HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1998-09-02, Page 121 !-THE HURON t[X*OSROR. sarrausaa *, HIM
WILL TUTOR in my own home.
Betty Beuttenmiler, 527-0282. 31-
34 -ti
niture and antiques, handstripping,
also custom made furniture built to
your plans. Robert Kerr. RR *1,
Seaforth. Phone 527-0786. 31-34-tf
Photocopying Service available at
the Huron Expositor office, 100
Main St., Seaforth 81/2 x 11 copies -
.25 cents per sheet, 81/2 x 14 copies
- .35 cents per sheet. (GST and
PST extra). Phone 527.0240.
Free Estimates • Fast Service
Abattoir and Meat Market
H . 83 - 3 1/2 miles east of Exeter
137-1 123
Try us for
Kill Days-1uddays
Nome cued an:i.smokrd meals
procesud eraclk Mir way you like ,I
problem? Al Anon can help Phone
527-1650. 34-34-1
EVANLY-RAYS Psychic Answers.
Police use us...Rated 01 in Canada.
Instant answers about love, money,
career. lucky ris, relationships.
Achieve success. $2.99/min., 18+;
24 hrs. 1-900-451-4055 34-
25x 1cc
WANTED 20 PEOPLE to lose
wergr ' .Phone Marg 522-0266. 34-
34 -T'
A.A. I: you think you have a drinking
problem Alcoholics Anonymous has
worked for millions. Call 527-1650
or toll lree 1-800-706-9833. 34-34-t1
Claims against the estate of
late of theTown of Seaforth.
in the County of Huron.
who died on June 14th, 1998
must be In my hands by
September 9th. 1998.
after which date the estate
will be distributed.
20 Gouinlock Street
P.O. Box 159
Seaforth. Ontario
Lawyer for the
Estate Trustees
with a Will
1" & 2n° Mortgage Money
Absolutely No Upfront Fees
Available as low as
6.50' Interest
Personal Loans
1f you qualify, payments
Amt. AoRrox, Mo. Payment
' 5.000 ' 41.66
'10,000 ' 83.33
'15,000 '125.00
Consolidate your debts
Call (519) 363-0211 1.800.387.1932
CLINTON 482-7898
SAT. SEPT. 12 AT 9 AM -
Antique furniture and
glassware. appliances.
rugs fo the estate of
Margaret McIver of
Seaforth plus good
addition at Lobb Auction
Clinton. We are accepting
good additions for this
auction. Call now.
SAT. SEPT. 19 AT 11 AM
- 3 Tractors. 4 large grain
wagons. rock ptcker. JD six
row planter. tillage
equipment. liquid manure
spreader. car trailer. shop
equipment. walnut lumber
tools 'etc. for Howard and
Marjorie Cartwright. go W.
miles south of Londesboro
to Concession 8 and 9 then
east 11 miles. 523-4409.
Of Antiques. Appliances; Household Effects & Misc. Items held at
the Jacob Auction Centre 185 Herbert St. in Mitchell.
Thursday, Sept. 3 at 3:00 p.m.
INCLUDING: Round oak centre pedestal table; 6 oak dining room
chairs; oak bow front china cabinet; combination buffet china
cabinet with bowed glass door (needs refinishing); washstands;
walnut buffet and china cabinet: press back rockers:stacking W -W
washer .and dryer; Kelvinator all fridge; Kelvinator upright freezer;
Leonard chest freezer; G.E. matching washer and dryer;
Westinghouse fridge and stove; G.E. 24 inch stove; Whirlpool
portable dishwasher: dehumidifier: color TVs: microwaves; W.W.
frost free fridge; wringer washer. JVC VCR; Sony stereo system;
Zenith compact video camera; Yamaha electric organ; two single
adjustable electric beds; Gerrard apartment sized piano and bench
(good): two upright curio cabinets; 3 piece wall unit; modem dining
room suite; chesterfield and chairs; bedroom suites; new 5 piece
woqden kitchen suite with round table: La -Z -Boy recliner; new oak
swing cradle; collectible dishes including Goebel figurine; R.S.
Germany. Nippon, Royal Albert. crystal, collector bells, Aynsley,
Royal Worchester, Avonware. etc.; old shaving kit; 8 place setting of
Wm. Rogers April Pattern. large offering collector plates including
Kuck, Schmid and Norman Rockwell; coal oil lamps; oak wall
phone. old settee; crocks; rough antiques; safe: good baby cribs;
Shoperaft 10 inch bandSaw and table saw; small drill press;
aluminum ladders; power and hand tools; Arlen 5 hp tiller: 4 hp.
r gas mower; firearms including Winchester 1912 pump 12 ga.
• Jansen D.B. 12 ga; Cooey *840 12 ga.; 2 Cooey 22's etc. (guns
sold a1 7:00 P.M.)
PROP: Estate of Muriel Wheal and a Mitchell Estate
Doug Jacob and Joe Zehr
Sf 519-271-7894 519-887-9599
The Corporation of the County of Huron
Take Notice that the land(s) described
below will be offered for sale by
public auction at 10:00 o'clock in the
forenoon on the 6th day of October. 1998
at Huron County Court House,
1 Courthouse Square, Goderich, Ontario
N7A 1M2
Description of Land(s) Minimum Bid $
net ow the cancellation price
as o1 the Prat day of advertising)
1. Lot 4: Plan 133
As per Instrument Number 197348
As per instrument Number 311231
Township of Tuckersmlth. County of Huron
Province of Ontario
2. Lot 5: Plan 133
As per Instrument Number 197347
As per Instrument Number 310792
Township of Tuckersmtth. County of Huron 818.720.82
Province of Ontario
3. North Part Lot 29: Plan 133
As per instrument Number 138948
Township of Tuckeramlth. County of Huron 815,905.62
Province of Ontario
4. Part of the Sourth Part of Lot 19: Concession 10
As per Instrument Number 186978
Township of West Wawanosh. County of Huron 82.481.88
Province of Ontario
All amounts payable by the successful purchaser shall be payable
In full at the time of to sale by cash or money order or by a bank
draft or cheque certified by a bank. trust corporation or Province of
Ontario Savings Office.
The municipality or board makes no representation regarding the
title to or any other matters relating to the Jand to be sold.
Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the
potential purchasers.
This sale Is governed by the Municipal Tax Sales Act and the
Municipal Tax Sales Rules. The successful purchaser will be
required to pay the amount bid plus accumulated taxes and the
relevant land transfer tax.
Per farther ilatsraeafdsn reearW.g tree sale. *outset:
Treasurer. Corporation of the County of Huron
1 Courthouse Square. Goderich. Ontario. N7A 1M2
Personal Information contained on this form, collected pursuant to
the Municipal Tax Sales Act will be used for the purpoeea of that
Act. Questions should be directed to the Freedom of information
and Privacy Coordinator et the Institution responsible for the
procedures under that Act.
BPROAT, Jessie Laurie (nee
McLean) age 85 of 4465 Ontario
St, Beameville, passed away on
Saturday, July 18, 1998, at West
Uncoln Memorial Hospital. Born in
Eartton, Ontario, she was the
daughter of the late John Rattan
McLean and Janet Young of
Diamond Township, New Liskeard.
Jessie's community service and
achievements were many. She was
an active member and volunteer of
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
In Beamsville in which she served
as a member of the DestaWoods, a
member and past Chairman of the
Board of Directors and Church
Elder. She volunteered at the
Beamsville Senior Centre and at
Albright Manor In which she served
as member of the Board on the
Women's Auxiliary. As well she was
in charge of the operation of the
Tuck Shop for many years. Jessie
devoted and dedicated many hours
to crafts for her volunteer activities.
For her many years of outstanding
community involvement Jessie
received a Certificate of Merit
"Celebration 88" from the
Govemment of Canada and the
1997 Volunteer Service Award from
the Town of Lincoln. Jessie was an
inspiration to many. Wife of James
Ross Sproat who predeceased her
in 1973. Surviving are six children,
James and his wife Margaret of
Oakville, Janet and her husband
Bob Benson of North Bay, Jerome
and his wife Carol of Oakville, Judi
of Corbeil, Clint and his wife Joyce
of Listowel, and Jett and his wife
Rena of Waterloo. Beloved, dedi-
cated and special grandmother to
Kelly, Bill, Elizabeth, Michael,
Judith, Susan. Robert, Jamie.
Jennifer, John and Jason. Great-
grandmother of Tamara, David,
Matthew, Evan and Victoria. Dear
sister of Margaret Caldwell, Kay
Hughes and Jim McLean.
Predeceased by sisters Florence
Gray and Jean Brookfield and
brothers Herb, Sandy and Ducan
McLean. Jessie's funeral was held
on Tuesday, July 21, 1998 in
Beamsville at St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church. As she
wished, Jessie was cremated and
her interment will take place on
Friday, August 28. 1998 'at 3:30
p.m. at the Maitland Bank
Cemetery. Mom. please watch over
and guide us. We love you...until we
meet again. 42-34-1 '
RIEHL, Donald: At Seaforth Manor
on Thursday, August 20, 1998,
Donald Riehl of Seaforth and for-
merly of Goderich in his 84th year.
Beloved husband of Isabel Coutts
Huether Riehl. Predeceased by his
first wife Isabel (McTaggart) Riehl
(1980). Dear father of Adeline arid
her husband Alan Pennie, Joseph
and his wife Sibyl and Robert and
his wife Nancy. all of Goderich.
Loving grandfather of 8 grandchil-
dren and 10 great-grandchildren.
Step -father of Gerald Huether and
his wife Elizabeth and their 2 chil-
dren and grandchildren, all of
Cambridge. Funeral service was
held at the McCallum and Paula
Funeral Home, Goderich on Friday,
August 21, 1998 at 2:00 p.m. Rev.
Kathi Urbasik-Hindley officiated.
Interment Maitland Cemetery,
Goderich. Donations to Community
Care Access or VON gratefully
acknowledged. 42.34x1cc
MCLEAN, Vera Anne: Suddenly on
Sunday, August 23, 1998 at the
Pinawa Hospital, Pinawa,
Manitoba. Vera McLean, aged 77'
years. Beloved wife of Stewart
McLean of Pinawa, Manitoba. Vera
was pom in Prince Albert, Sask.,
and raised in Paddockwood, Sask.
She served in the Dental Corp dur-
ing World War Two. She was presi-
dent of the Horticultural Society and
former member of the Order of the
Eastern Star and the Hospital
Auxiliary in Lac du Bonnet. Besides
her loving husband Stewart she is
survived by her children Julie
McLean of Winnipeg. Linda Dickson
of Redwood, Wash., Jill' Altick 01
Campbell River, B.C., Doug
McLean (Suzanne) o1 Lac du
Bonnet, as well as B grandchildren
and 2 great grandchildren, a sister
Marjorie Odegard of Penticton, B.C.
She will be forever remembered
and missed by her family and
fnends. Cremation has taken place
and no formal services will be held.
Russell Funeral Homes Ltd. and
Crematorium of Beausejour,
Manitoba in care of arrangements.
1-204-268-2263. 42-34-1
(43. BiRTHS
There are fleeting moments during
one's life when we experience hove
in its purest form, One such
moment was the birth 61 our son
Brian Douglas Love on August 10,
1998 et 11:35 p.m. Brian's journey
has just begun and the following
family members are here 10 share in
his experiences, Brian and Lisa his
parents. Missy and Kendra his sis-
ters, George and Gloria Love and
Dave and Mary White his grandpar-
ents, Bertha Love and Viola
Beuermen his great grandmothers.
Blessed are wet 43-34.1
Wow! it's a boy, Jane 6 Dale Smith
of Flamborough are Milled to
announce the safe arrival of their
first child Kyle Bradley on Aug 9,
1998 at McMaster Hospital
Hamilton. First grandchild for Doug,
and Peggy Rowdille, Seaforth, 13th
grartdchlld 101 BRI and Mede Smith
of Brodlagen, first great grandchild
for Mar) Young of Goderich , 3rd for
Mary Rowcllffe of Seaforth and
Antis Smith of St. Marys. 43-34x1
Scouts ..our gook Inas
Ionians as space amorous.
♦ -- t
NIGH: In loving memory of Jean
Nigh who was called home to be
with God 25 years ago. August
25th, 1973.
Even though Ws been 25 years
since you said goodbye, it seems
like only yesterday. There's not a
day goes by without thoughts of
you. Forever in our hearts. Your
family 46-34x1
NASH: in loving memory of James
Nash whom God laid to rest 1 year
ago, August 28, 1997
As the summer slowly comes to an
Our thoughts turn to you my father -
a friend.
Loving and kind in all his ways.
Upright and just to the end of his
Sincere and kind in heart and mind.
What a beautiful memory you left
Sad are the hearts that love you.
Silent the tears that fall.
Living our lives without you,
Is the hardest part of all.
We miss you dad.
Love Tammy, Grant and Megan
McKellar 46.34x1
HILDEBRAND: In loving memory
of a dear father and Grandpa.
George Hildebrand who passed
away August 29, 1992.
Remembering you is easy,
We do it every day.
But inside we have heartache,
That will never go away.
We miss your jokes and stories,,
You'd almost always make us smile,
We wish we could have you back
with us,
To sit and talk awhile.
Sadly missed but never forgotten,
Ruth, Steve, Jennie and Emily. 46-
HILDEBRAND: In loving memory
of a dear husband George
Hildebrand who passed away '
August 29, 1992.
There is no parting from those we
No distance can divide,
For each day in memory's garden,
We still walk side by side.
Wherever life may take me,
Whatever I may do,
The memory of the, years we
Will keep me close to you.
Lovingly remembered and sadly
missed by his wife Hazel. 46-34-1
NASH: In loving memory of a dear
father, Jim, who passed away ,1
year ago, August 28. 1997.
,,Your cheerful smile, your heart of
You were the best this world could
Never selfish. always kind.
These are the memories you left
Sadly missed by Bob' Eileen and
Jared Nash 46-34-1
FLANAGAN: In loving memdty of
our dear Son, Brother and Uncle,
Bnan who passed away August 30.
Sadly missed along life's way,
Quietly remembered every day.
No longer in our lives to share,
But in our hearts, you are always
Sadly missed, always remembered
by Mom, Dad. brothers, sisters and
their families. 46-34xlcc
BJERG: In loving memory of Benny
Berg who passed away August 27,
D is for the day you left us two years
A is for the anguish that I'still feel,
0 is for the Dad I'll never forget.
Love always, Janet, Don, Darren
and Grady 46-34-1
We would like to thank our family
and friends for corning out and sup-
porting us at our Buck and Doe.
Special thank you to our wedding
party for helping to organize it. - Je11
and Julie 47-34xlcc
Egmondville Community Corn
Roast, organ zed by Sheila
McCowan wouiu also like to thank
Jim Sills and John Swinkels. We
regret your names were omitted
from last week's ad. 47-34-1
I want to thank first Father Dino
Salvador for the way he conducted
the services for Christine, my dear
wife. 1 appreciated the choir,
Catholic Women's League,
Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home, pall-
bearers, neighbours. , ambulance
and everyone who sent flowers and
brought food to my home. Thanks
to the ladies for a bountiful lunch at
the arena and a big thanks to fami-
ly and friends who supported me
throygh this sad time. Last but not
least for the wonderful care she
received from nurses, hospital staff
and especially Dr. Woldnik, Dr.
'Edwards and Dr.' Rodney. We live in
the caring community of Seaforth.
Thanks again. - Vincent Murray
and Family 47.34x1
I would like to extend my heartfelt
thanks to Dr. Rodney and the nurs-
ing staff at the Seaforth Hospital for
their wonderful care received during
my stay. Thanks to Father Dino,
family and friends for their visits.
cards and gifts. Your thoughtfulness
will always be remembered. -
Robert Core 47.34111
I would like to send a thank you 10
Dr. John Yee and Dr. Mark Woldnik
and nurses and staff of Seaforth
Hospital for excellent care I
received while there during my
heart attack. Thanks to Dr,.
Schawarz for her visit and all my
family and friends, and Paul and
Joanne for getting me to hospital in
time. I also would like to thank the
Horseshoe Club of Bayfield for the
lovely card with all their names on
it. Also Harvey and Carol
Thompson good friends. Your
friendship was very much appreci-
ated. Sincerely John. 47-34x1
Roman Kuzemchanka, Viktoryia
Makartsova.their host families Glen
and Deb Haney, Len and Donna
Teetero and the Children 01
Chernobyl would like to extend their
thanks to Dr. Elizabeth van
Maanen, Dr. Tom Drake, Dr. David
Drake and Dr. Carotin Shepherd for
donating their time and care during
their visit to Canada. A special
thank you to the community for
donations to both children and for
making them feel welcome.
Community Calendar
1:30-4:00 p.m. - Senior
1 Shuffleboard at'the Arena
FRI., SEPT. , 4
9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. -
Houseleague Hockey Practice -
HoUseleague Players Only
10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. - Mites
Hockey Practice at Arena
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - Tykes
Hockey Practice at Arena
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Novice
Hockey Practice at Arena
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Atom
Hockey Practice at Arena
2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Pee Wee
Hockey Practice at Arena
3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Bantam
Hockey Practice at Arena
5:00 p.m - 6:30 p.m. Midget
Hockey Practice at Arena
6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Intermediate
' Girls' Hockey Practice at Arena
7:30-10:30 p.m. - Minor Sports
Council BINGO at the Arena -
Hosts - SDHS Athletics
9:00-11:30 a.m. - Parents' and
Tots' Playgroup at Northside
United Church
9:00-10:00 a.m. - Fitness is Fun
, with Druscilla.at the Arena
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Line
Dancing with Druscilla at
the Arena
5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Novice
Hockey Practice at Arena ,
6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Atom
Hockey Practice at Arena
6:30 p.m. Seaforth Hospital
Auxiliary Po)luck Supper
Conference Rm 2
Hockey Practice at Arena
7:00 p.m. - 8:15 p.m. Pee Wee '
Hockey Practice at Arena
8:15 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Bantam
Hockey Practice at Arena
9:30 p.m. - 10:45 p.m. Midget
Hockey' Practice at Arena
1:30-4:00 p.m. - Senior
Shuffleboard at the Arena
5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Pee Wee
Gids' Hockey Practice at the
6:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. Huron Perth
Lakers "AAA" Hockey Practice
at the Arena
7:30 p.m. - Seaforth Horticultural
Society Meeting at Northside
United Church
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Fall and
Winter Registration Nights
If you're organizing a nonprofit ever. of interest to other Seafo'tn
area residents. phone the recreat o' office 527-0882 or the,
Expositor at 527-0240. or mail thr Information to Community
Cater:Ia. The H:. -on Expositor, Box 6E 'eforth. Ontario, NOK 1WO
r✓ar , 01 the scheduled date Free listing includes date. time.
n ^, r eve 't a location only Space for the Community Calendar is
Jc• ,;: d by Trte Huron Expositor
tallies of dealers. Labour Day Monday, Sept. 7, 10am to 4pm,
St. George Arena. East of Paris on Hwy. 5. Admission $3.00 -
under 12 FREE with adufl. Call 519-751-7150.
WANTED: HARDWOOD LOGS. Prompt payment for Hardwood
logs, prepayment for timber stands. Veneer log prices. Provin-
rovimcialy licensed tree markers and certified equipment operators.
Special care taken iii harvesting. Parnill Veneer Co. Ltd, est
1927, 340 Louisa St., Kitchener (519)742-5887.
8150,000/yr potential as an nformabon broker. Canada's fastest
growng Franchise. Exclusive opportunity. Profit from tie year
2000 bug', employment and computer based !raining. 1.888-
ing network of Christian Franchisees. Serve the Lord & your
Community. Protected territories. investment required, SIGNIFI-
CANT ROI. Training & support. CM 1.800-663.7326.
FREE INCOME Tex franchise. Limited time. Canada's 2nd
largest end fastest growing noome lax preparation franchise.
No initial franchise lee. Low startup costs. Excellent lerritones
available. 1.800.665.5144
can tum your investments inti cash RIGHT NOW wirrout paying
luxes. Dead beore a soicilor. No deposit. Tel: 1-800-399-7040.
EUCALYPTUS FROM 16.82 per pound. German Stalice from
$4.88. Free 88 -page catalogue. Craft and floral supplies. No
mnirnuns. Excellent prices. Ruffled and flat laces, preserved
and dried flowers, silk flowers and greenery, baskets and
*MIN, wall kill, leather and mullwoom birds, Abace twine,
wired and craft ribbon, wedding supplies, slyrofoam, plush,
para, g81sr, hair, eyes, hats, magnets, bele garlands, ribbon
and Poly roses. Crysbl Crafts. RR f3, High River, ALerla, TIV
LEARN AUCTIONEERING. Cissa held November 14-20,
'98. For nformttlon contact: Southwestern Ontario School 01
Aiello eering, R.R. i5, Woodstock, Ontario f14S 7V9. 1.888-
YANKE GROUP OF COMPANIES. Requires experienced
Owe Operas end Company team l0 meet the demands of
ow growing customer base. 100 new Freightliners on order
(70' condo bu*a). Dedicated wIlis • Benefits plan Ia you and
your ianly • Roster Inn of - Fuel bonus afld mleage bonus •
U.S. miss premium • Compel*, relay. Mrtinum 2 pan
AZ *sputum. Bring a world of cpportully lo your door. Real-'
In your lull potential with lw Yanks Teem of Prolsulon*.
00M791.1805 (Brewolon).14034874091.
Exciting well paid careers in computer programming. We will
prepare suitable applicants. Ministry of Education Registered
Home Study Diploma Program. Financial assistance, loaner
computer systems and job placement tools available. No experi-
ence necessary. CMS 1.800.477.95/8.
GET TSN NOW. Canadian mini -dish system. Free delivery.
Installed by local dealer. $5.00 per week 1.800.789-6931.
0 DOWN, FROM $625 PER WEEK' Televisions, Stereos, Cam-
corders, Lawn Tractors. Canoes, Computers. Appliances.
ExpressVu SaleStes, Pool Tables, Musical Instruments. Much
More...1.800.267.9466. Free Delivery.
SAWMILL 04895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS. planks. beams.
Large capacity. Best sawmdl value anywhere. Free intonation
1.800.566.6899. Norwood Sawmips, 11.11 2. Kilworlhy, Ontario
POE 100.
$ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money selling chat,
late bars. New products available. Nothing lo pay in advance
Fast delivery 1.800.383-3589.
20/20 WITHOUT GLASSES! Sate, rapid, non-surgical perma-
nent restoration in 6-8 weeks. Airline pilot developed. Doctor
approved. Free intonation by mail 406-961-5570 ext 253. Fax
406-961-5577, htfplAvywr.visionfreedom.com. Satisfaction guar-
LOG HOME OWNERS • Wailes corning, Seal weather out and
heal in with flexible Perms -Chink. Discover PERMA•CHINK
SYSTEMS program of camplste log cue. Canada -wide delivery
HIMILAYA PSYCHIC ANSWERS. Guidance from above.
$2.99hnn '18e Tam • 12em pectic time 1.900477.1979.
FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS. Alqupose structures providing
protection for your invesInsnis. Industrial, Reaalonal, Agri-
cultural specializations. Custom -bull lo sull your needs. Facto•
ry•Dlnd Sayings, Fiwldng & Lasing Optima. Cal 1.600.868-
STEEL BUILDINQS...Ends Included. Go Direct. 18 x 24
12,988.00. 21 x 3013,180.00. 25 x 40 85,624.00. 32 x 44
16,136.00. 34 x 56 $8,360.00. 40 x 60 19,988.00. 46 x 70
$13,044.00. 56 x 90 $22,868.00. 0lherl. Pioneer 1400488-