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The Huron Expositor, 1998-11-04, Page 15
COLDWELL BANKER A1.1.- 1'OIN"1'I LINDA DZIOBA, Sales Rep. Res 522-0221 34 MAIN Sl., SEAFORTH, ON 527.2103 PRICE REDUCTION - WHAT A BUY! MIKE HODGINS Sales Rep. (Res) 527-2885 NOW $74,900. THREE BEDROOMS GREAT LOCATION A MUST SEE - ABSOLUTELY SPOTLESS 168 ISABELLA ST. 3 BEDROOMS NEW KITCHEN NEWER WINDOWS REDUCED TO 5109 000 MAIN FLOOR LIVING BUNGALOW IS MOVE -IN CONDITION S44.900. .83 ACRES 4 BEDROOMS FAMILY ROOM PRICED RIGHT $79,900. 66 ACRES COUNTRY PROPERTY HELPS PAY MORTGAGE PRICE $89,000 GREAT INCOME 2 APARTMENTS FARMS. FARMS. FARMS HULLETT TOWNSHIP - 150' ACRES. House and bam Al. HIBBERT TOWNSHIP - 99.48 ACHES. Excellent building soca-, tion on paved road. HULLETT TOWNSHIP - 50 ACRES. -Another 247, 8c es; available. HULLETT TOWNSHIP - 72.34 ACRES. Another 325 acres available HULLETT TOWNSHIP - 174.5 ACRES. Another 222 acres available. GREAT LOCATION LOW TAXES LESS THAN RENT S68.900. LARGE DEEP LOT MAIN FLOOR LAUNDRY CLOSE TO SCHOOLS 3 LOTS PLUS BUILDING VENDOR WANTS SOLD. AFFORDABLE LIVING NEW DECK COUNTRY SIZE K(TCHEN NEW SIDING PRICED TO SELL LARGE BAY WINDOW NEW RUBBERIZED ROOF EXCELLENT CONDITION OUTSTANDING PROPERTY $118,900 FIREPLACE STAINED GLASS WINDOWS EXCLUSIVE HOME 50 RAILWAY STREET TWO OVERHEAD DOORS GAS HEAT PRICE REDUCTION 3 LOADING DOCKS OFFICE INDUSTRIAL PARK 4 BEDROOMS BACKING ONTO GOLF COURSE 6 FAIRWAY ROAD LOT .52 ACRES HOT TUB - FAMILY ROOM 131 GODERICH ST. VRITHI(. YOUR DREAMS GOURMET KITCHEN STAINED GLASS WINDOWS 43 WILSON ST. NEW LOWER PRICE 9.68 ACRES HORSE BARN BEAUTIFUL KITCHEN 17 HELEN ST. 2 FIREPLACES 4 BEDROOMS 45 HURON ST. FIREPLACE ENSUITE SI 1 1 I\(, •1111 MO`,I IMI'OI;I \\I II( \11 I\ ' I \ht)Ri11 \\I) ARI - ins l�`,ff ( ()I 1 m I I 1 1► \ \I:I R AI.I -I'OIN I S RI AI 11 Si lt\ I( I (I. ARTICLES FOR SALE) PARTY TIME portable 4 person spa, no need to call plumber or electrician, IMI with your hose and ifs ready to go, from $14.88 weekly. rent to own. Call 1-800-479-1587. 01-44x2cc SUN T.V. Brunswick. Have you always wanted a pool table. Now you can get one, rent to own. From only $17.50 weekly. Ask about free delivery and set up. Cell 1.800-479- 1587. 01-44x2cc CALL L&A SOUTHWEST Satellite Systems NEED TO BUY OR REPAIR YOUR SATELLRE OR ANTENNA? We have new & used parts for most makes of Satellite & Antenna Equipment 18 years experience CALL Larry at 524-9595 or Dennis at 524-8271 Day or Ewan,' 5. CARS FOR SALE 1989 CHRYSLER 5th Avenue, air conditioning, cruise, power locks, seats, windows, as is $700 Phone 519-522-1853. 05-43x2 8. COMPUTERS, VIDEOS, ETC. • COMPUTER FACTORY amazing Christmas special. 1 year no pay- ments, free scanner, 266 mmx loaded, Internet, printer, software and more. $16/week (oac) 1-800- 515-5545 tree delivery. 08-44x4cc 10. PETS • • ABANDONED, one red and white, female Beagle, well behaved, approx. one year old. Four month old black and tan, male pup, very faithful. Both must go to good homes. Phone 236-4404. 10- 44x1nxe PUPPIES to give away. White and black In colour. Phone 527-2676. 10-44x2c BUNNIES to give away for pets Call 527-2110. 10-43x2c BONNIE'S DOG GROOMING Service now available at the Seaforth Veterinary Clinic Reasonable rates. Gentle experi- enced groomer. Call for an appoint- ment 527-1760 or res 527-2097. 10-42-3 ELRAN ACRES: ' Golden Retrievers, chocolate. yellow and black Labrador puppies for bale occasionally. Excellent tempera- ment and healthy, Parents' hips and eyes certified. Also boarding facility Inside and/or outside runs. .Phone 482-5773. 10-08xtfcc MA AND PAWS GROOMING . cer- tified, onnt!e groomer: reasonable rates; cats welcome Baths, nails. comb -outs. On Highway 21 north of St. Joseph. Call Dianne at 519-236- 7570. 10-08xtfcc -10PENIUTOSES SUN., NOV. 8 12 NOON •1PM WINTHROP. double brick. former S.S.N10. McKillop original wainscotting. maple floors. newer furnacc. oak kitchen, rarcular dnve- 5114.9011 r rim 1:30 -2 PM R.R. N1, BLYTH S29,900. Building lot. older mobile home & shop located at the Corner of Bullet( 41599 & Harlock line 82001 Front Seaforth to Winthrop. left to stop sign. then right. half mile on Kinburn- Londesboro Road. follofv signs. Marlene Lindsay Assoc. Bkr HAROLD WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. 3484163 348 -HOME cans rnes.rifle TME HURON EXPOSITOR, NOVEMMIER 4, 11/SS-15 IIJ• FARM LAND• • WANTED: Good faint lend for cash crop feinting In tlre�nton Brumfield area. call 263- 5355. 11J-44x2oc WANTED TO RENT: Land for 1998 cropping season w longer In Hensall, Clinton, Brussels, area. Apply to Box 90, Egmondville, Ont. NOK 160. 11J-44.2 J • 12. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • AFFORDABLE 2 storey frame home in Blyth, 4 bedrooms, large kitchen, double lot with 24' x 32' steel shed. For further Intormation contact 519-523-9275 after 6 p.m. 12-42x3 X16. FOR RENT • STORAGE SPACE available for boats, cars, etc. Call 519-233-3478. 16-44-2 PARTY TENT RENTAL No hassle set-up, anywhere. Fantastic rates for weekday use (anniversary, birthday, shows/sales). Tfesma Industrial Coverings, 482-3540. 16-44xlcc SPACE FOR RENT in Dublin. approximately 3300 sq. ft office. workshop. storage, can divide. Phone (519) 229-6028. 16.43-ff • 17. APARTMENTS FOR RENT • TWO BEDROOM duplex in Seaforth, gas heat, yard and deck, 5450.00. References required. 519- 235-3220. 17-44-11 THREE BEDROOM duplex in Seaforth. gas heat. main floor laun- dry. $550.00 References required 519-235-3220 17-44.1 RENT GEARED to income apart- ments in Clinton. Exeter and Goderich for women and children . who have experienced abuse. Call Phoenix of Huron 524-1620, 482- 5288. 235.3183- 17-44x2cc IN SEAFORTH: One bedroom apartment Available immediately. $310 per month plus utilities. Also a 2 bedroom apartment. Available Dec. 1, $395 per month plus utill- tieS Call 527-1728 days, 527-1928 evenings. 17-43-4 UPPER DUPLEX. one bedroom apartment for rent Close to down- town, $375 a month, heat and • hydro, included. Available immedi- ately Phone 527-2819 17-4421 AVAILABLE DEC. 1, spacious newly decorated two bedroom apartment above store. $450/monthly includes heat, hydro and parking Phone 522-1507. 17- 42-11 LARGE one bedroom apartment, natural woodwork, 2 fireplaces. Also small bachelor apartment. Laundry in basement. Rent includes heat. (hydro extra). fridge. stove. Call 527-2369. 17-43-tf IN CLINTON, NEWER 2 bedroom quiet 4-piex, controlled entry. 4 appliances, laundry facilities avail- able. Ideal for seniors 8450-00 plus Call 519-685-2264 17-36xtfcc HEATED two bedroom apartment. newly decorated, close to uptown. Phone 527-0235 17-43-11 SENIORS/ADULTS One and two bedroom apartments available immediately in Seaforth. Stove. fudge. parking Call 524- 4994. 17 -43 -ft NEWER 2 bedroom unit. Mitchell Controlled entrance, laundry facili- ties. Suitable for seniors. 5576.18 Call 348-9102 17.02 xtf cc CLINTON One bedroom ground floor apartment 5320.00 , monthly plus utilities. Available immediately. Phone 1.905-652-3754 or 519-235- 2559 17-35xttcc UPPER DUPLEX. 2 bedroom. no pets, suit couple. Credit and char- acter references required. Call 522- 1833 17.43-tf BACHELOR and one bedroom References required starting $282 per month and up. plus utilities Laundry facilities. parking. Call 519- 393-6921. 17-43-tf iri`INTEE Real ,Estate 150 Main Street South, Seaforth (519) 527-0560 Fax (519)527-2763 AMOObSa Stoker Sales Representatives Sharon Medd Cheryl Morlend 127-0110 Maflwtt Value Appraiser MLS fb •-r - sr, TON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7 1040 AM - 12:50 /Ma COUNTRY ATMOSPHSMI 3 bdrrn 2 ebony brick home, family room or 4th bdrrn, storage shed or small bam 8 Montt MAO. 25 OMEN ST., WALTON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7 1010 AM-12:OOPM COUNTRY ATMOSPNEREI 2 bdrm home. newer water heater. family room, many upgrades. quiet location $11000. `�J NEW r 1 MANY UPORAOESI NEW LISTING! EXCELLENT Central air, newer roof, 3 bdrma, CONOfr1ONl Terrace doors to deck, upstairs redone. replacement newer gas romance. main floor windows 8 mono 11114000. laundry, close to park 8 morel 0141,100. sr JUST BOLO - 3 bdrm, 2+ storey .UST SOLO • 3 bdrm raised horns, mayor hl -sit pa fumoos, nbNy bungalow, whirlpool tub, family room, festered. rrtwe4n oonifilionl 188,110- mater bdrm. Weneurle & much morel • Free Home Evaluations. X18, HOUSES FOR RENT • / TWO BEDROOM house in Seaforth, $400 plus utilities. CaII 527-0151 after 4. 18-43x2 LEASE TO OWN Or rent this large three bedroom home in Clinton. close 10 down- town. 1 1/2 baths. large yard; park- ing, appliances. gas heat. Available now or December 1st. $475 00 monthly plus utilities 519-637- 3737. 18-52xttcc LARGE TWO STOREY. two bed- room semi with laundry hook up. gas heat, close to uptown Seaforth Available immediately 5425 00 a month. Call 527-0607. 18-43x2 TWO BEDROOM duplex, 2 bed- room mobile home (Clinton). coun- try home, 3 bedroom home and 4 bedroom home All require refer • - ences and do not allow pets Phone 527-0560. 18-42-3 MODERN COUNTRY home, 2 bed- rooms. 1 1/2 baths. family mem.- located on paved road north of Seaforth. No pets References required. Call 527-0870. 18-33xttcc BAYFIELD: Lakeview, beautiful 3 bedroom upper unit duplex. large deck. fireplace. dishwasher. stove. fridge, washer. dryer Available immediately. No pets (519) 670- 7530 ask for Mike 18.27 xtfcc 20. ROOM AND BOARD • / SEEKING responsible person for boarder in Seaforth area, 565 00 weekly or $240.00 monthly. cable supplies in room. kitchen and laun ' dry facilities. Call 527-1497 leave message 20-44-1 l 5- 25. 'WANTED TO BU\ • WANTED TO BUY Camera- Pentax K1000 or similar Good con- dition. reasonable price' Carr 832- 2234. 25-42x3nxe WANTED Older Rolex wast watch es such as Oyster Skyrocket Victory, Prince. Oyster Perpetual etc Will pay top dollar Cal' Bruce Walsh. 9 Market St Stratford. N5A 1A4 1-519-272-0411 11 B-42xtfcc ANTIQUE FURNITURE glassware. china sewing machines, lamos jeweller\ post cards, magazines Paying 10c each tor Crown fruit (ars Brian Butler, 271 Burns St... Strathroy N7G 1G2 ohsne 245- 3142 25-23xtfcc HELP WANTED DUE TO EXPANSION tarrowrng and breeding positrons need tc-be filled on a large swine operation. Agnculturai andror medical knows-. edge are assets for the tarrowing position- Artificial insemination knowledge would be an asset for the breeding area Employer will train dependable and committed mdw duals- Goo hourly wage as well as incentives and health care package. Apply by resume 10 fax 519-887-6330 -Acre T Farrns Ltd 26-44x2cc GRADE 11 and 12 education required tor temporary and Sul' time factory employment To apply call Tempted Employment Services at 519-263-6116 and fax resume ref- erences to 519-263-€117 Thu, is a free service to applicants 26- 43x3cc COUNTRY INN. requires full time cook Experience preferred Cali 887-9035 or fax 887-9037 26-43-2 AVON Start your own business Earn the money you need Nc advance purchase of inventor\ Free bottle of ow new fragrance Women of Earth when, you loin, Cali today Sharon Stephenson (519! 887-6305 26-43x2cc START A CAREER P4 HEALTH CARE. TRAIN IN LONDON. WORK IN YOUR COMMUNITY. Local Calls 659-4822 Out of Town 1-800-695-2414 . SOUTHWESTERN MEDIX SCHOOL LOCAL TRANSPORT COMPANY REQUIRES DRIVER with AZ licence, cross border and flatbed experience an asset. Competitive -wages. safety bonus, home on weekends. Mr 11 A G' ° IN(�S-PPU;g©�r°�h@b ?t �t/dJUf51Tia (519)523-9705 (27. WANTED GENERAL SMALL BUSINESS seeking investor, looking for $60,000 over 10 years, willing to pay up to 10 per cent interest. Good investment opportunity for the right person. Fully legal. Write drawer 1158 c/o The Lucknow Sentinel, Box 400, Lucknow, Ont. NOG 2H0. 27- 43x3oc