HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1998-06-03, Page 66 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JUNE 3, 1998 Optimistic future - The new Seaforth Optimist Club executive are: (front, left) Leanne Mckay, Danica McNichol, Doug Fry, Jim McNichol, (back, left) Rob Simpson, Casey Van Bakel, Gerard Ryan and Don Brown. The club received Its official charter Saturday night at a banquet held at the Royal Canadian Legion. Members contue to join in From Page 1 "We've sponsored eight different clubs over the years," McNeil said. "We try to spread the word of Optimism." He said they club looked at Seaforth and knew its original club had been productive for years. "We felt there was still a lot of interest," he said. Since March, club members have been busy making plans and getting ready for Saturday's event. They held a pancake breakfast for Mother's Day, have had a cleaning session to begin restoring the club's building and park at the south end of town and are preparing for other ventures. Fry said they are talking about building a balcony around their building and expanding the existing playground equipment. - But right now, there are still repairs to make around the park from fence mending to replenishing the sand around the playground. Fry is hopeful this club will work well together to help the community and its youth. , • Tough to replace Board working on finding a new director Fit1)M Page 1 a resignation from him at that time. • "It's a great loss for the school system," she said. "Paul is a visionary and he k a great leader. I think his greatest skill is that he is a good listener." While Armstrong said Carroll attracted a lot of controversy, that was good because it forced people to think. "it's going to be very hard to replace him." she said. With all the changes that have and continue to take place in education and a newly amalgamated school hoard. Armstrong said. "We need a leader now. more than ever before." Carroll became AMDSB's first education director when thc amalgamated board officially took over responsibilities for public school education in Huron and Perth counties last January. His career in education spanned more than 30 years. In September 1967, he entered the education field as a teacher at Victoria Public School in Goderich. Carroll became vice- principal of Seaforth Public School in 1973 and appointed principal there in 1977. In January 1984, he became superintendent of education for the Huron County Board of Education. Before his appointment as director of education for the board in 1993, his superintendent portfolios included special education and, business and operations. Armstrong, the board's vice chair and a member at large are currently looking at the situation and preparing a report for the board's June 9 meeting in Clinton. There, the board will begin the process of finding an interim replacement for Carroll. "The will of the hoard is to move through this quite carefully," said Armstrong. She said it's not a reflection on the people qualified for the position but that the announcement came suddenly and they need time to prepare. Personally, Armstrong hopes a new director can be in place by next January but expects that is not a realistic goal. Divers continue search BY CARLA ANN OUD Signal -Star Staff OPP divers have been on Lake Huron three days since resuming their underwater search for the remains of Mistic Murray two weeks ago. said a Godcrich police officer. The Goderich teen was 16 - years -old when she was last seen in thc arca, May 31, 1995. Police recently returned to Lake Huron because new sonar equipment can search more arca. more quickly than .was possible •when only divers were involved in the first search of 1995. That same equipment, which brought police hack to the lake. however is keeping police off thc water. Sonar equipment docs not work well in rough water, explained Larry McCormick, the OPP diver involved in this search as well as the last one for Mistie. Since launching the search off the shoreline of Goderich on May 20, the divers from Gravenhurst have gone out on thc HH Graham (police boat) of Kincardine two other times: May 27 and 28, said Detective Constable Mark Johnston of the OPP in Goderich. He said the latest reports from the Canadian Coast Guard for 1 m to 2 m waves sow the lake is not going to cooperate within the next. fcw days. However, when conditions arc right, the lake is calm and the crew is free from other duties. the search continues, he said. As for investigating Mistie as a runaway, Johnston said police check thc tips they receive. There have been Tess than 10 tips since May 1997 when a jury acquitted Mistie's father, Steven Murray of committing her second- degree murder, said Johnson. Child Find, an organization working with police, parents, government agencies and lawyers to find missing children, has received dozens of tips about Mistie since she disappeared three years ago. said Lori Chapman, a case manager with Child Find. Although this is comparable to amount of tips Child Find receives about other missing children, some cases get "absolutely none," said Chapman. All reported sightings are turned over to police for investigation, said Chapman. In its latest attempt to find Mistic, Child Find put posters on the back of transport trucks with her photograph and a toll-free information line 1-800-387- 7962. Child Find has already distributed posters of Mistic, printed her photo on the back of CIBC Visa bills, and taken information from people on its toll -free -information line. County changes manure bylaw Huron County has decided to make some changes to its model by-law for manure management. The county's ' nutrient management plan review committee proposed the changes recently following months of discussions with farmers, OMAFRA officials, environmental groups, agricultural groups, representatives from the University of Guelph and members of the planning department. The most significant changes from the previous draft of the model by-law centre on a requirement for certain livestock operations to complete a nutrient management plan before they are allowed to build a new barn. Under thc new model, a plan must be completed by operations which exceed 150 livestock units or have 50 livestock units on a land base which exceeds five livestock units per tillable hectare. For existing barns, the new regulations state a plan must be completed if the operation is expanded by 10 or more livestock units which exceeds five livestock units per tillable hectare. Council agreed with thc recommended changes and directed they be circulated to local municipalities for their consideration and possible inclusion within their by- laws. Changes were made at county's May meeting. Drennan receives military honor The son of a former Seaforth family received the Order of Military Merit on Friday (May 29) in Ottawa. "It leaves us with something to be proud of," said Bill Drennan, father of Warrant Officer Donald W. Drennan. Bill and his wife, Donna, recently moved to Goderich. His son has spent more than 30 years in the military. starting in 1967 when he enrolled in basic training. Born in Centralia, when his father was in the- military; Huron County has long been Drennan's home. Drennan has served at CFB Inuvik, CFB Borden, CFB Baden, Op Scotch in Rawanda and Op Airbridge in Serejevo. From September 1983 to January 1997, Drennan acted as security officer for three prim ministers: Pierre Trudeau, Brian Mulroney and Jean Chretien). He has also served that role for thc governor general and several commonwealth heads of state. His security duties have involved visits by the pope and members of the Royal Family including Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. From August 1990 to August 1993, Drennan served as the detachment commander for the military security guard unit in Havana, Cuba. PROCLAMATION The month of JUNE, 1998 has been declared HURON SMOKE-FREE HOMES Awareness Month Town of Seaforth , Mayor and Councillors NOTICE Seaforth Hospital Auxiliary PENNY SALE WINNERS will be posted in the window of Tremeer Commercial Printers for 1 week. 37 Main St. S. Seaforth All Deposits 375% Insured • Within Limits Rates subject To Verification 5 Vear Annual .375%5.375%4.975% 4.45% S Year $ Yaw`-�' 3 Yeas 10 Gay RRSP RRIF Simi -Annual CasftatM in2ttGer=re Doug Elliott B. tllatll Investment & Tax Planning t>ou Secure Investment Products ... from people you can trust SEAFORTH 96 Main St. 527-0420 Serving Seaforth Since 1986 LOVELL'S STRAWBERRIES YOU PiCK...WE PICK Open Between June 6'h or 8'". For picking info CALL 263-6418 1st farm west of Kippen intersection on south side. Berries sold by Titre. Open: Mon. -Fri. 8 am -8 pm Sat. 8 am -6 pm Sun. 8 am -12 noon (no picking in pots or pans) -HEALTH ON THE HILL - A Review of activities at 'SEAFORTH COMMUNITY HOSPITAL FOOD -BANK DRIVE for Staff was in,operation during the month of May: your support of this worthwhile project is appreciated. APPRECIATION goes out to the Seaforth Foodmarket for the donation of bedding plants on the patio. The patients of the Activation Group have planted the flowers and arc watching them flourish. Thanks Seaforth Foodrnarket. , OB PREADMIT CLINICS - If you arc 36-38 weeks pregnant • and planning to deliver at Seaforth Community Hospital. you are requested to pre -register with Grace I)olrnage Monday to Friday. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (5191527-3001. Clinics by appointment ONLY each Sunday beginning @ 1 p.m. SEAFORTH PERINATAL INFORMATION SESSION for expectant parents and interested persons will next he held Thurs. JUNE 18th at 7:30 p.m. in the Board Room. Topic: "Breastfeeding Attitude" with Dr. Carolin Shepherd and Terri Shohhrook. PLEASE NOTE.; hnfornuttirof sessions will not be he'd for the months of July and August but will resume September 17111. Public C.P.R. students requiring CPR certification to qualify for College; general interest -- next class Saturday, JUNE 20, 1998 8 a.m.-4 p.m. To register and for information. call Val at 527- 0320 or Hospital Switchboard 527-1650. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP. sponsored by Huron Hospice Volunteer Service will nex) meet ‘Ved. JUNE 3rd (hi - monthly meetings arc held on the first and third Wednesday of every month), at 8:00 p.m. @ Maplewood Manor, Church Street. Seaforth (enter through rear door off parking lot1. Anyone interested is most welcome to attend. For further information. contact Joan Stewart 522-0897 or Shirley Dinsmore Office: 527- 0655 Res. 527-1005. YVVVVVVVVVVL New Deadline The Huron Expositor has moved their deadline for news, letters, classifieds and advertising to 1 4: 00 pm MONDAYS (except for holidays) We appreciate your anticipated co-operation "Your Community Newpaper" 527-0240 100 Main St. Seaforth IAAAIVVV• >I