HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1999-01-13, Page 12r tit �, n�:.t1'�.t� �;.t :�,t, t�< rt. �t�'Z i°•'�± 'T,t 32 �S Zt ayt oy< 'zit a�,t 7 - 22 'i4� , 'L�, �., vJ ZL h, . t iL 72 °:
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is -11411 IIul1ON !X'O$$TOR, Ja}suary 13, 1999
Exams lead to student anxiety
Parents should have
• received the :January
• newsletter by now. Please
note the_calendaron the final
page. .
The month ends with
exams which begin on:Jan.
27. -The exam schedule will
he puhlished and sent home
early this week. Please take.
time to check the schedule to
insure that. your -daughter or
soft does, not have an.
—.appointment.: •appointment that is in
Conflict • with the .exam
schedule. Students who note
any conflict in their -schedule
• should inform the office.
Students with c.ontlicts are
students who take two
courses which have the exam
at the same time. This is
rare. hut .does need to he
dealt with.
The weeks before exams
should he a time of serious
review on the part of the
student. Parents can help by
encouraging. the student to
studyn a• regular hasis and
• to seek .any .extra help
• ;possible frcim Their teachers
.or -a student peer tutor. The
student needs to prepare a
. study. plan and 'perhaps. if
_this is• their first exam. they
•should -seek help from their
teachers about good study
habits. Students need to be
• realistic in their expectations
and not study for protonged
periods of time the night
before •the •exam. The
student who prepares a'bit
each night in the last tew
weeks will do much better
than the student who crams
at the last minute.
it's also important to ask
other students. who have had
exams about the experience
so as to gain a hetter
•understanding of the entire
process. This can he a tense
time for students and the
anxiety . related' to the
examination process •is
entirely counterproductive.
The student needs to find a
Coping process that helps to
reverse the tensions before
and during an exam. The
mentalreadiness of .a student
is as important to a good
grade as all the studying in
lite world. When a student
starts to study, they need to
have hope that they will do
well if they work at it. We.
see suetess in.any•field
where the power of .t positive
approach is practiced. •
Last week •the school. was
closed twice. ,. 1 ask, parents
and student to stay tuned to
their radio station ,if choice
for closure announcements.
At St. Anne's we listen to the
advice of our bus companies.
.There are seven carvers who
-service the 'school on a.
variety of 'runs from all
around the county. .We
contact CKNX at FM 102.
CFPL at. AM 980 and CBC
-at FM 93.5.
The decision about closure
is not made hastily. The
school transportation policy
is clear about the process.
The ultimate concern is
safety of students and staff
on the way to or from schoiol.
it is -important to note That
the choice to send students
home during the day-is•a
very serious one. The bus
companies again' advise up
and we'are always concerned
about 'sending the busses out
early as the average driver is.
not aware the busses are on
'Awl—natl. During whiteout
ciiitions that can pose a
very serious hazard. We are
infrequent contact with the
bussing companies during.
-the day and also are kept up
to date • an accurate
inforliiation about roast
conditions'Stittfnd'the sorrily. ,
Our school is unique in
-that one part of the county
may he closed down and
inaccessible while another
area may be clear and. open..
Have a safe week.: . ,
Aromatherapy used at Queensway
Queensway' , volunteer J ` Fnuay moming.found us as
.•tuxiliarv• met Monday usual at tun, and fitness
*Aiming and. discussed the working out body and mind.
• upcoming events -tor January Ntirsing Home . In the afternoon library hour
as well .is new program that : -teas held and residents had.
the activity department will . j opportunity to peruse :the ,
he implementing. We're visited ro give 'heir month y 12 publications that.arrive
excited about our new program of music which the each month and -discuss the
combination hook and tuck residents enjoy singing along articles :that interested them. .
:cart and all •the new , with. The .article about . the
aromatherapy supplies. Current events and- brain connection between playing . •
In the afternoon .staff. with teasers kept residents :.games of .all kindsand how. /
assistance from volunteers .thinking, Wednesday it huilds'hrainpiti,Ver was
' , Marg' Cote. Betty Simmons morning. We are fortunate to found interesting. especially
and Edna Dietz, completed.. have 'Brian Greenhill by our dedicated Scrabble
the enormous task of. • searching the Internet for : players and those that•enjoy
packtng .• away ..ill • the:. new..challenging material for • crossword puzzles.
Christmas decorations t'or as to use at quit *time:. • Coming Events: 'Jan. 146.
another year. - Due to 'inclement weather 6 -pan. Senior Diners: 7 -Pan...
The Tuesday worship our , part}•. planned for Music with Loren
service was led• by Rev: Thursday with the Nashville McKeniie;. 15th, 7. -p.m.
Peebles of Excter with Belva _ • Rejects was rescheduled -for Friendship Friday with Doug
Fuss as organist. There. was January 21st as the band Insley: 20th, Queensway
.in excellent `turnout' of must travel 'trim Goderich entertains at Zurich Dining
residents for Rev. Peebles and Blyth. _instead, the video for Seniors.
message. En the evening the "Abraham' was shown to .an .
Christian Reform Singers attentive crowd..
'John Jansen •lad the
snowblower going
Monday .morning to dig
Jut from yet another
dumping' of -snow. Winter
weather has returned to
the region_ atter several
milder than , normal
winters. More snow s
forecast for the rest of.this.
week. '
Euchre events planned m St Columban
Everyone is welcome 'to well who -13 ave returned to in Livonia, Michigan.
,some out Thursday thetr colleges and Congratulations to Katie
;;ventng, Jana 1.3, 5:00 p.m. ' universities for another Ryan, daughter of Kenneth
Dtanna's in St.- term of study. Keep up the anti Jenhtter and sister to,
•Cnlutnhan Get rid of. those hard work. Spring and Matt, who recently
winter blues with • an summer holiday' .ire lust .:etebrated her sixth—
ixt ti
around the corner. birthday. Celebrating the
Now that we are all Paul. and Mary Eisler, occasion along with Kane.
battling the snow of an.old Tammy and Jamie, spent- were Laney Swinkles, •
fashioned style winter, we . some time during the Stephanie Brown, -and-Erin
w,sh all those students holidays visiting relatives and Diane Cronin.
New faces welcomed to retirement home
evening of euchre.
December was a busy and
exciting month. Many
activities and events were
enjoyed by our residents.
Some If our .friends ;otned
the Nursing Hume tor.the
pub night on Dec..3, and all
were entertained by the
"Audibly Awesome"
barbershop quartet. , -
01 course, we welcomed
many friends on Dec. 10 for
our Family Christmas
Seaforth Manor
children of the Scaforth Co -
Operative Children's Centre.
• it's always a treat to witness
their .excitement and
enjoyment of Chnstmas..
Anne Leiper, Danielle
Kistner, Laura Feeney and
inner. 'Carol Carter provided their
We were entenained by the .
Seventieth birthday in Dublin
•Happy' 70th birthday to 'Congratulations to Earl and
Gerald Bruxer. who. Diane.Flynn on the happy
celebrated his special arrivalof their first baby,
birthday on Jan. lst with a Joseph. William, born•oti
family get-together at 'his Dec. 12111 weighing 7 lbs: 13.
sister and brother-in-law's ..oz. Congratulations to proud
home, Marie and Clarence grandparents, Bill and Marie
White. Also joining them Flynn, Clinton: and seventh
were- Frank and Maureen .time grandparents. Marcel
$ruxer and Helen and Larry and • Simonne Vanneste,
Cook of Dublin. Kippen and; great grandma,
• • Heartfelt sympathy of the Clara Dale. Clinton.
community is extended to THOUGHT FOR TODAY
Ben and Theresa Nyland, Only the person who has
Dublin, on the recent death faith in himself (or herself) is
of Ben's. brother: August able to he faithful to others!
. Nyland who died in Holland.
Steffler joins health committee
Seaforth Reeve Lin Stink/
has been appointed to Huron
County Council's health and
seniors committee, for a term
of three years. McKillop
Reeve Ron Murray has been
appointed to a one-year term
on the county's planning and
development committee, and
Reeve Bill Carnochan of
Tuckersmith has been
appointed to a two-year term
on the Same committee.
piano playing fingers.
Staff . and residents.
welcomed Rebecca Broome
back to the staff to work
during the holidays.
Our January schedule is
well under way. Please join
us when you can:
Happy Birthday to Bunty
Hogg on Jan. 2.
Warm welcome to some
new • • faces:•H'azel
McNaughton, Jim Kelly and
Grate Scott.
Our current e-mail address is
h uronexpOodyssey. on. ca
Our new address will be
Monthly Education Seminar Series
You're Invited to attend our Monthly Seminar
This Month's Topic=
Todd Robinson
Investment Advisor
Please callfor.Reseived Scan,? .
186 Main St. S.
Exeter, Ontario • 519-23S-4099. 1.800-710.5216
I'aul 11. Miller FCS1
Investment Advisor