HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1999-02-17, Page 7CWL meeting in Dublin
talks about elder abuse
A joint St. Patrick's and St.
Vincent do Paul -•CWL
Meeting was -held on Feb. 9.
After the regular meeting the
group welcomed- guest
speaker. Lise Willems from
the London Diocesan
match video
shown to WI
• Seaforth Women's Institute
held its meeting at Olive
Papple's on Feb. 9. .
Doris Hugili. President
opened with.a reading "My
..First Valentine
RollCaII was answered by
l2 members. .
Minutes of the meeting
were read by Betty Hulley. •
Our annual •meeting on
•April •13 will be held at the
Seaforth Manor.
At the-- next • meeting
members are asked to bring
items •to put in the bags for,
the Plowing Match. •
The meeting was turned
over to Clarissa Stewart.
Olive showed a video on
Huron County and the
Plowing Match. We have
some wonderful places in
Huron County. •
Olive Papple.gave a reading
"On the Farm' and Clarissa
Stec. art gave a reading
The `birthday :.closest, to
Valentines was Betty Hulley.
• At the January meeting
Olive Papple had a special
birthday. She was•presented
with a flower, birthday cake
and ice cream. ' •
The next meeting will be at
Betty Hullcys on March.9 at'
1:30 p.m.
Lunch was served by
hostesses Viola• Lawson.
Gladys Doig and Jessie
McGregor: ,
4-H club
talks about
The second meeting of
the.. Huron ' County
Chinchilla Club was held at
"Cargill on Jan. 30. It Has
opened with the 4-H
The roll call.."Do you
-know where you are going
to -keep your chinchilla.
.once you get .them?" .was
answered. Tonga Drost read
some information. about
chinchillas. Barb read
,Tonya's entry for. the Paul -
Steckle award telling why
she liked 4-H:
Ray brought up a cage
and showed us how to work
it and what we have to do
to keep the chinchillas
healthy. _Ji ltii: our
president, discussed the
next meeting on Feb. 13.
Barb and Ray described
what Abu should look for in
• a chinchilla. You should
look fur •a white bells.
yellow teeth and dark fur
The darker the fur the
better the chinchilla. Then
we drew to see what order.
We get-to•–vhoose - our
chinchillas for our project.
We went down to the shop
where we looked at the
chinchillas. After buying
our animals the meeting
ended with pop, crackers
and cheese.
Da►•id Varulerr Hoed
4-H club
has election
To start off the Consuming
Passions meeting. we
received our books and
discussed the dub criteria.
The elections for council
were next. Elected are:
Adrian Guntsensperger.
President; Lindsey
McClure, Vice President;
Secretary, Anita
Kreutzwiser. and Press
Reporter. Louise McBride.
To end out the technical
portion we finished a page
on "if 1 had a $I00 1 would
Executive who spoke on the
topic "Elder Abuye."
She spoke to the members'
• about a resolution regarding
needs for the elderly and
educating the public about
elder abuse. This resolution
is being presented at the
upcoming.=April Diocesan
Convention in London.
Heartfelt sympathy of the .
community was_extended to
the family of Andrea Van -
Steelandt who passed awae
-on Feb. 11 .at Seaforth.
-Community Hospital.
Sympathy: is -extended to her
husband George Van'.
Steelandt: to sons and- a
daughter. Gilbert and .wife
Ricki Van Steelandt: RR
Duhjin:. to .Christine and
husband Ronald Hyde,
Stratford; to Frank and wife
Dorothy. Van Steelandt. RR
1: Blyth: to grandchildren
Tanya. and Karen Van
Steelandt. Achiel Goussens
• and Brian, Debbie and Rick
• Van Stei landt and. three-
sisters in Beltttum. -
Svrnpathy�u.'' Dublin and
area aim) xtendeii- to
Win.i; c
and Sheila Jihb and
tamt:y; RR 2.. Dublin. on the
re.er• !,2ath of Wrnston•s
tatrwwr of
Sun.le Ind -N no passed
a little
e. ;, „nes i track
THE HURON EXPOSITOR, F.brusry 17, 1111111-7
Valentine's. Day time
to appreciate friends
Hat py Annive Bary•
b•.` Quti irt-couplf�. ton and
Eileen MacRae who tied
the knot on Valentine's
Day. Don and -Eileen. your.'
families. relatives and
many friends wish you a
happy day 'and many .g
years ahead.
Lucille and Neil Panriet.:
are thrilled on the speedy
arrival -of theirsecondsun.
Darcy Neil on Sunday.
Liam is excited about hi.
new 'brother. Proud •
grandparents are. Joe and.
Mamie Delaney and- Mario
and Rose .Pancrera of
With Valentine's Day just.
Dorothy Dillon
hope you enjoy ih,,
this special day we
ank you. .• • •
And in case you wonder
For. we otten•.thought
about `you. •
';As the, months went
y'uickly hy.
•So now it's iitne 10 stop,
And take the time to say.
"We love our triends and
good times•.'
Have a Happy Valentine's
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