HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1998-09-09, Page 13IT WAS A LONG NIGHT - for Seaforth's Reds last Wednesday at Lions
Park when the Goderich Dukes teed off on them 15-0.
Reds on ropes; rocked by Dukes
Ryan Lamh clubbed home hustle to give the Seaforth a
six runs and veteran pitcher much-needed runner and a
Lorne "Fuzzy" Daer held the chance to get back in it.
Reds to a few scattered hits. Leftfielder Murray Koetsier
that were too far between. at then made a terrific running
Lions Park in Seaforth last grab at the fence to rob Jason
Wednesday night. The Murray of what looked like a
Goderich Dukes took a two sure home run, and two runs
games to none lead in their for the Reds. to make short
Huron County Fasthall work of the rally.
League semi-final by To rub salt in the wounds.
mercying the locals 15-0. he led off the top of the next
The Dukes hatted around inning with a triple. and the
their order. and then some, u Dukes were on their way to
the top of the fifth to score four more runs in the inning.
eight runs, then held a .and a seven -run cushion.
obviously dispirited Seaforth Veteran first baseman
squad oft the scoresheet Morey was the only Red it,
once again in the of bottom stand out.
of that inning, when the After Lamh singled home
mercy rule came into play. the Dukes opening run with
Reds' - manager Trevor one out in the first half -
Price says his squad just has inning. Goderich put runners
to "forget about it" to get on first and second. Their
over the nightmare and hack next hatter was waiting on a
into the best -of -five playoff. full count when Morey
"We don't have the depth." turned him into an out on a
he says. "Steve Leonhardt is pop-up with a head -first dive
a good pitcher. but he can't into the dust of foul territory,
pitch all the time." so Seaforth soon went into its
He was the losing pitcher first.at-hats only the one run
Wednesday night. Jim Roth back.
relieved him in the final Lamb drove home another
inning. but the Seaforth team run for the visitors in the
missed Chris Annis, another third. and sent a three -run
chucker, who was away with homer soaring in the.Dukes;
school obligations. big bat-a-thon in the fifth.
A Toss in the third game of Daer held the hometowners
the series in Goderich Friday to four hits. fanned four
night at 8 p.m. would end Reds. and drove home his
Seaforth's season. share of runs with several
Whichever team wins will lengthy blasts.whcn he took
meet the winner of the other his turn at the plate.
semi-final. between Exeter With none out,.Dave Smith
and the defending -champion greeted Seaforth relief
Brussels Tigers. .for the pitcher Roth with another
championship. three -run home run in the
The Dukes took the series fifth. and for all intents and
opener with Seaforth at purposes the game was all
Goderich 4-2 Monday night. over.
The Reds were in that game A STEP CLOSER
until the final out. With two Dukes' playing
runners in scoring position coach/manager Scott Homan
with two out. Goderich's was hesitant to verbally kick
pitcher snahbed a screaming the locals when they were
liner that would have tied it, down with his post -game
says Price. wrap-up. saying his team
TURNING POINT played "solid -hall" and was a
The turning point of "step closer and in the final",
Wednesday's deciding game while Seaforth was "missing
came in the bottom of the a player who went hack to
third after Goderich had just school."
added three runs to a the 1-0 The tied -for -first -place
lead they took in the first. Dukes heat fifth -place
With one out. Terry Morey Seaforth in both games
dove into first with a burst of during the •regular season.
Be Sure To Attend The
Place: Brucefield Fire Hall
Time: 7 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Come and Enloy All You Can Eat
Pancakes 6 Syrup, Sausages, Bacon
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Adults $5.00
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and split their two starts
with both of the other semi-
finalists, Exeter and the
They topped the Goderich
Industrial League last season,
but lost in the playoffs,
before that loop folded and
merged with the Huron
County league this season
The Reds won as many
games as they lost during the
regular season, finishing fifth
8-8, but gave up a ton of
unearned runs down the
stretch. before surprising one
of those other Goderich
squads, the Orioles, to
advance with a 5-0 win in
the rubber match of their
first-round quarter -final two
weeks ago.
I Saturday, Sept. 12
Stag f& Doe
Amy Neilands &
George Zoethout
Hwy 8 West. Clinton
Buck & Doe
John (Markey)
Susan Curtis
September 12
Bayfield Arena
Ice Surface
9:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m.
Lunch Provided
Call 236-7470
Monday Septemberl 4
Royal Canadian Legion
Branch 156 Seaforth
Sept. 20th 4:30 to ?
Roast Beef and
Homemade Desserts.
Adults $9.00
Children $4.50
Pre-Schoolers FREE
Call Seaforth Legion
Neil and Blanche Hopper
Ron & Candy Hopper & Family
Brian & Joan Gowan & Family
Rob & Anne Watcher & Family
Peter & Elaine Bakos & Family
Paul & Natalie Hopper
404414t 50th
Sept. 3
Love from
r your family
Larry & Janet Rutledge arc
pleased to announce the
forthcoming marriage of
their daughter
Julie Lynn
Jeffrey Dale
son of Dale & Helen
Kennedy on September 12.
1998 at Wesley Willis
United Church. Clinton.
Reception to follow at the
Stanley Township
Kitchener Rangers Junior "A"
Hockey Club
Saturday, September 19
Game Time Autograph Session
7:30 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
at the Seaforth Arena
Admission: $12.00 ($14 at door)
Included with pike of admission:
Kitchener Rangers vs. Plymouth Whalers,
fCkchener Memorial Auditorium
Sundoy, November 1, 1998 6:30 p.m.
• Any Pee•Wees ate player who buys a ticket hu a chance to suit up with
the Kkchener Ranters in Seaforth
• Any Tyke* agi player who buys a ticket has a chance to suk up with the
Bayfield Tykes in Kitchener.
• Pee Wee and Tyke players please register with seller for your chance to
play. Player names wI1 be drawn on Sept. 14/98
• What you are getting Is 2 pmes for admission of $12.00 ($14.00 at the
Tkkets ore oveNable at t4/ Seefbrth Anne. McLaonb of Exeter
DeWMion Won 7hading Co. of Hayfield, Maywood Sports of Clinton
and ~toil Cattom Sports of Mitch&).
Presented by the Kitchener Rangers b Bay4Od Minor Hockey
• oMWt wd.e -4/+r+ oNr
KERSLAKE-DIXON Frank Phillips Photo
On Saturday, August 8th, 1998, Joan Isabel) Kerslake, daughter of Bill
and Freda.Kerslake of Staffa, and Darryl Jeffrey Dixon, son of Gord and
Linda Vivian of Mitchell and Jeff and Sharon Dixon of Thamesville. were
united in marriage. The ceremony took place at Main Street United
Church with Rev. Jane Kuepfer officiating„with the dinner and reception
following at Mitchell Community Centre. Matron of Honour. was Laura
Norris, friend of the bride, bridesmaids included Marjorie McGrath. friend
of the bride, Kate Bancroft, sister of the bride, Anne Kerslake sister of
the bride. Flowergirls were Lindy Bancroft and Kalie Kerslake. both
nieces of the bride. The best man was Murray Norris, friend of the
groom, Gerald Kerslake, brother of the bride, Scott Dixon. brother of the
groom, Tim Vivian, brother of the groom. Ringbearers included MJtthew
Bancroft and Danial Kerslake, both nephews of the bride. Readers at the
wedding included Sue Louwagie, friend of the couple. Vinee Sharma.
friend o1 the couple and Derek Dixon, brother of the groom. Pianist &
soloist was Michele Nicholson and violinist was Joyce Fell.
Grandparents are Isabelle Hunt of Seaforth, grandmother of the bride,
and Orville and Reta Kelland, grandparents of the groom. The couple will
be residing in Mitchell, Ontario. Thanks to everyone who made our day
Stephanie Anne Holman and Ian William Peck were
united in marriage on September 13, 1997 during a
private ceremony at Ontario Street United Church,
Clinton, with Rev. Willy Zeigler officiating. Stephanie is
the daughter of Bill and Marlene Holman of Seaforth,
and lan is the son of Jack and Marion Peck of Clinton.
The maids of honour were Vicki Peck, Theresa
Flowers, Jacqui Forbes, and Lynn Moffat, all friends of
the bride. The best men were Steve Boussey, Andrew
Flowers, Brad Forbes and Billy Tugwell, all friends of
the groom.
Following the ceremony a private dinner was held at
Robindale's Dining Room in Goderich and a reception
held at the Goderich Township Hall ih Holmesville.
After a honeymooning in Las Vegas, the couple now
reside in Clinton.
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