HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1999-02-17, Page 8$-Ttirti HURON IXPOISiTOR. Iteeiruery 17. 19116
RRSP Borrowing Made Easy
(NC) -As we inter the
RRSP season, it seems that
.:.we: all have good. intentions
toward securing our
...financial future and
- .enjoying the immediate tax
benefits of making a solid
• RRSP conirihution. But
like so many people today.
we usually have trouble.
finding the money weneed
to make that contribution. •
.One option is an RRSP
regular investment plan.
where you designate a
speci Ito amount of money
Should I Incorporate
My Business
The thou Hiss)[ many small
•-iu,.+nes'. iwners turn to this
.iucst ion ,hr. r l'..ttter they
;tart their operations. There
are many benefits and
pttfalls'rhat should be -
exaritined prior to Makin)
.this decision.. These should
he �samined-in light of each
individual's personal
- situation.
There are several
benetits.of Operating a
,business in the corporate
structure: Firstly. the rate of
taxation on corporate .
income isiower and .can
result in significant savings
.:ver time. The combined
federal And Ontario
corporate Mcome taxrate is.
-.approximately 22"- of
business -income. This rate
)t tax is much lower than
. the personal tax rates .
because: of our progressive
rate system. The benefit :►f
this lower tax rateis lost if
the business does not
zenerate more income than
'he 7usiness owner needs .
personal living expenses.
A second advantage it the
coricept of limited liability
This can protect the
personal assets of the
shareholder from any
unforeseen business•losses
or lawsuits. however. the
.. orporste-structure-does. not
provide a shield form.all
debts. and certainly all
Assetsthat have accumulated
in the 'corporation are at
risk. The shareholder would
'likely have to sign a .
• personal guarantee for any
debt that the corporation
•would take on.unless other
security could be given. A
third advantage forthe small
business corporation is'the .
access to th S500.000 capital
as+ns deduction. Tile shares
of the corporation can be
soli and the gain on the sale
up to
$500.000 will be exempt
from tax.
- There are. also some
disadvantages to consider.
. Firstly. there are additional
setup costs and'feesstto ____
maintain the corporation.
The fees for filing the
Articles of incorporation .
with the government
including lawyers' tees can
cost between 51.000 and
52,000 depending on the
complexity of the structure
of the corporation. The
ongoing fees include the
preparation of annual
financial statements, two
sets of corporate income tax
returns and minutes of
annual meetings, which can
cost S I.000 per year and up
depending on the
complexity of the business
operations. A further
disadvantage occurs if the
business incurs losses in the
first few years of operation;
there is no opportunity for
the shareholder to deduct
these losses from other
sources of personal income.
- to be transferred every
month from.your bank
. account. directly to your
RRSP. You'll avoid the last
minute RRSP scramble,
.plus. you'II .be putting your
. money to work for you
right away. earning
sheltered income all year
long. . • •
• But.unless you had the
foresight to set this -kind of
plan last year. chances area
you're now facing a last-
minute scramble. The next --
best soluoon for Most
people is an RRSP loan:
- This type of loan is'a
There are also pitfalls to the
orporate structure in the . -_
planning of. your estate. The
-business may own numerous
assets that you would like to
leave,equally to your . . -
,:hiidren. but thecorporation
owns them and -since the
corporation is a'sep_arate
entity forth the owners these
assets are not available to;
,distribute from the
shareholder'; estate The
.hares the corporation
�an.he Divided between your
htldren.' however. you -are
forcing.ihe children_ittlo the:
Joint Operation of your
business. This problem can -
be.especiallyrelevant fqr :.
the operation of fanning •.
corporations.- • •. • J
There.are.man3. other
4i -tables and toals,to
evaluate in -order to make
this,decisionand ti is
recommended that it be
given careful consideration
in consultation with your'
lawyer. accountant and other.
Professional advisors. ;
Brian:E. Wightman. CGA
simple way to get the allows ti'ou to forego your
money you'need now to loan payments for a period
make your contribution. file up. to 120 days while you
your tax return and Ilse' ' wait tiir your tax refund.
your tax refund to. help pay This year you can also
down the loitn take advantage of
• When borro'wingfor
. your RRSP. Rob Paterson,
general manager ot.retaii
lending marketing at -CIBC government -regulations.
•.suggests that. you should . there is now an opportunity-'
maximizing your unused
RRSP contribution room..
"With changes in .'
forward the unused portion
indefinitely". says Paterson..
• Borrowing and using your
refund to pay off your loan .
can help you -get started .
toward taking full .
advantage of,vour unused
RRSP contributions:
To find out more about
•RRSP loans, contact your
financial institution or
be on the lookout for -t¢r many Canadians to reap CIBC at 1-K00 4b5-242
interest rates as low as tax benetits: If you have not CIBC
prime''. Another: feature to ' maximized Our RRSP
look for_when borrowing contributions in recent
for an: RRSP loan, says
Paterson. is h l 20 -day `
deferral option. This 'option
Whatever your plans,
we have plans to help!
Rudy Jansen
• Life Insurance
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• 'annuities and RRIFs..
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The Mutual Group_
.._ease; war Muruai L e of Canada eaa camoary,7f The kkat:,ai G-ouo.
Brian E. Wightman
Certified General Accountant
64 Main St., Seaforth
Brian Wightman
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• Personal ,& Corporate Tax
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• Tax Planning
(tall for .1 trey' t-onsultatiun at
I11v office, your ht)fllC' Or bustll�'ti�.
Please feel free to
drop in to discuss:
The Rules
The. Tax advantage
The investment:
Savings Plan
Date: Every Wednesday Night
in February
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 p.m
Place: Edward Jones Office
79 Ontario Rd.,
Joe Wait. •
79 Ontario Road,
MacNeil, Ontario NOK 1NO
S•rneg lairiieal lei amss
hop://www.edeadprns.00m limber CIPF
years von can now carry
a long
The best accounting is 'a: 10 year
plan, your accountant can look
to the future and find ways to
help you save. ; -' ,
Reasonable. Rates
-No advancelpayments `
-Registered Tax Consultant,.
• By appointment only MARRY DENHAA.IV
•Few appointments left LAURIE BERGSMA
By PauI 4. Rocket
Chairman. Regal Capital Planners Ltd.
(This column rias been. written for Paul Rocxel
. by Gary R. Robertson Prav,ncral.Manager for
:Regal.Capital Planners Ltd.. 'New Brunswick).
"Recognize' the financial elephants in. your
• liteand invest wi+iely."
The elephant is the argest land animal {n tie
world. weighing in at more than six tons. Can you
imagine waltzing around with an elephant that
weighs in at over twelve thousand pounds?
We could picture each of the many financial
probiems we face - investing, taxation, and
• perhaps tate economy . to that of waltzing around
with this huge. elephant. Whatever financial
problems you -lace in life might be viewed as
. being a six-ton elephant.
- We aN have financial opportunities or problems
and it's up to each of us to handle them to the
best of our ability. '
It's not uncommon to face problems at different
times in our lives, and at different stages in the
economy. Perhaps a young person is trying to
figure out how he can save a little to invest for his
retirement, a retired- person needs income and
growth; and eventuaNy everyone requires estate
protection; we all need to save taxes.
To a young person, financial freedom al
retirement looks like a huge elephant. What is he
- or she -expected to know about investing, taxes,
economy, timing? What about all the news, or
noiss, we hear pn TV concerning markets?
Should the young investor be expected to know
Seniors are concerned about the low interest
rates, and they are concerned about markets, the
daily news reports on Russia, China, Japan. the
dollar. taxes, etc. Are these six-ton elephants to
deal with?
I believe solid mutual funds can help people
deal with many of the financial elephants in life.
Mutual funds will also protect you against what
you night call "Pink Elephantsr
You might have one of those Pink Elephants
M inland Valley Financial Consultants Ltd.
463 Thrnberry St., Bruseds, ON NOG 1140
arouno you! .you Know •he- hot '+p that was
supposed.to create .financial ;ndependence
overnight that somehow :hanged from a -Hot
Tip" 'o a 'Pink Elephant)"
For nvestors holding .one of -these Pink
Etepnants.maybe is time to look at the value of
professional money manageiner-it through mutual
funds to help build a financial program to -place in
their portfolio. • • • -
• 'Dancing with the Elephants" is -a way of saying
'There are market- drops, .and taxes" to pay,
people have to prepare to try to pass money
back to others prior to death, and Canadians
have,to save for their future_ ." u
Throughout your lifetime you'll have to learn -tot
dance with these big elephants (taxes; savings, •
investing, economies. inhentance). so that rev
will not crush your financial well being. It's 'hat
You might ask. -Why have others been
successful. financially?"Maybe they teamed now
to use the financial elephants that entered their
lives to their best advantage! -
A good independent investment advisor is -
going to • help you' overcome your problems that
might appear too big, or help you defeat those
that are fust around the corner.
Elephants are huge; they are the argest land
animals in the world, weighing in at more than six
tons. One might conclude that's a of of body to
feed, a major problem. but when a comes to all
the problems you can face ad -an Investor. tax
payer. consumer. etc. - you're dealing with more
than lust one problem. .
A good investment advisor is going to help you
select the right tools, different types of mutual
funds, segregated ,funds; perhaps .estate
Protection ideas to protect your estate. etc...and,
work with you, and those tools to your best
financial interest. •
Bus. (519) 887-2662
Res. (519) 347-2569
Susan Carter, C.LM.
Pfnancial Consultant
Top Paying (ICs, Tax Saving Strategies, AAitual Funds, Life 8 Ohabiaty insurance, RASPS, RRIFs slid RESPs
(The above list represents only a few of the many !manua)services avalebte
through your Regal Fineness, Comm/
770e is No. 1235 in a series of evades that have been appearing tri newspapers and magazines across
Canada for mora than 15 years. For Paul J. %cites book YVFIY.fNVEST flit MUTUAL BUNDS- :onfact vols
tocol book store or Regal Cepnral Planners Ltd.. 'deplane 887-2662.