HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1998-09-09, Page 9OPEN HOUSE 82 Elizabeth St.. SEAFORTH Saturday. September 12 10:00 rim - 11:30 am EXCELLENT 3 BDRM. RANCH STYLE HOME! Family room woodstove. redecorate❑ oetacnec double garage & morel 5125.000. OPEN HOUSE 159 Main St. N.. SEAFORTH Saturday. September 12 10:00 am - 11:30 am EXCELLENT STARTER OR RETIREMENT HOME' One tion - bun aloes. .hardwood floors. tult finis d basement & more' 598.000 SPLiT LEVEL HOME! 4 berm . family room wrwet bar. 6 person hot tub, gas lumace. redecorated, dose to school' 5124.000. TME HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 9, 1998 -9 GE. COMING EVENTS • r DANCE at Brussels Legion, Saturday. September -12. 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Music by Gary Boyle (good of • country music). 57 p.p. For more info (519) 887-6562. CE-36xlcc BRUSSELS Legion . Euchre Toumament, Saturday. September 19. 1:30 p.m. (upstairs) Cash prizes $50. $30, $20. Bring your own part- ner. $5 p.p. Lunch provided Snake -free event. For more info (519) 887-6562. CE-36x2cc • SENIORS TEAM Bowling Registration. Fri. Sept 18/98. 1:00 p.m. sharp at. Starlight Lanes, Seaforth for those who wish to be on a team. New bowlers welcome..11 you are unable to attend the 18th please call Grace Corbett 527-0211, Betty Oldacre 527-0195. (deadline for late registration Sept. 22/98) 0E - 36x2 HURON COUNTY HIV/AIDS Network "HCHAN- Walk for Aids, Sunday. September 27. 1:30 p.m. - • Registration Robertson Public School. Godench. Phone for pledge • sheets, 482-1141 CE-36xlcc GIVE YOUR COMMUNICATION Skills a boost. loin Toastmasters' Clinton Communicators meetings resume Tuesday. September 22. 7530 p.m. Town Hall; Committbe Rooms Visitors welcome 522- 0358. 482-3073, 524-2245. CE: •38x2cc MURRAYS ,ICHRISTMAS Rouse Open 10-4:30 every day- 10° off eery purchase. 50% off selected merchandise. Imagine...for 20 years ow 10 room. home has magically shimmered, twinkling lights. deco- rated Christmas trees. cherished omaments...all expertly crafted and exquisite...stretch your imagination. Expenence.the "Uttimate" Shopping 'Pleasure' 7304 Richmond St.. Arkona 1-800-575-1974. CE- 36x3cc MONSTER EUCHRE Toumament, Si. Joseph's R.C. Church. Clinton. Wednesday, September 9th. 8 p.m Over $100.00 in pnzes. Lunch pro- vided. Everyone • welcome . Sponsored by Knights of Columbus .CE-36x1cj • BRIDAL SHOWER for Vicki Gordon at Northside United Church., Seatorth on Friday. Sept. 11 at 8 p.m. Please bring your favourites recipe. Everyone welcome. CE - 86x1 SNO SHOW. 4 Wheeler Pulls and Grass Drags. sponsored by B & W Treilblazers Snowmobile Club on Sal and ' Sun.. -Sept 12 and 13. 1998 at the Seaforth Fairgrounds 4 -Wheeler Pulls. Sat.. Sept. 12. reg- istration before 11:30 a.m .pulls start at 12:30p.m. Sno Show Hours: Sat.. Sept 121. 11 a.m - 9 p.m. and Sun. Sept 13. 11 a.m - 6 p.m. On display snowmobiles and ATVs• trailers and clothing and atter mar- ket parts and accessories Grass Drags' on Sunday only (lain day- Suri. aySuri. Sept. 27, Registration 8 a.m - 10:30 a.m. Dra9e start at 12 noon For further info contact: Bob Leeming 519-522-2248 or Middegaal Sports. • 519.527-0104. CE-36xlcc . • SEAFORTH AND DISTRICT Horticultural -Society meeting Wed Sept. 9. 7:30 p.m. Northside United Church.' Rhea Hamilton -Seeger will be "Cooking with Herbs-. Everyone vfelcome. CE -36.1 CHRISTOPHER • ' LEADERSHIP Course effective communication skills and speaking techniques along with self confidence building Wed Sept. 30 at•Northside United Church. Seatorth. 7 to 10 p.m., Monday Sept 28. in Stratford Limited 10 first 25 Call Joanne Melody 345-2152. CE -36-3 BLYTH FESTIVAL • presents CBC Radio's own Stuart.McLean and the Vinyl Cafe. one show only Saturday, Sept 19. 8 p.m 'Tickets 05.00 reserve now. Call Box Office 5197 • 5234)300 CE-36xlcc PORK CHOP BBC)- Sept. 17. 5-7 p.m.. First Presbyterian Church. • Adults $9. under 13 $4, under 6 $2. Tickets Hiktebrands ,or call 522- 1301, 527-1903. Everyone wel- come. CE-36X2c HOT TUB SALE. Sept. 10th, 11th. 9-9. Sept. 1211) 9.4. You're invited to Hot Tub Information Night, Oct. 6•81" 7 p.m. Guest speakers, door prizes. refreshments. RSVP Linda 1-800- 716-8685: RintOuls Pools and Spas of Wingham. CE 32x5cc • DINGO Goderich Knights 01 Columbus, every Thursday, 7 p.m. Columbus Centre,. 390 Persons Court, $4.400 in prizes. progressive jackpot $1,000; regular jackpot $1,500 must go. Lic. 0157920. First Saturday df every month, 7 p.m„ Columbus Centre, $500 mini jackpot, $1,500 jackpot. Total prizes $4,800. Lic. 0310856. 'Super Star Provincial Game every Bingo night. CE-06- ffcc Performed - your location or our indoor or of rtdoor chapel (non-denorrMnationI) For brochure cam REV. CHRI'S MORGAN ALL FAITHS PASTORAL CENTNE' BENMILL'ER 524-5724 CHRISTENINGS (C.E. COMING EVENTS SEAFORTH MINOR SPORTS Bingo .every Monday. 1st and 3rd Monday of each month. $750. Jackpot. 2nd and 4th Monday . $1.000. Jackpot. Doors open at - 5:30 p.m. Ticket sales 6:30 p.m. S.D.C.C. Lottery license *M297196. CE-34-tt 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE ♦ r • AIR CONDITIONER, central ; 1 1/2 ton Clare Furnace Clare 80,000 BTU mid.. both new in box with lull warranties. $985 each. 1-519-742- 8330. 01-36xlcc FIELD TOMATOES. pickling cucumbers and cold extracted honey Call 527.1076. 01-36)r1 HORSES BOARDED Lessons available. Training. Indoor arena. A few good quality horses for sale at R.R. 2, Staffs, Contact Barb 345- 2743701-36-2 45 toot 3 bedroom addition (3 rooms). new wiring 'and insulation, $1200 or best offer. on wheels, ready to go Cali 482-5277 after 9 p.in.01-36-1. ' PEACHES: sweet. juicy and locally grown, eating and cooking apples Bartlett peers Jim Bell Fruit Farm, Clinton. orange truit Stand. Hwy 8 east of lights. 524946Q.• 01-34xtfcc INVENTORY CLEARANCE SALE Rintout's Pools and Spas of Wingham Solar blankets. acces- sones. pumps. fillers. toys auto- matic cleaners. ladders. vac hose. chlonnators hammocks. 18 x 33 pool. 2" chlonne. pucks $49 Save $10. For into call 1-800-716-8685 01-32x5cc SAWDUST AND SHAVINGS - We - ban' toad your truck. Call R.J Dungey and Sons. Mitchell. 519- 348-8477 01-26xlfcc r MOFFATT AND POWELL Building Centres. complete line of lumber end building matenals._ Free esti- mates. 08 Highway, Mitcheli Toli free 1-800-663-6977. 01-34-8 • WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS ' ' For your Leading pleasure we have . available at the Huron Expositor office eight weekly newspapers The Mitchell Advocate,' The Clinton News -Record, The Godench Signal Star. The Lakeshore Advance (Zunch), Shoreline News (Port Elgin), Kincardine News, Luc now Sentinel and The Huron Expositor 01-01-ttnxe FOR SALE: Funny pool_ cover. to- ter, creepy crawler. ladder etc. and manual treadmill. Phone 527-0406. 01-36x2 BOW & ARROW for sale: USA Spirit 'Jr 25 instil draw length. 25 to 40 pound • weight. $120 or best offer Call 522-0762. ask for Shaun g1- 1 36x1 1- 36x1 FOR SALE: Freezer beef by .1/2 or 1/4, processed to your liking. Phone Matt Haney 522-1375. 01-36xlbc ABOVE GROUND Pool. 27 ft with • deck. tin elxcellent condition. pump and all accessones included. Phone 482-7811. 01-36x2cc 1 3. GARAGE//YARD SALE • r 4 -FAMILY Yard Sale'. Saturday. September 12 112 Godench St. E Seaforth; 8 a.m. 03-36x1 ♦ 5. CARS FOR SALE - • r '91 CHEVY- LUMINA, new brakes. ball pints, struts. muffler. dark blue Great car, 56250 certified. Call 887- 2600. 05-33x6nce - 6. TRUCKS FOR SALE 1• 1994 CIIEV Astro van, ext. 8 pass.. a/c., p,w p.I.. tilt. cruise. AM/FM cassette. 108.000 km.. white. excel- lent condibon. $9999 + GST. Bruce Wilbee, 527-0880. 05-34x3 • 7G. REC VEHlCLF • CAMPERS & TRAILERS FOR SALE: 1992 Jayco fold down 8' truck camper. 3 way fridge, 3 burner stove. sink. excellent condi- 523.9682 7G-38xprr r1 • 1 - 0. PETS CKC REGISTERED miniature Schnauzer puppies. Family raised. Excellent temperaments. 482-3903. 10-36xlcc MOM SAYS TIME to leave the nest. We are cute and cuddly and love to play. 4 adorable kittens. 2 orange. 1 grey stoped 1 speckled Akio adult cats, good natured. need a home. 482-7585 for information 10-36x2cc KITTENS desperately seeking good homes, cute. cuddly and healthy Phone 527-1750 10-36-1 ELRAN ACRES Golden Retrievers, chocolate, yellow and black Labrador puppies for sale occasionally Excellent tempera- ment and healthy. Parents' hips and eyes certified. Also boarding facility. Inside and/or outside runs. Phone 482-5773. 10.08xtfcc MA AND PAWS GROOMING , cer- tified, gentle groomer; reasonable iIMMS; cats welcome. Baths. nails, comb -outs. On Highway 21 north of St. Joseph. Cal Dianne at 519.236- 7570. 10-080tfcc 11F. FARM PRODUCT OAT PELLETS High fibre, low cost. cereal based feed; no additives. Available in bags or bulk. Nott Farms, Clinton, 482- 7439. 11 F-34-tf • TARPS AND Industrial Coverings, made to size for trucks. trailers, gravity boxes, etc. Vinyl, canvas. poly. New/Repairs. Party tent rentals. Tiesma . Industrial Coverings. Bayfield, 482-3540. 11H-36xlcc, 12. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: ♦ BUSINESS FOR SALE: Grocery store with apartment and postal out- let. Restaurant: 60 plus seating. great location on busy highway. parking area for trucks, Targe lot with living quarters. close to lake and camping, potential for expan- sion. Building In Monkton suitable for offices. crafts, arcade, etc. has large vault (old bank). Asking $19.900.00. Open to offers. Phone Bob Gilbert. 519-345-2654 Zahnd Real Estate. 13.36xlcc ♦ 12. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE r LOOKING FOR A FULLY SERVICED LOT AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE? LOOK NO FURTHER THAN THE SEAFORTH GLEN SUBDIVISION (off Main Si.. Ninth Behind (�nlrlllllmity (.entre; 23 Lots Ill choosk' from on 60 fl. plus Priced . from 53.7.90( l • (all 1-800-599-9 731 Broker, Protected NTEE Real Estate 150 Main Street South, Seaforth (519) 527-0560 Fax (519)527-2763 Associate Broker Sharon Medd 527-0560 Market Value Appraiser MLS Sales Representatives Cheryl Morland 482-9741 I•t ,ip�� �n�r, FAMILY HOME! Centra. air 2 car garage. anartment in basement. loft style bedroom: close to park & more 8119.900 aC ar PRICED TO SELL! Double wide LARGE LOT! Formal dining room. w/oeaked rool central an large sunken hvino room 3 bedrooms. Florida room & more! 539.500. woodstove & more' 584.000. Free Home Evaluations. J The Huron Expositor's � CLASSIFIEDS C E Corning Events 01 Articles For Sale 03 Garage/Yard Sale 04 Antiques & Art 4A Crafts & Hobbies 05 Cars For Sale 06 Trucks For Sale 08 Computers Videos 22 Lots For Rent Elc 23 Commercial Property 09 Automotive Fn' 10 Pets 24 W • IIA For Sate Genera, 118 Wanted To Buy tic. Wanted To Hire 110 Employment 7A For Sale General Wanted 78 Wanted To Buy 11E Livestock 7C Wanted To Rent 11F Farts Product 70 Bicycles 116 Fenn Equipment 7E Motorcycles. ATVs. 11H Farts Services f1A Elc 11J Farm Land 7F Snowmobiles & 11K Farm Real Estate 37 Mo1gag8s Equipment 3'W004,M.Mw... mrd'&: '>s:` :' 38 Auction SAIF 7G Rec Vehicles - 12 Real Estate For. Sale 39 •Educatinna. Campers & Traders t3 Mobile Homes 40 Lost & Foum 71-1 Boats Motors & 14 Vacation Properties 41 To Give Away Marine 16 For Rene 42 Deaths 7J Service Parts 817 Apartments For Rent 43 Births Repairs 18 Houses For Ren!. 44 Engagement, 7K Swimming Pool & - • 19 Rooms For Ren; 45 Mamages Supplies 46 In Memoriam µ; ,N _. 20 Rooms & Boaro 47 Cards o' Thank:. DEAI)LINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS 1.5 MONDAY 1:00 PM For other papers Deadline is MONDAY 11:00 AM All rates plus GST 25 WORDS - One Week $5.00, two weeks $4 50 ea week three weeks $4.00 ea. week Additional words 20 cents An additinna. 52.00 will be added if billing is necessan- In Memonams - $5.00 plus 35 cents per line of verse .Card of Thanks & Birth Announcements - 25 R'nrd. 5F, Ott Earl additional word .10 cents. We are also able to place word ads In the follnwin): pap.'- G.oderich. Clinton Mitchell. Lucknow Kincardine Zurlct. & P.;r, Elgin. By placing an ad in The Huron Expositor we cat place t:t• same ad (25 words or less in any of the above paper- to! ar, art,i, Lionel 83.00 THESE PRICES ARE PRE -PAID Call 527-0240 Monday -to Friday 9:00 AM to 5 0( PV ec Genera' 28 Business Opportunity 29 Tenders 30 Employment Wantec 31 Service Otrector 32 Babysitting 33 Miscellaneous 34' Personal 35 Notice Tc' Crediton 36 Announcements 12. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ♦ BRUCEFIELD HOME FOR SALE: 3 bdrm_. 2 bath. raised ranch With large eat -in kitchen recently re -decorated Carport Beautifully landscaped Natural gas Inquire 233-7400 .116. FOR RENT • SPACE FOR RENT In Dublin, approximately 3300 sq . ft office. workshop, storage. can 'divide Phone (519) 229-6028. 16-36-11 BOX STALLS available small boarding stable, Seaforth/Mitchell area Experienced. excellent care, newly fenced paddock, close; to trails, $160.00 per month Paved road access 519-345-9990 16-36- 2 (16. FOR RENT PARTY TENT RENTALS No hassle set up anywhere Fantastic rates for weekdal. use (anniversary. birthdays • shows/sales:. Tlesma Industria• Covenngs.482-3540 16-36xlcc 17. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 1 NEWER 2 bedroom quiet 4-piex controlled entry. 4 appliances. laun- dry facilities available. Ideal for seniors. 5450.00 plus . Call 519- 685-2264 17-36xttcc CLINTON One bedroom ground floor apartment $320.06 montnly plus utilities. Available tmrnedlateiy Phone 1-905-852-3754 or 519-235- 2559 17-35xtfcc . UPPER DUPLEX. 2 bedroom. no pets. suit couple Credit anti char- acter references required Cal: 522- 1833. 17-36-11 Culligan REAL ESTATE LTD. List 5139.900 51 WILUAM STREET, EGMONDVILLE 32 CENTRE STREET, EGMONDVILLE - List 3154,900.1 71 JARViS STREET - List 584.900. 451,- 3869 MATILDA ST., DUBUN (Building Only) - List 5135,000.' 97 WEST WILUAM STREET Now 5114,900 LET'S MAKE A DEAL! SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1998 9:15-10:30 A.M. 110 OODERICH ST., EAST LIST 5139,800.1 HOSTING' MAUREEN WILDFONG GREAT COUNTRY HOME with original woodwork, modern pine kitchen. 2 baths, walk -out Off living room, some newer windows, 4 year ok1 root, 200 amp hydro service. open summer porch + storage or little barn List 5129,900.' EXPERIENCE THE PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP when you purchase this immaculate, 4 year old home IMIun g 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. gas heat. skylights, vinyl siding, double attached garage & concrete drive List 5124,900! Iib GREAT LOCATION on paved road Lots of country atmosphere comes with Ors picturesque. 3 bedroom brick bungatow featuring hot tub. fireplace dishwasher. keyless entry. new deck off kitchen, formal dining & moo; more. List 5149,900.' 21 YEARS SERVING SEAFORTH & AREA 'MAUREEN WILOPOHO 482-3224 fieefotth Office: 519 / 527-1577 8 Mein Street 'PERCY SCINiEIOEn tits-ti604 OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK' 'DONNA TOATER° 527.2737 N8 S 11191 1 ' b.I 'SALES REPRESENTATIVE MIS REALTOR 'RON MURRAY 245-2038