsor spent the week-
end with Mrs. M. Heywood. -
The funeral of the late Mrs. Hind
took place on Friday afternoon to
Eliniyille cemetery. She is surviv-
ed by one son and three daeghters,
John, of Exeter; Mrs. G. pollen, of
St. Marys; Mrs. T. Baker, of Exeter
and Mrs. L. Fletcher, of Usborne
who mourn the,, loss of a kind and
loving mother.,
Mr. Cecil Comm is confined to his
room, ewing to,an attack of the la
Mr.and ,Mrs. Joseph Rim], visited
*ith litire-und Mrs. Freeman ArkseY,
of Whalen On Monday, '
Mr. Frank Lingard spent the
week -end in. St. Marys.
Mr. and Mrs: Delbert Morley of
Granion.spenunday -with the for-
mers parents; -Mr.-and Mrs. John
Morley. .,-••
Miss Hannah Rinn returned home
on Sunday after attending a patient
in Victoria Hospital for a couple of
weeks. • .
We are pleased to report that
Leverne Whiteford who has been ill
is able to be out again.
A very pretty:lint quiet wedding
took place at the 'home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. G. Scott on Wednesday, April
8th, when their •adopted .daughter,
Miss Margaret Tulloch became the
wife of Mr. W. Roy Dow, son of
Mrs. Wm.' Dow. Promptly at 5.30
o'clock the bride, who looked eh -arm-
ing, gowned in white and carrying n,
boquet of *carnations and fern, en-
tered the parlor to the strains of
the wedding march played by her
sister, Miss Jessie. Tulloch, of St.
Marys. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev.•D". Ritchie in the
presence of about 30 guests. After
a sumptuous repaet was partaken of
the evening was spent in games,
music, etc. The 'happy couple will
take up the sterner realities of life
on the groom' a fine farm east of
Cromarty. • • •
• Greenway,,
Election of officers in the Ladies'
Aid last week resulted as follows:
Pres., Mrs. J. Brown; Vice Pres.,
Mrs. Fallis, Mrs. C. Woodburnn;Sec.,
Mra,lefaities; Treas., Goodhand
Chaplain,, Mrs. D. MeGregor; ;Organ-
.:The,dheaites,eh'eis;"iviisies ;Kenny,
F'iaks id MeLeArt hi-ke:'reterned
_front 'their Easter, holidaYSe,
The lades ofGrace'Phurelnlield
eneeea'sful Bazaar. ldst Wednesday
Proceeds $ 40 .0 Q. •
The large number present at the
social .evening Oven by the Willing
Workers class report a very enjoy-
able time. Thedeliote on brains vs.'
money was taken by Mies Elsie
Young and Mina Lois BroWn. The
negative by Dawson Woodburn and
Lesle Woodburn, ,the decision .being
given in favour of the affirnaatives.
Miss Jean Marks . renewed ac-
quaintances here lost Week,.
Mr. 4. Gallen has purchased a
new.,par, •
Rev. E. J. Milstein of .Arkoea and
Mrs. Thoran returned missionary
from Africa tvill speak in the 1VIeth-
Odist Church next Stindani afternoon
in the interests of., the W. M. S.
Every one is urgetrIO to be present.
Mr. and Mrs. ,R.'Carintthere Were
in London on day Met Week.
, Rev, G. W. tiers preached U.
V6ry Interesting seeinola here last
S• urletleatTO.n offfiqt 'Y'a.F3, held iiet,
.oently, in the 'W. M. 5.as-,•;folleets:
Preen, Yr,Ap.k. ',Steeper; Vice
Preen, Miss LeaSle;.;Mies Young, MISS
,Mae `Wilatin; TreaS
Mien,.;D; MOGeeger;:'.041Stilab. Ste -
'don DanlifrO„.''' rants; StfallgtrS
Sec., Mre, .r.ta;pkiefi; Auditor MISS
Leask; Ontlook'SUbsei•ibers, Auditor,
Sharps.- • '
"FOrgetful Green" or "the Tela
that made John Newton," second in
elm series ou "Divine DynexiieS",
the Methodist church next 'Sunday
evening, Come and hear, the story
of `a inan Flip once a .10,v,,o„,.challg,:e,4„
the faee of England, when he got'
away from. "Vorgetful green." At
the close of the public worship the
• Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will
be held and invitetiOn given' to unite
with the Church, This will be tit,
'last • opportunity. to join with our
chitret this conference Year. Every-
one welcome ,to theee servieee.
Miss Rupple, nurne.M. traiuing
Victoria Hospital, Lenden visited
Rev, and Mrs, McTavish on Satur-
day last.
Miss Laurette Holten:salt nurse in
training at Victoria Hospital, Lon-
don visid her parents, Mr, and Mrs,
J. 'H. leloltzman on Saturday,
Rev. D. Meravisn was in I.oudon.
"On Monday et .this week as repre-
sentative to the Bible Saeiety Con-
ference held in St. ,A,n.dreW's claureh.
• Mr. Freeman Morlock .accompan-
Jed by Miss'Alma Smith motored to
Walkerton on Sunday . thence to
Hanover to attend the conference,
returning home on Monday Miss
Laura Snit1i and Mrs. W. IL .Smith
returning home with him. ,
The, Misses- 4.,yan, and Matilda
Oestreicher have- returned to their.
respective schools at Collingwood
and Hemberstone after having spent
the holidays at their home. •
Miss Merle . Ruttle of Victoria,
hospital, Lbfidon was the guest -of
the Methodist parsonage last. Sat-
urday, • • -
Miss Almeda Fingbeiner has re-
turned to St. Jacobs after spending
the Easter holidays at her home.
Master • Gerald Zwicker has re-
turned from New Hamburg.
Miss Elia Link is visiting friends
in the ,village. • •
• Misses Inez, Dorothy and Carrie
Fainter have returned from spend-
ing the. Easter holidays ,with rela-
tives.in London. •
Mr. Tinney, Miss Ruth Tinney
and Miss E. Orme returned" to Buf-
falo after holidaying at the home of
Dr. and Mrs J W Orme
Mr. and Mrs. Merton Morley have
returned from ,Detroit where they
spent the Easter holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heist motor-
ed to Kitchener over the week -end.
Mrs. Charlotte Brown returned
home with them.
Miss Rhena Coning of Ripley is
spending a few days with her sister
Mrs. Rev. McTavish.
• Zurich
Mr. Theodore Smith from Cali-
fornia is holidaying at the home dr
Mr. and Mrs. Wendel Smth.
Miss Thelma Smith of Detroit, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wendel Smith. •
Miss Geneve Zettel, of Chatham is
spending her vacation at her home.
Mr. Harry Rose and Miss Stella
Denomy of Windsor spent Easter at
their respective homes.
The Misses Marie and Evelyn Du
charme of Detroit spent the week -
at the home of their mother Mrs.
Miss Rosetta Debus who has been
working in Chatham, has returned
home. ,
Mr. and Mrs. John'Preeter and son,
Russell and Mr. Less Bowman of
New Hamburg and Mrs. S. Brown of
Kitchener visited at the home of Mi.
and Mrs. W. L. Siebert.
• Mr. David Haiste of Buffalo„ is
visiting with his sister, Mrs. A. G.
Mr. A. Hicks was in Toronto on
business last week.
The congregation of the church
here held a social evening in the
basement of. the church last Wed-
nesday evening, after a short pro-
gram consisting of -several solos and
readings a report of the. year's work
was given from each department of
the church, after which lunch was
served by • the members of -the
Ladies Aid.
Last Sunday morning was Mission -
an?' Sunday for the Sunday'School,
an interesting number of lantern
slides were shown on the work be-
ing , done in Trinadad by Mission-
aries in that field. Mr. Kitely aIso
gave an interesting explanation of
each slide. •
Mr. Thos. Willis spent a few days
the latter part of the week oit busi-
ness in Toronto. •
Miss •Kathleen Hicks of Victoria
•hoSnital, aceompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. Cooper of London and Mrs.
Hearst of Paris spent Sundayewitlx
Mr. and Mrs, A. Hicks.
Mr. Bert Duffield who is employ-
ed at the Creamery met with what
might have been a more serious oc-
cident when he became entangled
with a 4ine shaft and pulley, as it
Was he was severely bruised and will
be laid off duty for a. few weeks.
1Virs. Byron Hicks and three child-
ren have been very sick this past
couple of weeks with grippe.
Mr. Hancock of London spent
the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. M.
Elliott. •e
Rev. Mr, Kitely and Mr. T. Willis
tock the lantern and, MisSionary
slides on Trinadacl work back to
Whalen on Monday night.
Mrs. J. Richards and •William
were in Loudon on SundaY, •
but those who did come out were
wen rewar ed. We heel with is Mi
W. S. Huret, of learien,QpIn whcnp,eng
two beautiftil solos "Galilee Mid
• "Fearnat• 4,A s() 111r,HerSt
R EN 11j.g:S.....„ .W."0,1) E 1.1.4 I: PS
• F01t- a bUtaPer cop Of SwatitTurnitis for *rook teedti
Vali and Winter, sow Rennie's specially select
•Northern, grown Seed
Iketviies Swed Tprnip 8ee4 is arefulty testgd, gentlinatiott
• Ind purity, and will yield keary'atid profitablecrops.
• 111 1,tigitli4terecintlinf"Ve:reties
ll4 f°11°wirtg
• °'• RENNIE'S ,IUMBO -=-Crirnoon top
RENNIVS DERBY ,--Brotize Green to•
RENNIE'S PRIZE . • • ,—Purple top-'
RENNIE'S KANGAROO —Bronze Green top
• Order Rennie's Stede Turnip .,Seeefar,
' ," through your iota/ Dedor
or direct from
: TvilLiAm RENNID.43.1%117
Coe. ADELATIOokaouNdT.InVi
oRS. Sir*oetilfr
R '
. , pt
• ea
you cannot obtain 4o;atty. please
u.C..,,ealer's 'address:
Xtennie's Seed Annual -..-the most cora,
plete Canadian Seed Cataloane-,
free on request.
Barred Rocks, White Leghorns, R. C,, R, I, Reds
White Wyandotte& •, '
Let,u-ke cull your flock for laying and prepO-
tency. Qualified judge for poultry shows
Hon& graduate of American Poultry School
- - OPINION •„
We iiusi Play our Part.
.• HON.' CHARLES STEWART, Minister of the Interior.
k for the
-Fuijer Man's Call—
g,qiii#.;;;day soon, I, the
:34700 Man will call at
I 'ifitme to inspect the
• ,1,14,1rer Brushes you now •
dualsole rProducts.
s howyouthe
ist s
•Ifi*wish to get in touch
11,FAine before my call,
!'ailifties:Street, Exeter
4, '44' •
• -• :4,-t•
'• Mieee Marie> ;Carey in friend;
Windsor, anent ,a.,„„few day S With her
parents., i1eal, '
Miss' Clara' of London,
paid,a short visit here last week. •
--Mrs. Mary Glavin of London,
spent the holidays with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Corie Regan.
• Mrs. J. A. Coughlin, of London,
called on friends here on Sunday.
Misses Bernadette and Kathleen
O'Donnell, of Forest, visited Misses
Knand.N. Carey for a few days last
' M. O'Rourke visited her sis-
teie„Mrs, Mulligan, at Dublin last
1Miis•'- Mabel Cronyn of Claude-
hoye, is the guest of Miss Mary Hall
foethe, wee,k-,end. •
' , arid- Mrs. Basil O'Rourke, of
trucefield, called on friends here
On Sitriday.
The MG ement weather and stein: tittle pietty wedding took
tending the Sunday evening service -high nooti on April llth, When
ness prevented a nulnber front itt:Tploce at the Egniondville manse at
Lnella Claire, daughter, of Mr. and
Sproat of Tackersmith,
was married to Nelson GovenlOck,
et's. GOvenlock, ex -M.?., and
l'ars,-Gevenleek of Winthrop. Rev,
W. D. • MOdOnald officiated. The
bride Was attended by lter cottSizn
Miss Maria Sinitin of Stratford)
' while the groom was suppOrted by
JQA is gifted, 'with A splendidrifeiee whtch
'•carrfee its rueeSagedlin SWOet 4awaSie,
and Words deep into Our hearts and
stire ue t� finer resolutions for bet-
ter living, S,uth a gift as Mr. Hureee his brother,. Lester Govenlock, of
•le cre. iailogtimat)14. vatuo , , to hintsel‘t IStratford.',.- Atter the eel -wittily
Iand to.all Who are privileged ,to' heir fiineheon was served at the borne or
him. ' • ,, ,.'? -).- Aito : bride's parents and later,' IlVir,
• Charles McLelland, an old and
respected resident of Blyth died on
April 17th at the age of 71 years.
For ten years the deceased conduct-
ed a store at Belgrave.
Thousands of new
customers for
. someone! .
Some 50,000 new tele-
-Phones are'added year-
ly in Ontario and Que-
bee. Last year 77%
were in private resi-
We not only supply the
means of reaching th se
subscribers—we giadJ
co-operate to help you
get the most out of this
Wque service.
Xiang Distance epables
yoU to talk with cut'.
tomcat and friends an
Ow the continent.
OM* defczflti1 es than$% of*
44414 oakY