HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1998-05-06, Page 161i-1lIE INIIIOI4 IXPOliITOR, MAY $, 11•S6 Spring Scramble was high point on golf course The Spring Scramble was the high point of the past weekend at the local club. For the third year in a row, rain dampened the players: but not the spirit of the event that raises money for the Seatorth and Area Food Bank. The sponsors that put on the event are Archies Service Centre, Hensall and District Do It Center. and Jerry Wright Financial. By all accounts, it was a great success with the tournament being totally -full. Every golfer made it to the event in spite of the weather. Two players on standby were disappointed to have to watch rather than participate with the 126 golfers in the field. This alone is a measure of the tournament's popularity in only its third season. The three-man teams played an 18 hole scramble format. Winners were: Jim Campbell. Darren Crocker and Steve Mclnally. Second place went to the team of Harry Jansen. Jim Watson Jr. and Gerard Meidinger. Steve Van Dyke. Chris Marion and Steve Schroeder were third followed by the team of Tony. Eddie' and Dennis Neilsen. In fifth was the team of Brett Finlayson. Albert The Tartan Chameleon Golf Notes 6t' C.A. Doig Lam_, Celotti and Boh McKenzie. Sixth place went to Gary Bennett. Jerry Wright and Colin Young. Close to the hole. winners - were: Frank Verberne. Tom Turner. Steve Van Dyke. Harry Jansen. and Brett Finlayson. Long drive was Bob Stephan. Skins winners were Don Mclllwraith and Paul Hardwick. Ladies Night got started last week with a nine hole scramble and dinner. There were many other winners on Thursday night. This week it's Wuerth Shoes Night. This week's (May 5) Men's Night is Gregor Campbell Photography Night and next week it is Main Street Video Night. Senior Morning was due to start on May 4 sponsored by the golf course. The junior clinic on Sunday had about 35 juniors attending the Humpty Dumpty sponsored event. Bible Bill video airs • - ABY GREGOR CAMPBELL Expositor Staff ' A video on "Bible Bill" Aperhart. parts of which were filined in Seatorth in January. was scheduled to be on television last Monday (May 41 - on History television. Aberhart was a tundamentahst preacher who founded the Social Credit Party in Canada and, surprised almost everyone by becoming Premier. of Alberta for two terms during the Depression -era "Dirty '30s" on the Prairies. He was a master of exploiting the then -new medium of radio in his rise to power. He' was born in the Staffa area. and educated at Seaforth's high school. There IS a histoncal plaque in front of SDHS in honour of hint. Man of the Hour: "Bible IJili " Aberhurt was written and directed by Patricia Phillips Of Great North Productions Inc. The crew sent a VHS copy of the one- hour documentary to Scaforth's Frank Sills who helped them with their local research. , Aberhart's family was well known in Seatorth for many years. A cover letter with the video sent to Sills thanks him for his help and notes: Man of the Hour will air nationally on History "Television on Monday, May 4 at 8 p.m. as part of the "Faces of History" series (although i would double- check you local listings to confine the time." The video is being copied for town histoncal archives. It is interesting. "Bible Bill" is depicted as the enigma he was, a teacher and a fire-and-brimstone orator. with distinct fascist tendencies who promulgated very unusual religious and economic theories. They were ideas whose time had come. as the production points out. in large measure io" to the dreadful social coi,ditions at that time in the Canadian west. when people rode the rails, unemployment stood at 30 per cent and there was no "social safety net" as Canadians enjoy today. Preston Manning's father. Ernest, was one of Aberhart's first converts and staunchest supporters. Aberhart promised each Citizen of Alberta $25 a month, a Targe sum at the time, if they would vote for him. He was elected in an unexpected landslide in 1935 'but never delivered. The electprate effectively forgot this when World War II intervened. and "Bible Bill", maintained power with a tar -reduced majonty. Much of his Social Credit government's legislation was declared unconstitutional by the federal government. lipp CORRECTION NOTICE We wish to draw your attention to the error in our current - 'Spectacular Savings" flyer Page 9 - Noma Extension Cords. 52-2394.6/2398-8 Copy reads Heavy Duty Extension Cords. Should read Medium Duty Extension Cords. Page 20 - Motomaster A/S ' Copy reads Performance Ratings. 90.000 KM. Should read: Performance Ratings. 50,060 KM We wish to draw your attention to the error in our current "Great Gifts For Great Moms flyer Page 6 - Beechwood Kitchen Coordinates 42- 3246X. Copy reads Reg. 8.99-34.99, Sale 5.99- 24.49. Save 30-40% Should read Reg 8.99,- 39.99. Sale 5.99-24.49. Save 30.40 Page 19 Prestone Bullet Wax, 39-2809-6 Copy reads: 414 ML. Should read 410 ML Prestone Bullet Wash, 39-4551-4 Copy reads: 591 ML. Should read 590 ML. We wish to draw your attention to the error in our current '1994 Catalogue" Ryer Page 20, Item 4, 20" Cherub, 59-1060-2 Illustration is not exactly as sleown Page 31 - The illustration on Product 059-5554-4 and Product 059-5534.2 shopld be transposed. Page 38 - Hose Reel/Cart. The illustrations on Product 059.3557.0 and Product 059-3556-2 should be transposed. Page 186 - Item 16, Replacement Knob. 52- 8282X Illustration is incorrect Page 262 - Item 6, 7 - Drawer Roller Cabinet, 58- 0886-6. Copy reads: 26 1/2 x 18 x 14 1/2". Should read: 26 1/2 x 18 x 35 1/2". Page 309 - Two Bike Carrier, 40-1088 The illustration is incorrect. Drawbar & hitch ball shown are 'not' included with carrier. Page 319 - The following Products are labelled incorrectly with the wrong Product 0 and price. Copy should read: 038-3785 - Solder -It • 5.99; 038-3788 - Screw Grab - 4.99; 038- 3787 - Vinyl & Leather Repair Kit - 6.29. We sincerely regret any inconvenience we may have caused you. 0n01e d317/310/CAT4Y-Alt Zonas HURON COUNTY 4-H ASSOCIATION Presents GEORGE FOX IN CONCERT SUNDAY, MAY 24 7:00 P.M. BiYTH MEMORIAL HALL 120.00 PER PERSON PROCEEDS TO HURON COUNTY 441 TICKETS AVAHABLE FROM 4-11 MEiIBERS & LOCAL OUi7.Fi5 ERNIE KING MUSIC IN WINGHAM A GODERICH SEAFORTH COOP; NIFTY CORNERS BELGRAVE CO-OP OR AVAILABLE BY MAIL HAPPY 50TH ANNIVERSARY DAD & MOM (GERRIT AND TERESA WYNJA) MAY 13 • 1948 - 1998 with toy and thanks to the Lord, we are happy to announce the 50th Anniversary of our parents, grandparents, and great grandparents. With love and best wishes, Gerben & Jeanette, Allen & Frances, (ierda & Gary. Hessie & Dave, Martin & Mary, Hilda & Colin, Corrie & Larry, Sandra & Troy 25 grandchildren & 4 great grandchildren Join us in celebrating this happy occasion at an OPEN HOUSE on May 13, 1998 at the Seaforth Legion Hall - from 2:00-5:00 p.m. Best Wishes Only edNOCe Weeteeitt BRUNCH -- DINNER - BUFFET Located at St. Joseph on Hwy. 21 CALL FOR RESERVATIONS 236-7707 Seaforth Hospital Auxiliary PENNY SALE 4 Dates: Monday, May 4 -Friday, May 15 Daily - 9:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Friday evenings - 5:30 p.nt.-9:00 p.m. . 42 Goderich Street West (former Huron Sport (hilfttter,. Sime. aeror• froni Mai '• Milk Draw Date: Saturday, May 16.. 1998 (no -ticket sales day of draw) • FESTIVAL IN THE PARK h r''- �� �:.��-20t 20th Anniversary ;;t i Anniversary Sunday, May 31st 12 noon - 4 p.m. African Lion Safari PARROTS OF 1� PARADISE SHOW (4 Shows) 4 shows, food. vendors, local entertainment, profession& clowns. Fun for the whole family. May 31st, Victoria Park. Seaforth. For more information 527-0682 rmei _ mos _t___Imo elm _t_emu am, t__t_nom mom _atm Win the Perfect Gift For Mom Kip-riy,,mee, r16 -,i46.9, Low Fat Cooking Answer our quiz and drop off your entry by Sat., May 9, 1998. Ten winners will be selected by draw from the winning submis- sions. Have fun and watch next week's paper for the winners! .Quiz: 1. What's a calorie? a. The newest fad in footwear b. Something lurking in the cookie jar c. A measurement of energy 2. Polenta Wedges are ... a. Shoes from the '60s that are black in style b. A low-fat dish made with commeal c. A demonstration sport in the next Winter'Olympics 3. Which of the following have no fat: a. Toothpick b. Jack Sprat (who could eat no fat) C. Egg whites d. All of the above 4. What is Naw Age Meatloaf? a The reincarnation of an old rock star b. A recipe in step with the times because it uses extra lean ground beef and chicken c. A nuclear -powered diviner 5. What is "biscottl"? a. Part of Captain James Kirk's order to the Starship Enterprise (as in "Beam me up, biecottir) b. A cross between a Dig dog and a gconjsh terrier c. A crunchy Italian biscuit with no added fat 6. Don't be fooled by the "light" label on oils. This usually means,.. a. The oils are lighter in color, not lower in calories or fat b. They only work when you turn the light switch on c. They can't be used in the dark 1 7. Which of the following has less than 10 grams of fat per serving? a. Every recipe in the Low -Fat Cooking cookbook Iron, Company's Coming 15. A box o1 Turtles chocolate:. c. A Sumo wrestler 8. Why is Angel Chicken from the Company's Coming Low -Fat Cooking cookbook less than 10 grams per serving? a. Its sports a light halo b. It flies through the air with the greatest o1 ease C. It uses skinless chicken and part -skim cheese 9. Which of the following is not an energy nutrient: a. Fat b. Carbohydrates c. Protein d. The Energizer Bunny 10. What do Honey Yogurt Fruit Dip, Roasted Red Pepper Dip and Skinny Dilly Dip have in common? a. All are low-fat with less than 10 grams of fat per serving b. All are Viennese dance moves c. All are biodegradable fully -edible hair gels • NAME: PHONE: ADDRESS DROP OFF YOUR ENTRY AT ANY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING PARTICIPATING STORES: The Huron Expositor, Flower Magic, The Looking Glass, Pizza Train, Seaforth Jewellers, Janet's Country Donuts, Total Image II, Wong's Grill, Anna's Dress Shoppe, Wuerth Shoes, New Orleans Pizza, Archie's Service Centre, Jackie's Hair and Aesthetics, Hildebrand LFlowers, Boussey's Beauty Boutique and Seaforth Sewing Centre. MINN - - 1111111 MEM 410 - .t. Miff AM NM MOO r - - MOM r - - MN - -ail