HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1998-11-11, Page 7THE HURON EXPOSITOR, NOVEMBER 11, 19911-7 Many new additions to staff at Seaforth District High School • Before Mrs. Noc came to BY TRACEY JESSOME4� + SDHS she was at the Expositor Co-op Student Goderich Adult Learning Center and says it was nothing like SDHS. Mrs. Noc lives in Clinton so it is an easy commute to Seaforth every morning. Mrs. Gloria Elliott and Mr. George Barraclough arc our new custodians at SDHS. Both -enjoy their jobs. "SDHS is a great school." they agree, and the students and staff are all friendly. 1 think we have If you have visited the school this year you will probably have noticed a few new faces in our building. We are pleased. to welcome eight new staff members to SDHS. Replacing Miss Ray in the I_ nglish department is Mr. Conrad Kuiper. This is Mr. Kuiper's first teaching position and he is .already beginning to feel a part of the SDHS family.' Mr. Kuiper; prefers small town/rural living and has taken up residence in Clinton with his wife and two children. He attended the University of Waterloo where he received his B.A. From there, . he went to the University of Western Ontario and attended the Faculty of Education. He practice -taught in schools in Woodstock and London. Mrs. Heather Henke is our new French teacher at SDHS. She says that she has always been interested in all kinds of .languages. Mrs: Henke went to the •University. of Western Ontario in London and lived and studied in France during one of those years. Before Mrs. Henke came 10 SDHS, she taught at F.E. Madill S.S. in Wingham. She sans it's a Back row, from left: George Kuiper, Shane Taylor. Gloria E much larger school. When Mrs. Henke first came to SDHS she received a welcome note fmm one of the groups here called "Pumped". Shc really enjoyed that because it helped to make her feel at home. Mrs. Henke has enjoyed the change, as it gives her the opportunity to meet new people. Mr. Shane Taylor says it feels more Tike a homecoming, • having graduated from SDHS himself. He says it is a lot different to be hack. because many things have changed. it .is different being the one standing at thc front of the room instead of sitting at the hack of the room. Mr. Taylor thinks it's great to he able to Mid-term report cards due • The weeks are passing the booths for your quickly and we are soon• information. going to he sending home There •will be a b oth for mid-term report cards. The the School Advisor reports will. be sent home on Committee (SAC), for the Wednesday,' November 18th. Co -Op Program. and for the Students will bring• their drama club's newest report home and we look presentation...an evening of forward to meeting parents One Acts. ;Honda, November 23. Parents of students in between 5:30 p.m. and 8 grade 9 should 'be aware that p.m. Nov.. loth is the final day for Parents •can make their any half courses. Students appointments when they arrive. All staff will he in the gmnasium and will be able to spend a few minutes with each parent. Please plan your interview. with comments .relevant to .the student's - current progress and when vou..arc done stop by one of will move to a new half course on Nov. 11. On paretit`s night. ' parents should sec teachers from the students' first course. not • their new class. The parent interview is best prepared for by parents discussing with.l .-..dctditpt Oktoberfest dance concludes October's Tribute to Germany During October. our residents enjoyed several events for our "Tribute .to Germane" the Brand finale being our —Oktoberfest Dance" featuring Gladys Van Egmond and thc Merry Makers who arrived in costume for the event. Residents also sported Oktoberfest hats for the occasion and all declared it one of our best dances. Nine residents were honoured for celebrating their birthdays•during October. Other events for our theme included a ''German Cooking Class" featuring "The Pampered Chef" Pamela Stanley. Residents watched as Pam created four delicious German dishes anxiously waiting until it was time to sample them. This was a most educational and interesting .program. ' In keeping with our German theme. our baking club made "German Chocolate Brownies" which were delicious. We also enjoyed a travelogue film to Munich Germanys to learn more about this fascinating culture. A traditional German lunch and supper were also on the agenda. Residents really enjoyed all these events and are already looking . forward to our "Tribute to Italy" coming up this month. • The beautiful autumn weather and scenery was enjoyed on our "Fall Colour. Bus Tour" as we drove up through Benmiller. Auburn and Goderich. An outing to Seaforth Fall Seaforth Manor Nursing Home Fair was also on the agenda for October. It was nice"to see so many people stop by to visit at our booth. Our Thanksgiving Wine and Cheese,Party was a lovely afternoon. as residents. families and visitors gathered together for a social afternoon. A traditional Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings was. also enjoyed. Community volunteers who visited to entertain our residents during October were • the Seaforth Nursery School children. Carol Carter. Bill Gibson and Patti the Fiddler. We were also pleased to host the "Breast Health Awareness" program sponsored by the local Cancer Support Group in recognition - of -October being "Breast - Cancer Awareness Month". More than 100 trick or treaters visited on Halloween night. If was a treat for everyone to see all the • beautiful costumes. We were also pleased 10 host the monthly ministerial meeting once again. As we. look ahead to' November we are looking forward to . our "Remembrance Day service" on Nov. 10th at 10:45 a.m. with members of Legion Branch #156. We also have many events planned for Our "Tribute to Italy" Dublin birthdays and sympathies Happy Birthday to Maureen Bruxer who celebrates on Nov. 12th. When help is needed. Maureen is always there. Happy 16th Birthday to Michelle Feeney who celebrated on Nov. 5th. Right To Life dinner was held at the Knights of Columbus Hall, Stratford. Many people from this area attended and were thrilled to hear guest speaker. Rory Leishman (National Affairs columnist for the Londotn Free Press). Heartfelt sympathy of the community is extended to the families of Bob Uniac, Kenneth Fuhr and J. Leo Kroonen who died recently. f Barraclough, Paul Nerino (transferred to Clinton), Conrad Iliott. Front row: Heather Henke, Sheny Logan, Susan Noe. JESSOME PHOTO walk down the hall and know the students on a first name basis. Mr. Taylor supply taught at a number of Huron County schools last year. Before that he taught at a couple of high schools in Sydney: Australia. The high schools "Down Under" had 1.300 students each. in Grade 7 to Grade 12. With a recess in the morning, it was quite different from SDHS. Mr. Taylor went to Ryerson University in downtown Toronto and is currently teaching both English and Computer classes. He plans to help coach the basketball team. Mrs. Sherry Logan is one of the Math and Computer teachers at our school. Shc enjoys working with the students in these classes because she is ahle to put her problem solving skills to work. Before Mrs. Logan camc to SDHS she taught at Alexander Mackenzie. High School in Richmond Hill: Mrs. Logan also attended the University of Western Ontario and the University of Waterloo. Shc likes this school, and thinks it is very easy to meet new people and to get to know the staff and the students. "Everyone is very friendly," she says. Mrs. Logan plans to coach the jr. math team to prepare them for Waterloo math contests. - Mrs. Susan Noc is our new secretary. She gets along with all of the students and staff. in a week from. St. Anne's what they feel is a concern in the. subject • studied. Parents should ask how much homework is required in any given course, .what the teachers' expectations are and share any concerns the\ have about •how the student perceives his or her progress. The parent has insights that they need to share if what teachers and students do is to work: The_ parent interview may " he attended by the student. 11 is ideal if•students feel comfortable discussing their progress with both parents and 'teachers present. Take time to have a refreshment and look around tbe..school. if you have any concerns that you wish to share with Mr. Contois or Mr. McMillan: they also will he- present, to discuss concerns with parents. Looking forward to seeing you on Monday 'the 2 3rd.• from 5:30 p.m. till 8:00 p.m. By Philip J. McMillan tillan 6 JIM & SUSAN'S BARBER SHOP 230 St Georg( St . NIrtchcY (North side of 1)unso:` Gift Certificates Available TUES FRi SAT 30toS30 f400:c, 1200 348-9771 Appointment Neccscrry made them feel like a part oI the SDHS family. Mrs. Elliott and Mr. Barraclough are friendly and enjoy being involved with the staff and students.. Upcoming ' Events: Remembrance Day Service, Nov. 11; report cards Nov. 13; college trip to Kitchener, Nov. 18; parents night Nov. 18: SDHS has already started to collect items of food and "new" clothing for thc Angel Tree Campaign. MIN DM NW DONNELLY & MURPHY BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS are pleased to announce Patrick J. Murphy has been Certified by the Law Society of Upper Canada as a Specialist in Civil Litigation •Daniel l Murphy, Q C , B.A , LL 13 M,chee 1 Donnelly, B.A., IL B. •Pamck Murphy, B A, LL B. James A Smith, B A . 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