HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-3-26, Page 5{p : 3 Si. Ll- �f' e^ a•- e• r • ta- NIIIIIIIllI11II111111111111IIIlllillllillpll„lllllliliilllllilll111111111iIlIlll! IINIlIlN1IIIINiIIllI111I11IINNIIIIIIIIiiNINIIIIIIIIIIIIIhjI 11 s f From HensaIiI THE EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE WNW 4!hill!iU11111Iil IN i llHlllllllllllllllllllllll1111111111II11IIlIIIIIllhIillIUIIIIIIIIIIHHIIHIIHIIl1IIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIiI Are you. Dissatisfied? Do you want a Better Training Hensall to'`'COnaniand' 4 -Bigger- Salary? write to The ch f Commerce School ool o Clinton, Ontario FOR PARTICULARS REGARDING CLASSES FOR STUDENTS COMING DAILY BY TRAIN EXTRA TUITION GIVEN BECAUSE. OI' SHORT SCHOOL DAY COURSES Stenographic -- Commercial - Special Courses lc A. STONE, COM. SPECIALIST, Vice Principal Students May Enter at Any - Secretarial B. F. WARD, B.A.,• Principal Time. The latest report of the „total number of deaths in the great cyc- lone that passed over the state of Illinois is now placed at 826 and the property loss at over $48,000,- 000, FOR A METAL. CLAD . GARAGE First class in every detail,. strong diagonal braced frame and covered with first -class galvanized corrugated sheets. Made in parts ready to bolt together with' doors and win- dows complete 10 x 16 ft. For $98.00 Freight .and tax paid. Apply to John Elder, Hensall Phone No.. 1 BUILDER'S SUPPLIESJ. Wallpaper Asphalt Shingles Hardwood flooring laid and Polished Alterations and New Work Promptly attended to. ESTIMATES FREE J. S. SANGSTER BUILDER, HENSALL Hensall Tile, Brick andekYard Elo DEALERS 'IN Cement, H ,drated Lime ' -t Wall las er ,P�l t and Hard Ye have been' appointed local deal- er for Gyproe Wall Eoard for Hen- sall and siurounding district. This is a fire proof all board. 1VI33 wild to b rn? '1Vhen in •eed of •i d on nit us' as we • li consult ' 'ldln b ua b su p S"our needs. iCAll supply :all p Py 111 neatemea =se, Phone 7 Did A.. MOIR, L. M C. C. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 70 HENSALL DR. J. W. PECK Graduate of Faculty ofMedicine, 'McGill University, Montreal; Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons Of Ontario; Licentiate of Medical Council of Canada; Post Graduate ;,$eatber of Resident Medical staff of ;general Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15; pate, a doors east of Post Office, Phone iii'6, Heiman, Ontario, AUCTIONEER OSCAR ,IK .+OPP 3ionor Graduate Carey Jones' Au- lltlon School, Speeial course taken in Registered Live Stock (all Breeds,) nerchaind106, ' Real ;EState, Faint $1Ealee, etcI ares in keeping i 8 with sprevailing prices. Satisfaction aa- nured, write Oscar Ilopp, ".Zurich, or Yrire 1848, Zurich. AUCTION SALE of FURNITURE AND GARDEN TOOLS The ` undersigned 'auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public' auction,' on -MAIN STREET, HENSALL — on — • SATURDAY, MARCH 28th, 1925 • at '1 o'clock p.m. the following Heintzlnan • upright piano and bench, walnut, almost new; exten- sion dining room table,solid oak; 6 dining room chairs, solid oak; cup- board, Solid oak; 6 rocking chairs, 1 rug .12Y2 x 91/2, .linoleum 15 x 14, linoleum 11 x 12, 2 flower stands, 17 window blinds, curtain rods, • 11 kitchen chairs, extension table, oak; pantry cupboard, high •Peninsular range, 2 work tables, 2 wash tubs, 3 bedroom suites, complete, solid oak; iron bed complete, single; wood bed complete, single; bed spring, set: • of quilting frames, Perfection oil heater,- 4 -burner New Process coal oil stove, garden tools, set of dishes and many other articles too numerous to 'mention. Don't miss this sale; everything goes without reserve. TERMS CASH ROY DICK & DR. PECK 'Executors Mrs. Mary Dick Estate OSCAR KLOPP, ...Auctioneer AUCTION ;.SALE of — FUItNYTURE. AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on CORNER WELLINGTON AND S. RICHMOND STREETS, HENSALL. . on ' SATURIIA.Y, APRIL 4th, 1925 at 1 o'clock p.m. the 'following: R. -S. Williams & Son piano, 5 - piece parlor suite, onyx table, parlor table, Brussels stair carpet, stair pads, hall tree, • hall mirror, solid white ash and cherry desk, Brussels rug 9.x 9, Wilton rug 9 x 101/2, almost new; grass rug 6 x9, 2 rocking chairs, 3 veranda chairs, leather couch, oak ,dining room ex- tension table, 6 oak dining room chairs, 2 bedroom suites com-plets, 2 white beds and dressers, 4 springs 4 mattresses, several chamber sets,. bedroo couch, small oak-ibookcase,. 9 odds chairs, pictures, bamboo magazine stand, 2 small tables, sev- eral large pieces of linoleum, hall carpet, tapestry,, several small rugs, walnut table, walnut sideboard, Singer sewing machine almost new, curtains, window . shades, flower pots, kitchen couch, Happy Thought range, cupboard,..pantry table, drop- leaf table, ironing table, . gasoline stove and oven, coaloil heater; dishes, crocks, pans, kettles, 2 lawn seats, croquet set,,dinner set, empty sealers, kitchen utensils and numer- ous other articles including logging chains, hay forks, shovels, spades and garden tool•s. Eyerything , will positively •'nee sold as proprietress is leaving town. TERMS CASH MRS. D. URQUHART', Proprietress OSCAR' KLOPP, Auctioneer Mr, Henry Pfile spent Sunday in Clinton. Saturday, March' 21st, was the first day of Spring. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hedden visited in Seaforth Sunday. . Mr. Fines of Clinton was a vis- itor in town on Sunday. Miss Helen Ladd, of Clinton, vis- ited in town on Saturday, Mr. Evans of Windsor was in town Monday on business. Mr. Colin . Hudson visited his father in Seaforth Sunday. Mr. T, C. Joynt made a business trip, to Toronto on Monday. Mr. J. Robertson, of Clinton, was in town Friday on business. Mr. J. Wilson, of London, was in town Thursday on business. Mr. Garnet Case spent the week- end with relatives in.. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. Jackson visited relatives in Clinton on Sunday. Mr. Wm. Moore, of London .was in town Thursday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Caldwell, of London, visited in town ou Sunday Mr. Waiper of Zurich visited visited with friends in town Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Kitty :of. Dau phili Man., are visiting Mr. and Mrs.: Thos. Farquhar. Messrs Laird Miekle and Ernest Shaddock motored to London on Tuesday of this week. Mr., Wilfrid Turnbull of Stratford visited over: the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Smith and family. Mr. George 'Brock and Mr.. Colin Hudson have each. put in their homes a new Mason & Risch piano. The dance given in the Town Hall on Friday evening was `largely at- tended and all reported a good time. Messrs C. McDonell and R. E. Cook left for Oshawa on. Tuesday to bring home some new Chevrolet cars. We aresorry to report that Miss Majorie Pearce is confined to her bed through an attack of rhnma- tisnt. • Miss Jean Maxwell, who has beeu visiting in New Brunswick for some time, returned home on Friday evening. Mr. T. C. Joynt is having a big spring display of Ladies' wear at his: store.on Friday and Saturday of. this week. Mrs. Thos. Sherritt, Sr., who has been visiting for some time with her daughter in London returned home on . Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. White of Lon- don visited over the week -end with the fornier's parents,. Mr.. and Mrs. W. White 'of town. Mr. Sid McArthur went to Lon- don last week and underwent a serious operation. At present he is getting along nicely. Mrs. Geo..Hedden, who, is confin- ed to her room through illness is improving nicely and is able to be up a little each day. Misses Violet Whiteside, Dorothy Welsh and Hazel Coxworth, who are, attending . Stratford Normal visited at their homes over the week -end. Frank Hedden, whowas taken to Seaforth on Wednesday of last week to undergo an operation for appen- dicitis, , is getting along as well as•. can be expected. Mrs. D. Urquhart, who recently sold her residence to Mr. Skinner, intends having an auction sale of her household effects on April 4th. Oscar Klopp of Zurich, will wield the hammer. Miss Violet Whiteside, who is at- tending Stratford Normal while at school on Thursday had the misfor- tune to fall and break her ankle and will be laid up at her home for„ a short time. Mr. D. Beggs, representing Steele Briggs Co.,' Toronto is here this week shipping out the onion sets. The Rennie Seed Co. also have a gang of men employed getting their onions out. TheOrangeman o the Village, f ag, held an ".At Home" and b0 x'soc- ial. in their hall: here on •Wednesday evening. A good: crowd was pres- ent and the evening was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Oi lelS&e Having purchased the stock of Mr. W. C. Davis . we are now open for business and in order that we inay get acquainted with yoti and that you might get better acquainted with the store we have decided on a wli,irlwindopening sale that will last for ten days, starting on Sat., the Our entire Stock of DryGoods,Crockery etc.111 w go on Sale. _Many values will. be be- low Y low wholesalep rices. STOCK CONSISTS OF DRESS GOODS, SILKS, VOILES, SEROUS GINGHA:MS, GALATEA$, HOSIERY, ETC. This sale will mean money to you at a time when new goods for b Spring are needed, Wo o. W s lloit the trade of Hensall and vicinity. I"aliitp induce falcon. SKINNER , S' OR TO "W. 0. mythti r HENSALL The Hensel' Auditor's Report•for 1924 is now in printed form. The special Young Peoples' Day In the Methodist Church on Sunday Was a.great success. Large congre- gations , were present at bean ser vices. . The choir of young folk de- lighted the audiences, The Young People's League held its ineethtg 11onday evening. Mrs. Sinclair gave the address and Miss Viola Higgins gage a very excellent reading. A spelling match added to the interest Of the evening, Next Tuesday evening the ,yipg; People's' League of Chiselhurst will present their .play in the Town Hall entitled "I Can't Afford It," The play Vas givenlast week et Chisel - horst to a .full house and the young people did themselves credit. The .literary talent of 1VIrs. W. N. Glenn, of Hensall, has come to. the front. Mrs. Glenn was awarded the first prize for her conclusion to a broken story that appeared ',in a London paper, There were 483 contestants. The prize amounted to $26. The Hensall Bowling Club recent- ly held a meeting in the Town Hall when the election of officers for the cominng year took place. ' An int- eresting feature of the meeting was the making. hrr. D. Grassick a life member. They also decided to put on a dance in the Town Hall on Fri- day eveuing.of this week:' On Saturday afternoon Miss Mc:- Taggart eTaggart had her sale of household effects, and house and lot. The sale - was largely, attended and good priceswere realized. The house and lot was sold to Mr.. Geiger for $700 which was a reasonable price for the property. Miss McTaggart intends leaving shortly for the West where she will make her home. A meeting of the reeves, council- lors and, road ecommissioners of the southern part of the County of Hur- on, was held. in. the Town Hall, on Monday .afternoon to discuss town- ship roads. Mr. Erwin, an engi- neer of the .Good Roads Dept. of Ontario, was present en addressed the meeting. A large number were present and no doubt secured a lot of valuable information along the. line of good road. Dashwood Dr. H..1-1: Cowen, L. D. S. D.. D. S DENTAL SURGEON At McCormick's Block, Zurich, every Thursday and Saturday. . MAIN OFFICE Hertleib's Block — Dashwood. Ont. A special program consisting of a sacred choir cantata entitled "The Thorn Crowned King" and Easter .sermon by Rev D. McTavish of Crediton wt71 liigrvei% of `the "Evan- gelical church on 'Sunday evening, April 5th at 8 -p.m under the aus- pices of the Dashwood Evangelical choir. Dr. H. H. Cohen spent Sunday in London. Mrs. Chas. Fritz of Zurich spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. J. Kellerman. Miss Verde Fassold. of Thedford visited at her home on Sunday. Mr. Chas: Steinhagen, Sr. is very ill at present. Mrs. Dan. Schroeder returned to her home on Monday after visiting her mother, -Mrs. Lippert Who is ill. Crediton NOTICE Numerous complaints have been received by the police trustees of Crediton against the nuisance caus- ed by children using their wagons on the sidewalk in the business sec- tion of the village.. It is respectfully requested that this be .stopped at once or else the township by-law prohibiting vehicles on the sidewalks will be inforced. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Holtzman, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Pfaff, Henry Shenk and Mrs. Chris. Heist attended the auction sale of • Mr. and . hlrs. Dan Schwanz, which was held March 18 in Colborne Tp. Mrs Will Stoddard of. Straford and Mrs. Mothers of Los Angeles are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Heist. • Mrs. Mellott of London visited. her sister Mrs. Ed. Fahner over the week -end. Mr..Ed Fahner and two daughters visited in Louden radonday 1 one the last.. Week. Mrs. Chas. Roszler had .the mis- fortune to fall and sprain her ankle on Monday and is now laid upin bed. The pupils of Miss Merle Clark were heard in a pleasing piano re- cital in the Methodist church school room Thursday evening. Those tak- ing part were: Bernice Either, Har- old Fahner, Marguerite Lamport, Alma Smith, Elva Wuerth, Helen Finkbeinei•, Elsa Thompson, Gerald Zwicker Irene Fahner; Hazel Wood- all, Iva Scholdice, Gertrude Beaver,. Dorothy Smith, Wealthy Schroeded. All interested in sports for the coming season are requested to meet at F. W. Morlock's shoe store. on Tuesday night March 31st at 8 IS. M. "The Elder Brother"—or the tragedy of•a disgruntled soul, sixth in the series on "Bible Tragedies" in the Methodist. Church next Sun- day evening. Come hear the story of a good Christian who hadn't enough religion to go to the dance when he was 'invited. and should have gone. On Sunday morning March 29th, the • annual election ' of Stiuday School Officers will take place at the Evangelical Church,. C',rediton, and at the evening service Rev. Win Y. ,Drier will Preach on; "The Tip - lifted Christ who will draw all Men Ottoit elf. tri a 1'T ns t The annual congregational bust - iters meeting Of Zion Evaitgeliral Church will be held on Wednesday evening .April let, In the basement IAa 2,41al, 192 of the enureh. The fast Preparatory serviceand 'Quarterly Conf. Session for the re - tent Conf. year •willbe conducted' by. Rev. W. F. Yaeger on Thursday ev- ening at 7:30. The Latera Slides: "Resources; ,ot. Ontario" were greatly enjoyed by -a full house at the Senior Young leo pies' house oil, last Friday evening, MT. CARMEL Friday morning, March 2.0th, this community • learned with regret the sudden passing away of one of the oldest residents . of• Stephen Tp. in the person of Mr. Micheal O'Brine, aged 75. years. The deceased had not been feeling very well for about ten days due to an attack of rheu- matism, no alarm was felt by his family as he was feeling • as 'well as usual when , retiring on Thursday evening. Mrs, O'Brine awakened about 3 a.m. and called Mr. O'Brine, receiving no answer she got alarmed and notified the family. Fr. Cor- coran was at once called and admin- istered the last rites of church when 14r. O'l3rine passed peacefully away. He is survived by his widow, two daughters, Mrs. Duchrame of Detroit Mrs. Joseph Mahoney of Stephen' Tp, and • one son, Carie,, also of Stephen. The funeral took place to. the R. C. cemetery on Monday at 10 a.m. with Requiene high mass celebrated by pastor Rev, Fr, Cor- coran. Mr. and 1rrs. McConnell of Lon- don, . M. Dennis O'Brine of St. Marys, Mr. and .Mrs. Louis Rowland, Mr. and Mrs. George Leary of Park PRESENTATION hill attended the funeral of the late Mr. O'Brine on Monday. The home of Mrs. Mary Ryan and. family was the scene of a very en- joyable evening on Sunday, March 22nd, when.h . t e the ors mem b t e C.W. League gave them a very pleasant surprise prior to their departure for their new home in Detroit. An .ad- dress was read by the President, Mrs. Mat. Doyle. "She doeth little kindnesses Which most leave undone or dis- pise, For not that sets one's heart at ease And . giveth happiness or peace, Is low esteemed in her eyes." The poet Lowell admirably ex- presses the thought, which must come to the minds of us all, as we look back through the . years of your life in the parish of Mt Carmel. You were not one to loudly advertise the doing°of Tittle, but you did a great deal and with characteristic humility you passed • on to further -good deeds. Singe the inception of the Mt. Carmel branch of the C. W. League you have been an untiring worker and very few of our activ- ities but have felt the effects of your kind and willing hand. We are going to miss you a great deal, and we feel that hat v , e cannot allow you to leave us without voicing our apprec- iation df your many charities and your generous ' co,opuration as a member of the League. We -wish to give you God speed. While every member of the C. W. League must regret your departure, each and every one of us wish for you and your family success and happiness in your new surroundings and we treasure the hope -of - having you amongst us some time again at least for a short time. Signed ou behalf of the C. W. League: Mrs. M. T. Doyle, Miss Kate Carey, Mrs. Joseph McCarthy. 'The presentation of a beautiful silver cake dish was made by Miss Kate .Carey. Mrs. Ryan made a ver brief reply. Rev. Fr. Corcor- an. made "a few kind remarks after which all left for their homes. Misses Clara and Evelyn Ryan of Detroit arrived home on Saturday. GREENWAY The Ladies Aid inet at the home of Mrs. Goodhand last Wednesday. Miss Devine Mason is visiting her sister in Sarnia. Mr'. and Mrs. Ray Pollock and family of. Nerwood and Ted Saun- ders of Watrous, Sask., visited Mr. and Mrs. E. McPherson. The little . son of Mr. and' Mrs. Ross Battram is recovering from a serious illness. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McGregor at- tended ',the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. 'John IVl'cGregor and en- joyed a family re -union. Miss Lottie Johnston visited her sister Mrs. Moss Battram Mr. and inns. C. Curtis have been on the sick list but are recovering. GRAND BEND Mr. Win. Gossman, who recently traded his house in Dashwood for the residence of Mr. Russell Bayn- hain here, moved last week. BURIED AT GRAND BEND • The funeral of Gordon Allister, the 19-year-oldf son o Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Allister,ofMarys, was held to Grand St. Mar Bend Cemetery on Monhay. Deceased was born in Grand Bend and moved to. St. Marys with his family three years ago. About a, year ago he went to Wind- sor, where he secured a position as inspector in a factory in Detroit. On March 12th he was taken ill at the home of his friend, Phomas Nes- bitt, bitt, and seven days later was taken to the Hotel Dieu, Windsor, where he died on Saturday. He was a bright, cheery young man, full of promise and was vory popular with the young folks of the town.He is survived by his parents, three sisters Mrs. M. Lightfoot, of 13i•insley; Ella and Nola,, and one brother, John at home. NAIRN CORRESPONDENCE Mrs. Elston of St. Marys, who has been visiting friends here last week went to Exeter on Saturday to spend a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mips. Wm. Bagshaw. Rev: D. Don "ell. delivered l i W n1s y famous lecture "Marriage, the Pike's Peak of Success" in Corbett Presby- terian ohttrcli last Wednesday even. - fou can now get.. FULLER BRUSHES! Whether you want a trop for the floors, brush for the furniture, broom or ;some personal brush, l will be glad, to show it to you. I:arn the Fuller Man. Although I may have called on you, before, there liave been many new items added to the Fuller Line since then. I have also a Fuller gift which I leave with every woman I visit. If you wish, to get in touch withme, jest write o; phone, a9 everybody's hap yon Community Pant and Varnish Day • oa1c "•tPaPez Baby / BIG DEMONSTRATION SHOWING THE WONDERFUL EFFECTS THAT CAN BE PRODUCED WITH SHER- WIN WILLIANTS PAINTS AND VARNISHES FRIDAY and SATURDAY MARCH 27th and 28th AGENT FOR SHERW/N-WILLIAM$ PAINTS &VARNISHES B. W. F. BEAVERS Clandeboye Mr. Harold Flynn is confined to kis bed, With a severe cold. . The •. roads in this part of tho country are in excellent shape and the dust is once more flying. Mrs. Whitemore spent Saturday in the city. Syrup making is in full blast in this section of the country and the farmers report a ,good run and first class quality, Mr. Burton Hodgson is seriousis ill with pneumonia, he has been very low for this past' week but lat- est report he isholding his o n sown and. Pg liis recovery is looked for. He is under the care of Dr. Orme of Lucan and a trained nurse from London. Thomas Roser of Denfield called in"town recently. ZION Mr. Earle Johnston, of Bianshard has moved onto the farm he recent- ly purchased from Mr. R. E. Pooley. Mr. Thos. Cann, of the Titariies Road : visited with Mr: and Mrs. Johnston onS undaY . Mr. Tennyson Johns has accepted a position to clerk with MrR. E. Tooley and will commence his new duties the first of April, Mi'. Thos. Brock's auction sale willbe held on Friday, A. number from this community attended the funeral of the late P. Rowoliffe in Exeter, Monday,' and also the funeral of the late Thos, Smale• The Pastor, Rev. H. E. Living- stone preached a fine sermon to the ladies • of the W.M.S. Sunday even- ing. The W.M,S held their quilting bee on Thursday. Mr. W. Batten and Wni. Stephens spent Sunday with the latter's par- ents in Stephen Tp, Not many have topped their tr ees in this locality but those' who have report good runs. The roads are drying tip fineand striding wheat is looking good.. Shipka Miss Vera Fossald of Thedford called on her sister, IVTrs, M.. Ratz last Sunday. Miss Shenk of Crediton ' is visit- ing with her brother., Mr, N- Shenk. 'Mr. Thomas Keyes attended.. the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Keyes. of Stanley last Tuesday, Whalen Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson have moved to their new home w o Eat Zion. Mrs. Nat. Ogden of Exeter is spending a few days with her daugh- ter, Mrs, Frank Squire. Several from here attended the sale of the late Mrs. Long at Liman on Saturday. Mrs. Allan Jaques and Mrs. Wil- son Morley were i t i London oudon on T ire ..: day to see their sister Miss Elsie Gunning, who is in the hospital. Winter Term from January � nth 1925 GEN 176i� Commercial life offers great- er opportunities than does any other "calling. Central gradtz- ,ates secure good positions; We receive . more Calls- for trained held than we have etttdeuts graduate: Waite the doilege at once and get its 'free ca t ald ue, it may interest you, D. A. McLaughlin, 1' r