HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1998-12-23, Page 19Recreation's winter leisure activities are beginning Winter leisure activities are being offered by Seaforth's recreation department begin- ning the first week in January. They are: wood refinish- ing on Monday evenings at Seaforth District High School from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.; wood- working, also at the high school on Tuesday evenings from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.; dog obedience on Tuesday evenings at the Seaforth and District Community Centres from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.; the learn to dancc program is also at the community centres, on Wednesday evenings from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.; volleyball is on Wednesdays from 8 p.m. to 10 Recreation Preview by Marty Bedard 527-0882 p.m. at the high school; and, basketball is at the high school on Thursday evenings, from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. The recreation department also offers fitness, on Tuesday mornings from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., and Thursday evenings from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. A stretching and strengthening class will be held from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Thursday evenings. Strength and stretching This class is based on the teachings of Joseph H. Pilates and has some Yoga techniques to strengthen the core muscles which will improve back pain, prevent injuries and increase strength and flexibility. For more information call the rec office. Senior Shuffleboard Senior shuffleboard continues every Wednesday afternoon at the community centres from 1:30 p.m: to 4 p.m. All seniors art welcome. Last week's winners were: Ladies: Mary McMillan - 402. Jean Lunn - 361, and Helen MacKenzie - 352: Men: Bruce McLean - 331. Tobe Murray - 326 and Earl McNaughton - 303. Free skating The Seaforth and District Community Centres, in con- junction with many sponsors. is offering free public skating and parents and tots skating during the holidays. Please watch the community calen- dar for times and dates. Marty Bedard Seaforth Recreation & Parks Department 1-519-527-0882 I-519-527-277()(fax) e-mail - c4threc(ticc.on.ca Starla Wick and Alysha Dalton (above), Stade Wick and Alysha Dalton (top, right), and Karen Delvecchio, Janelle Wood and Craig Gillis (bottom right) were among the students who performed slightly unusual skits. Seaforth District High School students finished school before the holidays with the unusual assembly. JESSOME PHOTOS Board leases The Huron -Perth Catholic District School Board has approved leasing about 44 acres of farmland around St. Anne's C•tholic Secondary School pear Clinton to Tim Gerrits of RR 5, Clinton for three years at $151.50 an acre. His was the highest of tete' seven bids received. The lease for the land in Hullett Township (prt. Lot 22, Conc. 1) was approved at the board's Dec. 14 meeting in Dublin. Wednesday. December 23 OPEN FOR CHRISTMAS CHEER Boxing Day The ong,na: HONEYMOON SUITE w/ special guests The "PILLOWHEADS" Tix Doors Open $10 advance at $13 door ;9PM NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY wtth RADICALLY HIP Tickets $10.00 Advance Hwy 8 West. Clinton 482-1234 filler r_top Porter's Hill Productions Silk Floral Shop 50"e.. All Christmas Decorations 20%0FF other selectd Trees & Flowers Sale begins Dec. 26 OPEN Daily 10-5 Sun. 12-5 Located on Cly. Rd. #3 just east of Hwy. 421 in BAYFIELD P.Er'i Hill Bayfiiald 565.5959 Toll Free 1-888-565-6060 • Starting In January • • Winter Store Hours • Open Tues. to Sat. 10 - 5 WEDNESDAY Seasons Greetings From the Management and Staff 4 ROBIN WILLIAM PATCH ADAMS BA BED ON A TRUE B-iORV r LONI OISIANCE'' CALL I.800.265.3131 fOR 101t FPI! MOVIE INfU CLOSED DECEMBER 24 a 25 SAT. - THURS., DEC. 26 - 31 SAT. - WED. 7 & 9:15 PM THURS. (NEW YEAR'S EVE) 8 PM SAT. 1 WED. MAT. 2 PM ALL MAT. SEATS 64.25 1 Seaforth Agricultural Society Tractor Elimination Early Bird Draw_ WINNER- for December of Maizex Seed George & Ruth Ribey Egmondville • • f>G SEAFORTH 527-0980 THURS. NITE YES, WE ARE OPEN TIL 2.AM BOXING DAY "5150" The Ultimate Tribute To Van Haien Tix $5.00 At The Door Sponsored by o Hensall Minor Hockey Dec. 31st 8 p.'m. — 2 a.m. ensall Community Centre Music by "Fireflys" Lunch catered by Jerry Rader Tickets only'30.00/couple includes lunch and party favours! Tickets available by calling: Trina - 263-3227 ,, Randy - 262-3226 or from Linda ® Hensall Post Office •Niemes gawp *usual 1/40.s Woofs, L. PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY PARTY HARDY SEAFORTH CENTENAIRES NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE Seaforth & District Community Centres BUFFET LUNCH +PARTY FAVOURS+ MUSIC BY D.J. Age of Majority Only Tickets Only $10 Tiokets Available at Pete's Paper Clip, Seaforth Jewellers, Cerdno's Men's Wear or any Junior Hookay Club Member Casual Dress - No Blue Jeans Please PART • t ,,1" „c • . d • ti HV. • A add • AZaEid • AlaHd • AI .9d • A189d • A189. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, OHOlY1MIR 83, 1see-1e Seaforth Optimist Club EARLY BIRD "Travel the World" DRAW WINNER Tom Duffy Seaforth $300.00 llually...Yis eau wlds Pith %fir Nappy 116 Uillbday Missy Love, Dad, Moral, Matthew and Maekesde rsss111,1• s>•ssss>•sssl•4/0sssss>•ss7101, 8 •Seaforth CQntenairQs • •2• 5th�nnversa i 1 • rY • filumni Hockey Game WNDAYe DEC. Z7 - 2:30. PM Saalorth Arena A Cheer for your favourite team A 1998-99 Seaforth Centenaires 8 vs. V V V 0 1985-86 "All Ontario II A Championship" Centenaires V A Bring your family...have some fun! 0 0 POTLUCK 5 SOCIAL to follow the Game 0 o Adults 1400 Seniors 130° Students 130° Elementary 11.00 • Ietre>«etre IC1E4trere><IIII r41r4tr4r4111U retr4t IC4=41te> ICIN SEAFORTH DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRES #446, rcS atiirr DATE TIMES SPONSOR , Sun.. Dec. 20 2:30-4:00 pm Seatorth Community Hospital Mon.. Dec. 21 1:30-3:00 pm Archie's Service Centre -UPI Tues.. Dec. 22 1:30-3100 pm Pizza Train Wed., bec. 23 1:30-3:00 pm Smith Construction Sun., Dec 27 5:00-6:30 pm Vincent Farm Equipment -Family Skate •Mon.. Dec. 28 1:00-3:00 pm Seatorth Legion Branch 156 Tues.. Dec. 29 1:00-3:00 pm Seaforth Lions Club Wed.. Dec 30 1:00-3:00 pm Seaforth Legion Branch 156 Thurs.. Dec. 31 1:00-3:00 pm Seaforttl Recreation Department Patteffts affel rots Slat -41 Off+ DATE TIMES SPONSOR Mon., Dec. 28 10 am-12.noon Seaforth Firefighters Association Tues.. Dec. 29 10 am -12 noon Knights of Columbus Wed...Dec 30 10 am -12 noon Seaforth PUC Employees Thurs.. Dec 31 10 am -12 noon Canadian Union of Public Employees - Local 2702 Special Thanks to our Sponsors! RMIN -�' HO! HO! HO! MERRY CHRISTMAS BEST WISHES TO ALL from Kathy. Angela, Brenda. Kent. Jessica, Brent. Theresa. Danielle. Courtney. Mackenzie, Mathew. Sandy & Bob. lel 111 Isl Irl 11 111 IUI 111 t•i 1/' 4 Christmas Hours: SEC. 24.11 A.M.-5:30 P.M. DEC. 25, 26, 27 CLOSED DEC. 28....11 A.M.-11 P.M. 111 ISI .1 10. '1 r Let us do the cooking! Call ahead 527-0180 IUI 112 111 101 1.1 Ips '4I • Here We Grow' Again! At Edward Jones we are committed to serving the investment needs of the individual investor by providing a comprehensive line of products and services. Keeping with this philosophy we are proud to announce the opening of our new office in Mitchell. Please join us as we celebrate our GRAND OPENING on YNednesday. December 23, 1998 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm 79 Ontario Road Mitchell. Ontario Official Ribbon Cutting at 3:00 pm with refreshments. Christmas Carollers - Wine & Cheese • Joe Waite 79 Ontario Road Mitchell, Ontario NOK INO (519)348-9873 Edward jones ► Serving Individual kneelers