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The Huron Expositor, 1998-06-10, Page 14
14 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, AIME 10, 1006 Seaforth & area sports 3 DIKE CONTINUED from Pane 13. SHOOTING KIPPEN GUN CLUB Pat Glazier, 24; Dennis Boyd, 24; Ed Steegstra, 23; Steve Graham, 23;. Cord Robinson. 23; Glen Mogk, 23: Wayne Peachy, 23 SOCCER MAGUS DIVISION ! ST. COLUMBAN MEN (June 5/reskedi Columban 1 at FOREST UNITED 3 ST. COLUMBAN GOA).: Tom NOTES: This game was resched- uled by league; at the Iasi minute from its original date of June 12 St. Columhan was shortstaffed.' as they only found out about it last Thursday night. The score was 1-0 for Forest United at the halt. (June 3/Cup. first round 1 Bosnia at ST. COL, ppd/nu rets - (Standings as of June 3 ATL• E A P1 White Fagles4 0 0 13 4 -12 Bosnia 4 0 (1 13 6 12 Forest United ? I 0 15 4 1( I Petrolia 3 (1 1 7 5 9 Chatham 2 0 2 K h 6 Latinos 1 I 2 8 I1 -1 Athletics 0 2 1 2 4 2 St. Col. 0 0 4 / 15 0 Marconi B 0 (I 4 . 14 t i Chatham X (1 (1 3 0 5 ti FUTURE GAMES: tonight (Wed ):Bosnia al ST. COLUMBAN. .)Cup Gamy resked. 6:31) p.ni 11.®FYIID'DN a AA U4r®11111BF1aS J1BAlT �IIE DIVISION 2 FUTURE (:AMPS: uric 19: Exeter at ST. COLUMBAN. 7 p.m. June 26 London Rebels at St. COLUMBAN, 7 p.m. GOLF SEAFORTH GOLF' & COUNTRY CLUB MATCH PLAY" junior Division Brent ('Reilly dee. hmm% Morns. awaits winner of Mail Smale/Kyle Anderson - Sieve Carnochan awaits winner11 Mark Phillips/Kyle Benneweis - Nic Jansen def. Reegan Pr,ce. - Keegan Teichen del Taylor LeBlanc awaits winner of Matt Carnocban vs 'Kyle Teichen - Jacob Bruxer 10 meet Jason Austen Korey Nash meets Barry 1 (lung who del Shawn Van Uvkit - Derek Nesbitt del Kevin Camochan and meet. tan McMillan who del Mikc DeIVecchiu - Brad Henderson del Cal ('Reil,s and awaits winner of Josh Ilolland s•. Mark Flanagan Mark Vock det Mark Kirkconncll and meets Kevin Mcidingcr ' - Chris Cronin to mcci Chris Longslafl Lindsay McLwin Oct Ksilc Kirkconncll and awaits winner of Jason Denys/Kyle Devereaux Men's Division - Mike Thomson del. Leo Greiijonus and now meets Brett Finlayson del • Gus Feeney , - Doug Elliot del. Cans Doig un the first extra hole and now meets Scott Wood def. Shaun Anstett - Jerry Wright def. Frank Verberne now meets Jim Baynham def Cohn Young. - Alex Westerfiout def. Brad Ralaytion now awaits winner Derek McDonald /Chris Marson. - Paul Selvey to meet Neil Baker, win- ner meets Gerard Ryan def. Brian - Joe Dick def Kenny Doig Jr. now awaits Doug Fry/Marc Robinet. - Todd Doig dcf. Gerard Meidinger and now meets Graham Neshilt def Mike Marion - Jason_Henderson to meet Ken Doig Sr., winner to meet winner of Harold Turnbull/Ron McCallum Senior Division - Jim Baynham def. Ron Stephan now meets Jack Pounder def Ken McClure - Derek Tonks del Dave Cornish now tdatrigtess. - - Keith C'onnnly det Bill Weher now meet. John Cairns Si del Orni Mason - Mike rvlonaruy to meet Denis Wonky - Harold Turnbull to meet Pat Shields Ladies Division - 'come Manon to mcci Jean Tonks del Nancy Mitchell - Frau Donahue del Mary Jane Gretdanus now meets Drusilla Leitch - Lindsay McEwen await. winner Allyson Cardiff/ C'A Doig Cathy Flinn def Betty Burns now "eels Mary Doig 1998 SEAFORTH SENIOR GAMES S- IN POWLING Seaforth winners • ('earl James 1+24), Shirley Morrison I+IK1t. Steve Hook r+16,. Ron Bennett (+16). Erich Atatzo d 1+1 1 Advanced to district (Mitchel!) competition Pearl .f.ime. Shirlet Morrison. Steve 11. Ron Bennett, Erich , Matlold. SHUFFLE DANZ': Seaforth winners 1/ Bruce and Audrey McLean. 2/ Kathie Tippel(.and Charley Perkins. - ' 3/ Ken and Velma Preszcator Advanced to district (Mitchell) competition i' Kathie Tippclt andMar_s McMillan. • Seaforth winners 1/ Ken and Velma Preszcator; 2/ Gwen Harbucn and Martin Murray: 3/ Jini !Brown and Thelma Cri<irnh. - Advanced to district (Mitchell) competition Ken and Vcima Preszcator. C11103 AGIE SeaJorth winners 1/ Charlie Perkins and Gwen Harburn. 2/ Bessie Boyd and Helen MacKcniic. 3/ Watson Reid and Glen Caner. Advanced to district (Mitchell) competition Bessie Boyd and Helen . Mackenzie IIDA IETE i Seaford. winners 1/ Charlie Perkins; J Ken Moon. ' 3/ Roger '' Advanced to district (Mitchel,) competition Charlie Perkins and Gwen r: i) t) (DATED Wh1IJKING Segforth winners' MEN 1/ Charlie Perkins. WOMEN I/ Marg McClure; 2/ Bea Kale: 3/ Ethel Walker. Advanced to district (Mitchell) competition Bea Kale. IRODGE Scaforth winners 1/ Eileen Adamson and Ruth Beuttenmiller; 2/ Fred and Ruth Waltham; 3/ Betty and Les Leonhard). . Advancoljo district (MitclIelt collwatioll Eileen Adamson and Ruth Beuttenmilter . ' . SNOOKER' Segforth winners 1/ Gordon Murray; 2/ Ron Bennett. • 3/ Charlie Perkins. Advanced to district (Mitchell) competition • Watson Reid.. IEBICHRE Seaforth winners 1/ Betty Hulley and Jean Keys; 2/ Corry and Henry Klaver: 3/ Gordon Murray and Marjorie Rock. Advanced to district (Mitchell) competition Betty Hulley and Jean Keys CIRO1K11NDLIE Seaforth winners 1/ Beth Pryce, and Mina Scott; 2/ Helen MacKenzie and Belle; 3/ Peggy Perkins and Edgar, Hiuehrccht Advanced to district (Mitchell) competition Helen MacKenzie and Beth Pryce.' Segforth winners 1/ Urusilla,Leitch: , 2/ Marg McClure: 3/ Peggy Perkins. Advanced to district (Mitchell) competition No event. GOILIF ' Seaforth winners ' MEN 1/ Ron Stephan; J John Cairns Sr. 3/ Bill Maki; 4/ Charlie Perkins. WOMEN I/ Drusilla Leitch: 2/ Olave Little. 4dvanced to district (Mitchell) - competition . Charlie Perkins. Johh Cairns Sr.. Olave Little. Drusilla Leitch ' SW )1Thi1I11NG Seaforth winners 55 toM-years-old Gwen Scott Vivenne Newnham ' Advanced to _district (Stratford) competition Gwen Scott and Vivenne Newnham. Shuffleboard Senior Shuffleboard scores from June 3. Ladies: Audrey McLean - 443. Beth Pryce 349 and Mary McMillan = 345. Men: Earl McNaughton - 476. Ken Preszcator - 325 and Bruce McLean - 291. for tour d .sin Please call JOHN MUNRO 524-8347 or 1-888-344-,4486 SUNCOAST Ford ■ Mercury ■ Lincoln ac Qoa QOIDo 130oa120cOa FORD MERCURY Summer camps, program details outlined Seaforth's recreation office is offering conditioning bas- ketball and computer camps as well as tennis lessons beginning next month. The conditioning camp will be held every Monday. Wednesday and Friday in July from 9 a.m. to noon. beginning on July 6. This program will keep you in top condition for hockey over the summer. Brian O'Reilly vrill run participants through a high performance condition- ing program that will help with strength. balance. agili- ty, endurance and co-ordina- tion. Registration fee is $75. - which includes a T hirt. Summer youth,haskethall will-he=-tif r% during _the - summer on Mpndays.and Wednesdays. There will he two divisions; juniors play . from 9 tot I0:30 a.m.. and seniors will play from 10:30 a.m. to noon. iheginning on July 6 at the SeatOrth District High- School. Registration fee will be $25. Tennis Iesso'ns for teens and adults with instructor flank Binnendyk will begin on July 'Recreation Preview b, Mart\ Bedard " I 8. Teens will go each Wednesday morning from 9. until 10:30 a.m. for the beginners, and 10:30 to noon for the advanced. Adults will play each Thursday evening. from 6:30 to 8 p.m for the beginners, and 8 p.m. to 9:30 for advanced, beginning July 9. Computer camp for chil- -dren will be `held -for tine week in July (date to he con- firmed) for children ages 13- -:end.4tn<ker-.---T-h-i.-ping-ran will he held at the Seaforth P.uhhe School from t) a.m. to noon each day... Registration fee is $75. Numhers are lim- ited -so register -early. If enough interest is shown we will offer a second week. Registration or information on any of the above programs can hc done calling the recreation office. The Seaforth ('o-operauvc Children's Centre Inc. ins ,les you to its annual ,general meeting tomorross (Thursday) from? to 8:30 p.m. Guest speaker is Janc Hoy, talking about "family. virtues". Child care is pro- vided. The children's centre is once again offering Aqua Quest swimming lessons this summer. All levels are avail- able. Cost will he $37 per child. Private and semi -pri- vate lessons are.availahlc. All lessons begin July 6 and August 10. For more infor- mation please call the centre at 527-0682. 'Seaforth and District Minor Hockey Associaltori is hold- ing registration for next sea- son on June 17 and June 18. both nights from 7 to 9 p.m. at the arena. . ' Marty Bedard, Seaforth Recreation & Parks Department 1-519-527-0882 1-519-527-2770 (fax) e-mail - c4threc(Wtcc.on.ca H D C ENSALL iSTRICT aoPERATiVE - GAT Fo°P SHUR•GAIN Dot Center Why Consider Other Dog Foods? FEED A HiGH QUALITY PRODUCT FROM A CANADIAN COMPANY L©W ASH CAT FOOD Complete and Balanced Certified bythe Canadian Veterinary Medical Association $999 8 kg BAG Come in and see the staff at your Seaford)) Do -ft Center '.9.5 il8 kg BAG s.Iv VVVVVis)w,A),'1%`) MISOff10 o� voas Vie at the Huron Expositor would like to introduce a new feature in our cornmuniti parr. We are depending on von for it success. It's called "HATS 011 TO OUR VOLUNTEERS” and in it we will publish the names of volunteers and what they've accomplished. We will publish fundraising accomplishments b well. SO, GIVE USA CALL; 521.0240 We will do our best to recognize the many volunteers who do their best to keep our community working. Your Community Newspaper"