HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1998-10-21, Page 22—THE HURON EXPOSITOR, OCTOBER 21, 1$9$
Member of council
must fill Reeve seat
MOM Page 1
of its 26 municipalities to
once again try and define
their own
communities of
interest. has set
the -whole issue
hack .six to 12
months,'. Reeve
Ferguson I-eported
to council prior to
his resignation
last • week., near Reeve
the end f the Fergu
He has been involved with
rest uctttring politics for the
town since the issue first
'arose. even before he
became reeve. and has• said
repeatedly the status quo is
not an option. •
Ferguson noted that
Huron is one of the last
three counties in Ontario'to
not v'et restructure. and
again said that if this county
docs not soon get serious
about. the issue. the
province will step in and do
the restructuring.
This town has been
progressive on the
issue, but too many
other area
municipalities just
want it to go away,
and prefer things to
stay the way they
arc, he said.
Seaforth's vacant
reeve's position
must now he filled
by a sitting member of
council. according to thc
Municipal Act.
Council decided to mull
over the matter and defer
the decision on a new reeve
until its next meeting. Oct.
County councildoesn't
meet again until Nov. 5.
When a councillor is
named reeve n will leave an
opening on Seaforth
Links formed to improve water
Agencies join in common interest to fight for better water quality
Clinton News -Record Staff
Many area environmental
groups and municipalities are
joining together to fight to
improve surface water
Save Our Lake -Value
Environment (SOL -VE),
Huron Farm Environmental
Coalition. Protect, the Health
Unit, Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture Food and Rural
Affairs (OMAFRA), St.
Joseph's water shed group.
local municipal governments.
and more have joined to form
The Huron County
'Environmental Coalition,
according to Klaus Seeger.
Senior Public Health
Inspector for the Health Unit.
"The intent was to have
this coalition so there was
one focus on these
initiatives," Seeger said. "So
there weren't five different
groups going to the
municipalities with their
, Two-year contracts are ratified
by Catholic school board
Expositor star( 1 . •
, The Huron-Pcrtlt Catholic
District School Board and its.
clementars_ acid secondary
teachers • ratified . their'
respec,tivc- ; collective
" agreements last Thursday. •
.Thei arc two-year
contracts. covering from
'Sept.• I this'Y+car until Aug'
31. 2000. Both agreements
also , "contain hoard
denominational. rights and
teacher rights language.
• resignation - tcrnunatlion.
and probationary period,
provisions and clearer
'seniority , and.. , recall
. provisions.".according to the
press release
with the secondary unit 01
the Ontario English Catholic
Teachers Association,
Huron -Perth. . (OECTA)
.maintains a six out•of eight
classes schedule for every
teacher while meeting the
1250 minutes on average per
week teaching time, and 22
to one classroom ratio of the
Education Act.
.' "The agreement was.made
possible because the
secondary leachers agreud to
no salary grid increase for
the two years. despite having
no increase since '1993."
according • , to ' the
It also removes department
head administrative time and
teachers will continue on -
The" hoard's agreement calls when other teachers arc
blood• sample
in LeBeau
Testimony at the trial of
Sarah Lebeau in Godench•
'revealed that a blood
sample from crash victim'
Neil Atchison was sent to
the Centre of Forensic
Sciences in Toronto tor
testing hut was refused
because he way listed as ai
passenger in the vehicle.
Dr. Phvllis••Fishcr: a
•pathologist.called in to
Stratford General
Hospital • to perform
autopsies on three of the
victim. Noy. 24, '1996.
testified they oniy do
testings on the driver oI
motor vehicle accidents.
Atchison's blood was
later tested. but at lithe
behest of the parents for
personal reasons. •
away. do lunch supervision
and provide remedial
A committee will he
formed to study possible
future secondary school
, restructuring.
, The hoard's agreement
with the area clementar'y unit
of the OECTA includes a
two 'per cent salary grid
. increase in each of the two
years. .. ,
"By Sept. 1. 2000
elementary teachers will he
provided with 200 minutes
per week planning time."
according to the press
, "Some benefits were
changed. rhowever. these
changes will not add any
increase cost -to the hMard.-
Company hired to help
town prepare equipment.
for, Year 2000 problems
On the recommendation of
cierkltreasurer Jack'
McLachlan. • Seaforth
Council agreed at Tuesday.
to get a
company. Personal
Computers Made 'Easy. to
give the town guidance on
an "Year 2000" problems
this municipality might face.
"We should show
leadership." McLachlan
, said. "The longer we wait
the bigger the problem could
be." •
The clerk said insurers
have advised the town could
he liable and might not be
slivered if it doesn't take a
pro -active position on
potential problems.
Year 21)00 problems might
arise because computers and
systems based on computer
chips might not he
programmed properly for
dates beyond the turn of the
He added that before the
groups pool their resources
they have to make sure that
the coalition meets the needs
of the different groups.
"i1 will be an umbrella
group that deals with water
quality groups," Seeger said.
"We'll all he represented in
this organization."
The Huron County
Environmental Coalition will
not he formed in an effort to
dissolve the other groups.
they will just be joining on
this one issue for now, Seeger
"We will be pooling
everyone's resources and
putting together •
subcommittees to deal with
public education. research
and water management
planning." he said.
Secgcr said the group is
focused on four questions
What do you identify as the
major issuessurrounding
surface water quality in
Automotive Repair
"Class A Mechanic"
Seweee eete
24 Gcsdench Si- F. Seaforth
The Seaforth
Auxiliary would
like to thank
everyone for
their loyal
support with our
50/50 draw.
to the winner,
Frank Hulley.
Huron? What do you think
are the sources of surface
water quality problems in
Huron County? if we agree
we are all part of the surface
water quality problem in
Huron, how can we. work
collectively toward
sustainable solutions:' Where
do you think we should go
from here? Can we develop
an action plan for a "Made in
Huron" solution'?
Seeger said the group is
working to combine puhlic
education and. community
"We were thinking of
maybe developing an
environmental watch
committee. like a gime
stoppers idea hut dealing with
environmental issues.'" he
The group will meet next
in Januar}.
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Barb Watt. Joanne Williamson. Lynn Fleisch. Ken Cadre, 41 Main Si. S. Seatorth
The Board of Directory of the Seaforth
Agricultural Society would like to thank
absolutely everyone whose participation
contributed to the success of our 1998 Fall Fair.
Thanks to those who donated their time, a prize
,or brought a food item. Thanks to the referees
and everyone who helped run the Broomball
Tournament. Special thanks to all our
exhibitors, our volunteers and YOU, tnwe
couldn't do it without vou!
BICYCLE DRAW WINNER - Anita Kreutzwiser
Thank you to the many sponsors & people
who made the Ambassador• Kinner & Dance
such a great success. Vincent Farm Equipment
- Bryan Vincent, Whitnev-Ribev Funeral Home
- Ross, Ribey, Maaughlin Chev Olds - Bill
McLaughlin, Hildebrand Flowers, Anna's
Dress Shoppe, Arva Heights Elevators, Sills
Hardward, Seaforth Insurance, Flower Magic -
Gregor Campbell Photography, Seaforth Co=
Op, Nifty Korners', Stratford Memorials,
Cardno's Men's Wear.
.W 421
After reviewing how other
municipalities handle the
problem. Seaforth Council
confirmed its skunk ,control
policy will remain user -pay
at Tuesday night's meeting.
The issue arose last month
when • a ratepayer asked to
reimbursed for the removal
of skunks from their
property on Market Street
near the public school.
Council also decided it will
provide people with skunk
problems the'names of local
people who pmvidc services
that help control the animals.
By Gregor Campbell
Macintosh is an old favourite in apples
FROM Page 1
personal favourite .
"It's an all-round apple: It can be used for
everything." he said.
He generally cats one or two apples a day
and while he doesn't swear it keeps away the
doctor. he has heard from people who swear
• drinking apple cider has helped ailments like
arthritis. making the aches feel better.
"An apple has to be good for you." hc
At home. the family often eats them as
"apple crisp." While it's like a pie. it's easier
to make.
While Martens prefers the Macintosh
apples. he recently added some trees with
• spy apples.
"It's an old favourite. A lot of people ask
for it." he said.
The spy and ida red apples arc mainly
used for pies..
"They keep much longer than a
Macintosh." he said.
For someone who prefers a Tess tan -tasting
apple. Marlene recommends thc courtlands
which have a milder taste. •
Strictly for munching are thc Crispin
"They don't cook up well. They're a
tougher apple. They're just for eating,"
Marlene. said.
For his cider. Martens mostly uses
Macintosh apples but mainly because hc has
more of them. He uses whatever fallen
apples are available and has no secret recipe
for the cider. If he has some extra Spy
apples, he'll use them too.
He knows the apples arc ready to he
picked by how easily they come free from
the branches and by breaking one open. 1f
the seeds are brown, it's ready.
He'll also check the colour though. to be
sure it's got a nice red before it comes off. '
• To help with the color, hc prunes the trees.
usually in February. making sure there aren't
too many shoots in the spring that will block
the sunlight from getting through to the
apples when they are ready to ripen in the
The pruning is just the start of a season's
work to get the apples ready.
The trees must be sprayed about 14 times
a season to protects the apples from pests
and scab, a fungus that can grow on thc
surface of the apple and make them
Spraying takes place about every 10 days
to two weeks depending on the conditions.
if there is a lot of moisture, scab will
produce more quickly.
"There's a lot of Work to an orchard." hc
But he enjoys his time in the orchard,
particularly in the sprang when the trees are
white with blossoms and he can hear the
bees moving from flower to flower.
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