HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-3-26, Page 8TER IA.LS You Will Like. For Your Spring Sewing We specialize in all lands' of materials for home sewing and airess-making;, see our range while it is complete. GINGHAMS An unusually large range of attractive new patterns in the better . class of ginghams and ratine effects, See our special_ ginghams at 29c. a yard. BROADCLOTHS A., wonderful, display of fancy striped broadcloths and all the popular plain shades: in both the English -and all silk broadcloths, priced from 76c. a yard up. Wool Crepes This all wool crepe is 39 inches wide, it drapes nicely, does not crush and comes in all the wanted shades. It is Just the right material for spring and early summer dres- ses. Normandie Voiles We are featuring this popu- lar voile in a big range of shades decorated with the small seed dot. Also in some pretty new designs in exclu- sive dress lengths. You will be delighted with the reason- able prices. House Furnishings Wall -Papers Rugs - Curtains Linoleums - Congoleums Now is the time to brighten up your home for coining visit- ors. It will be a pleasure to show you our new wall papers, cur- tains and curtain and drapery materials, If you are planning to have a new linoleum or congoleum rug see us first, we can offer you a choice of over fifteen patterns and will promise to save you money. We have some real bargains in odd lots of wall paper in some of our best patterns. J. A. Stewart 1 The Store that Keeps Good Furniture OUGHT TO BE A GOOD PLACE TO GO WHEN THERE IS FUR- ' NITURE TO BE BOUGHT. WE DON'T BELIEVE THAT YOU CAN FIND A BETTER ALL ROUND PLACE TO FIT OUT THE HOME, THAN RIGHT AT THIS STORE. ,LARGEST STOCK LOWEST PRICES LATEST DESIGNS BETTER SERVICE TIM HOME FURNISTIFR M E. RDINER Conductor of Funeral Service Motor Hearse and.Horse Equipment DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE LONG DISTANCE CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO 6E -ERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 743; Night call 74W i ._ �...o- �•�c�- �•Qy-'.�- —� :.moi �::..i i �:��.� Men's :Stora Phone 81w Men's Store r\ Borsalina :Flats are as dis- 4 tinguished in service as •:. they are in appearance h The Hat You Will Be "4 Sorry To Part With We also have an up-to-date range of KING HATS OUR LINE OF CAPS IS THE FINEST WE HAVE CARRIED IN YEARS AND THE PRICES ARE DOWN \/ HiQ V Merchant Tailor and Gents' Outfitter �ti �.�is..•y�� � . •�"^'ti..� �.��::.s�'�"i ::� •�Y s.,i�`�%tea-"��•`i�..>.;a-�►iu:.. ��j�•��������/llllLlilllyl�Il Hl►lI111�4s��r DRESS UP This is Borsalino Week w TfMf itpays o use MARTIN -SENOU 10070 PURE PAINT & VARNISHES Par veiyParposs-roc , 'verySucrace Write to Rend °Moe. Montreal For Free Booklet NOME PAINTING MADE EASY SOLD BY G. A. HAWKINS Exeter, Ont. FOR; RENT Grass farm being' Int 15,; Con, ID, Ste1 hen Tp., 100 a4re8, and lots 16 and 17, Con. 1.8, acres. Well fenced, rock .Won. partietilars apply to Char1e>i ronyn, Clandeboye, R. IL NO. 1.: FOR RFNT—Gras8 fart/ being lot 6, con. 7, Hay Tp,, comprising 100 eores, never failing well on property. If not rented cattle will ca taken for the season, Apply to gym. Penhale, Exeter, Ont. THE EXETER 'TIM Exeter Markets Wheat, $1.35. Oats, 50c. Barioy 55c. Manitoba Flour, $$.40. Blended Flour 85,15 Py Fu, FeedastrFlolourr8284,25,65, Bran, 8'1,60. Shorts, $1.70. Utter 30e, Creamery Butter, 38c. Eggs Extras 28cc. Eggs Firsts 23c. Lard 20e Hags, selects, $14.00, Hogs, thick smooth, $13.25 ++++4.4.÷-1•+++++++++++++++.1.44 I., LOCAL .�. 4• ' .F l; l •l g o' .�, +++++++.1 U.F.O. meeting Friday evening at 8 o'clock sharp in Senior's Hall. FLOWER LOVERS Don't miss Mr. H, 3, Moore's talk. on Flowers on Tuesday, April 7th in the Town Hall, Exeter, Beauti- ful lantern views. Exeter Horticultural Society MEETING OF BOWLERS The annual meeting of the Exeter Bowling Club will be held Friday. evening, at the Bank of Montreal, commencing at 8 o'clock. Reports, election of officers and other busi- ness. ness. 8 -ADVOCATE 0 A17}IN r$J81S$XTItMtRA11f o$raa“v ROT. James !Foote,, l .A., Miolster 10 a n►. --*Sunday Se tool and Bible 11 a.ni.--Services as usual. • The Minister 7 p.m. --•-Services as usual. The Minister JAMES STREET M THODIRT CHURCH'' • Rev. W. E. Donnelly, B. A., Pastor • W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir -Leader 10.15—Morning Fellowship. 11 a.m.—"Restoring the Old Well" 3:00 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible Classes. 7 p.m.—The .Great Obstacle to Faith The Why of Trouble EVEYBOIrt COMEE Trivitt Memorial Church Rev, A. A. Trumper, L. Th., Rector. 11 a.m.—"The Significence of Time. 7 p.m.—"Christ as a Preacher" 5th in the series on the example of Jesus Christ, usi- Len's t- Mk Miss Florence Dinney returned J 'IIs et Sunday from a visit in London. l� ja ar The local nitnrods are anxiously waiting for the suckers to run. Don't forget your income taxre- turns. The time limit is -April 30. Decision Day will be observed in Main St. Sunday School next Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lewis and daughter Thelma, spent the week- end at Brinsley. Mr. B. W, F. Beayers and sou' Reg. visited with Mr. Lloyd Beavers in London on Saturday. Miss Vivian Hogarth, nurse at Victoria Hospital, London, visited at her home here last week. Mrs.' E. A. Follick has been visit- ing for several days with her daugh- ter, Mrs. L. Hearts, of Siuicoe. Miss Gardiner, of Toronto, rep- resenting the Upper Canada Tract Society, is making a canvass. Miss Dorothy Kuntz, who has been ill at. her -home here, has gone t� Victoria Hospital for further treat- ment. Mrs. John 1VIallett of London, is visiting for a couple of weeks with friends and relatives in. Exeter and Crediton. B. W. F. Beavers will have a demonstration of paints and var- nishes on March 27th and 28th. See advertisement on page five. Mr. John Richardson of Wyoming visited his sister, Mrs. Emerson of this town over the week -end. While here he called on Mrs. Westlake and Mr.. W. W. Rice. Councillor 3. S. Ballantyne, of Usborne, who recently met with a serious accident, was in town Mon- day with his arm in a sling resting on a pillow. + The Maple syrup season is at hand and considerable of .this, sea- son's make has already been mark- eted in town. The price paid to the producer is $2.25 a gallon. Mr. Hamblyn, cutter for the S.M. Sanders Manufactoring Co., whose home has been in Clinton, has rent- ed a ' part of Mrs. Thos. Brock's residence on. Huron St. and will move therein shortly. among those who attended the funeral of the late Phillip Rowcliffe on Monday were Mrs. Rowcliffe, Mrs. M. Mitchell, Mr. A. Rowcliffe, Mr. Arthur Weeks, Mr. and Mrs. T. Wilson and Mrs. Cowey, all of Lon- tion, Mr. and Mrs. Jos Crich, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stripley and Mrs. Dav- id Crich of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Albert• Perrett, who have been residing in London for some time will move back to town this week, Mr. Perrett having ac- cepted a position as cutter with the S. M4 Sanders Manufacturing Co. Mr. and Mrs. Perrett will be wel- comed back to our midst. Among those , who attended the funeral of the late Mrs. John Piper on Friday last were Mr. and Mrs. McKinley of Cleveland; Win. Piper, of Seaforth; Mr. and 1VIrs: Ed. Piper of Kitchener; Mrs. Gale, of London; Mrs. Braithwaite and Mrs. Goldman of Detroit; Mrs. 'Hy. Piper and son, of Mitchell; Mrs. Grace Lewis and Mrs. Dorman, of London. on. Mrs. John Taylor, Ann Street, re- ceived the sad news -on Wednesday of last week of the death of her mother, Mrs. Wm. Lower, who died in the hospital, at Lamporte, Ind. after a lingering illness. .Mrs. Taylor left at once for that place to attend the funeral, returning on Saturday, The deceased was 58 years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Lower visited 111' Exeter two years ago. Mrs. S. Johnston, who has been a highly esteemed resident ofx E eter for many years, has rented her property on Mill street to Mr. Albert Perrett of London and will move to Seaforth to make her future home with her daughter, Miss Iia, who has been in that town for some time., The change will take place the lat- ter part of April, The many friends of Mrs. Johnston will regret to learn Of her intended departure. FOR SALE Hollow tile silo for Gale. Price very reasonable. Apply to the Exeter Canning Co: LOST---. A " bunch- of keys - on x'ri- day last. :Finder' rewarded by leav- ing at Dr. H. K, Hy -adman's office. LI131i.ARIAN WANTED For the Exeter Public Library; A.piilications up to 7 p.m., 1 riday, April 3rd fora Librarian to take full charge, will be received by the undersigned. Duties to coati/fence on. April 4th. W. S. Howey, chairman ..MEATS OF ALL KINDS FRESH AND CURED PROMPT DELIVERY GIVE US A CALL .PxoNE 3s Powell's Bazaar Plain Price Store BUSINESS IS GOOD at this store. "There's a„ Reason." We are al- ways on the alert_ for New Ideas. New Seasonable Goods that we can acquire and pass on to our Custom- ers at values that will demand their attention. Since we spoke to you. last week in this "space" we have put in stock several hundred pieces of Dinnerware, and that excellent white porcelian cups and saucers, tea and breaffast plates, fruit saucers, oatmeal dishes and plat- ters—the prices -5c, 10c, 15c, 30c and 35c. Blue' Willow, china and porcelian, English Blue line Cups and saucers and tea plates, at less than you expect to pay. We extend to you a cordial invitation to visit the "one" Store in Exeter, where you can feel at home, whether you buy or not. To "study this store" and its savings, may mean a . good deal to you at the end of this year, so the sooner you get- •t'he Habit of patronizing Powell's` ' Bazaar, tha better twill be for you. FRIDAY, SATURDAY SPECIALS' 200 30- page ruled writing pads, (good value at 8c) sale 5c, 6 for 25c 100 bottles Ink, (good value at 10c) sale 5c a bottle. Come, get a supply Now While they are cheap. VIOLIN AND PIANO INSTRUC- TION Pupils visited or received Terms Moderate Concert Engagements Accepted. ROBERT GAMBRILL Phone " 161, Exeter For ffiCri KEEP THEM HEALTHY AND MAKE THEM IrAY "FIENERGIZER" makes laying hens keep on laying and triples your profits. "EZY ROUP CHASER" is the poul- try's best friend. • "Y URMO OINTMENT" is a sure kil- ler of body lice on fowl and is a speedy treatment of Scaly legs. - Quaranteed by STANDARD POULTRY SERVICE COMPANY Sold and Recommended by PHILLIP HERN EXETER :—: ONTARIO FIT YOUR HORSES FOR SPRING WORK BY FEEDING ACME STOCK CONDITIONER A product that has made good; scientifically prepared for fattening stock. It increases the appetite and assures a smooth, glossy coat and good spirits. Highly recommended for horses, cattle and growing pigs' by those who have used it. Sold by the, 25- lb. bag or by the pound by R. G. dhLLIES, EXETER 1 I CATTLE FOR GRASS FARM—I have room to take a number of cattle for grass this summer. Apply; to did. Goatee, Usborne. SEED GRAIN FOR SALE-1Vf'ixed seed grain, Sheffield Standard Oath, (early variety); No. 21 O.A.C. Bar- ley, Price 2c. a lb.; -terms cash.— Wm. Frayne, Exeter. HORSES FOR SALE Three and "four-year-old geldings, Also some horses too thin to ship.—G, J. Dow, Exeter, Ont. , LOST --On March 9t1, a tarpaulin fol auto truek. Finder rewarded by leaving at Winchelsea or Exeter Creamery, Fort SALE—;Chevrolet dart' new tiros, new batterY; i . y',, n good rixniiing Condition, • Bargain for qnick sale, Apply at Trots -Advocate THURSDAY? MARCH 40th, 1925. rtilmo 1mI111A1111N1111111111111NNiINNN1NMNINIIIIINII111111111NN11111gg1111IIIIurno NIN111111111111111111111Io NN N Tew MoeIs in•Meri'sI MISS W s MEM M▪ EMO M masa NoneWOWMOMMOD E:IRING CLOTHINcI This*season we offer a bigger and better range of boy's and men' sfine clothing tailored in the newest styles than eyes before.. All we, ask is an opportunity to show you the new cloths. Priced at $16,50 $ 2,50 $30.00 $35 nn Biltmore Hats for Men Our new spring hats are here. Phey include several new shapes and shades and are very smart. Priced at $3,50 and $5.00 Men's Oxfords and Shoes We are shoving the new light tan. as well as patents and black calf orfords in the, new spring shapes. $5.00, $6.00, $8.00. STYLISH COATS FOR SPRING Every week we have new coats to show you. We expect another shipment the end of this week.. Prices to suit everyone's purse. Coats at $12.50 $16.50 $19.50 $22.50 to $40. Striped and Check Ginghams These come in 33 inch cloth in the new patterns. Nice fine. weave and good washers at per yard 30 cents. New Scrims `and Curtain Nets We show a bigger and better range than ever before. Ask to See our nets for bedrooms at per yard. 20, 25, and 30 cents. WALL PAPERS Boxers Wall Papers are hard to beat. We show a big range of new designs. A few patterns in bedrooms at per roll 7% and ammo 10 cents. Linoleum and Congoleum Rugs We carry a splendid assortment of patterns in these sanitary floor coverings. Our prices are the lowest. GREB SHOES FOR BOYS AND MEN Greb shoes for school wear for boys are hard to beat. and- be convinced. Boys $3.75. Men's $4.50. Try a pair Southc.tt Bros. OMMIMIN alime ll111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111iNtN11111111MI iNI11111ll1111llllllNNIIIiiINI Milli IMIIIIIIIMMIlNi IMIMING COAL—COKE � ,, AND INSURANCE "IN THE PUBLIC EYE YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED ;' /� E. J. CHRISTIE s" l%i '%tigi� 4: OFFICE: North of Elliott and Johns REPAIRS Great Bargains in We are now prepared to -do all kinds of repairsbroken frames o n Furniture durin g whereas before, we had to send them to London or elsewhere. HEAVY SHELL FRAMES TO YOUR OWN LENSES, WHILE YOU WAIT, $3.00, SPECTACLES, LARGE LENSES, $1.00 and UP. Dr. John Ward CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. PHONE 70 Safety Razor Blades Sharpened (any make) SINGLE EDGE 3c DOUBLE EDGE 4c Perfect Edge Guaranteed /W. S. COLE, Druggist A 12 -hoe grain drill, second hand in good repair and a second hand fertilizer grain drill at reasonable prices.—Wm. Ward. CLEANING PRESSING and REPAIRING SUITS MADE -TO -MEASURE TO FIT YOU AND YOUR POCKET WORK CALLED FOR AND DE- LIVERED. ELLIOTT AND JOHNS FARM FOR SALE OR RENT - 250 acres of choice pasture land will be sold in whole or in part; 100 acres being lot 11, N. B. Stephen; 100 acres being lot 11, S. B. Hay, and 50 acres being W 3 lot 3, 6th con., Hay. Will be sold in 50 acre lots 80 x 100 rods if desired. Creek running through property. Apply to John Ford, Exeter. IVIHOLM. FARM BABY CRICKS—Barred Rocks, White Le horns or Anconas; onas• al so custom hatching done at 4c. per egg; flocks culled. A quantity of Irish. Cobbler, and Dooley seed potatoes.— L. V. Hogarth, Exeter, phone Credi ton 18-31, For Sale THE FOLLOWING REAL ES'T'ATE IN THE VILLAGE OF EXETER No. 1—Large brick store on Lot 25, East of Main n 'St. No. 2—Erick residence and sur- rounding grounds formerly occupied by the late Richard Pickard, situat- ed North of John St. No. 3—Six end one half acres of land being part of Lot 16, first con- cession of Usborne situated North of the residence of Charles Hatvey Esquire. Forart picixia re as to price and terms of sale on above properties See R. E. Pickard, Exeter, the next two• months . R. N. ROWE EMBALMER AND. FUNERAL DIRECTOR PHONE 20W PHONE 203 t4+4.4,44++++++++++++++++4.44 RADIO Nothing but the best parts that money will buy go- into : our sets. That accounts for the superiority of their Performance and refinement of tone. This with very reasonable price, gives us satisfied customers. Call and be convinced. GRANT SANDERS 'JAMES ST. EXETER 3.4.4-4.+4-3-4 +4.4-3.4.44++++++++++ •I4.3••l• W. R:..Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. Methodist Church Instrucction in Piano Vocal Organ • Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Concert Engagements Accepted Studio Victoria St. Box 57 EXETER,. ONT. J. L. LEWIS CONTRACTOR Cement and Carpenter Work ESTIMATES FURNISHED EXETER ONTARIO Wood for Sale A QUANTITY OF DRY WOOD FOR SALE H. Bagshaw TRY (18 Phone 58W Cochrane Machine Works Ford motors reground, g d, #fitted with Pistons,: Complete16.00 $ Every Make -of -Car Motor and Elatginer re. ground with Pistons Conn plete to fit, t, also Tractors. 1. R. •CABLING B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, &c., Loans, Invest lents, Insurance, Office, Carling Block, Main St. Exeter GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers , Solicitors' &c. Money to Loan, Investments Made Insurance. • Safe-deposit Vault for use of our Clients without charge. Exeter London Hensall ERNEST ELLIOT CONVEYANCER, ETC. HIGH CLASS INVESTMENTS (Trustee Investments) Bearing interest at 53/ per cent. INSURANCE Office: Main St. Exeter, Ont. G.S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.S DENTAL SURGEON graduate of the Royal College el Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Tiai.- versity of Toronto. Late Di.strict Dental Officer, Mili- tary District Nuinber One, Landon* Ont., Main Office, Main St. Exeter. Oat Phone 34, Exeter; Homs 9.00 can. to 5.30; p.n. 0111@e hours at ZURICH ONT,, Tues. only, at 10,00 o'clock a.m. to 5.64, o'clock p.m. Phone -79. DR. 0, F. ROULSTON, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTIST Office over 1. R. Carling's Law office. -- Extractions Under Oxygen Gas. DR. A. R. KINSMVIAN, L.L.D., D.D.S. Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer- sity DENTIST Office over Gladman & Stanbury'a` office, Main Street Exeter. -F,R A LICENSED AUCTIONEER ' for Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed EXETER P. 0. or RING 138 A, Ii„ T1 NNANT Veterinary Sur ro* Office ---McDonnell's Efa'1en =Olen ilii John St, Phone calls receive proatiilf atteiltlon. Pitons -2 tlw .TAMES W. WA IS»1» LICENSER AUCTIONEER Sales Conducted in any locality. Farm Stock sales a • Specialty. Selig - faction guaranteed. Charges mode erate. Orders left at this office will:' be promptly attended to. R.R. Mo. 1, Kirkton, Phone Rirkton 54r2. FARMS FOR SAL/AWA few Choleit farinain , , aM the To�'u8liipil tit I7aborfgll„ T e iti i►erotuitlt end Hibbert, 4 bi ate" u ltlittg find *roll locMed to to Xgart keta. Priced right. ,Apply to '1'ho114, CaLoran, Anet., Bock 1044 !lxoter,