HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1998-06-10, Page 1212 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JUNE 10, 1.98
Lightning should be respected when golfers on links
Although the weather has 01ng as the hook states, "The
been unusually cool and' dry . playeron aaaccounts oft bad
this June. it is still a good w� weather or for any reason
time of the year to renew our unless he/she considers that
respect for lightning, espe- there he danger from light-
cially on the golf course. Last non
•almmer during the Huron g .
. Hospice celebrity tournament Nowadays many. tourna-
a severe thunderstorm illus- trent committees rely on
(rated to all present. just how storm trackers to give them
- dangerous lightning can he: advance warning of storms
:Many in attendance were not and predict how far the
• regular golfers and had tube .lightning is and how it's
convinced to leave the course approaching. -Whet , ,turrn
before the storm was upon gets within a sp.. :urge, a
its. It is a lesson that they will siren is sounded and the play -
never have to learn again.' ers are brought in from the
Many still. talk about the course. -
• experience with a hint of awe
in their voices. • Lightning:is considered so
Every year golfers are
slruck'ancI mjurecl hp-jttght=
' ning. on they golf coiirsc and
- more often' than not, these
injuries.can he prevented.
Golfers are known to play in
' 311 manner of weather condi-
tions but rhes one type of
weather that doesn't Onix with
golt-atalt is a thunderstorm.
• This is thunderstorm sea-
son` Th'i►sc,targe thunder-
cloud.s can build up in no
time and if you're out on, thi .
golf course you mann•• find
yourself in a'dangerous Situa-
tion: Three 'well known
golfers who have first hand
dangerous that in recent years
thesrulc_:was-cha►ged.19 -
"insurc that players observe
the siren. immediately. You
used to he able to finish the
hole you were playing after
the siren and then go into the
i have been at many events
On the tour and watched the
committee: members monitor.
a far-off storm. 1 have
Watched the vans drive quiet-,
by out to specified locations
on the course and park along-
side the fairways in the trees.
1 have listened to the crackle
cxponence with lightning are of the static nn the monitor
Bobby Nichol.. Jen Heard. and heard the far off rumble, •
and Lee Trevino. Nichols of the thunder as the_ clouds
wa.s:stunned h. Lightning • build up. When the wind
when it struck--ne`arhy herft • brought the storm 'within
during _ a tournament in'- range the siren sounded and
-Illinois. Trevino and Heard. ttie' .Players 'and caddies.
whoa 1 seen this happen rushed to the waiting vans to
from another hole.took shel- he quickly driven to the sale -
under. :an umbrella. t_v of the cluhhoule.
Lighininu struck a rfearh'At our own course. w1. keep
•pbad: travelled- through the a close watch on the weather
.ground and up Trevino's put- and use. the weather station as
icy which he was leaning on. , well as area hhsinesses,who
:Thr force knocked loth men 'track the- weather to keep us
to the ground .up tit date. We uselthe siren
All three golfers were and often err on the side of
_rushed to hospital 'and. torte- safety as we hring gapers in
date It. .they cinic suffered tromlthecourse.,
'minor burn.. • ., Somotimes golfers get into,
- f-vcn cal the tint hook there a situation when thcyiars`
I• provision made tor Tight- caught out on the course in a
Bowlers host tour
,. .
Title Seat i►rth Lawn
bowfin.' Club wilt h.e hosting
.its first tournament of the
season on Wednesday. June.
10th at 40:3f) a'rn. men's
pairs - • A
(hi Thursday it will he
ladies pair,. at the greens-
Saturday sass •men's and
ladle. provincial lours being
played al the E.xetcr lawn
howling green
'Tse, Scatonh rinks of louts
c,nnneted hill losi out to a
rent from St Marys- I -red
'Lilies,: Lec Rya i. Brett P
Hulas son and:hint Phillips.
narrow is missed advancing e
to a playoff losing by one • h
The other Se:tlorth rink was t
comprised of Neil Beuerman,
Dennis Schmidt. 'Kevin h
In the lathes tours Exeter
was the only tcam•present so
they will advance to the
finals in Brampton. . •
Carol Caner of the Seaforth
Cloth was a member of this
In out of town tournaments,
ack and Marie Muir placed
1st at Brussels mixed pairs
white Jack Muir and Jim
Stotts won 7th at Si. Marys
mens pairs. -
Jack and 'Lee Ryan also
won 6th at Exeter men's
airs. ,
Our greenskccper and prop
rty committee work hard to
ave a place where ttu; com-
munity Is a1Sn invited to par-
lcipate • .
The Sca,lorth Legion -Ladies
opt to try nut a night of
Runng and Doug Haskell lawn howling scion
J utJ_) rope team
Member. 01 the Seaforth
iatlhitc Schools turnp rope:
demo team performed on the
Children's Miracle Network
Telethon on Sunday
The telethon was broadcast
on C'FPL television.
The team. with the rest of
the school. recently raised
$2..740 tor the .Heart and
Stroke houndatton through a
skip -a -thou at the school.
An open house was held at
the school on Junc 4 to honor
six stall members who are
retiring- Ruth ((ihey. who
retired in Deeetnher: Mary
Carroll. Ross Carter: Chrystal
Jewitt. Gwen Patterson. and
Arlene van den Akker.
Cirade 8 graduation will
take place on June 24 at 11
a.in A class photo will he
on tube
taken at 2:3(1 p.m. and stu-
dents will celebrate together
with golf lessons. nine holes
of golf and supper.
• An early years farewell will
beheld June 22. the last day.
of school. .
There will be some special
activities from 10:4 a.m. to
noon with a potluck for family
and younger children.
It will he for early years" A
and 13 classes.
Did you know?
Did you know - that light-
ning hits the CN• Tower in
Toronto about 70 ome:s a
In Canada. lightning kills
an average of seven people a '
LONG OISTANCF' CAXI 1•I00.16S 34311 FOA 1011 FAf1 MOvit INF(,
TThe Tartan
Golf Notes
jih.‘by C.A. Doig' ,t
major .storm. This i• when i
really pays to knns, what and
what not to do. Here arc
some hints that will help you
out in this scary situation.
1. Be aware of the weather
at all times and listen careful-
ly for thunder. Most storms
occur in the afternoons and
about 70 per cent of all
I:and_.in -
lightning happen b
noon and 6 p.m. Listen to
weather reports hetore head-
ing to the:course. .
2. If the storm is upon you
-throw down your clubs and
your. umbrella and stay .away
from the flagkticks. You don't
want to he holding or he
close to metal objects. -
T. Avoid standing under a
single tree. Single. trees are
ideal lightning targets and 15
per cern of lightning, victims
are injured while under a sin-.
gle tree. -
4. The further you are from
a hods of water the better.
Also stay away from small
shelters and Ione huildings. in
open areas.
5.. A large building -or your
Car i the safest place to seek
shelter. but it yon find vour-
self in the middle of an open
fairway, which is the last
place you want to he. find the
lowest ground possihle -
even a ditch or culvert will he
of some protection if you can
find one.
6. If you have no protection
in the middle of the fairway,
stay away from your clubs,
crouch down low. plug your
ears, and !own. your head:
Keep as low as possible but
with as little of you touching
the ground as possihle.
7. Should someone in your
group get hit; don't he afraid
to help them. They. arc not
charged and they could he
suffering from hums. shock.
.or worst yet, have a heart
.tom _stoppage. CPR may he
- required to get tlitc riErsim -
breathing and the hean heat-
ing again. Begin this immedi-
ately. It's a good idea to
hrush up on this life saving
Seaforth Golf Club New'.
of the Week: Men's night on
June 2 was Ken Doig night in
honour of Ken's 70th birth-
day. It was a -miserable night
hut there was a good turnout
tor the various prizes and the
celebration. Skins. winners
were: Mikc and Chris
Happy 16"
June 11 '
term The Worm
Jeremy Holmes
Connie Bannerman
daughter of Stewart and
Doris Bannerman received
her Bachelor of Science in
Pharmacy. from the
University of Toronto. on
June 9. 1.998 She i.s a
graduate of Huron
Centennial Public School
and Seaforth District High
School She' is currently
employed in Goderich.
,Best Wishes
Mom, Dad, Jon &•Bonnie
Man- .:' a anonrmgnron- aids
ate Jtsarnrsrtng lo heir save
rite., !-Roto-2n•PAr t)A•
ani asn about adopting a ktlonrcre
.,r rn,sraiot, (•,r.l tirsva, ..
Happy 100th
Jennie Turnhull
The residents & stall at
Maplewood Manor would
Tike to wish Jennie Turnbull
a Happy 100tH Birthday.
Family & 1rieiids are invited
to an .'
Open House at Maplewood
Manor. Sunday. June 14
1:30-3:30 p.m.
John and Pearl
June 18, 1948-1998
Happy 50th
Mom & Dad
All Our Love
Bill, Jim, Diane, Bob,
Don, Donna, Darlene,
Debbie and families
live in concert!
and foe
Mon Juiv 13 - 811.m.
Blyth Arend MYTH ON
•• T,..60 in •. . at
•a COMM* • astlat (yob irsgY OFI3 LJd) .
t niffiSN1 a O sifdi WNW • ORM Olt °M11
Store • Bgih (fit Carr Wm: 140:14614NS
r:.t1' •
r .: