HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1999-01-13, Page 22 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, January 13, 1999 New book about Colonel Van Egmond 8Y SHELLEY McPHEE HAIST Focus News Magazine The life of one of Huron County's most well. known historical figures - Colonel Anthony Van Egmond - is' .featured in a new book written by Fred Van Egmond of London. - • Fred Van Egmond is no 'stranger to writing about his historical family members. In -1975 he wrote The 'Importance of Liberty about Colonel Van - Egmond. In his most recent !book, Fred has worked to ;avoid publishing a reprint of his first book, but in this account has endeavored to create a story about Van Egmond and his fellow 'entrepreneurs to "help the • community to a -.deeper understanding of our roots." He notes in the foreword, "Like the Maitland (River), the stories of the past flow along from generation to generation. losing something in one way and gaining something in another but always leaving us with a sense of pride. " Rivers of Recollection covers a rouge of historical topics- and local heroes - from John Galt and life in Upper Canada to the Van Egmond's early life in Holland, to the the 1837 Rebellion, 'the death of. Colonel Van Egmond, and efforts in recent years to restore the Van Egmond home. The book begins with an introduction to John Galt, a brusque Scotsman, his old friend and countryman Dr. William - Dunlop, better known as Tiger, and Colonel Anthony Van Egmond., -; Galt and and Van Emond met in 1827 when Galt was at Doon in Waterloo County. and Van Egmond and his family had just arrived from Pennsylvania. The two men . shared a common vision, "of a community charged out' of the wilderness. Van Egmond, .having had experience in road building was just the sort of man Galt was looking for, Also. an Egmond was wealthy enough' to carry through the undertakingiout of his own pocket," writes Fred Van Egmond: The Colonel and his „son Constantagreed to build 45. miles of road .between Guelph and Goderich journey. The book, 88 pages in length, is complemented with Colonel Van Egmonds' own letters, and also includes a number of pictures, both black and white portraits of the Van Egmond family. and full color photographs of the Van Egmond house interior. In the 1833 Van Egmond quarreled with the Canada Company -when they refused to pay the balance due for the road contracting. Van Egmond was frustrated by rising land costs and worked to lobby on behalf of the settlers. In 1836 when Van Egmond lost in local elections to Tiger Dunlop he turned away from the Canada Company and the Family Compact. In 1837 .Van •Egmond wrote, "Ancient as. well as modern histories and in fact experiences made by ourselves, teach us that our present disease requires the strongest remedies, and we, the patients, a radical 'cure and no palliatives, humbugs. Although an ex -soldier of thirty years schooling and practice myself, I have always considered that pacificator, reconilitator. a nobler man than the greatest military hero; andhave proved this by my past writings in favour of reconciliation under 1$36 when I felt convinced in my Fred Van- Egmond of London has written a new book about Colonel Van Egmond. " found and jailed.him. restoring the Van Egmond. Colonel Van Egmond died house in Egmondville for all on January 5, 1838. It has the world to see." • mind that it was of no use been rumoured that he wore The book also features a ' a ring with a large stone section on .the founding of. anymore." tinder which there was , Egmondville,. near Seaforth - On December 7, 1837 poison. It was also rumoured and follows the history of the Colonel Van Egmond arrived that his son Constant brought Van Egmond •House and the at Montgomery's Tavern in poison tohim on one of his work that carries on their Toronto to lead the Upper visits. - _ today by the Van Egmond Canada Rebellion of farmers . .Fred Van Egmond notes,.' Foundation for William , Lyon ..The only account that fits Feed Van Egmond is a MacKenzie. ' the circumstances in anyproud descendant of the When he arrived theform is that the cold, damp- family name and takes great Colonel wasaccused of. jail, was -more than the aging pride in. the 'family home in being too late to lead the Colonel.could tolerate." � Egmondville, writing, "The men, most of whom had no , Had he lived, Fred Van old housq� lands now in its pervious experience in original splendor. Like the Roman god Janus, it seems to bare witness to the past and the future." warfare. and MacKentie had, Egmond writes, If he had taken over as leader without recovered he would' certainly the Colonel's knowledge. has been tried for treason and Fred -VanEgmond writes. executed..." ":..several- sources. have He `adds, 'Time' has In Rivers of Recollection suggested that MacKenzie changed the opinion of the Fred Van Egmond revisits lost complete control of his people of Huron. Van history and in doing so aims faculties at this time." Egmond was one of those to'show the family history in The Colonel criticized who received an official the favourable and tolerant MacKen'zie's quack pardon from Britain' for this light. -"If we are wise 'we will strategies as "'stark madness, part in the Rebellion, but it shun the pitfalls that our came too save ;his life." forefathers have incurred and "MacKenzie threatened tri. Fred Van Egmond takes, learn from -their mistakes."_ Shoot him, but ;he two •the opinion that the Colonel Rivers of Recollections has agreed ona plan of attack. is well loved by people in been written as a fund - efforts efforts were in vain. Huron County • raising effort for the. The Rebellion army was He also notes that the - foundation -with proceeds overtaken in a 20 minute residents of Huron County going to the Van Egmond skirmish. "consider the: opening of the house. The book was printed Fred van Egmond's.book_ MacKenzie escaped to the 'Huron Tract to be a very_ by Me Goderich Print Shop recounts the relationship United States. Van Egmoil , important link with the and is available by calling entrepreneurs the . unable to escape and took pnese nt . and ' regard our 482-5563.or the Van.Egmond difficulties and the successes refuge with a farmer: Soon Pioneers with such reverence House at 233-0416 and leave afterwards. Loyalist soldiers that they have built a a message. that they faced along their y monument to them by between the pioneer overcome with fatigue, was Round three takes pace next Sunday FROM Page 1 everybody took a turn at unknown riders. At this rate The event -is one of five - lap involving several riders. leading and making mistakes their 'anonymity may be , being held in Walton, and • The top three racers .were : but in the end Chris Tyndal temporary. Durham this season and ,clearly the class act of this (Polaris) Clinton grabbed the Round three of five is organizers - hope it will group and pulled steadily _ bulk of the cash. Jamie- scheduled for. January, 31 at become a regular. winter. away from the rest of the Bennewies Seaforth (Polaris) the same location in Walton. event in coming years. • class as they battled each and Brett Lee (Arctic Cat) Even greater participation is The• Brussels Walton Trail other for the lead iii the - followed him home in the anticipated with improved Blazers, Brussels. St. Johns remaining heats. Chris overall results, , • road conditions. Many - Unit,. M.C.L.Sound, Sieman took home the big Several observerswho are. •spectators were checking out McGavin Farm Equipment trophy on the strength of a experienced in Snowcross the requirements . • for and other staff and volunteers consistent performance. said they were surprised at participating'in the event' so assisted in carrying off a The semi -pro class was the high :calibre of skill an even greater number of _ successful event. anything but consistent as exhibited by •the.relatively novices are expected. - Details of sujvey .will be made public soon MOM Page Vr� e't MC compiled by • hold --aT-publio--meeti-ng-to----looks_ like ..Seaforth - is_ ahead— _. anonymously with hopes the OMAFRA, and prepare an review the results with the of most- of the other answers would be honest, official report.' ' community. communities taking part in when they involved negative "All ,the results are now • From the report will. come the program. issues. out to us," said Sterner - courses of action to help "We're doing quite well." Details from the survey are • From there, the committee improve the area's business said Steffler. not being made available hopes to meet with the community. until the committee has had a volunteers who helped The work is proceeding on. ' chance to go through the conduct the survey and then schedule. and Steffler said it Complete Automotive Repair "Class A Mechanic" TIRE SALES. SERVICE & REPAIR ARCHIE'S Source 6eame 52 24 odWerich St. St. E. SCa urt narmony Hi -Cites offering vocal aerobics course Harmony, Inc.'s Seaforth According to Gail Harmony Hi-Lites chorus • Moffett, Seaforth Harmony has set Jan. 19 at 7:45 pm Hi-Lites president, the for the start of a`four- Vocal Aerobti:s program fession series called "Vocal offers excellent health - Aerobics" to be held at benefits. '`Learning to sing Seaforth Public School, properly is 'heart -smart'," 144 Market , Street, she said. "It stimulates • Seaforth. adrenaline production, can • The workshops, which be used as a -Mild aerobic ire free of charge. will run exercise, develops good or an hour and will posture, offers stress relief nclude mild physical and can be a productive xcrciscs geared to leisure -activity. It's increasing breath control. healthy and it's fun!" along with vocal work-outs The 25 -member and learning a new song. Harmony Hi-Lites 'is a L r chapter of Harmony, Inc., available. an international Looking for an evening organization of women out? A way to beat the barbershop singers and --has ,_winter blahs? Try "Vocal been entertaining in the Aerobics." Women of any area for15 years. Hi-Lites age may register by members come from across contacting Gail Moffett at Huron and Perth Counties 522-0670. and car-pooling may be Defence FROM Page 1 but "the defense should have the needs look opportunity to review this testing and to do its testing before this at new trial proceeds." The trial is adjourned until evidence May 3 and is expected to last the first three weeks in May. McLaughlin Chev-Olds Ltd. 13 Main St. Seaforth. 527.1140 •Service 'Selection 'Savings 'Satisfaction *Leasing 'Complete BODY SHOP Service • BUYING STANDING TIMBER & HARDWOOD SAW LOGS • Timber Purchasing & Resource - Management - • Quality Selective Cutting • - • GovemmentCertified Crews with Quality Workmanship Also have SLABWOOD 8 WOOD MUL RAID HARDWOODS LTD. 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NOM 1S1 Toll Free 1 -877 -206 -FARM (3276) Your RSP & RSP Loan Centre' John Hanson (Exeter) 235-4000 Barb Worden (Staffa) 345-2777_ Joe Uniac (Mitchell) 348-9012 Graeme Craig (Walton) 887-9381 Br! •'Ienthlrt Dean Whalen (Goderich) 524-5222 Norris Peever rGodt?r�c ' r 524-6105 Bob McNaughton (Seaforth) 527=1571 - • Ken Hutchison (Mitchei 348-9150 .ATRIv1-AiZK 1) '.'SI1I •AIC Church Services You erre invited to attend these area churches `- St. Thomas ;Anglican Church • darvis St. Seatortn Rev. Robert Hiscox.(Goderich 482.7861 Sunday Jan. 1 7'" Service of Holy Communion at 9:30 CAVAN --- . (winthrop. , • - . NORTH S I D E Sr Sear^-- •' UNITED CHURCHES Minister: Rev. Jane Kueofer 527-2635 Sunday Sc' -. : ,e-. ce Nurser, : - • - - First Presbyterian Church Godench St W Seafonh 11:15 AM Sunday Sd ool-.dunng church Minister. ROv Nicholas Vandermey • ;�' r , w!. _ �P?G a , • Bethel Bible Church An Associated Gospel Church Meeting at Seaforth High . 9:05 a m. Bible School 11:00 Worship Worship: Our ultimate pnonty Small Group Meetings Weekly Pastor Doug Corriveau 522-0070 St. James Catholic Church Victoria St.. Seaforth Saturday • 5.15 pm St. James Parish. Seaforth Saturday - 7 15 pm St Josephs Parish, Clinton Sunday - 9 00 am Si Michael's Parish. 6Iyth Sunday • ii oo am Si. James Parish Seaforth Father Dino Salvador ® -