HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1998-05-20, Page 13The Bear Facts Fundraising a Students arc busy helping the community this month by having various fundraising events. Every Wednesday (since May 6) O..S-.A.t.D.; Peer Mentors, and PUMPED have hcen selling hot dogs.at lunch. All proceeds will he used to help the fight against cancer -in the term of a dona- tion in memory of Larry Rea (former custodian at SDHS). Also on Fridays. Students' Council will he selling ice cream at lunch. The money made on sales will he donat- -cd to the - Seaforth • Community Hospital Friday. May -1 S- was a hat day. Canned and non-perish- able items brought to the school were given to the food hank to he distributed to fam- ilies who need a helping hand. Our soccer teams this year have battled long and hard. The boys' soccer team played a great game against -Clinton • ori Mav 6, yet suffered a 3-0 .loss. They redeemed them- selves against top -place F.E. Madill on Monday. May 11 by defeating Wingham 2-1. However. they were unable to keep up the momentum and .were defeated by. South Huron Secondary School on Mav 13. The boys' teams still have a few games left before playoffs. • The girls' teams have also endured some rough games. Junior and Senior teams lost to Madill on Tuesday. May -12. They finished off their- season heinseason on Thursday. May -14 against Clinton with double losses. • Relatives attend nieces wedding in Kitchener The Murrays from the com- munity of Dublin and district attended their niece's wed- dipg in -Kitchener at Our Lady of Lourdes Church. Rose Mary Murray, daugh- ter,of Cyril and Rose Marie Murray. was united in mar- riage to John Bradley Goodyear. son of Jack and Marilyn Goodyear: Attending •the wedding were Jerry Murray. Helen Nolan. Mary Ellen and Joe Delaney. Jerome and Joan Murray. .Ronald and Thoresa Murray. and Arthur and Connie Murray. The reception. was held at. Transvlvanii ' Club. Kitchener.• Many friends of Cyril and Rose Marie from the community also attended. Happy Birthday to a very special person. John Schoondcrwocrd who cele- brates today. May 20th. THOUGHT FOR TODAY The real proof of friendship is to have the same ailment your friend is describing and not mention it. r Happy 50th 11 Wedding Anniversary LES & MARGUERITE HART (May 22, 1998) OPEN HOUSE Sunday, May 24, 190S 2:00-4:00 p.m. Saforth Manor Nursing Home 100 Jamas Street, Seaforth Best WUhoe Only Please Low from, Lioria, Keith, Kevin & Mar Atwood Lions BINGO Atwood Community Centre EVERY THURSDAY Doors Open at 6:30 pm Bingo Starts at 7:00 pm Loonie Bin •92°' plus S1000 on 51 oalls Pot of Gold $1000 on 54 calls focus in May Next year looks promising for both- teams as the Junior team will be seasoned veter- ans with new students enter- ing Grade 9 and the Senior team will he comprised of experienced girls who have played together for a few sea- sons. A track and field meet was held at Goderich on Wednesday, May 13. The team had a good showing. Plans are in full swing for the 1998 Summer Olympics at SDHS. The school is plan- ning a fun day in June for -students to participate and enjoy. The formal on June 6 at the Agricultural Building is fast approaching. The theme this year is "Written in the Stars". After a buffet style meal. dancing will begin at 7:00 p.m. -and go to 12:00 a.m. Tickets go on sale on Tuesday, May 19. 'Herb Lady' • The Seaforth and District Horticulture Society met May 13 at Northside United Church. Eleanor Horst extended a welcome to everyone and roll call was answered by 29 members, nine of them new members.- -Nancy Kale introduced our guest speaker. The "Herb Lady", Birgit Hillier from Holmesvillc. - Handout sheets were given out on "Planting Tips for Herbs" and "High Gables Farm" explaining where it is, , when it's season and hours are and what she has to sell. Many people are using less fat in foods so they use herbs to make it taste better. Lovage, celery flavor and lavender can be used in tea and for making cookies. Plant herb gardens near the kitchen door in well drained soil. Yarrow will stop bleeding. Basil planted with, tomatoes will ward off tomato worms. Helen McNaughton thanked Birgit and they had a break where members could purchase plants. Nancy O'Reilly of the Seaforth Do -It Centre presents Optimist Club president, Doug Fry with $620 raised at a Mother's Day breakfast served up by Optimist members and the Do -It Centre. Seaforth Council briefs... Seaforth Council approved $240; Heather Robinet, $195; the following payments for and, Lin Sterner, $150. April meeting attendance at last Tuesday night's regular meeting: Mayor David Scott, $290: Reeve Brian Ferguson, $75; Deputy -Reeve William Teail. $240; Couns. John Ball. $195; Michael Hak. * * * At last month's meeting. Seaforth's planning advisory committee decided to "carry on for another year with, Harry Hak continuing as chairman for 1998." speaks at society meeting Ruth Beuttenmiller gave a report on a very successful plant sale. Beatrice Stoll reported on the District #8 annual meet- ing held in Lucknow. Art Horst reported on Civic Improvement. Boxes are to he planted May 20 at 6:30 p.m. at the town shed. All help is appreciated. Gerald Groothuis reported new hanging haskets had been purchased and the old ones sold at the plant sale. Nancy Kale reported on upcoming bus trip on -July 22 with more details to he given dut at June meeting. Helen McNaughton read a -141W SILK TREES Flowers & Gifts 50 Trees to choose from OPEN Daily 10-5 Sun. 12-5 Located on Cty. Rd. 413 just east of Hwy. 1121 in HAYFIELD Quality built • We guarantee it Pawleys, Hill 565-5959 Te11 Free 1.880•5e54060 SEAFORTH INSURANCE a BROKER LTD. 527-1610 • Home - • Commercial • Auto • Farm • Life • Oat of Province Travel Insurance Barb Watt, Joanne Willromson. Lynn Pleach. Ken Cardno 41 Maio St. S. Seaforth RHUBARB PIE SOCIAL and BAKE SALE Saturday. May 23rd 2-4 pm Admission - $2.50 (.[dudes 2 pieces of pie), Social will be held on 1st and 2nd floors EveryoneWelcome SEAFORTH .MANOR RETIREMENT HOME AND NURSING HOME 100 James St. Seaforth 527-0030 "Oa Is ,n! ./49111:1bt:l.vst31 PRI. -THURS. MAY 12 - SS PRI. &SAT. 7rk0:16PM SUN. -THURS. $ PM IX o n I , I 1r){'i 111.' I\I ji" I 'IMP10%1C"'T letter from Kathy Renshaw who does their year hooks, The June meeting is a tour of the Dublin area, ending at Nellie Vander Pryt's home for the meeting. Members arc invited to Brussels May 25. A plant exchange was held. V". Mon.& Wed Nite 8 p.m. - 11 p.m, 20c Wings THURSDAY NITE PARTY WITH SOUND IMAGE D.J. EUCHRE TUESDAY, MAY 26 1:30 p.m. St. Thomas Anglican Church Seaforth Admission: $2.00 PRIZES & LUNCH Everyone Welcome Children's Aid Society of Huron County invites you to attend its Annual General Meeting to be held on Wed., May 27/98 at 7:00 pm in the Board Room at the Children's Aid Society offices 413 MacEwan St. Goderich Our Guest Speaker - Dr. Alan Leschied Director of Research, London Family Court Clinic His topic - "the impact of economic change on some of London's community services" (critical issue for service planning & coordination) Refreshments & Social Time to follow MMI MUROW SIXPOSSYOR, MAY se. 11111111-13 f M.C.L. SOUND f f FULL D.J. SERVICE f .. Book Your Receptions, r• f Buck & Does early! ..4 For more info. call s f John McLeod f 482-9984 f evenings f 4... .• . S ortheorning Marriage Matt Townsend, son of George & Ruth Townsend & Aimee Talbot, daughter of Russell & Cheryl Talbot announce their forthcoming marriage on Saturday, May 23, 1998 at Northside United Church, Seaforth. Open reception to follow at Seaforth Community Centre. BUCK 9 DOE FESTIVAL IN THE PARK 20th- . .20th Anniversary ' °Anniversary Sunday, May 31st 12 noon - 4 p.m. African Lion Safari PARROTS OF �I PARADISE SHOW (4 Shows) 4 shows, food, vendors, local entertainment. professional clowns. Fun for the whole family. May 31st, Victoria Park, Seaforth. For more information 527-0682. 12.00 Admission PROM HAS ARRIVED! Ca11 Today! BOOK YOURPROM UPDONOW AND RECEIVE YOURMAKE-UP DONE FOR FREE! JacMes ° *iftmmlessegesormmLN tkitstite& heficS. 8 Main St. Seaforth ° ° 0 527-1743 Congratuations to the o Mot er's Day Winner Lousie McBride Come to the Clinton Spring Fair JUNE 5 8t 6, 1998 Watch for our Supplement the week of June 3rd in the Clinton News Record! SEAFORTH MINOR SPORTS COUNCIL - B•I•N•G•0 Monday, May 25, 7:30 p.m. Seaforth Arena Doors Open at 5:30 p.m. AU Game PRIZES 5 000. 0 Will Be DOUBLED Pmol .ds to Sssforth Minor Sports UMW. 04114138808