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The Huron Expositor, 1998-06-03, Page 14
14 -TME HURON EXPOSITOR, JUNE 3, INNI (26. HELP WANTED 26. HELP WANTED THE HURON -PERTH CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD invites APPLICATIONS for the following positions Educational Assistant • Secretarial - Custodian The Huron -Perth Catholic District School Board is accepting applications for the above positions. Applications received will be considered for any position that may become available within the next school year. Applications received will be kept on file until July 1, 1999. All applications will be considered for full-time and part-time unless specifically noted on your resume. If you are interested in working for the Huron-Pertt Catholic District School Boaro please submit your letter 04 application, clearly indicating for which position you are applying, stating qualifications, experience and references by June 19, 1998 to the attention of: Carol Ann Campbell Manager of Human Resources - PO Box 70 Dublin, Ontario NOK 1E0 Telephone (519) 345-2440 Fax (519) 345-2449 G.L. Blanchette Director of Education R. Marcy Chairperson fo the Board The Huron Expositor inadvertently left out the positions in last week's paper. We apologize to you and the Huron -Perth Catholic District School Board for the inconvenience this error caused. Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, an active treatment community hospital in Goderich, Ontario is inviting applications from REGISTERED NURSES interested in casual part-time work that includes all shifts and weekends on a call-in basis. Successful applicants will possess a 1998 College of Nurses certificate of registration. Current Critical Care skills are required. This includes successful completion of: *ACLS certification *College level courses in Hemodynamic Monitoring, Coronary Care Nursing, Basic Cardiac Arrhymias and 12 lead ECG Interpretation. *Airway management & Intravenous therapy. Successful completion of an Emergency Drug course would be an asset. Recent clinical experience in an acute care hos- pital within the past three years is required. interested applicants are asked to submit a resume, indicating their qualifications and expe- rience in writing, by June 12, 1998 to: Gloria Burt, Reg.N., Associate Director of Nursing, Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, 120 Napier Street, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 1W5. Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, an active treatment community hospital in Goderich, Ontario is inviting applications from REGISTERED PRACTICAL NURSES interested in casual part-time work that includes all shifts and weekends on a call-in basis, Successful applicants will possess a 1998 College of Nurses certificate of registration. Applicants must have successfully completed college level courses in: *Introduction to Intravenous Therapy *RPN Aseptic Procedures and/or *Nursing Process & the Psychiatric Client Parts 1&2 or possess a Psychiatric Nursing Assistant certificate. • Candidates must possess knowledge and skills in Airway,management, oral suction and oxygen therapy. Recent clinical experience in an acute care hos- pital or an acute care psychiatric setting within the past three years is required. interested applicants are asked to submit a resume, indicating their qualifications and experience in writing, by June 12, 1998 to: Gloria Burt, Reg. N., Associate Director of Nursing, Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, 120 Napier Street, Goderich, Ontario, N7A I W5. Fred CONSTRUCTION tl1A1TEII Specializing in Agticulturol buildings has 5 permanent positions availabie for hard working individuals in CONCRETE FORMING The successful applicants must have -a valid driver's licence -their own transportation -experience in concrete forming is an asset ' Opportunities for advance- ment with quality In performance, workmanship, attendance and seniority. Positions available to start immediately. Call for an appointment between 9:00 o.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday. 393-6579 (29, (28. BUSINESS OPPORTUNIT• Y START YOUR OWN BUSINESS - Sell soft ice cream. Stoe$ting twin twist fully reconditioned 112,000. Stoelting blender $956. Beverage Freeze $4,495. Assecoier $2,028. Call with fair offer 1-519-740-1512. 28-22x1nx HOME BASED Internees that works. Educate people to maintain their own well being. Call 1-800- 790-4570 - 24 hrs. a day for a 3 min. overview. 28-19x6 130. EMPLOYMENT WANTED 1 I AVAILABLE to cut grass. Phone 345-2418.30.22.1 STUDENT willing to cut grass on weekends or after school. CMI after 4 622-0066 ask for Mark. 30-18x1M STUDENT WILUNG to pick stones after school and on weekends. Please oaN 627-0348 NW 4:00 and ask for Braley. 30- 2i*Inx 31. SERVICE DIRECTORY/. QUICKSHADE TREE SERVICE LTD. tree planting and removal. Preserve your trees and shrubs with care. Call your area represen- tative: Ron Wammes, 1-888-321- 2231. -88 8321- 2231. 31-17x8cc REPAIR AND REFINISHING of fur- niture and antiques, handstrlpping, also custom made furniture built to your plans. Robert Kerr, RR s1, Seaforth. Phone 527-0786. 31-2141 PHOTO COPIES Photocopying ,Service available at the Huron Expositor office, 100 Main St., Seaforth 81 x 11 copies - 25 cents per sheet. 81/2 x 14 copies • .35 cents per sheet. (GST and PST extra). Phone 527-0240. 31 -01 -truce S Abattoir and Meat Market Hw 83 - 3 1/2 miles east of Exeter 23.i-1 1 3 Trysts for --- - _ - - CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill f)ays -Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Home cured and smoked meats processed exactly the way you like it SMALL ENGINE REPAIR •Lawnmowers •Tillers *Weed Eaters : REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES & MODELS SEAFORTH refe4 s4A 527 -BIKE (5234) 35 RAILWAY ST. SEAFORTII LAWN PROBLEMS! Lawn Master j:00) ©®U091);?I(i its Low ©1m June is Pruning Month 527-1750 RR2 SEAFORTH ' PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 34. PERSONAL 1 ARE YOU living with a drinking problem? Al Anon can help. Phone 527-1650. 34-21-1 A.A. If you think you have a drinking problem Alcoholics Anonymous has worked for millions. Call 527-1650 or toll free 1-800-706-9833. 34-21-tf WANTED 36 PEOPLE to lose weight. Phone Marg 522-0266. 34- 21 -TF EVANLY-RAYS Psychic Answers. Police use us...Rated k1 in Canada. Instant answers about love. money, career. lucky #s, relationships. Achieve success!! $2.99/min., 18 +, 24 hours.. 1-900-451-4055. 34' 10x15cc WEDDINGS Performed - your location or our indoor or outdoor chapel (non -denominational). For brochure call: REV. CHRIS MORGAN ALL FAITHS PASTORAL CENTRE BENMILLER 524-6724 CHRISTENINGS AAA********#AAAA*AAAA KATHERINE'S PSYCHIC w Palm & Tarot Card Readings * * * * * * * A * A A *******A**A********** • advises on all problems of Life, Love. Marriage, Business, Health, Travel. Free Question - See her she can help you 519-238-8404 Available for Parties 37. MORTGAGES 1" & 2' itortgage Money Absolutely No Upfront Fees Available as low as 6.50" Interest Personal Loans 11 you quality, payments Amt.Ai rix. IM . Pavntrrit ' 5.000 ' 41.88 '10,000 ' 83.33 '16.0001125.00 Consolidate ' CMI `510 3610211 1400467.1632 ASTRAL FUNDING INC. Call with your news tips at .527-0240 35. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In The Estate of LEONA ANN BEDARD All persons having claims against the estate of Leona Ann Bedard of the Town of Seafortl, in the County of Hurr•r, who died on or about they 4th r. ' Marcs. 1998 are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of June, 1998 after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this 7th day of May, 1998 McCONNELL, STEWART & DEVEREAUX, Barristers and Solicitors 77 Main Street, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 1W0 Solicitors for the Executor NOTICE TO'CREDITORS AND OTHERS In The Estate of WILLIAM PERCIVAL LiTTLE All persons having claims against the estate of William Percival Little of the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 15th day of December. 1997. are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims 10 the undersigned -on or before the 22nd day of June. 1998 after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only tr claims then received DATED at Seaforth. Ontario this 7th day of May, 1998. McCONNELL, STEWART & DEVEREAUX, Barristers and Solicitors 77 Main Street, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 1W0 Solicitors for the Executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In The Estate of KENNETH FRANKLIN MOREY All persons having claims against the estate of Kenneth Franklin Morey of the Town of Seaforth. in the County of Huron. who died on or about the 8th day of May. 1998. are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims 10 the undersigned on or betore the 20th day of June, 1998. atter which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received DATED at Seaforth. Ontario this 21st day of May. 1998 McCONNELL. STEWART & DEVEREAUX, Banisters and Solicitors 77 Main Street. Seaforth, Ontario. NOK 1 WO Solicitors for the Executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Dyke Thomas Wheatley Late o1 the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron. who died on or about the 30th day of January. 1998 All persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 30th day of June 1998. atter which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed. having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated this 28th day of May, 1998 PHILIP B. CORNISH Barrister 8 Solicitor 13 Rattenbury St. E P.O. Box 190 Clinton, Ontano NOM ILO Solicitor for the Executor 138. AUCTION SALE r AUCTIONS SAT., JUNE 6 AT 9:30 A.M. - Real estate; furniture: antiques. & misc. held at 48 Thames St in Innerkip for the Bruce Ferguson estate WED., JUNE 10 AT 4:00 P.M. - Tractors: implements: tools & some household held 2 112 miles south of Monkton and 3 miles west for Robert and Janice Davey THURS., JUNE 11 AT 4:00 P.M. - Appliances: antiques. tools & household,elfects at the Jacob Auction Centre 185 Herbert St. in Mitchell for James Turnbull with additions JACOB & ZEHR AUCTIONS 271-7894 or 887-9599 RICHARD LOBE AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 SAT.JUNS 18 AT 9 AM - OUR FiNEST AUCTION SALE THIS YEAR. LARGE OFFERING OF antique and vintage sterling silver and silver plate including flatware. condiment set. vinegarelte. 1903 sterling match case with golfer. sterling lewelkryold docks. pocket watches. sterling and 18KT gold. fine Victorian furnishings Including paper mache. water colours. barrister bookcase. his and hers chairs. Empire love seat. Royal (buttons. Moore Craft. old books. crystal cut glass. plus other furniture for the Estate of Donald 11 Smith of Ooderrch to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Building in Clinton. www.auctliorhhodlne.com 38. AUCTION SALE • AUCTION SALE OF Farm Machinery & Tools will be held for Leiper Brothers (Tom & Bill) R R *1 Londesborough Lot 10, Conc. 11, Hullett Township 3 corners E of Londesborough and mi N Saturday, June 6th 11:00 AM Sharp TRACTORS: John Deere 3130 with Cozy cab - tires 18-4.34. approx 1990 hrs (good condition), John Deere 1630 with 145 loader - power steering - tures 16-9.30 manure & dirt bucket approx 1950 hrs.. Cockshutt 550: Oliver 88 10 HP Turf -Trac lawnmower 34 in cut MACHINERY: Cockshutt 546 emm _mokznt plow {4-16)_ New Holland 450 hay mower. 3PH (good) George White 32 ft elevator. 3PH 6 ft blade, 2 Oliver 4 -bar side rakes Cockshutt 62 T baler, Cockshutt PTO manure spreader - approx 125 bu.: George White sprayer. Kongskitde 12 ft cultivator White 252 wheel disc 2 wagons with flat racks. 2 wheel trailer. Hagador 6 ft single auger cnnwblower MORS: - EQUIPMENT: Goojansori thresh machine. 36- 50. with cutter tour 1 -bushel baskets (good condition). Oliver 6 ft horse mower IH#9 horse mower. MH wagon with gravel box. two scrapers two 7 ft Massey bonders MHa8 hay loader three push bar hay loaders Cockshutt hay loader More horse items MISCELLANEOUS: Set of chain harrows. diamond harrows: buzz saw. iron kettle. mineral feeder. five cattle troughs (grain) lumber. grain auger racks for half ton -truck. Shill 041 chainsaw. Poulon chainsaw: two crosscut saws. garden tools three water troughs Two wagon loads of miscellaneous NEIGHBOURS; CONSIGN- MENTS: Gleaner 5 N combine 2C f: stock chopper. Allis 5 furrow: plow 4 row scuffler. bean wmrower Alan to attend TERMS: Cash or acceptable cheque with proper I.D day of sate Not responsible tor accidents Verba' announcements take vrecedence over advertising items lusted as described by owner For more information call Gary Kerr (519) 523-4257 AUCTIONEER: BRIAN RINTOUL (519) 357-2349 42. DEATHS PHILLIPS, Elizabeth: At Mitchell Nursing Horne, on Friday, May 29. 1998, Margaret Elizabeth (Beth) Phillips, in her 90th year. Beloved mother of Ron Phillips and his wife Illona Kirby of Ashburn, Ontario. Fondly remembered by two grand- children, Dean Edward Phillips and Stacey Elizabeth Phillips. She was predeceased by her husband Samuel Phillips in 1991. Also sur- vived by several nieces and nephews. Besides her husband. she was predeceased by her par- ents, John M. and Ellen (Hays) Govenlock and eight sisters and brothers Family received friends at' the Whitney-Ribey Funeral }tome, 87 Godench Street West. Seaforth on Sunday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Funeral service was held at the funeral home on Monday. June 1 at 2:00 p.m Rev. Nicholas Vandermey officiated Interment Maitiandbenk Cemetery, Seaforth. 42-22-1 DALE, Marilyn Elizabeth: of Victoria St.. Seaforth on May 26. 1998 at Seaforth Community Hospital in her 58th year. Marilyn Gibson, beloved. wife o1 Vernon Dale. and dear mother of Rick and his wife Colleen. Sherry and her husband Todd Logan. and BI11 and his wife Pam, all of Seaforth, Kim and her husband Doug Elder of Mount Elgin and Karen and her husband Paul Hak of Listowel. Also survived by 15 grandchildren and one sister Sharon and her husband Ken Grimobby, and her mother Eileen Thompson of Owen Sound. Predeceased by her father. Leslie Gibson and brothers-in-law Eugene Dale and John Flynn and mother and father-in-law Alyn and Nellie Dale. Mass of the Christian burial was held Friday. May 29th at St. James Roman Catholic Church. Seaforth with burial at St. James Cemetery. Friends and relatives were received at the Whitney-Ribey Funeral Horne, Seaforth. Pallbearers were Alyn Dale, Jason Tunny, Joey Tunny, Jesse Elder, Doug Dale. Darrell Dale. Flower bearers were Tara Dale, Leslie Date. Meagan Eider. Katy Elder. Readers were: John and Diane Buchanan. Organist was Cheryl Ann St. Onie. 42-22-1 Jt � ••::mareete JO wwwwraft#,. (43. BIRTHS MCCUNCHEY/HARQREAVES Rob and Jennifer are .pleased to announce the tong awaited arrival of their daughter MacKenzie Dawn. She was born May 20. 1998 at Seaforth Community Hospital weighing 8 lbs. 5 oz. Proud first time grandparents are Judy • Hargreaves. Hensel!. Greg Hargreaves and Shelly McMillan, Egmondville, Don and Gwen McClinchey, Heilsall. Extra proud great grandparents are Ken and Clara Swan, Vic and Shirley Hargreaves, Frank and Kay Baer and Nada McClinchey and great great Grandma Zoe Jefferies. Spoiling privileges go to first time 'aunts Jodi, Andrea, Cheyenne and uncle Dan. 43-22x1 PRYCE Ron and Shelly are thrilled to announce the safe arrival of their son, Brayden Ronald, born May 19. 1998. weighing 7 lbs. 15 oz. at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Proud grandparents are Dave and Kathy Nigh of Seaforth, and Gord and Irma Pryce of Walton. Proud great grandparents are Tom and Nan Young 01 Kingsville, Louie Nigh of Seaforth. Beth Pryce of Seaforth and Margaret Bernard of. Brussels. -Thrilled first time great, great granny, Jessie Wilson of Brechin. Scotland is also thinking about us every day. 43-22x1 BERARD• Lissa and Jason are pleased to announce the arrival of their new baby girl Shelby Lianne, 6 lbs. 15oz. born on May 16th, 1998 at Stratford General Hospital. Many thanks to Dr. Shannon, mid -wife Ruth Lyons, nurses Becky and Joan. and floor nurses. 43-22x1 HOGGART Dan and Michelle are pleased to announce the anfval of their first child. Travis Denial George. This beautiful baby boy was bom at Stratford General •Hospital. May 16th. 1998, weighing 7 lbs. 15 oz. Proud grandparents are Nerve and Yvonne . Hoggart of R.R. 41. Londesboro and Carl end Lin Belt/Souliere of Lions Head. 43- 22xlcc • OLIVER - BROOKER Kevin Oliver and Dorothy Brooker are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their son Mark Ronald James barn May 19, 1998. A little brother for Sheilon and 'Tyler. Spoiling privileges go to grandpar- ents Ron and Joyce Oliver. Sheila Brooker and Wayne Boyd. Great grandmother Anna Dolmage, her 9th great grandchild. also to all aunts. uncles and cousins. 43-22-1 BLAKE Steve and Kathy are thrilled to announce the birth of their second child, a beautiful baby girl, Johanna Irene on Saturday, May 30th, 1998 at 1:20 a.m. weighing 9 lbs. 6 oz. Johanna is welcomed by big broth- er Jonathan. Proud grandparents are John and Irene Blake of Brussels and John and Pam Soontiens of Seaforth. Spoiling privileges go to great grandparents • Doreen Goodwin of Seaforth and Rene and Julia Soontiens of Stratford. Special thanks to midwife Susan Wilts and attendant Kendra Wilts for making our home birth a special event. 43-22-1 J 46. IN MEMORIAM 1 i SIMPSON: In loving memory of a dear daughter, Deborah Ann who • passed away in a car accident, June 4, 1978. My heart is deeply saddened. When remembering this day. So sadly it happened, When God took you away. Your smiling face I see no more. Nor feel your tender touch, Nor hear the sound of your laugh- ter, These things I miss so much. Your memories are always with me. With these I will never part, God has you in his keeping. I have you in my heart. Always remembered, forever loved, Morn. 46-22-1 FINKBEINER: In loving memory of Annie Finkbeiner, a loving mom, grandmother and great grandmoth- er who passed away one year ago. June 4, 1997. She never failed to do her best. Her heart was warm and tender, She lived for those she loved, And those she loved, remember. Sadly missed by Frank and Leona Nigh and family 46-22x1 47. CARDS OF THANKS 1 MCC UNCHE Y/HARQREAVES We would like to thank Dr. Edwards, Dr. Percival, Dr. Zettel and Dr. Rodney along with all the Wonderful nurses at the Seaforth Community Hospital for all the care and support during and after MacKenzie's birth. Also a big thank you to all our fami- ly end friends. - Rob, Jen and MacKenzie 47-22x1 MCCALLUM I sincerely wish to thank everyone who attended and contributed to the community shower that was held for me on May 29. 1998. All of the gifts were very beautiful and greatly appreciated. Thank you to all the Walton women who organized to shower, wonderful program and lunch. 1t was so nice to see every- one. • Uirdy 47-22-1 POLAND / MCCALLUM We would Nks to thank our party and our families for aNw:46612 help and support at our buck and dos. A very special thank you to Colleen and JO for all 6lek hard work and planing. Thank you Tom Wheatley for doing a wondedul job as our D.J. We also would like to thank all of our Mends, relatives and (Nlghbot/re for attending. • Chub and Cindy 47.22.1