HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1999-02-17, Page 10\lc'rcu ry 01 10 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, February 17, 1999 iv( 4e, stay f,rtl, tri. • Seaforth takes . heart Above, Seaforth town councillor Michael Hak; raises the Heart and Stroke Foundation flag, which will . fly at Town Hall all month,.. while. Angela Harbanuik.• the foundation's person to person coordinator and Ed Saunders,, the foundation's area manager, look on. At left. volunteer Kittle MacGregor ladles soup for the Heart and Stroke Soup Luncheon held last Friday . at the-Seaforth Curling.: Club. - - HILGENOORFF HUNDERTMARK PHOTOS • St. Anne's students plan Waik Against Male Scme.t i -, y,, ;, ;n lull �`ne.`SSii i vat l,t' c seen ,te;r exam i:t and triad the;: enurflit ;erste\ter :ince ;n J=nda. Feb. ' iudent'-Itnuitt -eturn 'he u4ttire -1.t.!1.1 •,t :heir )ornero(ttn 'Catches' 't' Cr11�:. 'hat their patent tr luardian -11,35 'NC. en the-.'ttt)t't ward:• Strident. - s 11 were 'lasrtirt'_..t <rirnpulsuri credit Nhit►li(1 'sec a sf splens ser tees wittnsclur. as Noun J. possahie: • rhe timetabling process, ,has - ,egun.for. SLptcrn-her !')t)9;.. N. ,tudcni. Nuhtnit !heir course :election sheet.. we begin to cun'irtict our. new -tmetah(e: It e:. :mpurtant :or students 'e submit their eour,e selection sheets:this. Sees )tudents Aho i.11i t(, ills,: 'hc ,ithirii„toll ic,idlinc 'net•• nut le! herr tint hr ,c ,n 'he next .ctiuol • • We .ire.' planiiiii►L some great Ser+tiff greats' Students. will ilttiived to he Walk \. sums•--!alis"---V-i•►tatce: rn �1at: •r!tere isa 'Ostium :(tow Harmed for. ,kpr!i 5• and '-i, Pie aratna clue ..ail .:Ompete. tt.:tie Sears Draina Foci\ al -rt L•trilira, :ti eariy".\'tarch. rhe F.atathon will again take, ;)lace in .,trly March. Students wail! raise.;tsvareness .,hour hunger and collect !unit, :11 .t Iocai charity at. the •ante lithe there i, ., Fundic trip pi,un)cd. r!t• w;ll -nsol -c ahotil th student's wiro will• he • n •1 r.lnce and tt.riy111 the-- •ecnnd week of %.larch: The teaks!, continue to: It�l! I w etched.`►; arts' r•,t:i huv.' •,I,sethall last week and was Bowlers for Legion had -fun cr proud tits it athletes for their sportsmanship. 1 _always heiieive that it ,s in piaying the gamc'that •ve vin •tnd 1 ,vatched a lot ,)t Autners fast .eek. Well done ;e.unti. The 't(riY5 hockey team was. ,sway this •.vicek t(i -1 tournament anti our • new girls hockey team :. utt it) rorrlfltO 'tt, ,L tournament on Feb. i r) old • 1' There arse many other events'planncd 'hrout,�nuut the semester. We .ire letting ready' kir crur first srauuatum prom and •ninmencerncnt this June. Start students and • • OUT. senior .t cot tt Vd,ater101)•tl) the Ji•tnct howling lournantefu report they had ,► realty .gaud time. calor te,un A111 he taking pan in the dlstrtct euchre • tournament at•Riusley .and twin trains ea,. on to the district cnhha>re. This. Sunday.. Feh. ` I. the Branch poets(: speaking contest will be held ,it 2 p.rn. Conte out- and hear these sung people. Coining Events at Branch (56:. Feb. f S. general meeting. 8' p.m.:, duck race,. Ma;, 1. ticket. .n ..ale at Branch and from members; .Sunday dinner: May y, hosted by Brandi 156. The Provincial Service Officer will be at the Branch 150 on Wednesday. March 3 at y a.m. Contact Mary DeJong for an appointment 52!-u474. Liv Barbara Scott v lolence the school tdvisory council are all's involved ;n the preparation. Local church and ,:ommunuy groups who want io get involved in *it lir commencement exercises may all the seho(il to' iilfer - ,heir help. We arc. pleased at .he number iii._,r(titps-who nave already stepped torvard ' to otter sctiolars-hips: tor the graduates. We have begun a letter. campaign: shit it parentis. knoW of• a Jrt,uri or agcnc"v'• ,we should crnttaL:. live us, a, call. , /Maio .1..t?rl4rllult - Principal Two local girls will travel to the Dominican Republic On February 20/99. "two young ladies from our aiea. Andrea Flanagan and` Kathleen Moylan. will he travelling, along with .o group of students from St. Michael• Catholic Secondary School. to Consuelo, in the Dominican .Republic. Each student will he ' taking, a N iitc•ast containiltlg nece'.sities which will he given lo the tamilies in Consuefi►. Items which• we take -tor granted but whicti ' .ire rea(.1y nebde.d. _include: school supplies (pencil's. ruler; etc.?. personal hv_,irrte. items 1 soap..hampoo c 1, hat)), clothes. bedding light sheets: pillow rase. sous .ind.children's summer cluihin�.. Ftii t'urthcr .intorinaunn. Or to snake a donation. contact ;kiidrca or Kathleen hetore . t(te weekend:* Matt and Martha Claessens .ire pleased .it the .arrival i)t their rlew grandson. Scan Berkvens. He -is the,Son of Martha and George Beres ens. Dorchester: and .i bahv brother • for Scoff and ;Annelies. Get well wishes from the eommuni(v are extended. its Janelle Murray. .vho suffered the inisiortune a broken Jeg Then', inhere was :he proprietress tit the local "-restaurant -Who decided :0 celebrate Grotind Hot ()ay THANK YOU The nrst <emester (:0 -op Students .vould like to •thank all :)t thpirSeatorth anal -trea employers: ''he experience in the working/world was -.yell worthwhyle and Ewerrt,it e• learned a lot. From the Co-op Students of S.D.H.S. ' • • •1 St. Columban Mary C. Ryan S r� hs nas,r.c •Wt,rrtun Willie Stew ' +i ; ; ‘.•.cnu that lay. take ,.ht; •I tt as. the didn't hitt :bout ')i, Jemise until• h.:: :nttrnlr._. atter tithe -l;.• :,•.tad-ahotlt 11 .111'.1.1\ suit,- - - TIJe :'i ('s)uinhan lir.Lhre Club !relit ..in.::,1nina: card' din, pa sI rifurstia' at. l)ianna . n .Sl. ,i.'uluinh.an. Winne: -N tnr the cten' ng included: Laurie Ncuhrantt. Martha t':ac..,cn,.. !leather (-'ionin: Fran!. ,'room. r;air% : nlnin. Bob Duffy. Russell Smith and Brent Cronin. Welcome .home to all university students tor- your, "Reading Week-. Keep up the good. work 'a: the .cho.0I tear svIll soon he suer. Amy }:!.tons \lcMaster 1:nter.ii . Hamilton' is visiting Gar) and- Elston. nd Elston. Jonathon.. Michael ..tnd Katie. • • . Deepest s1 inpathi• .from our whole cominunily i. . cx.terided `to Gilbert and ., }tick, Van Stectandt, Tanya- and- Karen.- .andall -the • iamlite in are a Ll►s5 tit tiitbert'- mother, Andrea Van Stcclandt., RRSP: Decisions, - RRIF Decisions. Isn't it about time to seek out professional advice? mt' .it RR17-9964 or I-KOO-869-89 - for a FREE consultation about your finances. Helen M. Hetherington. CFP Certified Financial Planner R.Ra3. Brussels; Ont.:JOO 1H0 Owen Sound Rranrh ':"+-rill :wen 'Dunn. 44 `.iK 1 i Associated Financial Planneis iMttTED Standing Timber and_ Logs Let 6 generations of experience m Purchasing and Resource Management work for you! NEED FiREWO 4 Call the Firewood),People for . HARDWOOD SLABS and BODY WOOD or a combination toad of 1/2 SLABS 1/2 BODY Wr1QD NOW OFFER' t.. WOOD MULCH WOOD MULCH RAID HARDWOODS LTD. 41 O_r.9R_ •199/1 519-526- 7220 BE THERE. THE 1999 FORD TAURUS SE THE 1999 SABLE LS 1999 fortl Taurus ti Mertuty Sable are the orris cars in Iheir Glass to earn ins slurs—fes biabost Possible U.S. Government crash test wing -tor hole (Inver and troll Passee , t tww Rlwlrn _■rtrl�..t • LS Iiie IS•lima • ism 111110 • r • SEEN Il MM5atlitlallwil 011110110 11110 tllllEll • liftwa Oft • War •t►tmrtMlaAlriawl f�11taft IM ti.L •iwnMD►iR•MININE IMO 25EIItiWia9tttrrlElrS. 8i MINIM LEISE *2a FIRRIIIIIEllaRIM11111.111110111111010rte WE HAVE THE RIGHT LEASE PAYMENT FOR YOU. Sates on 0.- , e, 10 ,noNnt ',ve taunw SF sport 'Ott Soo- u Down POyosers.a tar+o_.r+ iww - 269 *nth (3,995 0299 wt/h t 2,995 1129 wiin s I .p9S 369 'nth 50 Clown ONTARIO LIMITED TIME OFFER FORD Visit our werrsrle at .'lww lord ca+oilers; 1li;l11;i,a Mill 9YYERS rl/AO nM 1.I4A6 COPY: 'least a new (999 ford Taurus SE with Corwen•enc. & Sport 9lo. p.M*,cuty Sabre ,S. Tro,,thiy ;ease payments of 5299 nase0 on a i6 moron lease 1.0' rnrd.Cred,t to gualihed reran t.ise.s. on approved credit. teas. based on an annual monist rasa of 1 9% over 16 motor.. Down payment nt egu,ratent trade, f'0,9nt, 'int month's payment ar'd tecunty depos,t regu,red (sae advertn•m•nt). Total tease o0119a1,on ,t 512739.00. Sense cdndtttons and a nnea9e 'M(hct,on of 00.000 km Oras 16 0)00505 appy Charge 05 5009 per am .+0ove--01ea9e rest„ct'on apph able. plus appiiublit tares neer., •nswance, adrrtrnntratton fee• and all appl,<ab/e taxes are add,t,ona-. 'Ha ft may +04,14 fnf .ess Oiler may 'range w50out not•ce. i�mtted !•!T. offer See 0..1.1 50details. 'she hvhest frontal impact ,aung for 55. 0,,ve, and 'root ousenger,n Sr S ,ove,nm.nt 101,0na1 engnway Tralfn Safety A0mnmstratton - tesbnq Government data only usefui 00009.0009 vetscles nntMn 22709 (559 lbs.) and *the base MSM undo. $)0,000MDA, 1,0 nos 2000, ("Mayne, Ottani 161 514