HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1998-09-23, Page 1019 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 23, 11111111 (C.E. COMING EVENTS ) EGMONDVILLE UNITED Church Fowl Supper, Wed. Oct. 28, Seaforth and District Comrnunity Centres. CE -38-2 ANYONE WISHING to bet up a dis- play it the Seaforth Fall Fair, Oct. 9 and 10, please call the Seatorth Agricultural Society, 527-1321 or fax 527-0983, Gord Glen or Ken DeCorte. CE -38-1 MELVILLE Presbyterian Church, Brussels. Anniversary Beef BBQ, Sun Sept 27. 5-7 p.m. Adults $9 00. children 12 and under S5, pre-school n/c For tickets call Jeff Cardiff 887.6162. CE -38-1 SOUP AND SALAD LUNCH: Wed. Oct .7. 1998. 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.. St. Thomas Anglican Church, Seaforth. Price. $5.00. All you can eat. CE -38-3 VENDORS- $10 will get you a space at Cidertest Flea Markel, Sun Sept 27 Set -uptime 9 a m. CaII Dorothy 522-0327. CE -38-1 'ANYONE WISHING to enter a team in the broombatf toumament. Sat. Oct 10 at Seatorth and District Community Centres. please call Seaforth Agricultural Society 527- 1321 or tax 527-0983- Gord Glen or Roger Humphries. Held in conjunc- tion .with Seaforth Fall Fair. Oct. 9 and 10. CE -38-1 EARLY CHILDHOOD S.T.E.P. for parents' of children ages 0-6. Loam communication skills. effective dis- cipline methods. and how to encourage sell -esteem. To be herd at the Seaforth Co -Operative Children's Centre. Inc., on Tuesday evenings from Oct.• fith 1- Nov. 17th (7 •weeks). 7:00-9:00 p.m. The cost is 530.00 per person, $35.00 per couple Financial assistance is available_ if needed. Sponsored by Women Today of Huron and. Rural Response for Healthy Children. For . more . intormation. or to register, please call Shirley Brooker at 527- 0682 • CE -38-2 SEAFORTH MANOR Retirement Ijiome invites all community seniors • to our Pyjama Party and' Dance to th1 Huron Strings.Band. Supper at 5•p.m and dance at 7 p.m on Sdpt. 30/98 For more info or a ride call 527-0030 'CE -37.2 ' HURON COUNTY HIV/AIDS Network Office is now open Mondays. • Thursday. Fridays, 10 a.m.. 3 p.m. As. a luodraising.pro- lecl our office is the official cats- . logue- outlet for Peter Etnl Snyder fine an prints, 482-1141. CE-37x2cc • GERI FASHIONS will be at the Seatorth Manor Retirement Home on Tues Oct 13 from 10 a.m to 3 p in Regular and special wheel- chair clothing will be available. ,Fashion Show at 1:30 Geri .Fashions is very reasonabte in prices - and • alterations are no• charge For more into 'call 527- 0030 CE -37-4 • SUNDAY • SEPTEMBER 27 - • Ciderfest, Van Egmond House. Egmondville. 12 noon - 5 p.m. Flea market historical 'demonstration. . Adults $2.00. Students 61.00. family 65.00. CE-37x2cc , MURRAYS CHRISTMAS House Open 104:30 every day: 10% off every purchase. 50% off seleCted merchandise. Imagine...for 20 years our 10 room home has magically shimmered. twinkling tights. deco- rated Chnstmas trees, cherished ornaments...all expertty crafted and exquisite...stretch your imagination. Expenence the "Ultimate" Shopping Pleasure' 7304 Richmond Si,. Arkona • 1-800,575-1974. 'CE- 36x3cc CHRISTOPHER LEADERSHIP Course effective communication skills and speaking techniques alohg with self confidence building Wed Sept. 30 at Northside United Churdh, Seaforth. 7 to 10 p.m., Monday Sept 28. in Stratford ' Lirnited to first 25. Call Joanne Melady 345-2152. CE -36-3 iilnulr Goderich Knights of, Columbus. every Thursday,- 7 p.m. ;Columbus berme. 390 Parsons Court, 64,400 in prizes. progressive jackpot 61.000; regular jackpot 61,500 must go Lic #157920. First Saturday of every month. 7 p.m . Columbus Centre. 6500 mini Jackpot, 61,500 jackpot Total prizes $4,600. Lic. 4310856. Super Star Provincial Game every Bingo night. CE-06- ticc SEAFORTH MINOR SPORTS Bingo every Monday. 181 and 3rd Monday of each month. $750. Jackpot 2nd and 4th Monday $1.000 Jackpot. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Ticket sales 6:30 p.m. S.D.C.C. Lottery license #M297196. CE-34-tf WEDDINGS Performed - your location or our indoor or outdoor chapel (non-denomi national) . For brochure call: REV. CHRIS MORGAN ALL FAITHS PASTORAL CENTRE SENMILLER 3244724 CHRISTENINGS (1. ARTICLES FOR SALE MIXED HARD WOOD tor sale Phone 527.0441. 01-37-2 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE WHITE 3 PC. table/chair set, con- temporary,. 4 months old, bought at 6245.00, sacrifice 3175.00. Phone 527-1917. 01-384 NAVY BLUE Jolly Jumper, Alexa carriage stro$er, like new. $125.00. Call 519-348-4606. 01-38x6cc FOR SALE: Refrigerator, Oueen Anne buffet. table, 5 chairs. 1 steel bed, 1 rocker chair. 3 accent chairs. Phone 527-0599. 01-38x1 HORSES BOARDED. Lessons available. training. indoor arena. A few good quality horses for sale at R.R. 2 Staffa. Contact Barb 345- 2743. 01-38x2 FOR SALE: Hard wood. seasoned 2 years. Delivered. Phone 345- 2042. 01-38-2 FOR SALE: One miniature horse. 37" high, 14 months old, dark brown. Reasonably priced. To a good home. Phone 263-5648. 01- 38x1 WEDDING DRESS, excellent con- dition. Only wom once. Please call Cheryl at 519-887-9757 after 5 p.m. weekdays. 01-38k3nxe NOON LUNCHEON and Euchre, Brucefield United Church. Tuesday. October 6. Price 68.00. Door prizes. Everyone welcome. CE-38x2cc HURON COUNTY Pork Producers 50th Anniversary Sat. Sept. 26. Seatorth Community Centres, beginning at 5:30 p.m.. BBO and Dance Tickets 612.50 per person (childrens tickets on request) avail- able from directors. Info: Gary Love 236-4808. CE -38-1 AN EVENING NOT TO MISS! Friday, Nov. 13, Egmondville United ' ,Church. Homestyle Dinner and Guest Speaker Rural Voice colum- nist Giselle Ireland. Watch for fur- ther details. CE -38-1 MONSTER EUCHRE Tournament. SL Joseph's R.C. Church Hall. Clinton, Wednesday, September 23rd. 8 p.m Over 6100.00 in prizes. Lunch provided. Everyone wel- come. Sponsored by Knights of Columbus- CE-38xlcc ' ROAST BEEF Supper, Brucefield United Church, Wednesday, October 14. 5 p.m- 7:30 p.m. Adults 69.00; children (6-12) 64.00; pre-school free. Advance tickets ,only. 482-5854, 233-7188. 233- 3232. CE-38x2cc OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS Public Information Meeting, Saturday, September 26, 1998, St. George's , Anglican • Church, Goderich, 0:0013:00 p.m. Contact: • David (524-6287), Alexandra (524- 4442), Sharon (482-9077). CE- 38xlcc CHILDREN AND GRIEF, Workshop. For people whose lives are forever changed by children's grief. Sponsored by North Perth Community Hospice. Facilitators - Dr. Delton Glebe, 'Deborah Glebe - Gage. Marg McBride and Karen Hughes, Saturday. Oct. 17, 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Bethel Christian Reformed Church, Listowel. Lunch p provided. Registration limited. $35 per person. Call 519-291-5141 tor. information or to register. CE -38-2 UTILITY TRAILER for sale, 5' x 8' with tilt bed and 3' racks, $350. Call 524-4167. 01-37x3nxe • NEW AND • USED hockey equip- ment. skates, figure skating sup- plies. Dancewear now available. Second Period Sports/Ice Dreams. 65 Main St. S.,' Seaforth, 527-1870. 01-37-4 MACINTOSH APPLES. .$10.00/bushel. Also Cortlands, Bartlett pears, fresh apple cider. Jim Bell Fruit Farm. Chnton, orange fruit stand. Hwy 8 east o1 lights. 524- 9460 01-37xtfcc SAWDUST AND SHAVINGS • We can load your truck. Call R.J. Dungey' and Sons. Mitchell. 519- 348-8477 01-26xtfcc MOFFATT AND POWELL Building Centres, complete line of lumber and building materials. Free esti- mates. a8 Highway, Mitchell. Toll free 1-800-663-6977. 01-34-11 . J t 3. GARAGE/YARD SALE 1 YARD/GARAGE SALES, 41. 46. 56, 58 Victoria Blvd (plus, plus). Vanastra.- Interesting stuff, some-. thing for everyone. 8 a.m. - ?, Saturday, Sept. 26th. 03-38x 1 cc 5. CARS FOR SALE 1983 Buick Lesabre Limited, hill options, clean and in good mechan- ical arpd body condition 61,500.00 certified. Phone 527-0812. 05-38x1 '91 CHEVY LUMINA, new brakes, ball joints, struts, muffler, dark blue. Great car, 66250 certified. Call 887- 2600. 05-33x6nce 10. PETS ` J ELRAN ACRES: Golden Retrievers, chocolate, yellow and black Labrador puppies for sale occasionally Excellent tempera- ment and healthy Parents' hips and eyes certified. Also boarding fadkty Inside and/or outside runs. Phone 482-5773. 10.06xtfcc 8. COMPUTERS, VIDEQS, ETC. ) • COMPUTER FACTORY amazing school special 1 year no payments, free scanner, 266 mmx loaded, Internet. printer. software and more. $16/wk (oac). 1-800-515-5545 free delivery. 08-38x2cc (10. PETS • MA AND PAWS GROOMING , cer- tified, gentle groomer; reasonable rates; cats welcome. Baths. nails. comb -outs. On Highway 21 north of St. Joseph. Call Dianne at 519-236- 7570. 10-08xtfcc 11B. WANTED TO Bt'1 • e• WANTED TO BUY: High moisture corn, delivered to farm, 800-900 tonne, 22-28% moisture. Premium pricing. Bob Robinson, Vista Villa Farms Ltd. 345-2317. 118-38-2 • 11F. FARM PRODUCT OAT PELLETS High fibre. low cost, cereal based feed, no additives. Available in bags or bulk. Nott Farms. Clinton, 482- 7439. 11 F-34-tf SEED WHEAT AC RON ('art I Treated with dividend to, hunt control a.. Iowa, 90.29/2s kg R.T. Bolton & Son 527-0455 11G. FARM EQUIPMENT • 4 15 RUN MASSEY seed drill.'corn- plete; 10 foot double disc Quantity o1 dry split hard wood. Also amt chair. Cal Mervin Beuermann 345- 2916. 11G -38x2 FOR SALE: 23' x 4 auger 650, 2 feeder wagons with roofs 6350 each, 1 for small bales of hay, 1 for silage or 'large, bales. 1 portable straw chopper without motor S100 1 Wic 11 hp portable chopper; excellent condition. 51400: 522- 1871 11G -37x2 1113. FARM LAND • • 1 WANTED: good farm land for cash crop. ' Wilting to pay good SS for good land. Jonathan Hugill. . Phone 519-233-7467: 11J-38-4 • 100 ACRE FARM, 2900 heat units, 3 acres pasture, remaining flat cash crop land 6 bedroom Georgian 2 storey house. Large bam and drive shed. $209.000. Call (519) 395- 5587.11K-37x2cc 100 ACRE farm tor rent in Monkton area. systematically tiled Call -519- 347-3038 11J-38xlcc l � 16. FOR RENT • HOG BARN farrow to knish 500 fat- tening places. • slatted floor. Harvester silo 20' x 80'. 3 bedroom house. Long term contract only. Hullett. Conc. 6 Lot 7: 348-9128 days. 348-4364 evenings. 16- 37x3cc 12. REAL, ESTATE FOR SALE . R.R. 1,Sseforth Tastefully renovated schoolhouse former S S 810 McKillop. Great family home or weekend retreat! Reduced to Sell $114,900. R.R. 1, Blyth Building lot with mobile home and shop in Hullett. Immediate possession. Reduced, $29,900 R.R. 1, Walton Majestic view from dining room overlooking wood lot. 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, brick exterior. 6229,800. Call Marlene Lindsay 348-4663 HAROLD WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. 2348-4663 348 -HOME www.mis.ca LOOKING FOR A FULLY SERVICED LOT AT AN AFFORDARI.E PRICE? LOOK NO FURTHER THAN THE SEAFORTH GLEN SUBDIVISION rr+ll Maa1 11 S,n11, Wheal Gen , ir,irct 23 I.0ts to choose front 011 bO ft. plus Priced from $37.900 (.all 1-800-50 01731 31 Rrokerc Protected 1 16. FOR RENT SECURE, year round storage for • cars, trucks, boats. etc. 348-9128 days. 348-4364 evenings. • 16- 38x3cc SPACE FOR RENT , in Dublin, approximately 3300 sq. ft office. workshop. storage. can divide Phone (519) 229-6028. 16-36-11 • 17: APARTMENTS FOR RENT • SENIORS/ADULTS Two bedroom apartment available immediately in Seaforth. Stove. fridge. parking: Call 524-4994. 17= 34-11 STOP! Bach. 1. 2. 3 Bdrrn 176 Oxford St,. Hensel) Starting at $321 • All Utilities Included ' Lovely Clean Units • Qulel Village Living ' Freshly Decorated • Laundry Families MOVE -IN BONUS Nev.. manage, ELIZABETH COURT 519-262-1060 The Huron Expositor's CLASSIFIEDS C E Coming Events 08 Computers. Videos 22 LOIS Fry Rent 01 Articles For Sale Etc 23 Commercial Propert' 03 Garage/Yard Sale 09 Automotive For Rent 04 Antiques 8 An10 Pets 24 Wanted To Ren' 4A Crafts 8 Hobbies 25 Wanted To Buy 05 Cars For Sale ' s:, 26 Help Wanted 27 Wanted Genera' 28 Business Oppnm,n,ty 06 Trucks For Sale 7A For Sate General 78 Wanted To Buy. 7C Wanted To Rent 70 Bicycles 7E Motorcycles. ATVs. Etc 7F Snowmobiles 8. Equipment 7G Rec Vehicles. Campers 8 Trailers 7H Boats,. Motors & Marine 7J. Service Parts 6 Repairs .7K Swimming Pont & 11A For Sale General 118 Wanted To Buy 11C Wanted To Hire 110 Employment Wanted 11E Livestock 11F Farm Product 11G Farm Equipment 11H Farm Services 11J Farm (.and 11K Farm Real Estate 12 Real Estate For Sate 13 Motile Homes 14 Vacation Properties 16 For Rent 17 Apartments For Rent 111 Houses For Rent 19 Rooms For Rent 20 Rooms 8 Board 29 Tenders 30 Employment Warner; 31 Service Directory 32 Babysitting 33 Miscellaneous 34 Personal 35 Notice To Creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction Sale 39 Educations' 40 Lost 8 Founn 41 To Give Away 42 Deaths 43 Births 44 Engageent. 45 Marriagesm 46 In Memoriam 47 Cards 01 Thank, DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS iS MONDAY 1:(1(1 PM For other papers Deadline is MONDAY 11:00 AM All rates plus GST 1 25 WORDS - One Week 55.00. two weeks $4.50 e:, week. three weeks 54 00 ea week Additional words 20 cents An additional 52.00 will he added if billing is necessary. in Memoriams - 55.00 plus• 3.ti cents per lisle of verse Card of Thanks. & Birth Announcements - 25 Words $5 00 Finch additional word 10 cents • We are also 1J1Ie kr place word ads in the ,followinr papers Goderich. Clinton. Mitchell. Lucknow, Kincardine. Zurich & Pori. :Elgin By placing an ad in The Huron Expositor we erin,piaci. the 1 same ad 125 wordsor less! in any of the ahhve papers for an :kldt tional S3 00 ' THESE PRICES ARE PRE -PAID Call 527-0240 Mondny.to Friday 9:00 AM to 5100,PNI ii9NTEE Real Estate 19 Albert St., Clinton 492'-5991 Tony & Mary Vanden Hengel 233-3168 Enjoy Country Living to his 3 bedroom bhckbungalow with attached garage. tun Iinisflec roc room. 2 baths. aluminum soffit & fascia. private deck at rear. Reautiluiiy Landscaped Paved road Move nght m 4t; Mill St., Egrfiondvtlle. 1800 "sq bedroom home, targe kitchen wilt .pts of oak cabinets & eating area ha Mastor bedrpom •features rs. ensuite. Finished basemen' Maintenance tree exterior 3 baths Survey 5158.000 r 4 bedrooms. family room patio doors 5 UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING to deck at rear New siding 8 windows storey back 101 x 130 lot wit' i -- New New 16' x'.24 vinyl sided shed parking spaces Vanastra 'COMMERCIAL' downtown core area Approx 1500 sq tt of retail sparr'hdry rented plus a 3 bedroom Architectural designed apartment 5120.000 Culligan REAL ESTATE LTD. i 97 WEST WILLIAM STREET - Lust $114,900 R.R. #5, SEAFORTH - List $79,900' 90.85' x 144.30' ell Treed Vacant Building Lot R.A. 1, BAYFIELD (SNOWDEN ACRES) - List 526.900' 71 JARVIS STREET - Now 679,900' 66 ELIZABETH STREET List 5149.900' 79 WEST WILLIAM STREET Us: 874.900' 93 GODER1CH STREET. WEST Duplex - List $109 ,O: LET'S MAKE A DEAL! PRIVATE AREA 8 spacious 2 bedroom home with many updates plus family room 115 baths. newer windows and large utility shed. located on spacious 133 foot frontage Call today for complete details. List $89,900' ONE OF THE BEST! Handsome, 2 storey bnck 8 frame home boasting 4 bedrooms. gas heat. 3 baths. central air with heat pump, double attached garage d more Move up to this exceptional home. $199,0001 GREAT STARTER on Ihis one tloo bungalow 2 or 3 bedrooms Forced a, gas heat Large country kitchen. Located on a specious lot with a 99 loot frontage measuring 0.41 acre to total Aflurdably yours for $44,9001 DELUXE MODEL in excellent area close 10 hospital Custom designed J bedroom ranch Gas fireplace in spacious family room, master bedroom with ensuite. attached double garage Yours for the list price of $149,000' 21 YEARS SERVING SEAFORTH & AREA 'MAUREEN Vet:MONG 'PERCY SCHNEIDER 462-3224 565-5504 Seaforth Office: 519 / 527-1577 11111 8 Main Street OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK! 'DONNATEATERO 627-2737 *MAN COOMBS 'RON MURRAY #66.5350 'SALES REPRFSENTATIVf MIS REALTOR 346-2036