HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-2-26, Page 8"Your Real Sale ?riees, are in a good many eases less than you would have to pay wholesale for articles of equal quality." Ot course we know this to be quite true but it just goes to prove that yell as a consumer cannot afford to miss this opportunity to buy goods that you hoed at less that, wholesale prices. Real Sale Prices Continued Only Until March 7th Lower Grocery Prices Till\,- n- Corti flakes 3 for 29c Special Coffee • 4 , 39c lb.. Shredded Wheat 2 fon_ 25c \Strong light brooms ,. 49c Tasty yellow cheese ,,,,' 250 lir. 3: Palm Olive soap for. 23e 3 pkgs. Ammonia powder 24c • 10c toilet soaps 3 for 23c 7 big cakes Castile soap .... 25e 2 ib. seedless raisins for 23c Special mixed tea 59c ib. 2 lb. choice dates for .. 23c 8 bars Of any Laundry Soap for 49c Royal Yeast. Cakes.,,.. 5c pkg. 3 McLaren's Jelly Powders 23c 2 large tins pink salmon.- 29.e. 2 small ting pick salmon 13c 2 large tins red salmon 49c • 6 rolls toilet paper for.... 25e Domestic sardines 4 tins 25c 2 pls. seeded raisins for 25c 3 bottles of extracts for...: 25e • Lux Lux Lux .11c.,. 2 ib. ginger snaps for .. 23c 1 ib. crispy soda liiscuits 15e Special cocoa 2 lb. for .,.. 25c 3 boxes of matches for 29e 2 ib. choice figs for .. 25c 3 lb. good rice for ,, 25c Sweet Florida oranges 39c doz. 2 pigs. 'Bran an Flakes for 25c ' $2 .95 Dinner ;Sets 26.95 These are full 97 piece dinner sets of very best quality semi - Porcelain. 3 pretty patterns to choose from including white a*ld gold. ,See these they are a real bargain at x;25.95. :$1,.130 Salad Bowls special at 49c. 34 doz. odd w.bite, cups for .... 49e . Ladies' Coats at $14.95 and . $19.85 Silk and: Cotton Spools, 4 for 25c. 38c. Ginghams for 29c yd. 30c. print for 21e. yard Reg. 35c. quality flowered & figured Chintz-36=in wide for 28e yd. $2 all wool dress flannels & homespuns-54-in. wide for 41.49 yd. Dress Berges, extra width, all wool, reg. to $2.25. for 85'c. yard. Reg, 25e- factory cotton, fine weave, good weight for 19e. yard. $1.50 House dresses, small medium and large sizes now 98c. Yard wide Flannelettes, reg. 25e to 30c quality for 19c. yard Reg. 25e. quality roller and tea towelling, 2 yards for 35c. Bargains for Men and Boys Men's $35 overcoats for $24.95 Men's $40 suits for $29.85 Men's $25 overcoats for $17.95 Men's $25 suits for $18.95 Several good overcoats $14.95 Men's suits as low as $12.95 Boy's overcoats $5 to $10.00 Boy's suits $5.00 to $10.00 $4.00 IIen's odd pants, heavy tweed, sizes to 46 for-. $2.98. $6.50 Men's fancy check all wool sweater coats for $4.95. Regular 50c. quality all wool sex for 39e a pair. $1.50 Men's fine print shirts to clear at 98e. J. A. Stewart 1 Stock -Taking Bargains 1 in Furniture Our furniture is the very newest that can be had anywhere. Come in and look it over. We have some great tock taking bar- gains. Lowest Prices • Latest Designs Best Service E. Gardiner & Son FUNERAL DIRECTORS • R , Day and Night Service -OPFR. 'HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 741; Night call 74W 4,141110111111111101111111111111 Men's Store Phone 81w Men's Store ak ,,,L 1�jedv�,na e �♦ / \%7 lrV,t1 ARE NOW OFF}RING SPECIAL REDUCTIONS IN OTJR. IMI'ADE - TO - MEASURE CLOTH- ING. IF YOU ARE THINKING OF PURCHASING A NEW NOW IS THE TIME AS OUR SPECIAL OFFER MEANS A BIG SAVING TO YOU. ANYONE WITH CLOTH OF TIIl72R OWN WILL DO WELL TO HAVJfl IT MADE UP DURING TH bACIir L ' yy.� ,7 SEASON. Irl ON. Big Reduction in all Ready -Made Suits and Overcoats Bnying Noir . We Can Save You Money limit Tailor artld Gents' , � Outfitter.' Exeter Markets Ma kot report -The tofowing-111 Che report of the Exeter Market Eaorrected; ever ' Wedues.day, Wheat $L60 Oats, .600. Barley, .90o Manitoba Flour $5.79 - Blended Flour $5 40 Pastry Flour $4,90 Feed Flour, $2.50. Bran $1.70 Shorts :>$1.80' • Butter 35e, Creaiuery^. Butter, 3,8e, Eggs,, Extras 33e. Eggs, Firsts 33c, Lard 20c Ilogs selects $12.1,0 Ilogs thick smooth $11,00 w s ie#fir:* 4414e. dd 4pa+iP"veare04.110., LOCAL sv The Tinn,es-Advocate • subscription. list has been corrected up to Satur- day, February 21st. :The amalgam- ation of - the two lists has been quite an undertaking,: We have tried to makeadjustments where subscrib- ers were getting both papers and we trust that we now have the labels correct." Look at your label and if it is not •correct notify us at once, Mrs. (Dr.) .Roulston is visiting in London.- Have'you joined the Horticultural Society yet? Mr. C, W. .Webb spent .the ;week- end in Haiut ion. Mr. and -Urs.- F. M. Boyle were in London on, iltonday.. Miss -Helen Dignan, who has been i11, is around again. Mr. Alex. Stewart, of London, spent the week -end in town.' Miss Edna Russell has taken a position as bookkeeper at the Ford Garage. Mr. J. G. Dow shipped a load of horses to ,Toronto on Thursday last and another load to Montreal on Friday. • Miss 'Marjorie Gollings has re- signed ,her position at Lockwood's Bakery. Mrs. Josephine, Whyte, has return- ed home after spending a week in hospital at, London. Misg,.M. Armstrong returned last week after 'attending • the millinery - openings in Toronto. Mr. R. L. Gidley of Windsor vis- ited last,rveek with his grandfather, Richard Gidley. Several from town. were in Lon- don Friday evening attending the Normal School excercises. Mr. Beverley ,Elliot of Toronto, visited at the home of Mr. I. R. and, the Misses Carling over Sunday. Mr. Ned Lindenfield, of Toronto, is home recuperating from an ..at- tack of the .flu. -Parkhill Gazette. Miss Vera Sweet and Miss :Greta Isaac of London, spent the week- end with their grand -mother;' Mrs. Thos. Sweet. Mrs. F. W. Lee and children, of Thorndale, , visited for a few days with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs: Geo. Eastgrbrook. Mrs, J. A. Wylie and young son, of Toronto, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart. • Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Wylie are sisters. Rev. D. McTavish, of the Crediton and Ailsa Craig circuit, has receiv- ed a unanixnous invitation to remain as pastor for a third term and he has accepted. Don't forget the illustrated lec- ture by Professor K. P: R. Neville of Western University at the Angli- can Sunday School, Monday. Ad- mission 20c. Mrs. W. H. Wood, of Santa Bar- bara, Califbrnia, in renewing her subscription to the Times -Advocate says, "We enjoy the old home paper and look anxiously for it." - Rev. John Wacker, wife and child Methodist missionaries at Penghsien West China, have been granted fur- lough by the Mission Board and are expected home this summer. The Young Ladies' Bible Class and the Young Men's Bible Class of James St. church are planning - to hold their annual banquet on Wed- nesday evening of next week. "Miss Dorothy Fritz is leaving on Friday of this week for Victoria Hospital, London, where she in- tends to take a three -year's course in nursing work." -Zurich Herald. Mr. Tom. Tapson, of near Wales, N. Dakota, is here visiting among old friends and relatives. Mr. Tapson was :a former resident of Stephen, but left these parts many years- ago. Misses Lillian and Winnifred Huston returned to Dunville Monday to re -open their millinerystore after i v siting with their parents in town. Mrs. H. Rivers accompanied them to London for the day. At- the James St. Sunday School Sunday afternoon several certificat- es were given out to those who were successful in passing the examina- tion in, the recent Teacher Training course, the text book being "The Pupil." ' A gre atdeal h .' been n s i d about the high cost of education but many will testify to the fact that it costs more Without it. It is one of the things you pay for whether you get it or riot on1Y you pay more not to get it. Dr, H. G. Fletcher, who has been practising medicine here for the past few months, pulled up stakes last Week and left fox St. John, near London, where he has ,purchased a practice and will Make his future home,: On Friday Last a collision occur ed at the corner of James and Main. Sts.. when a wPord car ran into a horse driven by ;Mr. Alex Dow. The Ford car was being driven onto Mafia St. at the sante time that Mr. Dow was driving north. The car struck the horse in the right should- er causing it to rear, .1`+'ortunately no damage was done. Additional locals on page four ETR.pmas.„ 4D V. OCATg C,t1V)N x PR] .kfni' tAN caimus Rev. 0iaxues Foote, j 3.,, ., Minister 14 a,m,.---Sunda- Sebobl an.d Bible - 01480. J 1 am. "The Revealer of God." The Minister 7 p.m, --"The Road" which Necossity Makes." The Minister JAMES' STREET EIR.VUODIST CRI ROU Rev, W. E. Donnelly, B. t1 Pastor Y , W. R. Goulding; .A T.C.M. Organist and.Choir-Leader 10.15 -Morning Fellowship. 11 a. m. -"The appeal of . Jesus to tke youth of to -day," , 3.00 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible Classes. •7 P. en. -"The tale of two cities." Tho story of a roan who gave his life for another. Organ recital at 6;45.' Everybody Welcome. Trivitt Memorial Church Rev. A, A. Truniper, L. Th., Rector. 11" a.>u.-� "behold we go' up to Jer usalem ' '' ` 7 p.m.-`Chist to ,the Biome First in's. series of ,sermons on the example • of Jesus Christ. Len's. Meat . Market We have a full line of Fresh and Cured Meats, of, high quality. Home made Lard and Sausage our specials. None Netter for Service. • We Deliver Phone 38 :Roofing, Cedar Posts and Lumber If you are going to require roof- ing of any kind call and let us quote you. This will be' to your advan- tage.' Farmers, what about ' your Cedar Posts? We have them in stock. • Prices will be• higher , in April. Our prices in all lines of materials are right and will interest you. - Ross Taylor Co. EXETER • CLEANING PRESSING and .REPAIIII1NIG . SUITS MADE -TO -MEASURE TO •FIT. YOU AND YOUR POCKET WORK CALLED FOR AND DE- LIVERED..- • ELLIOTT AND JOHNS BABY CHICKS -Bred -to -Lay Bar- red Rocks. First hatch March 9th. Hatching weekly thereafter. Fertil- ity. test, 80 per cent. Record of flock for Dec. and Jan. $625 at wholesale price, home market; 7,- 500 eggs for month; of January. Total flock 475 without bei'n`g cul- led. Catalogue free. Wm. F. Ab- bott, Exeter, Ont. FOR SALE -Century. Electric motor, 1 h.p., in good condition. Apply at Times -Advocate. Maple syrup makers -Do you -need a sap storage tank? If you do call on me and get prices and let 'me order for you. * I. WARD TEAMSTERS ATTENTION Tenders will be received by the undersigned for a teamster for . the season of 1925. , Teamsters to fax- nish team, harness and wagon. Ten- ders to be in by 8 o'clock p.m., Sat- urday, March 7th, 1925. • - JOS. SENIOR,'. Clerk. PROPERTY FOR SALE On Victoria St. close to Main St. Church and school. Well built frame house ` with •.9 rooms, electric lights and good water, also good barn and one vacant lot. Apply to Wilfred rd D.Mck e a To bo or grls, thirteen or under at the time of the Flower Iower Show, I will give for the best single spike of Gladiolus, any color, grown by ex- hibitor, a prize of $2.00 worth` of Gladiolus bulbs, for first • prize and $1,00 worth for second, also similar- prizes for best collection of, Glad- iolus. Exhibitors must be mem- bers of our Horticultural Society. Join now and secure our Spring - premiums. J. $, Harvey ]NOTICE A meeting of all the- members of. the Exeter Agricultural Society for the years 192332.4 is : called for Marc h7th 4925 5 at 1.80 p.m, at the Town Hall, Exeter, for, the purpose of making a decision on renting the use of the fair groundsfor a term of five years. GEO. PENHLzLE . R. ,G..SELDON President Secretary Notice The Co-operative Live. Stock Ship- pers Assodlation: desire to announce t;frat Mr, 11r. 101worthy` has taken over the duties as shipper in place of the Tate Jos. S'eilotV. Anyone with stock to ship phones 71, Exeter, i RR VARY 20 1925, Llimmut noommomionoommumunomnommumuniimimmonimmunonumlionomoinommomIl arm war mum wow MOMS MOMS maim NEMO IMMO _ SWIM IMMO e , We are ready for the early buyer with a, range of beautiful cloths tailored In the new styles .for the season. We are showing some snappy styles in double br asted for young „mens Pri ed at25 „ �•30 � , , $32 and $35 , New Broadcloths This ;cloth will be very much used this season. It comes in many •.beautiful shades, Price per yard 75e, Stamped Mats A new shipment of stamped mats showing several new pat- ternsin sizes' 114 yds. and 11/3 ,yards long. ' Priced at 65c. and 75c. New -Elanmel- "BETTY BROWN " Dresses We are :Shgwing fifteen new styles in theo. ul ' Flannel Dresses:,Theyp p betty, Blowy are, so reasonable in price. Styles are very, smart. $8.50, - $10.00, .$12.50,•$14.00 Ladies' Sifk az Wool; Hos : e • ; 1 Krinke Krepe "Mercury" make silk and. wool For underwear, night,gowns, in four shades. Aetc. This is a splendid cloth' very good:•wearing suitable. for ladies'. negligees• White,• Blue -Pink, and Yellow WHITE PER YARD 25c. COLORED PIER, ` YARD 30c. „and splendid fitting hose. Per pair 98c. Wali.Papers WallPapers, Already; *we' are being congratulated on our beautiful range of new Spring Paper. We will be glad to send the books to.your home for you to make your. selection. Brighten n p your homes with our newepatterns.• WEAR MINER 'RUBBER .BOOTS THEY' OAk'T BE BEAT, w outhcott wormar MONIS i1ij1111#11111!11111(1111111}1111#10111111111Ui1111}II{I{1111 f I 111111}}}}IIIUIIilllllllNIIIII}I}I{ 114 THE PUBLIC EYE REPAIRS We are now prepared to do all kinds of -repairs on broken frames, whereas before, werhad to send then to London or elsewhere. HEAVY SHELL FRAMES TO "YOURR O'W'N .LENSES, WHILE YOU WAIT, ` $3.00. SPECTACLES, LARGE LENSES, $1.00 and UP. Dr. John_ Ward CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN MAIN T. EXETER ONT. PHONE 70 COAL -COKE AND AND INSURANCE �- YOUR PATRONAGE . SOLICITED IF.. J .CHRISTLE- OFFICE: North of Elliott and Johns Great Bargains in Furniture during ._ • the next two months R. N. ROWE EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR'. PHONE 20W PHONE -203 NOTICE -After the publication of this notice I yg,il1 not be respon- ,.p..g.,�,g;p„g.,l..II. l..g„II„;,4„g,•g II„II,;II g„E„1 ;„i, sible for any debts contracted in my name.. -:--Wm. Mitchell. Safety Razor Blades Sharpened ( any make) gaINGLE EDGE �� 3c DOUBLE EDGE 4c Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S.' COLE, Druggist TRUCK FOR SALE Ford, one -ton truck, in first-class state or repair: Run one year only: Apply to J. C. Reid & Co., Dashwood. Powell'siBazaar Plain Price Store' sew. Fresh Goods .every Few,. Days are an Aid to this Store's Success. We have realized that Profit comes from Quick TURNS. Wideawake Shop- ters mak ' or this Stores because - pays. -Thu will always find us with the Best Selling Goods at Mod- eratePrices. es The Better you tknow w this store, the more you will Spend in it. "Longfellow." THIS WEEKS•, OFFERINGS 1 case • IClenzine; - at 7c, 3 for 20c. 1 gross cards Safety pins Sc. each. 100 writing pads 5c. cath. - 10,1) Flag slate pencils lc. each. 10:0' Grab Bags for kiddies 5e each. 2 ,doz. Gold plated Pencils 10c ea. 100 :Graniteware,to clear at from 25c. up. ' • - Come and see the goods and you'll buy them. For Sale THE FOLLOWING REAL ESTATE IN -THE VILLAGE' OF EXETER No. 1 -Large brick store on Lot 25, East of •Main St. No. 2=i3rick residence . and sur- rounding •grohnds formerly occupied by the ,late Richard Pickard, sitttat- ed North of John St. . k No. 3 -=Six and one: half acres of land being part of Lot 16, first con- cession of TJsborne situated North of the residence of Charles Manley esquire For particulars as to price and terMS of sale on above properties See R,7', Pickard, Exeter, isre=4161pmaralbinten Nothing but the best 'parts that - money will buy go into our sets. That accounts for the superiority of their Performanceand refinement of tone. This with very reasonable price, gives us satisfied customers. Call and be convinced. GRANTSANDERS JAMES ST. EXETER, +++++++++++4-14+4.4•4•44++++++ W. -R' .Goulding A. T. C., M. -Organist and Choirmaster 'James St. Methodist Church Instrucction in Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in, Schools Concert Engagements Accepted ga gemen ped Studio Victoria St. BoX'57 EXETER, ONT. J. LEWIS s CONTRACTOR Cement and d Carpenter: Work ESTIMATES FURNISHkb • ,ratTER TER . ON'1tA1i.I0 Wood for; Sale".. A QUANTITY OF DRY WOOD' I FOR, SALE TRY LIB .:Bia.shaW • • g Phone 58V Cochrane Ma,chi. e Works Word motors reground, fitted 'with Pistons, Coraplete $16.00' 1'Overy make of Car Motor, a.nii\hltgines ><e- grotind with Pistons Complete to fit, also Erac4ore. R. CARLIN•G..B.A, Barrister, Solicitor,• '&c., Loans, Investments, Insurance, Ofice, Carling Block, Main St. Exeter GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers , Solicitors &c. • Money to Loan, Investments Made Insurance. Safe-deposit Vault for use of our Clients without charge. Exeter London ": ` Hensel! -u ERNEST ELLIOT CONVEYANCER, ETC. HIGH CLASS INVESTMENTS (Trustee Investments) - Bearing interest at 51/2 per cent. INSURANCE Office: , Main St. Exeter, Ont..: G.S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.S DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal Collage e# Dental Surgeons of Ontario spit Ink vanity of Toronto:' • Late District Dental. Officer, JEW tary District Number One, Laiden‘ Ont., 'Main Office, Main St. Exeter, Oil. Phone 34, Exeter; Hours 9.00 a.ie. to 5.30, pin. Office hours at ;ZURICH ONT., TuiL only, at 10.00 o'clock 8.312. to 5.00 o'clock p.m. Phone 79. . DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L D S., D.D.S.` DENTIST , • -Office;.. over I. R. Carling's Lair office.' Extractions Under Oxygen Gas. DR. A. R. KIINTSMAN,L.L.D., D.D.S. Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer- sity DENTIST Offi o r Gladman & Stanbury'ti . office, Main Street Exeter. FRANK `TAY LOR . LICENSED AUCTIONEER. "for'Huron and' Middlesei FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed dk. w EXETER P. 0., or RING •18 A. L,. T NNAli!l' • !Veterinary Surgeon Office --McDonnell's iuM 11staldds 0. John St. Phone calla receive pranip attention. Phone telly JAMES W. WATS01v LICENSER -,AUCTIONEER gales conducted in any; ;locality Farm Stock sales a Specialty. Satis- taction guaranteed. Charges mods. crate. Orders left at this/office '' will be promptly attended to. R.R. No. 1, ICirkton, •Vhone I irkton 54r2. FARMS FOR SALE --A few choice' fare in the Townahi ps of Oibortift Tuclt:ersnitb, - Mid Hibbert. Good buildings end well located as to mars kete, Priced right, Apply to •Thus* Galiaorpn, Auct.„ tor ANN 1