HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1998-10-21, Page 1010 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, OCTOHEH 21, 199d gown. and Count C.E. COMING EVENTS • r ONE STOP Christmas Shopping: Everything they need, Sat. Nov. 7, 1-4 p.m. Open House, 130 James St. Seaforth, 527-1401, Tupperware, Jocus toys, Please Mum, Pampered Chef, Option L, Party Lite, Better -B -Baskets, Arctic Sweaters. Heads and Tails, Indisposibles and kids books, Unique country and wood crafts. Cash and carry. Refreshments and door prizes. CE -42-2 ANNUAL Christmas Sale, Dashwood Community Centre, Thursday, Nov. 5, 1998, 1:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Friday, Nov. 6, 1998, 10:00a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Free refresh- ments. Draws. Door prizes. Admission $1.00 Food booth. Info: Carol Zimmer (519) 237-3665. CE- 42x2cc IPM COUNTDOWN Beef Barbecue will be held on Thursday. October 29 at the Stanley Community Complex, Varna. You're invited to help us countdown to Huron County's International Plowing Match in 1999. Entertainment. Supper served from 5-7 p.m. Tickets $10/adult, 55/child under 12, Preschoolers Free. Tickets are available from IPM committee mem- bers or call Nellie Evans 519.236- 4312. CE-42xlcc FESTIVAL CITY Singles Dance, Sat. Oct. 24. Dance 9 to 1 a.m. 207 St. Patrick St. Stratford. Top DJ. Dress code. Couples welcome. Lunch provided. Information 519- 273-1897. CE -42x1 TOWN AND COUNTRY Support Services is holding a Halloween Dance, October 30th, 1998 at the Seaforth Agriplex Building, Seaforth from 8:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. Enjoy this TCSS family night. Costumes are encouraged. Children are more than welcome. Door prizes and cos- tume prizes. Price: $10.00/person, $25.00/family (2 adults and chil- dren). $15.00/family (1 adult and children). CE -42-2 MONSTER EUCHRE tournament, St. Joseph's R.C. Church Hall, Clinton, Wednesday, Oct. 21st, 8 p.m. Over $100.00 in prizes. Lunch' provided. Everyone welcome. Sponsored by Knights of Columbus. CE -42x 1 cc ST. ANDREW'S UNITED Church, Smorgasbord Supper. held at Brucefield United - Church, November 11th, 5-7 p.m. Adults $8.50; children 12 and under $4.00, pre-schoolers free. Tickets 263- 5025, 263-6502. CE-42x2cc JOINT SERVICE of Worship, Thames Road United Church, 5 miles east Exeter Hwy. 83, Sun. Nov. 1/98. 7 p.m. Guest speaker: Rev. Wm.. McAusland. Everyone welcome. CE -41x2 HALLOWEEN PARTY on October 30th for all families at Seaforth Bowling Lanes. 6-7 p.m. Bowling for the whole family. Hotdogs and a drink all for just $10 per family. Please come dressed in your cos- tumes. Please. register in advance by calling 527-0682. CE -41-3 PARENTS DAY AWAY: October 24, 1998. Bus trip leaving 126 Market St. Seaforth at 8 a.m. arriving in • Toronto at Samko al 10:30, shop- ping until 1:30 making a quick stop at McDonalds on the way back to Kitchener. A stop in Kitchener at Fairview Park Mall for more shop- ping and dinner: on you, own 3-6 p.m. and returning by 7:30 p.m. Cost $20 per person. Sign up now as space is limited. Call 5270682. CE -41-2 HIKE THE beautiful trails of Huron County. Meet the Seaforth Hiking Club at 12:30 at the Seaforth Library every Wed. Call Kathleen for into. 527-2724. CE -41-2 FASHION • SHOW & SALE. Sponsored by Dens and Friends, Seaforth. Friday, Oct. 23/98. Seaforth Legion, 7:00-9:30 p.m. $4.00 adults, children Free. Proceeds to Walton Public School. Tickets available at Den's and Friends and the school. CE -41x2 CHRISTMAS TRADITION - Murrays' Christmas House, 10-4:30 until Dec. 24th. 10% off every pur- chase, 50% off selected merchan- dise. Imagine....for 20 years our 10 room home has magically shim- mered • twinkling lights, decorated trees, cherished ornaments...all expertly crafted and exquisite...enhance your holiday festivities. Experience the "Ultimate" in shopping pleasure. 7304 Richmond St. Arkona. 1-800-575- 1974. CE -40x5 EUCHRE TOURNAMENT, Walton Community Hall, October 22 at 8 p.m. S5.00 per person. Bring your own partner. $100.00 in prizes. Lunch provided CE -40x4 BEEF SUPPER Walton Community Hall, Oct 25, 4 to 6 p.m. Adults S8.00, children 6 to 12 $4.00 under 5 free. CE -39x4 WEDDINGS Performed - your location or our lhdoor or outdoor chapel (non -denominational). For brochure call: REV. CHRIS MORGAN AU. FAITHS PASTORAL CENTRE BENMILLER 5244724 CHRISTENINGS C.E. COMING EVENTS • 4TH ANNUAL Craft and Bake Sale, Walton Hall, Oct. 31, 10 to 4 p.m. Admission: a nonperishable food item. Door prizes, must be present to win. For information call Barb 887-6068. CE -40-4 BINGO Goderich Knights of Columbus, every Thursday, 7 p.m. Columbus Centre, 390 Parsons Court, $4,400 in prizes; progressive jackpot $1,000; regular jackpot $1,500 must go. Lic. 41157920. First Saturday of every month, 7 p.m., Columbus Centre, $500 mini jackpot, $1,500 jackpot. Total prizes $4,600. Lic. #310856. Super Star Provincial Game every Bingo night. CE-06- tfcc SEAFORTH MINOR SPORTS Bingo every Monday. 1st and 3rd Monday of each month. $750. Jackpot. 2nd and 4th Monday $1,000. Jackpot. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Ticket sales 6:30 p.m. S.D:C.C. Lottery license #M297196. CE-34-tf Ci Egmondville United Church 605'h ANNUAL FOWL SUPPER WEDNESDAY, OCT. 28/98 Seaforth District Community Centres 5 pm to 7 pm Take outs available 4:30 - 7pm Adults $9.00 Children (12 & under) $4.50 5 and under Free Tickets available at Pizza Train, Hildebrand's, Egmondville Store, and from members of the Congregation. (112,TICLES FOR SALE • r SNOWBLOWER for sale. mint con- dition, 4 years old, 8 hp 24" cut, $600. 5 hp push lawnmower, used 3 times, $80. 519-527-2244. 01- 42x2c SATELLITE SYSTEMS: Need a new satellite dealer for all your C - band systems, for program and ser- vice? Star Choice Systems starting at $299.00. after rebate. Call Ontario Country Kable, 233-3944. 01-42x4cc 25" SANYO colour t.v. $300.00 (2 years old); Sony home stereo with cabinet $800.00 (4 yrs.old); Peavy bass guitar and amp. $500.00 (like new). Call James Wilbee days 527- 0880. evenings 527-0192. 01-42x3 CROSS COUNTRY skis $29.95; ski poles $10.00 up; sofabed $139.95; single bed $99.95; double bed $99.95; electric stove $99.95; chest of drawers $39.95 up; dresser with mirror, $69.95; kerosene heater, newer, $119.95; loveseat with chair $99.95; loveseat, folds into bed $139.95; skates $10.00 up; high chairs $21.95; desks $39.95 up: swivel rocker $20.00 up; sofas $49.95 up; corner china cabinet $119.95; china cabinet $99.95: humidifier $39.95; shoes and boots $5.00 up; entertainment centre $139.95; table and chairs $69.95 up: hundreds of small items; small electric heaters $20.00. Quality Used Fumiture, 9 Albert St. Clinton. Open Wed. through Sat. 12 till 5:30 482-1444.01.42xlcc APPLES: Northern Spy, Ida Red, Spartan, Golden Delicious. 51 Louisa St. Seaforth. Call 527-0622 after 4:30 p.m. 01.42x1 SATELLITE DISHES Starting at $199.99. We have new and used remotes, LNBS, dishes and used receivers with full war- ranties. We have financing to fit most budgets and we install, . sell and buy all brands of Canadian and . American small dishes. Call Burr Enterprises 1-51,9.527.1009. 01-42- 1 CALL L&A SOUTHWEST\ Satellite Systems NEED TO BUY OR REPAIR YOUR SATELLITE OR ANTENNA? We have new & used parts for most makes of Satellite & Antenna Equipment 18 years experience CALL Larry at 524-9595 or Dennis at 524-8271 Day or Evenngs PUL EN'S PUMPKINS • Hundreds TO Choose Froth • All Shapes and Sizes *� oo • and up Guaranteed to last until Hallowe'en Avallable dally PUN. PAM Hwyl8 Between Clinton & Seaforth For large quantkfes call 255.7896 11. ARTICLES FOR SALE • • r WELL SEASONED mixed hard- wood for sale. Phone 527-0441. 01-41x2 • MATERNITY WEAR: 9 tops, 4 pants, 1 short, 3 skirts, 1 nursing nightgown, sm. to med. sizes. Whole wardrobe $75.00. New Graco baby swing, open top batt op., 3 sp. adj. $99. Call Kathleen 527-2724. 01.41 x6nxe STEREO SYSTEMS: Pioneer 500 watts, Prologic 5 speaker surround sound, double cassette, 25 CD, remote. Only 10.40/week. (OAC only). 1-800-515-5545 tree delivery. 01-40x4cc MACINTOSH APPLES and sweet cider, also pressing your apples by appointment at .50 for 4 litre. Call 522-1507. Marlene Orchards, west of Egmondville. 01.39-tf ELECTRICAL conduit and wire. Partially assembled engine hoist, hydraulic. hose crimper, new electri- cal motor and various other things. Accepting offers. Phone 1-800.265- 9682 Walton. 01-42-1 APPLES: Macintosh, Empire, Cortland, Ida Red, Delicious and fresh apple cider. Closing October 31st. Jim Bell Fruit Farm, Clinton, orange fruit stand, Hwy. 8, east of lights, 524-9460. 01-42x2cc SAWDUST AND SHAVINGS - We can load your truck or deliver. Call R.J. Dungey- and Sons. Mitchell. 519-348-8477 01-26xtfcc MOFFATT AND POWELL Building Centres, complete line of lumber and building materials. Free esti- mates, #8 Highway Mitchell. Toll 1-800-663-6977. 01-34-11 ATTENTION store and homeown- ers: Must sell wood and glass shelv- ing. glass and wood display cases, racks and more. Priced to clear. Call 519-348-8572. 01-42x 1 cc FOR SALE: Size 7 1/2 stepdancing shoes, 515. Call 527-2373. 01-42x1 CLEAR WHITE ASH LUMBER suit- able for woodworking, furniture or flooring. Phone evenings 345-2048. 01-42x2 SUMMITT 1000 waterproof breath- able hunting boots (1000 gr. of thin- sulate) 5159.00; Challenger slugs $12.99; Boundry ankle -snug hunt- , ing boots $69.99; buy a Shadowear or Sportchlef waterproof hunting jacket and receive a free blaze orange vest (515.00 value); IM 7. 10' 6" noodle rod $79.99; Bushnell 8x21 camo binoculars $35.99. Large selection of blaze orange and camo clothes, game calls, scents, slugs, buckshot, steel shot and steelhead and salmon gear. Huron Sports Outfitters, Hwy. 4 Kippen. Open 7 days 263-2141. 01-42-1 1 t 5. CARS FOR SALE • '81 VW RABBIT, safety inspected, no rust. Engine overhauled: New tires, paint, brakes and clutch and a/c. $1200. 519-347-2038. 05- 42x1cc 1989 FORD Taurus, automatic, air, needs body work, runs well. $1,500 • u 1 an 5. CARS FOR SALE • r 1984 PONTIAC Fiero, only 96,000 kms., 4 speed standard, sun -root, cassette, many options, red. Call 524-4144 atter 5 p.m. 05-40x3nxe GOOD WINTER car, 1979 Thunderbird, auto, 351 Windsor, good body, brakes and motor, excellent tires, good interior. As is, little to safety. 528-2516. 05- 40x4nxe • 7B. WANTED TO BUY r GOOD USED 14' or 16' aluminum fishing boat with or without motor and or trailer. Phone 236-4607. 7B- 42xlcc 10. PETS • BONNIE'S DOG GROOMING Service now available at the Seaforth Veterinary Clinic. Reasonable rates. Gentle experi- enced groomer. Call for an appoint- ment 527-1760 or res. 527-2097. 10-42-3 FREE to a good country home, 2 year old German Shepherd/Husky dog. Call 345-2393. 10-42-1 ELRAN ACRES: Golden Retrievers, chocolate, yellow and black Labrador puppies for sale occasionally. Excellent tempera- ment and healthy. Parents' hips and eyes certified. Also boarding facility. Inside and/or outside runs. Phone 482-5773. 10-08xtfcc MA AND PAWS GROOMING , cer ' iified, gentle groomer; reasonable rates; cats welcon)e. Baths, nails, comb -outs. On Highway 21 north of St. Joseph. Call Dianne at 519-236- 7570. 10-08xtfcc 11E. LIVESTOCK r FOR SALE: 500-600 Ib. Limo - cross stocker calves. Phone 527- • 0715 or 527-0689. 11E-42-1 11F. FARM PRODUCT r OAT PELLETS High fibre, low cost, cereal based feed, no additives. Available in bags or bulk. Nott Farms, Clinton, 482- 7439. 11 F-39-tf 112. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • r AFFORDABLE 2 storey frame home in Blyth, 4 bedrooms, large kitchen, double lot with 24' x 32' steel shed. For further information contact 519-523-9275 atter 6 p.m. 12-42x3 (16. FOR RENT PARTY TENT RENTAL No hassle set-up, anywhere. Fantastic rates for weekday use (anniversary. birthday, shows/sales). Tiesma Industrial Coverings, 482-3540. 16-42xlcc HALLOWEEN COSTUME Rentals. Carol Humphries, 22 Victoria St. Egmondville. Adult sizes only. Open Tues. -Fri. 5:00-10:00, Sat. -Sun. 10:00-8:00. Closed Monday. Call 522-0703 after 5 p.m. 16-41-2 The Huron Expositor's CLASSIFIEDS C.E. Coming Events 01. Articles For Sale 03. Garage/Yard Sale 04. Antiques & Art 4A. Crafts & Hobbies 05. Cars For Sate 06. Trucks For Sale - 7A. For Sale General 78. Wanted To Buy 7C. Wanted To Rent 7D. Bicycles 7E. Motorcydes. ATV's. Etc. 7F. Snowmobiles & Equipment 7G. Rec. Vehicles - Campers & Trailers 7H. Boats. Motors & Marine 7J. Service Parts &. Repairs 7K. Swimming Pool & Supplies 08 Computers, Videos, Etc 09 Automotive 10 Pets F11fnn 1tj i 11A. For Sale General 118 Wanted To Buy 11C Wanted To Hire 110 Employment Wanted 116 Livestock 11F Farm Product 11G. Farm Equipment 11H. Farm Services 11J.Farm land 11K, Farm Real Estate - . 12. Real Estate For Sale 13. Mobile Homes 14. Vacation Properties 16. For Rent 17. Apartments For Rent 18. Houses For Rent 19 Rooms For Rent 20 Rooms & Board DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS For other papers Deadline is MO All rates plus GST 22. Lots For Rent 23. Commercial Property For Rent 24 Wanted To Rent 25. Wanted To Buy 26- Help Wanted • 27. Wanted General 28 Business Opportunity 29. Tenders • 30. Employment Wanted 31. Service Directory 32. Babysitting 33. Miscellaneous 34 Personal 35. Notice To Creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38. Auction Sale 39 Educational 40. Lost & Found 41. To Give Away' 42. Deaths 43. Births 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In Memoriam 47. Cards of Thanks MONDAY 1:00 PM NDAY 11:00 AM 116. FOR RENT • • r WINTER STORAGE for cars, boats, trailer, etc. indoor, concrete flopr,. north of Seaforth. 519-527- 2244. 16-42x1 ' STORAGE AVAILABLE for cars, boats. etc. in Mitchell. 5100.00 + GST for the winter. 887-6296 evenings.16.41x2cc . SPACE FOR RENT in Dublin,' approximately 3300 sq. ft office, workshop, storage, can divide. Phone (519) 229-6028. 16-39.11 117. APARTMENTS FOR RENT • r DUPLEX: One 2 bedroom 'unit and one 3 bedroom unit; gas heat. -Reasonable rent. References. Phone 519-235-3220. 17-42-11 IN CLINTON, NEWER: 2 bedroom quiet 4-plex, controlled entry, 4 appliances, laundry facilities avail- able. Ideal for seniors. $450.00 plus. Call 519-685-2264. 17-36xtfcc 12. RE:11. ESTATE: FOR SALE 112. REAL ESTATE FOR -SALE • r ♦ r i�i`INTEE Real Estate 19 Albert St., Clinton 482-5991 Tony & Mary Vanden Hengel 233-3168 REDUCED AGAIN!! 48 MILL ST EGMONDVILLE: Vendor relocated. Attractive 1800 sq. ft.. 3 bedroom home ready to move in with large, bright kitchen with lots .of oak cabinets & eating area bar. Master bedroom features 3 pc. ensuite. Finished basement with rec room, office/sewing area. Maintenance free exterior. 3 baths. Survey. Near golf course. New price S149.900, COMMERCIAL" downtown cote area. Approx. 1500 sq. ft. of retail space fully rented plus a 3 bedroom Architectural designed apartment. NEW PRICE $115.000. as is or 52,000 certified. Call 519- 348.0029. 05-42x2nxe REAL ESTATE LTD. 480 DINSLEY STREET, EAST, BLYTH - List $225,000.! 27 FRANK STREET, MITCHELL - Now $189,000.! 73 RICHMOND STREET, HENSALL - List $89,900.! BUSINESS & PROPERTY at R.R.#5, Clinton- Call for details! lito411a rILO" 174 JARVIS STREET, SOUTH - List $99.900 ! - 5 r , '*2 .. .:, 10 WEST WILLIAM STREET - List $89,900 - LET'S MAKE A DEAL! DISTINCTIVE SIDESPLIT in mint condition. 3 full sized bedrooms, spacious family room with gas fireplace, professionally decorated throughout, formai dining, 11h baths, newly sided, new roof, walkout -deck, att'd. garage S159,900.1 DELUXE MODEL In excellent area close to hospital. Custom designed, 3 bedroom ranch. Gas fireplace In spacious family room, master bedroom with ensuile, attached double garage. Yours for the list price of $149,000.1 STRIKING DUPLEX featuring solid brick exterior, open front porch, 3 bedrooms in the front apartment plus 2 bedrooms in the rear apartment. Call today for complete details on this great investment property. List $109.000.1 711111911a ONE OF THE BESTI Handsome, 2 storey brick & frame home boasting 4 bedrooms, gas heat, 3 baths, central air with heat pump, double attached garage & more. Move up to this exceptional home. SI 99,000 I 21 YEARS SERVING SEAFORTH & AREA 'MAUREEN WR.DFONO 'PERCY SCHNEDER 4e2-3224 5554501 Seaforth Office: 519 / 527-1577 8 Main Street OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEKI 'DONNA TEATERO 527.2731 'BRIAN COOMBS 5454350 'SALES REPRESENTATIVE MLS REALTOR TON MURRAY 345.203*