The Huron Expositor, 1998-11-11, Page 9PRIME LOCATION A REAL STEAL - S75.900. COLDWELL BANKER ,AL -11OIN"FS I111 -.A1 l'Y y rte- LINDA DZIOBA, Sales Rep. Res 522-0221 34 MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ON 527.2103 MIKE HODOINS Sales Rep. (Res) 527-2885 SO PERFECT -S79,900. ABSOLUTELY SPOTLESS NEW KITCHEN CENTRAL AIR LARGE DEEP LOT MAIN FLOOR LAUNDRY CLOSE TO SCHOOLS COUNTRY SIZE KITCHEN NEW SIDING PRICED TO SELL S44.900. REDUCED TO S109.000. GREAT LOCATION LOW TAXES LESS THAN RENT MAIN FLOOR LIVING BUNGALOW IS IN MOVE -IN CONDITION FULLY RENTED EXCELLENT RETURN A-1 CONDITION PRICE REDUCTION - WHAT A BUY! NOW $74,900. THREE BEDROOMS GREAT LOCATION 9.88 ACRES HORSE BARN BEAUTIFUL KITCHEN COUNTRY PLUS WORKSHOP LOW LOW PRICE - $79,900. .66 ACRES DRILLED WELL THREE BEDROOMS CASH BACK - CASH BACK 1 LAND TRANSFER TAX PAID CMHC APPLICATION FEE PAID I PORTION LAWYERS FEE PAID 130% CMHC INSCE. PAID SAVE THOUSANDS OF $ $ $ CALL LINDA OR MIKE FOR DETAILS HELPS PAY MORTGAGE PROPRim PRICE 589.000 GREAT INCOME 2 APARTMENTS FARMS. FARMS. FARMS HULLETT TOWNSHIP • 150 ACRES. House and bam Al HIBBERT TOWNSHIP - 99.48 ACRES. Excellent building loca- tion on paved road HULLETT TOWNSHIP 150 ACRES. Another 247 acres available MULLETT TOWNSHIP' - 72.34 ACRES. Another 325 acres available MULLETT TOWNSHIP - 174.5 ACRES. Another 222 acres available HUGE PRIVATE LO1 NEW LOWER PRICE 4 BEDROOMS BACKING ONTO GOLF COURSE 6 FAIRWAY ROAD 3 LOTS PLUS BUILDING 50 RAILWAY STREET TWO OVERHEAD DOORS GAS HEAT 5118,900 .FIREPLACE STAINED GLASS WINDOWS 3 LOADING DOCKS OFFICE INDUSTRIAL PARK EXCLUSIVE HOME LOT .52 ACRES HOT TUB - FAMILY ROOM 131 GODERICH ST. WITHIN YOUR DREAf1E 4,4 .83 ACRES 4 BEDROOMS FAMILY ROOM 17 HELEN ST. 2 FIREPLACES 4 BEDROOMS GOURMET KITCHEN STAINED GLASS WINDOWS 43 WILSON ST NEW LOWER PRIG! 1 45 HURON ST. FIREPLACE ENSUITE (.11 1 1 I\t, .1 iii- m(>.,i 1\iihow \ 111) )\iI I\ �► \I-ORii( \\1) ARI A - 1 (1( I;'!! (:OiI���i i i Ei,\NI I -:I; Ai.I-J'()1\ 1,, iRI .\i 1> 12. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE THE HURON VXPO$ITON, NOVIEMINNI 11, 11111-• 12. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • HOUSE FOR SALE 14 lames St. Seaforth, Ont. Completely remodelled, new kitchen, 2 bedrooms, high efficiency furnace, central air. Double car garage, paved drive. Phone 345-2884 150 Main Street South, Seaforth (519) 527-0560 Fax (519)527-2763 Associate Broker Sales Representatives Sharon Medd MLS Cheryl Morland 627-0560 Market Value Appraiser 155 MANN ST. NORTH, SEAFORTH SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM EW LISTING! MANY UPGRADES! antral air, newer rool. 3 bdrms. patairs redone, replacement windows morel 5118,000. 22 LLOYD EISLER ST., EOMONDViLLE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM NEW LISTING! EXCELLENT CONDfTlONI Terrace doors to deck, newer gas furnacemain floor laundry, close to park & morel 5141,000. PRICED TO SELL! 2 bdrm mobile WELL MAINTAINED! 2 bdrms, newer home. Florida Rm, carport w/cement replacement windows, bath 8 rear ped, central air & shed. 539,500.. bedroom totally redone, 525,000. MANY UPGRADES! - 4 bdrms, SPLIT LEVEL FAMILY HOME - 4+ hardwood floors, hi -eft gas furnace. !Arm 6 person hot tub, family room single detached garage wlcement with wet bar, many upgrades Call floor 8 woodstove 5108.500. today for details 5124,000. NEW LISTING! HURON HAVEN VILLAGE - 2-3 bdrmslarge addition with covered deck, well k :.1 home' S34 000 1111. FARM SERVICES TARPS AND INDUSTRIAL Coverings, made to size for trucks, trailers. gravity boxes, etc Vinyl. canvas poly. New/Repairs. Party Tent Rentals. Tiesma Industrial Coverings, Bayfield. 482-3540 11H -45x1 cc r11J. FARM LAND 4 - WANTED: Good farm land tor cash crop farming In the Seaforth/ClInton /Brucefield area. Please call 263- 5355. 11J-44x2cc WANTED TO RENT: Land for 1999 cropping season or longer in Hensel!. Clinton. Brussels. area Phone 522-0984 11J-44-2 11J. FARM LAND WANTED TO RENT- Good cash crop farm land for the 1999 crop- ping season or longer in the Brucefietd, Seaforth. Staffa. Hensall area. Please call (519) 522-1689. 11J-45x4c 12. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE 1 , HOUSE FOR SALE. to St Columban, 3 bedrooms, rec. room. gas heat. Sale price $72,000.00. Private • mortgage in place. 55,000.00 down. Payments $542.00 per mos. P. & I. Phone 519-347-2513. 12-45x3 16. FOR RENT - , BARN FOR 225 SOWS, farrow to weaner, all liquid or room for 650 finishing pigs. also possibility of 200 acres of land. Call 345-2956. 16-45-2 STORAGE SPACE available for boats, cars, etc. Call 519-233- 3478.16-44-2 SPACE FOR RENT in Dublin, approximately 3300 sq ft office. workshop. storage, can divide. Phone (519) 229-6028. 16-43-tf (17. APARTMENTS FOR RENT CLINTON: One bedroom ground floor apartment 5320.00 monthly plus utilities. Available immediately. Phone 1-905-852-3754 or 519- 235-2589. 17-35xtfcc UPPER DUPLEX, 2 bedroom, no pets. suit couple. Credit and cher- acter references required. Call 522-1833. 17-43-tf BACHELOR and one bedroom. References required starting $282 per month and up, plus utilities. Laundry facilities, parking. Call 519- 393.8921. 17.43-11 HEATED two bedroom apartment, newly decorated. close to uptown Phone 527-0235. 17-43-tf SENIORS/ADULTS One and two bedroom apartments available Immediately in Seaforth. Saw, fridge, parking. Call 524- 4994. 17-43.11 NEWER 2 bedroom uritt, Mitchell. Controlled entrarloe, laundry fedi- bee. Suitable for s.nlofs. 9676.18. 201348.9102. 17-02xtloc FOR RENT: Four rooms and OW) In resldentlal woe lust tiff Main 8t. Seaforth. Central location. Phone 527.2384. 17.46x2 / 17. APARTMENTS FOR RENT RENT GEARED to income epart- ments in Clinton, Exeter and Goderich for women and children who have experienced abuse. Call Phoenix of Huron 524-1620, 482- 5288, 235-3183 17-44x2cc THREE BEDROOM duplex in Seaforth, gas heal. main floor laun- dry 5550.00 References required. 519-235-3220 17-44-tf LARGE one bedroom apartment, natural woodwork. 2 fireplaces. Also small bachelor apartment. Laundry in basement Rent includes heat. (hydro extra). fridge, stove.. Call 527-2369. 17-43-ff 2 26. HELP WANTED (17. APARTMENTS FOR RENT TWO BEDROOM duplex In Seeforth, gas heat, yard end deck, 9450.00. References required. 519-235-3220. 17-44-11 IN SEAFORTH: A one bedroom apartment. Available Dec. 1. Also e 2 bedroom apartment. Avei$abfe Dec. 1, $395 per month plus utili- ties. Call 527-1728 days, 527-1928 evenings. 17-43-4 / • 18. HOUSES FOR RENT • FOUR BEDROOM horne available Dec. 1. New two bedroom home with appliances. 2 bedroom duplex 3 bedroom home and country house. References a must 527- 0560. 18-45-3 MODEitN COUNTRY home, 2 bed- rooms, 1 1/2 bath's, family room, located on paved road north of Seaforth. No pets. References required. Call 527-0870. 18-33xtfcc BAYFiELD: Lakeview, beautiful 3 bedroom upper unit duplex, large deck, fireplace, dishwasher, stove, fridge, washer, dryer. Available immediately. No pets. (519) 670- 7530 ask for Mike. 18-27xlfcc 24. WANTED TO RENT , WANTED TO RENT shop space to start a car cleaning service In Seaforth area. CeII Jerry 527.2640 24-45x1 25. WANTED TO BU'Y • i WANTED: Older Rolex wrist watch- es such as Oyster, Skyrocket, Victory, Prince, Oyster Perpetual. etc. Will pay top dollar. Call Bruce Walsh, 9 Market SI Stratford, N5A 1A4 1-519-272-0411. 11B-42xtfcc ANTIQUE FURNITURE, glassware, china, sewing machines, lamps. jewellary, post cards, magazines. Paying 101 each for Crown fruit jars. Brian Butler, 271 Burns St., Strathroy N7G 1G2. Phone 245- 3142. 25-23xtfcc (26. HELP WANTED D PART-TIME ' ORGANIST/CHOIR DIRECTOR required for congrega- tion of 450 families. Three manual Principal pipe organ and Wagner grand piano. Both contemporary and traditional music enhances our worship experience. The ability to work as a team member and the desire to facilitate musical expres- sion and leadership in others are essential. Approx. 13 hours/week ' Please send resume by December 1st. 1998 to: Jackie Campbell, c/o Main Street United Church, PO Box 40, Mitchell, Ontario NOK 1NO 26-45x2cc Part-time R.N. required•for evenings & nights. Geriactric experience preferred. Please send resume to SEAFORTH MANOR NURSING HOME Attention: Diane Anderson Acting D.O.C. P.O.Box 280 Seaforth, Ont. NOK 1 WO I' you are seeking a diversified opportunity please consider the following position Seed Sales Crop Production Assistant A highly motivated individual is needed to offer assistance and expertise in the daily operations of a seed supply/cash crop enterprise The sales terntory consists of the Exeter. Kirkton. Fullerton. Dublin, Hensall and Centralia area. Duties include seek sales, fertilizer recommendations. crop planning and scouting. occasional truck dnvmg. and the ability to operate various agncuttural implements as required to plant and harvest grain crops Computer skills and an AZ licence are essential A Diploma in Agnculture and a CCA certificate would be considers assets.. This is a part-time position with a potential to develop into a full time position for the successful applicant. Remuneration is negotiable based on experience and the achievement of target- ed sales. Please send your resume in confidence to the address below. The closing date is Nov. 23. 1998 Box 0119 c/o Exeter Times Advocate, 424 Main Street, Box 850 Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 Avon ,.::r Hoban Reseurceso ermnMMs Maitland 104 Drvebgfreril Cicada rtxsoltlas Mattlies Cerode Avon Maitland District School Board in Partnership with Human Resources Development Canada is seeking applications for EMPLOYMENT COUNSELLORS to provide Employment Counselling Services on an as -needed basis for the Adult Learning Centres in Huron County. Applicants should possess and be able to demonstrate: • basic knowledge of worker clItnt employability needs; • knowledge of how the labour market functions; • knowledge of how to acquire and use Labour Market Information; • excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Post secondary training in Counselling and valid Teacher's Certificate preferred. Project funding provided by Human Resources Development Canada. Applications are to be received by the undersigned no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday. November 20", 1998: Jeanne Dionne, Director of Human Resources 62 Chalk Street North B.D. al SEAFORTH, Ontario, NOK 1 WO We thank you for your application; however, only those chosen for an interview will be contacted. LORNE RACHLIS ABBY ARMSTRONG Director of Education Chair