HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1998-09-02, Page 7Anniversary celebration a blast from past
An old dimer of the Walton
community, Harvey Craig,
died last week in his room at
Huronlea. The funeral was
held Friday where family and
friends came to pay their last
respects. A special duet was
sung by Harvey's son
Graeme and daughter
Sherrill. The luncheon was
held at Duff's United
For Ian and Elva Wilbee on
Sunday it was like going
back through the years, 50
years to be exact as family
and friends came and helped
them celebrate their special
anniversary. Friends from
Cranbrook brought some
very famous people with
them for the event. Stomping
Torn, Charlie Pride, Dolly
By Patty Banks
By Banks
Parton, even Elvis put in an
appearance and Willie
Nelson performed for the
couple. During the singing of
"Put on Your Old Grey
Bonnet" a grey bonnet was
placed on Elva's head and
Ian sported a top hat and the
happy couple was placed in a
fringed top surrey where they
rode off in style. Neil
McGavin was the emcee for
part of the evening and
friends and family all took
turns helping Ian and Elva
reminisce. Then came the
music. It was like, being
beamed back to the era of the
Big Band. Keith Wilbee
played his sax, Elva got on
the piano and worked her
magic and Ian sat at the
drums setting the rhythm.
Then people that played in
the band with them all those
years filled in with trumpet
and saxes and the results
were incredible. It was such a
prestigious event teat the
Prime Minister picked out
four of thc best Royal
Canadian Mounted Police to
come to the Wilbee farm to
do their musical ride. 1 use
the word "ride" rather
loosely here. People were
laughing so hard 1 was sure
some would fall off their
chairs. It was a magical night
put together by loving family
and friends and a night 1 am
sure that Ian and Elva will
never forget. Congratulations
folks. 1 am back from the
wild west - Vanderhoof, ij.C.
It was nice to be back in bear
and moose country. I did see
one bear and saw moose
tracks. As usual the bear
stories were aplenty. Their
weather was similar to ours
but not quite as dry as ours
has been.
' UCW will meet next
Tuesday Sept. 8 at 8 p.m. in
the church. Roll call will be
gathering ideas for ways to
replace the copper contest.
Everyone is welcome to
Dublin couple celebrates 40th anniversary
Congratulations to Tom and
Dorothy Drake on the safe
arrival of a darling baby girl,
Emily, who was born at
Stratford General Hospital on
July 29 weighing 5 lbs. 13
oz. (Little sister Anna is
thrilled also.)
Congratulations to proud
grandparents Ross and Betty
Drake, Stratford and Leo
Dyk, Blyth.
Congratulations to Bill and
Jackie MacDonald on the
happy arrival of a darling
baby boy, William Lawrence
By Dorothy Dillon
Harold, horn on Aug. 11.
(Big sister Kristina is
thrilled). Congratulations to
proud grandparents
Lawrence and Germaine
MacDonald. Nova Scotia.
and Harold and Mary Jane
Roser. Mitchell.
Happy Anniversary to these
special couples: Lou •and
Therese Maloney, Dublin,
celebrated their 40th
anniversary on August 30.
Joe and Helen Nolan, St.
Columban celebrated their
45th anniversary on August
Heartfelt sympathy of the
community is extended to the
family of Charlotte
Nicholson. who died on
August 24 after a brief
illness. Sympathy is extended
to her husband, Timothy
Nicholson; to their family.
Susan Nicholson and
husband Les Herr; Murray
Nicholson; Jerome Nicholson
and wife Susan; Dianne
Nicholson; Trish Nicholson;
and grandchildren, Andrew:
Ryan and Scan Herr and
Daniel and Connor
Nicholson. Sympathy is
extended to all other relatives
and friends.
Speak only well of people.
and you need never whisper!
Queensway takes part in Zurich Bean Festival
Queensway was pleased to
be a part of the Zurich Bean
Festival again this year.
Senior Diners hosted 21
guests Thursday evening and
all stayed for the evening
birthday party with the
Granron Rhythmaires.
Birthday greetings to Annie
Reid, Lorna Spencer, Edsel
Ducharme and Beatrice
McKenzie. We were thrilled
to have several family
members celebrate with us
and all contributed to the
wonderful time. The dance
floor hasn't seen so much
Nursing Home
action in a while. Paul and
Ted Ducharme as well as
Peter and Theresa Bedard
made sure the birthday
celebrants enjoyed a dance.
Rev. Williamson of Lake
Huron Community Church
led worship service Tuesday
with wife Marlene on piano
and Belva Fuss as organist.
In the evening residents were
Fall Rally will be held
in Walton in October
Seaforth Women's Institute
held its August 11th meeting
at thz home of Gladys Doig.
Viola Lawson welcomed
everyone and gave a reading.
Roll call was answered by
eight members and one guest.
Minutes of the last meeting
were read by Helen
MacKenzie and the
treasurer's report was also
given by Helen.
The Fall Rally is in Walton
on October 5th and the
London Arca Convention is
Oct. 22nd at Kirkton.
The meeting was turned
over to Marion Gordon and
Evelyn Carter. Marion read a
poem. Evelyn gave a reading.
Marion gave the motto and a
history on our stores in town.
A lot of our members didn't
know that we had the stores.
Viola adjourned the
meeting and lunch was
served by the hostesses,
Helen MacKenzie, Evelyn
Carter and Jessie McGregor.
The next meeting is on
September 8 at 1:30 p.m. at
Viola Lawson's home.
Hot month of August
meant lots of licking
cool ice cream cones
August was. another hot
month, and we enjoyed
many ice cream cones.
Licking hack ice cream
cones on a hot day is
always a treat.
We were invited for a day
out to Bill Gibson's house
this month. Some of our
residents went out and
enjoyed his music, his fish
ponds. his flower gardens,
and his coffee, tea and
desserts. It is a special trip
that our residents always
look forward to.
On August 13 we enjoyed
a chicken barbecue. Cindy
DeGroof was our chef. We
enjoyed it very much, a
barbecued meal is always a
Some of our residents had
a trip to the Goderich beach
for a picnic at the park. We
had a great lunch, prepared
by our dietary staff. Ice
cream cones were a treat
afterwards. Amy Harmon
and her children met us in
thc park. it was nice to see
Amy and the boys. We
enjoyed a scenic route on
the way home, going past
Bcnmiller, Londcsboro, and
back to Setforth.
Seaforth Manor
retirement Home
Myrna Smith cooked
brunch for us this month.
Fresh bacon, eggs and toast
are always a treat.
This month, the dining for
seniors program was at the
Northside United Church.
We enjoyed a delicious
The luncheon was
finished off with lots of
We would like to
welcome Lenore Southgate,
Gary Munro and Iann
Desjardine to the
Retirement Home. We hope
you enjoy your new home.
Happy Birthday to Olive
Ball, Sept. 11; Ferg Feeney,
Sept. 11 and Doug Stirling
on Sept. 27.
We wish you all a very
Happy Birthday. We also
have two wedding
anniversaries in September:
Edith and George Wright
on Sept. 5 and Ethel and
Norman Turrall on Sept.
13. Happy Anniversary.
treated to a program of song
by the Lakeview singers.
Friday found residents
outdoors for the final
barbecue of the season. We
have been fortunate to have
had excellent weather for the
months of July and August
and residents have been
outdoors more than ever.
Each Friday the noon meal
,has been a,barbecue out on
the south lawn where
residents have enjoyed their
meal under the shade trees.
We want to remind
everyone that we are hosting
with the Seaforth Manor a
golf fundraiser scramble at
the Seaforth Golf and
Country Club for the Heart
and Stroke Foundation of
Ontario. Call 262-2830 for
Coming Events: Sept. 8th,
2 p.m. Memorial Service
with Winnie Hutton, Pastoral
Care Volunteer; 10th 6 p.m.
Senior Diners; 7 p.m. Max
and The Townliners; llth
Trip to the Threshers
Reunion in Blyth.
Vivienne Newnham, Drusilla Leitch and Gwen Scott competed
in the Ontario Senior Games held in Windsor Aug. 18-20,
Newnham and Scott represented Seaforth in swimming events
and Leitch came home with a silver in Ladies Gott with a 26 to
35 handicap. - HILGENDORFF PHOTO
lilliYou are invited to a#.e
area churches
St. Thomas
Anglican Church
Jarvis St. Seaforth
Rev. Robert Hiscox
Sunday Sept. 6th
Service of
Holy Communion
9:30 a.m.
(Winthrop) 9:30 a.m. &
(Goderich St. Seaforth)
11:00 a.m.
Welcome to the
First Presbyterian Congregation
and to all who join us for
summer worship.
First Presbyterian
Goderich St. W. Seaforth
11:15 AM
Nursery Provided
August 2 -September 6
Worship at Northside
Rev'Nicholas Vandermey
Seaforth Community
Rev. Hauser 527-2253
Sun. 11 a.m. worship
at 146 Jarvis St. S. '
24 Hr. Recorded Message
CaII 527-1499
Bethel Bible Church
Meeting' at Seaforth High
7:p0 p.m.
10:00 Worship Evening
Bible Study
Small Group meetings Weekly
An Associated Gospel Church
St. James
Catholic Church
Victoria St., Seaforth
Saturday - 5:15 pm
St. James Parish, Seaforth
Saturday - 7:15 pm
St. Joseph's Parish. Clinton
„Sunday - 9:Q0 am
St Michael's Parish. Blyth
Sunday - 11:00 am
fit. -James Pansh. Seaforth
Father Dino Salbador
Thursday, Sept. 10 9am-9pm Friday, Sept. 11 9am-9pm
Saturday, Sept. 12 9am - 4 pm
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