The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-4-16, Page 5THE EXETEU TIMES -ADVOCATE
ews From Hensall--;
Are you Dissatisfied? Do you want a Better Training!
to command a Bigger Salary? write to
The School of Commerce
Clinton, Ontario .
Stenographic -- Com.mercial -- Secretarial
Special Courses
Vice Principal Prhacipal
Students May Enter at Any Time.
' Miss Jessie Johnson is visiting at
her home in Clifford.
Mr. E. Jackson was in Clinton
Wednesday on business.
Gerald Farquhar is confined to
his home with Scarlet fever,
Mr, Fred Crich of Seaforth
friends in town on Thursday.
Mr. Win. Stone of Detroit visited'
over Sunday at home here.
Mr. Laird 1Vlickle spent the hell -
,day at his home in Ridgetown.
'irS, Emmerson Knipes was in Ex-
eter Wednesday on business.
Miss Haile Whiteside visited with
friends in Brucefield on Sunday.
Dr, G. Knapp visited over the
week end -vvith relatives in 'Toronto.
. Mr. Robt. Green of Detroit visit-
ed over the week -end at his home
Miss Flossie Foss of Toronto vis -
deover the week -end at her home
Mr. W. C. Davis is making a num-
ber of improvements to his resi-
Mr. Ferris'Cantelon of London is
spending the holidays at his home
here. • '
Miss Grace Scarlet is visiting over
the holidays at here home in Win-
Mr. and -Mrs. Everett Haist of De-
troit visited friends in town on Sat-
urday.. „
Mrs. W. C. Pierce visited for a
few days last week with relatives in
Mrs. Ernest Appleton• of Exeter
visited with relatives in town on
Miss Inace Sparrow visited over
the week -end with relatives in
Wingham, - • •
sMiss Gertrude Hoggarth of To-
ronto visited over the week -end at
her home here. „
Mrs. Thos. Simpson and SOLI Tom.
, .
arevisitingwith relatives in London
and Woodstock.
Mr. Laird Joynt of London Uni-
' versity visited over the week -end at
Mr. Jim, Nicol,.ef "the Standard his home, here.
auk, Goclerielis,epent ,Snnday at his
Miss -Hazel Coxworth of London
Normal is visiting over the holidays
at her, home here.
.Mr. Fred: SMallacombe, Sr. re-
turned to his home in. Guelph on
Saturday morning.
Miss Francis., Pierce is visiting
over the Easter. holidays with re-
iatiVee in St. Thbmas.
Mr. Peppier, teller in the Bank of
Montreal, visited over the holiday
with relatives in Toronto. . •
• •
McLaughton, teller -in,. the
Standard bank, visited over the holi-
day with his parents in Toronto.
Mrs. Arthur Solins of Detroit is
visiting at the home of her aunt,
Mrs. Ellis, who is so -Seriously ill.
Mr. Thos Murdock is confined to
the house through illness, having
suffered a slight stroke on Monday.
' A number of farmers in this vi-
cinity are through seeding and most
of them will be through this week.
Mr. Wm. Horton of Detroit visit-
ed over the week -end with friends
and relatives in and around Hensall.
Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Penhale of
Exeter visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. Higgins .and family on Friday.
Good Friday passed off quietly in
town, the roads being so good a
large number speiit the day motor-
Mr. Russell McKay of London
and Miss Lilly McKay of Windsor,
were holiday guests at their home
Mrs. Thos. Elston, who has been
visiting for the past month with her
son in Clinton, returned home on
Tuesday. •
Sucker fishing Is the order of thel -Mr. Garnet Case has purchased
day. Several 'parties report a good new Star Cdune.1'
ca.tch. 1VIrs. David Shirray is visiting this
Mr. and Mrs. , M, Coxworth and Week in Toronto,. .
little babe, of London, recently pa d Mrs. Ed. Shaffei of Toi onto is
a visit to Mr. Coxworth's home in visiting in town 'ati.present. .
the village. Mr. Isaac Jarrett•lofKippen has
urchased a new Star Sedan.
Graduat• of Faculty of Medicine,
University, Montreal; ' Member
W College of Physicians and Surgeons
bT Ontario; Licentiate of Medical
•Xienneil of Canada; Poet Graduate
/11 ilember of Realdent Medical staff of
"general Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15;
riffice, 3 doors east of Poet Office.
oxe 56, Herisall,•Ontario.
Minor Graduate Carey' Jones' AU -
Mimi Scheel, Special course taken
'Xiagistered Live Stock Breeds,)
!Merchandise,• Real Estate, ram
ete, Retell i* keeping with
proVaiiing prlees, Satisfattion Wa-
vered, 'Write Oscar Move, Marla; or
Vilre Zurich,
. Master Lorne IVIateliall'of London
s Visiting in town this,' week.
Mi Wm.,.;',M0<ay pent Easter
eek with relatives in. Toronto.
'f!Mr. Harry•Smith.ot London, silent
he Week -end athis home in town.
Miss Helen Fisher',"of Toronto,
pent the holiday her-honie here.
Mrs. Will tHeggarth.of .London, is
Ilia week, yising With, friends in
ciwn. -
Quite a. large aereiga of onions
re being ,so.wn In this, vicinity just
Mrs. J.Millar, of Windsor; was
.visitor thia''Week sirith''relatixes in
own. .
Rev, and .41,ys,. Attliui, Sinclair and
amily are svisitinge this week. in
arnia. . . •
Rev. McConnell and' Miss Laura
isited over :Eastertretth..relatives in
oronto. , v.-. • -
Mr. Thos. Palmer is ,having some
mprOvementS niade Po' his house on
ome in teSvn..n rekrie,T '
Mrs. R. E.eCtibls ancrehildrere and
iss .M..Ploddens are Visiting rela-
ives in Welland. •
Hcibkirks Of London, spent
he week -end withsherl.,parente, Mr.
nd Mrs. "Walter -Hobkislc.
qVir. H2Strang of Usberne preach -
d very inspiring_ „sermons in the
arrnel etiurh oday,last. '
Dr. 'Cainiebeli )ofsToronto paid a
hort, visit recently to Mr. Thomas
urdock, whcSliaS;•been quite ill,
Mr. Thos.,, is on the job
is mail man iuJetou owing to the
Thiess of Mr. .Vom:. Murdock.
Mr. .Glen Brcdfoot of the Stand -
rd Bank, Dungannon spent the
eek -end at his home nearetown.
,Mr. Ed. -Berry and Mr. and Mrs.
. .
ilson Berry -of .Windsor, were vis -
tors "nver Sunday with Mrs. Thos.
Mr. and Mrs. Stapleton, of. Lon -
on, spent Good Friday with ,the
atter's father, Mr. W: Stone and
Next Sunday:- is Decieion Day in
he Methodist church here. In the
vening, Rev. Sinclair Will take for
is subjeet "The Unpardonable Sin."
Don't forget "The Treasure Hunt-
ers," the play tobe given in the
own hall Friday evening. It prom-
ises to be a real treat Don't miss
The Easter services in the Meth-
odist Church on Sunday was well at-
tended, arid.special,music was given
by the choir. At_the evening ser-
vice Mr. Samuel Rannie Sang a sola
which was much enjoyed..
Mr., Armstrong, of London, Gov-
ernment egg inspector was in town
Thurslay' evening getting in' touch
with our local egg dealers and giv-
ing instructions on egg grading. All
egg dealers • i31 • Hensall must start
grading this week.
The regular meethig of the Leag-
ue was held on Monday t' eVelling,
Miss Gladys Luker very' ably gave
the topic on "The Resurrection ". -An
instrumental by Miss Greta Larrinhe
and Miss Rena Iludsbn and a read-
ing by IVIiss IrraW•Higgins were all
well rendered.
The Mission and of the Metho-
dist church held an entertainment
in the basement of the church on
Tuesday evening. A tea was serv-
ed by ladies of the W. M. S. after
which a program was'given by Band
members. The meeting was also
addressed by Mrs. 1Viollard of Exeter
District Organizer.
(too late for last Week.)
Jr.' III—Total marks 100, Honore
525; Pass 420: Irene Deters 583,
Mabel W'orkman, 5666, Wm. Drum-
mond 560, Mary Gillies 557, Flor-
ence McDonald 536, Howard Hemp-
hill 520,, Grace Brock 515, Beryl
Drummond' 503, Hazel Hudson 488,
Treee Ilegarth 483, Lizzie Bean 479,
Gladys Passinore 473, Harold Poster
469, Wm. Nieol 168, Harold Iledden
417*, May Kenning 396**, 1L1oyd
MeLaughton 368*, Ruth 'Redden
188 4. 4: 4,, •
Sr, It—Total Marks 700, r-lonors
525, Peas 420: Ruth McLaughlin
576, 1VIerlon MoKay 50i, Alice Hig-
gins 494, Eleanor Bell 450, Aldon
Appleton 462, Harold. Appleton 436,
Catherino Morrison 482, Roy Brook
421, Norman McKay 863, Christina
Morrison 304, Egbeli libber 245,
John McKay 228, Tommy Sniale 218
Wm. Dildson 170***.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Priest of Lon-
don visited over the week -end with
the former's parents Mr.. and Mrs.
Jas. Priest. ,
Mrs. Urquhart and Miss Beatrice
Urquhart left Friday evening for
Philadelphia, where they will reside
for a time., (.1
17atiteside of Stratford
Normal and M. "Lorne Whiteside of
Hamilton visited over the week -end
at their home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Lindenfield of
London Visited over the holiday with
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lindenfield and
other relatives in town.
Miss Nettie Pepper teacher at
Russeldale and Miss Grace Pepper,
who is attending Stratford Normal
are both honie for the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Fisher and
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Quance of
Exeter were Easter visitors at the
home of Dirr. and Mrs.' Samuel Dil-
Lantern slides oe China will be
shown in. the Methodist Church on
Tuesday evening April 21st under
the auspices of Main St. Churcb
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, liedden and
Miss Katherine Case of St Cathar-
ines viSited over the week -end with
Mi . and Mrs, George Hedden and
Miss Flprence 'SV'elsh of London
and Miss Dorothy, who is attending
Stratford Ng:y=1 'visited over the
holiday with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Welsh.
Mr, 3 os I -lagan Who has beeu
spending the winter here left on
Tuesday evening for 4Vincleor. Mr,
Hagan intencti building a number
oe houses in WindsOr this summer.
The 'Easter danee in the town hall
oh Monday evening was largely ats
tended, Auto 1.oadO coining* Item.
Zurich, Exeter and Clinton. The
music Was furnished by the Avalon
orchestra �f Lateen..
IDr. H. H. Cowen, L. D. S.
D. D. S.
At McCormick's Block, Zurich, every
Thursday and SaturclaY.
Hartleib's Block Dashwood, OAL
Mr: Homer Guenther of Bleaheira
spent Easter at his home here.
miss Grace. Kellerman is visiting
in Toronto,
MM. J. Guenther and family vis-
ited in Kitchell en. Sunday.
Miss MYrta, Hoffman a Kitchens.
er spent Easter at her home here.
Mr. Raymond Caifas left on Mon-
day for Detroit.
Mr. A Musser of London is vis-
iting her daughter; Mrs, A. Haugh.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Edighoffer of
Mitchell spent Good Friday with
Mrs, Jane Guenther.
, Miss Elizabeth Hartlieb of Lon-
don spent the holiday at her home
heiMe;s. Peter 1VIcIsaac and little
granddaughter Mary are visiting in
Detroit and Leamington.
Jimmie Isaac of London is visit-
ing wth Buster Zimmer.
Mr. and ,Mrs. Fred Rinker and
tfoawmn.ily of Thedford spent Sunday in
Misses Alma and 'Myrtle Koch
and Mr. Wilford Koch of Detroit,
1V1r. and Mrs. Pitt of Thorndale and
Mr. and Mrs. Dale of Wilton Grove
sPent the, holidays at the home of
Mr.and Mrs. George Koch.
Miss Olivia Weltin is attending
the funeral of her grandmother,
Mrs. Dietrich of St. Clemens.
Rev and Mrs. Yager are attend-
ing the conference this week.
Messrs. Jac. and Wm. Shoemaker
of Pigeen, Mich., visited in this vic-
inity over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Graybiel of
Woodstock .spent Easter with Mr.
and Mrs. J. W.*Graybiel.
Mr. Herb Wein, has purchased the
property of the late Mr. Chas. Stein-
Preparations are being made for
a band concert to be held in the
near future.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schroeder
entertained a number of friends on -
Thursday evening in honor of Miss
Lena Steinhagen, prior to her de-
parture for ,Exeter where she will
make her home with her sister, Mrs.
3 Davis During the evening Miss
Steinhagen waa', presented with a
sum of money after which "refresh-
ments were serVect
The 'Ladies Aid of the Lutheran
church are holding a hot supper in
the basement of the church an Tues -
'day evening,,April 21st.
holidaying with her grandparents
daisies Penwarden and Essery,
a grand, finale to NthiS ruusieal treat
the choir rendered "Gloria in Ex-
celels" froxn 12th 1Viass by Mozart,
leaving the peOple reverend over the
Glory and Majesty of God on- High.
The serviee made taster and itS
meaning to us very real, the mess-
ages sinking deeply into oar hearta
to bring forth fruit in due season.
Mr. Tinney, Miss Tinney and Miss
Orine of Buffalo are visiting Or.
and Mrs. Ornie over the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sweitser of Lon-
don visited relatives on Sunday,
Mr. Harold Young, visited -with
his grandparents over Easter Sun-
day. S
Miss Pearl Metz of London Pent
Easter with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry M'otz.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Yull and
niece, and Frank Scheiding, all of
London, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Mote.
Mr. Henry Motz having 143
house remodelled.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Shearclown of
Goderich spent Easter with the
former's mother Mrs. H. Sheardown.
Mr. Aaron Sweitzer of Detroit,
spent Easter with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. Sweitzer.
Messrs. Everett and Herbert
Haist of Detroit were holiday visit-
ors at the home of their parents
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Mist. •
Mrs. Chas Zwicker and Master
Gerald are spending the holidays at
New Hamburg.
Rev. and Mrs. W. *V. Drier are at-
tending conference at Hanover.
Rev. Mr. ArreTavish was In Ailsa
Craig last week conducting a series
of special servic6 during Passion
week. The attendance at the ser-
vices was very gratifying and sev-
eral decisions for Christ have been
inade as a result of this special ef-
Mr. and Ezra Oestricher. and Miss
Eva Oestricher of Windsor; ,,were
holiday visitors at their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Fahner of
London. spent Easter at the home of
Mr. Chris. Fahner.
Mrs. Dave Geil, of Kitchener, is
holidaying with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. A. Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dawn, of Ches-
ley and Mrs. and Mrs. Braun of Per -
est visited with. Mr, and Mrs, G. I.
Braun over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson, Wenzel
spent the holiday among relatives -at
Listowel. •
Miss Pearl Motz, of London spent
the week -end at home.
• 1Viiss Miriam Dowdell, of London
spent the holiday. with Mr. and Mrs.
Jos. Finkbeiner. -
Miss Lila Kuhn, of Windsor spent
the holiday at home.
Miss Jean Lankin, of Lu.can, is
d rs. John. Young.
• Mr . Earl Hodgson of Wheatley, hThe Misses Lily and Cora Stahls
ave returned to London atter visit -
spent the_Eagter 'Holidays at ,,his Mg over Sunday at their home. '
home here. ' " Dr. Grine has purchased a new
Mr. and Mi. E. Powe of London, Maxwell coach.
spent Easter at the home of the lat- Mr. Mose Feist has a new Ford
ter'S parents Mr. and Mrs. A Brooks Coach.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Pettit, of London The Misses Inez, Dorothy and Car -
were visitors over the holidays with rie Fahner are visiting in London.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Richards. - Rev. Mr. McTavish journeyed to
Miss Lois Richards spent the Eas- Elimville Monday night of this week
ter Roliday with ' her parents Mr. where under the auspices of the
and Mrs. Richards. Mission Band he gave a dramatic re -
Mr. and Mrs. W. Anderson and cital of Van Dyke's !The Other
baby, of Londoni spent the holiday Wise Man" and also a three quarter
with the later's parents Mr. and Mrs hour lecture on The Measure of a
Geo. Essery. Man."
Mr. and Mrs. •. Simpson, of Lon- The locel branch of the Women's
don, were visitors 'over Sunday with Institute entertghed the grand
Mr. and Mrs. J. Okemothers of the community at their
Mrs. Ricker, of Hensall, spent the meeting held on Tuesday, the 7th
week -end with Mrs. W. Bowden. of April in the Institute Hall. The
Mr. and Mrs. J. Routledge. of
Dutton, visited with Mr. and Mrs
S. Thompson over Sunday.
Mr. A. Parson, of London, visited
at the home of his brother Mr. W.
Parson over the holiday.
Mr. J. 'Wilson who has been ill for
some weeks passed is able to be
out again. t.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Copeland of Wing -
ham visited at the home of the lat-
ter's parents Mr. and Mrs. T. C. El-
liott. -
Mr, and Mrs. J. Brock, of the vil-
lage celebrated their golden wed-
ding anniversary on Tuesday April
14th. Over thirty guests were
present and a most enjoyable time
was spent. • Mr. and Mrs. Brock
were married in St. Marys 50 years
ago. The day was fine and bright
similar to weather we have been
enjoying. The following day it
rained and the day after that it be -
gap p to snow. Mr. Brock farmed in
Usborne "for many years, until re-
tiring and ' moving to Centralia.
They have three children, Alfred, of
Shoal Lake, Man,, Jonathan, of Lon-
don and Mrs. John lintchinson, the
latter two being present for the oc-
casion. Their many friends join
in wishing that they may be spared
to celebrate many more annivers-
A congregation ve'lich filled the
church in Centralia 'Laster Sunday
evening listened to a beautiful and.
most reverend service. The pastor,
Rev. W. Kiteley, delivered a short
sermon which brought out clearly
to us that Easter means God, re-
demption from sins -life and immor-
tality, a message.dear to each of us.
The remainder of the service was
taken up by an Eaeter choral Can-
tata, "King of Glory" by R. 5. Mor-
rison, a cantataseftill of beauty, both
in word and inuStc, which Was excel-
lently rendered bYlethe choir under
the able leadership of leir. Andrew
Hicks. The attacks Were prompt
'bright, IViarcato 'passages In precise
tempo The Crueifixion passagee
roll call was responded to by rem-
iniscences and Mrs. G. K. 'Brown
gave a talk on pioneer life which
was much enjoyed by all. The
ladies quartette consisting of Mrs.
E. Feist, Mrs. E. Wenzel, Mrs. C.
Heist and Mrs. IL F. Eilber favored
the audience with two selections
which were beautifully rendered.
Miss Clara Morlock also gave an. in-
teresting reading.
On Sunday evening next, Rev. D.
McTavish, pastor of the Methodist
church, will begin a serieVof ser-
mons on "Divine Dynamics" or
"Tests that made history". Into
these spiritual messages the preach-
er will weave in story form the bio-
graphy of some great character
whose life has been moulded by the
text. Subject next. Sunday "The
Guide of Youth" or "The test that
made William Knipp." Come hear
the'story of this great man's life as
missionary and emanicipator to the
slaves of Jamaica. Watch the
Columns of the press for further an-
nouncements. EverYone •welcome.
The oratorical contest under the
auspices, of the W.M.S. in the Evan-
gelical church on 'Friday evening
last was a rare treat' for those who
had the privilege of hearing it. The
five young ladies who took part in
the contest certainly excelled them-
selves ad held the audience in rapt
attention while the various numbers
were being given. The program
opened with two fine selections from
the orchestra and the readings were
interspeted with musical selections.
Miss Clara, Oestreieher and Mr. Clay-
ton Sims sang a -duett. The choir,
furnished an anthem and four ladies
of the W.M.S. a quartette. The
sneakers of the evening were intro-
duced by number and the order hi
-which they spoke was as follows:
Miss Smith, Miss Addie Gaiser, Migs
Losetta Heist, Miss Nola GaiSer,
Miss Clara Morlock. Dull gave a
reading on some branch of miesion+
ary endeavor and their subjects and
the manner in which they presented
were rendered in moderate, sympa- 1 them proved very interesting. The
thetic style. The. obligate and s0-1 The -task of judging the contestinte
Mane solos takon , by Mrs. P. Pen- was undertaken by Messrs E. 3.
warden were -.exceptienally fine. a Wethey, G. S. Howard and S. M.
top register reddhing•A natural wae
in full tone antletcolOes, clear and of
pleasing quality. Numbers, supnle-
montary to the (cantata included a
lovely duett, MI eVrill, lift up mint
eyes" by Mr. aftd. Mrs, Lloyd Hod-
gins, a samaras: and baritone duett
"Jestis Lover 'et mly Soul," by Mrs.
.Penwarclen utile Mr, A. Hicks, a
piano trio, "TWiligiVi by Mesdames 'contest was presented with a beauti-
Kiteley, Penwarden and Essery and fttI pin, each of the others also ro-
e, plane cluott, "GalipOli," by Mos- eeived .an award,,
Southeott of Exeter and the former
beillg chosen the speaker announcet
the deeision, the award being given
to the first speaker, Miss 8mith, 'Ilia
pastor, Rev. Mr, Dreier, acted as
chairman. Following the program
the contestants and the jialges were
served a Most magnificent luneh by
the W,M.S, and the wiener of the
KNNIE'S Selected Pure Bred Seed Corn is of
uniform, high gennination, and is the best
that can be procured anywhere. It is Care-
fully Wetted, and thoroughly acelirnated to
Canadian. grov4tig conditions.
We htyr cepequnend the foltowlog varitties listed in the
°aloof t popularity.
atirtnineS, Bger STRAINS
Nam twara.
RENNIE'S Orar Vrit.o
Olt DWI's
Weirs CA?
Gozz4N GtOW
Cvorr Werth EaritAes
Ree'Coa Esior.mis
!:101br /WIZ tittle
Tific - kg lot II COMPAPW
liaisti your Dealer a *areas
SPIt modern Machinery fru handling high
pdeeeIOgia wain *lick% tielen installed all the laie0
at Chatham, Ont.,..a Seed Cora estabrehment
4 ielietefteifer-
te) tee
fe, adeoliTeseee
(.4 4e0e,
eftteligAes fe)
VON" epopi.24
tieltegti C'
Barred Rocks, White Leghorns, R. C., R. I. Redii,
White Wyandottes.
Let me cull your flock for laying and wept:Pi
tency. Qualified judge for poultry shows
Honor graduate of American Poultry School
- .S0• 1 STEPHEN
'The'folloWing is the report of the
Easter tests .of S. 8. No, 1, Stephen;
-Sr. IV.- Hazel Hay 81. Sr. III --
Ruby Redden., 71, Mabel Hay 64.
Jr. III.—Mina Flynn 41. Sr. II.—
Pauline; Hodgins 74. Jr.
Elliott 76 Gerald Redden' 70, Ger-
aldine Hedden 67, Aaron Hodgins
52, Harry Flynn*. '-
Number on roll 10, average atten-
dance 8.2.
M. Ford, Teacher
Miss Vera Heywood. is spending
the vacation at the home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John 'Heywood.
Rev. Duncan McTavish olive a
splendid lecture in the church here
in the interests of the Mission Band
on Monday night. . -
Seeding has been done in record
time this year, the weather being
Our genial store keeper, Mr. C.
Stephen is to be congratulated on
the arrival of a young clerk last
week. However, we are afraid. he
will not be able to tie up parcels
Lor a while.
Ms. Wilson. Hawkins and family
have moved to Seaforth.
Mr. Joshua Johns has resigned
after teaching the Adult Bible Class
for Some years. He has been most
faithful and now feels that some
one younger should help bear the
Mr. and Mrs. Ware Oliver and
children Of St. Marys, visited here
for '``a, feW, days.
Mr: :and ` Mrs. Bruce Tiedman of
Pt. -Huron, visited on Sunday at
John Devine's.
Mr: ;Ross Disjardine, of Detroit,
visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jos. DiSjardine on Sunday.
Miss Marjorie Disjardine, of Lon -
!don, visited her parents over the
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sheppard, of
T'hedford,, visited et H. Gill's on
SuMildrasy.:•J'Ohn Baird, who has been
Crediton for two weeks return-
ed home Thursday.
Mrs : Salt. Sims visited for a feW
clays ,with her ,parents, Mrs. and
Mrs.' J.' Baird!' .
Mrs, l'reeburn, of Port Huron, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Cyrus- Green,
Warren Patterson‘ and Kenneth
Taylor, of Sarnia, are visiting their
It is reported that Mr. John Love
'has bought the Maccabees Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Statton
moved here recently from the West
and are living with Mr. Statton's
This week it is our sad duty to
mention the death. of Mrs. Alex.
Perriso,, „whose maiden name Was
1Viabel Anges Green. She had been
ailing for some time with heart
trouble and was up and around as
Usual until a few days before her
death, which took place on, dood
Friday morning at 11 o'clock. Her
age was 32 years, 11 months and 6
days. Mrs. Perris() was a kind
neighbour and will be missed hY
many friends. She leaves to mourn
her loss lier husband and two
small children, besides her parents
and four brothers and one sister,
Mr. Rush, of Exeter is her goand-
father. Mrs. Baker, of pt. Huron,
attended the funeral which was held
on Sunday afternoon and winch was
very large. The bereaved have the
sympathy of the conimunity.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones, of tendon,
came here, last week and are living
in their senimer home. Quite a
nuniber from different parts motor-
ed here Good Friday pending g feW
hours at their summer cottages.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Is. Balkwill, of
Exeter attended the funeral of Mis.
Perriso on Sunday, the cleansed be -
1 ing nein of Mrs. Balkwill.
Look for the
Fuller Man's Cali—
Some day soon, I, the
Fuller Man will call at
your home.
I hope to inspect the
Fuller Brushes you now
have and also show youthe
newest Fullcr Products.
If you wish to get in touch
with trie before my call,
write �rphone.
James Street, Exeter
Sr. IV.—Mary Macdonald 69. Sr.
III.—Doris Hodgins 65, Maurice
Macdonald abs. Sr. IL—Marjorie
Isaac 85, Marlys McFalls 68, Chas.
Atkinson 60, Kenneth Hodgins 55.
Jr. IL—Bruce Isaac. Sr. 1.—Doris
McFalls, Gladys Turner. Jr. 1.--s
Ralph Atkinson. Primer—Andrew
Blair, Donald Blair. Begin.—Irene
E. E. Ryan, Teacher',
To which class.
do you belong?
"80% of the merchants
In any line of business
follow traditional
methods and are con-
tent with a small profit"
—says a well known
"Theother 20% find okd.
methods too slow—are
continually devising
new ways for getting
tew customers—for
making larger profits!),
flow many new customer
ouid YOU find aariong 1:14
0,000 new telephotid xn
114 ed yea* iA Ontarla
CoHi a amityjesa Mon 4% te
OVVINO1 outlay
.. -
i New Roof
for adwelling house put on
the Galt steel shingle. These'
shingles are made and gal-
vanized as they should ,be.
For- a barn put on the Galt
high grade corrugated steel
sheets if you want a roof
made and galvanized as it
should be.
, Pure copper liglitning rods
and above roofing a specialty.
John Elder, Mensal'
Phone No. 1
Asphalt Shingles
Hardwood flooring laid
and Polished ,
Alterations and New Work
Promptly attended to.
Hensall Tile, ,Brick
and Block Yard
Cement, ' Hydrated Lime
and Hard Wall Plaster
,,,We have been appointed local deal -
or Ma; Gyproc Wall Board. for Hell-
ion and surrounding district. This
* a fire proof wall board. "Why
build to burn? When, in need of
building Supplies consult as as we
can supplr all your needs.
Phone 7
PR. A. MOIR,- L. M. C. C.
none 70 ' HENSALL
Graduat• of Faculty of Medicine,
University, Montreal; ' Member
W College of Physicians and Surgeons
bT Ontario; Licentiate of Medical
•Xienneil of Canada; Poet Graduate
/11 ilember of Realdent Medical staff of
"general Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15;
riffice, 3 doors east of Poet Office.
oxe 56, Herisall,•Ontario.
Minor Graduate Carey' Jones' AU -
Mimi Scheel, Special course taken
'Xiagistered Live Stock Breeds,)
!Merchandise,• Real Estate, ram
ete, Retell i* keeping with
proVaiiing prlees, Satisfattion Wa-
vered, 'Write Oscar Move, Marla; or
Vilre Zurich,
. Master Lorne IVIateliall'of London
s Visiting in town this,' week.
Mi Wm.,.;',M0<ay pent Easter
eek with relatives in. Toronto.
'f!Mr. Harry•Smith.ot London, silent
he Week -end athis home in town.
Miss Helen Fisher',"of Toronto,
pent the holiday her-honie here.
Mrs. Will tHeggarth.of .London, is
Ilia week, yising With, friends in
ciwn. -
Quite a. large aereiga of onions
re being ,so.wn In this, vicinity just
Mrs. J.Millar, of Windsor; was
.visitor thia''Week sirith''relatixes in
own. .
Rev, and .41,ys,. Attliui, Sinclair and
amily are svisitinge this week. in
arnia. . . •
Rev. McConnell and' Miss Laura
isited over :Eastertretth..relatives in
oronto. , v.-. • -
Mr. Thos. Palmer is ,having some
mprOvementS niade Po' his house on
ome in teSvn..n rekrie,T '
Mrs. R. E.eCtibls ancrehildrere and
iss .M..Ploddens are Visiting rela-
ives in Welland. •
Hcibkirks Of London, spent
he week -end withsherl.,parente, Mr.
nd Mrs. "Walter -Hobkislc.
qVir. H2Strang of Usberne preach -
d very inspiring_ „sermons in the
arrnel etiurh oday,last. '
Dr. 'Cainiebeli )ofsToronto paid a
hort, visit recently to Mr. Thomas
urdock, whcSliaS;•been quite ill,
Mr. Thos.,, is on the job
is mail man iuJetou owing to the
Thiess of Mr. .Vom:. Murdock.
Mr. .Glen Brcdfoot of the Stand -
rd Bank, Dungannon spent the
eek -end at his home nearetown.
,Mr. Ed. -Berry and Mr. and Mrs.
. .
ilson Berry -of .Windsor, were vis -
tors "nver Sunday with Mrs. Thos.
Mr. and Mrs. Stapleton, of. Lon -
on, spent Good Friday with ,the
atter's father, Mr. W: Stone and
Next Sunday:- is Decieion Day in
he Methodist church here. In the
vening, Rev. Sinclair Will take for
is subjeet "The Unpardonable Sin."
Don't forget "The Treasure Hunt-
ers," the play tobe given in the
own hall Friday evening. It prom-
ises to be a real treat Don't miss
The Easter services in the Meth-
odist Church on Sunday was well at-
tended, arid.special,music was given
by the choir. At_the evening ser-
vice Mr. Samuel Rannie Sang a sola
which was much enjoyed..
Mr., Armstrong, of London, Gov-
ernment egg inspector was in town
Thurslay' evening getting in' touch
with our local egg dealers and giv-
ing instructions on egg grading. All
egg dealers • i31 • Hensall must start
grading this week.
The regular meethig of the Leag-
ue was held on Monday t' eVelling,
Miss Gladys Luker very' ably gave
the topic on "The Resurrection ". -An
instrumental by Miss Greta Larrinhe
and Miss Rena Iludsbn and a read-
ing by IVIiss IrraW•Higgins were all
well rendered.
The Mission and of the Metho-
dist church held an entertainment
in the basement of the church on
Tuesday evening. A tea was serv-
ed by ladies of the W. M. S. after
which a program was'given by Band
members. The meeting was also
addressed by Mrs. 1Viollard of Exeter
District Organizer.
(too late for last Week.)
Jr.' III—Total marks 100, Honore
525; Pass 420: Irene Deters 583,
Mabel W'orkman, 5666, Wm. Drum-
mond 560, Mary Gillies 557, Flor-
ence McDonald 536, Howard Hemp-
hill 520,, Grace Brock 515, Beryl
Drummond' 503, Hazel Hudson 488,
Treee Ilegarth 483, Lizzie Bean 479,
Gladys Passinore 473, Harold Poster
469, Wm. Nieol 168, Harold Iledden
417*, May Kenning 396**, 1L1oyd
MeLaughton 368*, Ruth 'Redden
188 4. 4: 4,, •
Sr, It—Total Marks 700, r-lonors
525, Peas 420: Ruth McLaughlin
576, 1VIerlon MoKay 50i, Alice Hig-
gins 494, Eleanor Bell 450, Aldon
Appleton 462, Harold. Appleton 436,
Catherino Morrison 482, Roy Brook
421, Norman McKay 863, Christina
Morrison 304, Egbeli libber 245,
John McKay 228, Tommy Sniale 218
Wm. Dildson 170***.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Priest of Lon-
don visited over the week -end with
the former's parents Mr.. and Mrs.
Jas. Priest. ,
Mrs. Urquhart and Miss Beatrice
Urquhart left Friday evening for
Philadelphia, where they will reside
for a time., (.1
17atiteside of Stratford
Normal and M. "Lorne Whiteside of
Hamilton visited over the week -end
at their home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Lindenfield of
London Visited over the holiday with
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lindenfield and
other relatives in town.
Miss Nettie Pepper teacher at
Russeldale and Miss Grace Pepper,
who is attending Stratford Normal
are both honie for the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Fisher and
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Quance of
Exeter were Easter visitors at the
home of Dirr. and Mrs.' Samuel Dil-
Lantern slides oe China will be
shown in. the Methodist Church on
Tuesday evening April 21st under
the auspices of Main St. Churcb
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, liedden and
Miss Katherine Case of St Cathar-
ines viSited over the week -end with
Mi . and Mrs, George Hedden and
Miss Flprence 'SV'elsh of London
and Miss Dorothy, who is attending
Stratford Ng:y=1 'visited over the
holiday with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Welsh.
Mr, 3 os I -lagan Who has beeu
spending the winter here left on
Tuesday evening for 4Vincleor. Mr,
Hagan intencti building a number
oe houses in WindsOr this summer.
The 'Easter danee in the town hall
oh Monday evening was largely ats
tended, Auto 1.oadO coining* Item.
Zurich, Exeter and Clinton. The
music Was furnished by the Avalon
orchestra �f Lateen..
IDr. H. H. Cowen, L. D. S.
D. D. S.
At McCormick's Block, Zurich, every
Thursday and SaturclaY.
Hartleib's Block Dashwood, OAL
Mr: Homer Guenther of Bleaheira
spent Easter at his home here.
miss Grace. Kellerman is visiting
in Toronto,
MM. J. Guenther and family vis-
ited in Kitchell en. Sunday.
Miss MYrta, Hoffman a Kitchens.
er spent Easter at her home here.
Mr. Raymond Caifas left on Mon-
day for Detroit.
Mr. A Musser of London is vis-
iting her daughter; Mrs, A. Haugh.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Edighoffer of
Mitchell spent Good Friday with
Mrs, Jane Guenther.
, Miss Elizabeth Hartlieb of Lon-
don spent the holiday at her home
heiMe;s. Peter 1VIcIsaac and little
granddaughter Mary are visiting in
Detroit and Leamington.
Jimmie Isaac of London is visit-
ing wth Buster Zimmer.
Mr. and ,Mrs. Fred Rinker and
tfoawmn.ily of Thedford spent Sunday in
Misses Alma and 'Myrtle Koch
and Mr. Wilford Koch of Detroit,
1V1r. and Mrs. Pitt of Thorndale and
Mr. and Mrs. Dale of Wilton Grove
sPent the, holidays at the home of
Mr.and Mrs. George Koch.
Miss Olivia Weltin is attending
the funeral of her grandmother,
Mrs. Dietrich of St. Clemens.
Rev and Mrs. Yager are attend-
ing the conference this week.
Messrs. Jac. and Wm. Shoemaker
of Pigeen, Mich., visited in this vic-
inity over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Graybiel of
Woodstock .spent Easter with Mr.
and Mrs. J. W.*Graybiel.
Mr. Herb Wein, has purchased the
property of the late Mr. Chas. Stein-
Preparations are being made for
a band concert to be held in the
near future.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schroeder
entertained a number of friends on -
Thursday evening in honor of Miss
Lena Steinhagen, prior to her de-
parture for ,Exeter where she will
make her home with her sister, Mrs.
3 Davis During the evening Miss
Steinhagen waa', presented with a
sum of money after which "refresh-
ments were serVect
The 'Ladies Aid of the Lutheran
church are holding a hot supper in
the basement of the church an Tues -
'day evening,,April 21st.
holidaying with her grandparents
daisies Penwarden and Essery,
a grand, finale to NthiS ruusieal treat
the choir rendered "Gloria in Ex-
celels" froxn 12th 1Viass by Mozart,
leaving the peOple reverend over the
Glory and Majesty of God on- High.
The serviee made taster and itS
meaning to us very real, the mess-
ages sinking deeply into oar hearta
to bring forth fruit in due season.
Mr. Tinney, Miss Tinney and Miss
Orine of Buffalo are visiting Or.
and Mrs. Ornie over the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sweitser of Lon-
don visited relatives on Sunday,
Mr. Harold Young, visited -with
his grandparents over Easter Sun-
day. S
Miss Pearl Metz of London Pent
Easter with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry M'otz.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Yull and
niece, and Frank Scheiding, all of
London, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Mote.
Mr. Henry Motz having 143
house remodelled.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Shearclown of
Goderich spent Easter with the
former's mother Mrs. H. Sheardown.
Mr. Aaron Sweitzer of Detroit,
spent Easter with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. Sweitzer.
Messrs. Everett and Herbert
Haist of Detroit were holiday visit-
ors at the home of their parents
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Mist. •
Mrs. Chas Zwicker and Master
Gerald are spending the holidays at
New Hamburg.
Rev. and Mrs. W. *V. Drier are at-
tending conference at Hanover.
Rev. Mr. ArreTavish was In Ailsa
Craig last week conducting a series
of special servic6 during Passion
week. The attendance at the ser-
vices was very gratifying and sev-
eral decisions for Christ have been
inade as a result of this special ef-
Mr. and Ezra Oestricher. and Miss
Eva Oestricher of Windsor; ,,were
holiday visitors at their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Fahner of
London. spent Easter at the home of
Mr. Chris. Fahner.
Mrs. Dave Geil, of Kitchener, is
holidaying with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. A. Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dawn, of Ches-
ley and Mrs. and Mrs. Braun of Per -
est visited with. Mr, and Mrs, G. I.
Braun over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson, Wenzel
spent the holiday among relatives -at
Listowel. •
Miss Pearl Motz, of London spent
the week -end at home.
• 1Viiss Miriam Dowdell, of London
spent the holiday. with Mr. and Mrs.
Jos. Finkbeiner. -
Miss Lila Kuhn, of Windsor spent
the holiday at home.
Miss Jean Lankin, of Lu.can, is
d rs. John. Young.
• Mr . Earl Hodgson of Wheatley, hThe Misses Lily and Cora Stahls
ave returned to London atter visit -
spent the_Eagter 'Holidays at ,,his Mg over Sunday at their home. '
home here. ' " Dr. Grine has purchased a new
Mr. and Mi. E. Powe of London, Maxwell coach.
spent Easter at the home of the lat- Mr. Mose Feist has a new Ford
ter'S parents Mr. and Mrs. A Brooks Coach.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Pettit, of London The Misses Inez, Dorothy and Car -
were visitors over the holidays with rie Fahner are visiting in London.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Richards. - Rev. Mr. McTavish journeyed to
Miss Lois Richards spent the Eas- Elimville Monday night of this week
ter Roliday with ' her parents Mr. where under the auspices of the
and Mrs. Richards. Mission Band he gave a dramatic re -
Mr. and Mrs. W. Anderson and cital of Van Dyke's !The Other
baby, of Londoni spent the holiday Wise Man" and also a three quarter
with the later's parents Mr. and Mrs hour lecture on The Measure of a
Geo. Essery. Man."
Mr. and Mrs. •. Simpson, of Lon- The locel branch of the Women's
don, were visitors 'over Sunday with Institute entertghed the grand
Mr. and Mrs. J. Okemothers of the community at their
Mrs. Ricker, of Hensall, spent the meeting held on Tuesday, the 7th
week -end with Mrs. W. Bowden. of April in the Institute Hall. The
Mr. and Mrs. J. Routledge. of
Dutton, visited with Mr. and Mrs
S. Thompson over Sunday.
Mr. A. Parson, of London, visited
at the home of his brother Mr. W.
Parson over the holiday.
Mr. J. 'Wilson who has been ill for
some weeks passed is able to be
out again. t.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Copeland of Wing -
ham visited at the home of the lat-
ter's parents Mr. and Mrs. T. C. El-
liott. -
Mr, and Mrs. J. Brock, of the vil-
lage celebrated their golden wed-
ding anniversary on Tuesday April
14th. Over thirty guests were
present and a most enjoyable time
was spent. • Mr. and Mrs. Brock
were married in St. Marys 50 years
ago. The day was fine and bright
similar to weather we have been
enjoying. The following day it
rained and the day after that it be -
gap p to snow. Mr. Brock farmed in
Usborne "for many years, until re-
tiring and ' moving to Centralia.
They have three children, Alfred, of
Shoal Lake, Man,, Jonathan, of Lon-
don and Mrs. John lintchinson, the
latter two being present for the oc-
casion. Their many friends join
in wishing that they may be spared
to celebrate many more annivers-
A congregation ve'lich filled the
church in Centralia 'Laster Sunday
evening listened to a beautiful and.
most reverend service. The pastor,
Rev. W. Kiteley, delivered a short
sermon which brought out clearly
to us that Easter means God, re-
demption from sins -life and immor-
tality, a message.dear to each of us.
The remainder of the service was
taken up by an Eaeter choral Can-
tata, "King of Glory" by R. 5. Mor-
rison, a cantataseftill of beauty, both
in word and inuStc, which Was excel-
lently rendered bYlethe choir under
the able leadership of leir. Andrew
Hicks. The attacks Were prompt
'bright, IViarcato 'passages In precise
tempo The Crueifixion passagee
roll call was responded to by rem-
iniscences and Mrs. G. K. 'Brown
gave a talk on pioneer life which
was much enjoyed by all. The
ladies quartette consisting of Mrs.
E. Feist, Mrs. E. Wenzel, Mrs. C.
Heist and Mrs. IL F. Eilber favored
the audience with two selections
which were beautifully rendered.
Miss Clara Morlock also gave an. in-
teresting reading.
On Sunday evening next, Rev. D.
McTavish, pastor of the Methodist
church, will begin a serieVof ser-
mons on "Divine Dynamics" or
"Tests that made history". Into
these spiritual messages the preach-
er will weave in story form the bio-
graphy of some great character
whose life has been moulded by the
text. Subject next. Sunday "The
Guide of Youth" or "The test that
made William Knipp." Come hear
the'story of this great man's life as
missionary and emanicipator to the
slaves of Jamaica. Watch the
Columns of the press for further an-
nouncements. EverYone •welcome.
The oratorical contest under the
auspices, of the W.M.S. in the Evan-
gelical church on 'Friday evening
last was a rare treat' for those who
had the privilege of hearing it. The
five young ladies who took part in
the contest certainly excelled them-
selves ad held the audience in rapt
attention while the various numbers
were being given. The program
opened with two fine selections from
the orchestra and the readings were
interspeted with musical selections.
Miss Clara, Oestreieher and Mr. Clay-
ton Sims sang a -duett. The choir,
furnished an anthem and four ladies
of the W.M.S. a quartette. The
sneakers of the evening were intro-
duced by number and the order hi
-which they spoke was as follows:
Miss Smith, Miss Addie Gaiser, Migs
Losetta Heist, Miss Nola GaiSer,
Miss Clara Morlock. Dull gave a
reading on some branch of miesion+
ary endeavor and their subjects and
the manner in which they presented
were rendered in moderate, sympa- 1 them proved very interesting. The
thetic style. The. obligate and s0-1 The -task of judging the contestinte
Mane solos takon , by Mrs. P. Pen- was undertaken by Messrs E. 3.
warden were -.exceptienally fine. a Wethey, G. S. Howard and S. M.
top register reddhing•A natural wae
in full tone antletcolOes, clear and of
pleasing quality. Numbers, supnle-
montary to the (cantata included a
lovely duett, MI eVrill, lift up mint
eyes" by Mr. aftd. Mrs, Lloyd Hod-
gins, a samaras: and baritone duett
"Jestis Lover 'et mly Soul," by Mrs.
.Penwarclen utile Mr, A. Hicks, a
piano trio, "TWiligiVi by Mesdames 'contest was presented with a beauti-
Kiteley, Penwarden and Essery and fttI pin, each of the others also ro-
e, plane cluott, "GalipOli," by Mos- eeived .an award,,
Southeott of Exeter and the former
beillg chosen the speaker announcet
the deeision, the award being given
to the first speaker, Miss 8mith, 'Ilia
pastor, Rev. Mr, Dreier, acted as
chairman. Following the program
the contestants and the jialges were
served a Most magnificent luneh by
the W,M.S, and the wiener of the
KNNIE'S Selected Pure Bred Seed Corn is of
uniform, high gennination, and is the best
that can be procured anywhere. It is Care-
fully Wetted, and thoroughly acelirnated to
Canadian. grov4tig conditions.
We htyr cepequnend the foltowlog varitties listed in the
°aloof t popularity.
atirtnineS, Bger STRAINS
Nam twara.
RENNIE'S Orar Vrit.o
Olt DWI's
Weirs CA?
Gozz4N GtOW
Cvorr Werth EaritAes
Ree'Coa Esior.mis
!:101br /WIZ tittle
Tific - kg lot II COMPAPW
liaisti your Dealer a *areas
SPIt modern Machinery fru handling high
pdeeeIOgia wain *lick% tielen installed all the laie0
at Chatham, Ont.,..a Seed Cora estabrehment
4 ielietefteifer-
te) tee
fe, adeoliTeseee
(.4 4e0e,
eftteligAes fe)
VON" epopi.24
tieltegti C'
Barred Rocks, White Leghorns, R. C., R. I. Redii,
White Wyandottes.
Let me cull your flock for laying and wept:Pi
tency. Qualified judge for poultry shows
Honor graduate of American Poultry School
- .S0• 1 STEPHEN
'The'folloWing is the report of the
Easter tests .of S. 8. No, 1, Stephen;
-Sr. IV.- Hazel Hay 81. Sr. III --
Ruby Redden., 71, Mabel Hay 64.
Jr. III.—Mina Flynn 41. Sr. II.—
Pauline; Hodgins 74. Jr.
Elliott 76 Gerald Redden' 70, Ger-
aldine Hedden 67, Aaron Hodgins
52, Harry Flynn*. '-
Number on roll 10, average atten-
dance 8.2.
M. Ford, Teacher
Miss Vera Heywood. is spending
the vacation at the home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John 'Heywood.
Rev. Duncan McTavish olive a
splendid lecture in the church here
in the interests of the Mission Band
on Monday night. . -
Seeding has been done in record
time this year, the weather being
Our genial store keeper, Mr. C.
Stephen is to be congratulated on
the arrival of a young clerk last
week. However, we are afraid. he
will not be able to tie up parcels
Lor a while.
Ms. Wilson. Hawkins and family
have moved to Seaforth.
Mr. Joshua Johns has resigned
after teaching the Adult Bible Class
for Some years. He has been most
faithful and now feels that some
one younger should help bear the
Mr. and Mrs. Ware Oliver and
children Of St. Marys, visited here
for '``a, feW, days.
Mr: :and ` Mrs. Bruce Tiedman of
Pt. -Huron, visited on Sunday at
John Devine's.
Mr: ;Ross Disjardine, of Detroit,
visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jos. DiSjardine on Sunday.
Miss Marjorie Disjardine, of Lon -
!don, visited her parents over the
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sheppard, of
T'hedford,, visited et H. Gill's on
SuMildrasy.:•J'Ohn Baird, who has been
Crediton for two weeks return-
ed home Thursday.
Mrs : Salt. Sims visited for a feW
clays ,with her ,parents, Mrs. and
Mrs.' J.' Baird!' .
Mrs, l'reeburn, of Port Huron, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Cyrus- Green,
Warren Patterson‘ and Kenneth
Taylor, of Sarnia, are visiting their
It is reported that Mr. John Love
'has bought the Maccabees Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Statton
moved here recently from the West
and are living with Mr. Statton's
This week it is our sad duty to
mention the death. of Mrs. Alex.
Perriso,, „whose maiden name Was
1Viabel Anges Green. She had been
ailing for some time with heart
trouble and was up and around as
Usual until a few days before her
death, which took place on, dood
Friday morning at 11 o'clock. Her
age was 32 years, 11 months and 6
days. Mrs. Perris() was a kind
neighbour and will be missed hY
many friends. She leaves to mourn
her loss lier husband and two
small children, besides her parents
and four brothers and one sister,
Mr. Rush, of Exeter is her goand-
father. Mrs. Baker, of pt. Huron,
attended the funeral which was held
on Sunday afternoon and winch was
very large. The bereaved have the
sympathy of the conimunity.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones, of tendon,
came here, last week and are living
in their senimer home. Quite a
nuniber from different parts motor-
ed here Good Friday pending g feW
hours at their summer cottages.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Is. Balkwill, of
Exeter attended the funeral of Mis.
Perriso on Sunday, the cleansed be -
1 ing nein of Mrs. Balkwill.
Look for the
Fuller Man's Cali—
Some day soon, I, the
Fuller Man will call at
your home.
I hope to inspect the
Fuller Brushes you now
have and also show youthe
newest Fullcr Products.
If you wish to get in touch
with trie before my call,
write �rphone.
James Street, Exeter
Sr. IV.—Mary Macdonald 69. Sr.
III.—Doris Hodgins 65, Maurice
Macdonald abs. Sr. IL—Marjorie
Isaac 85, Marlys McFalls 68, Chas.
Atkinson 60, Kenneth Hodgins 55.
Jr. IL—Bruce Isaac. Sr. 1.—Doris
McFalls, Gladys Turner. Jr. 1.--s
Ralph Atkinson. Primer—Andrew
Blair, Donald Blair. Begin.—Irene
E. E. Ryan, Teacher',
To which class.
do you belong?
"80% of the merchants
In any line of business
follow traditional
methods and are con-
tent with a small profit"
—says a well known
"Theother 20% find okd.
methods too slow—are
continually devising
new ways for getting
tew customers—for
making larger profits!),
flow many new customer
ouid YOU find aariong 1:14
0,000 new telephotid xn
114 ed yea* iA Ontarla
CoHi a amityjesa Mon 4% te
OVVINO1 outlay