HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1998-04-29, Page 17Seaforth igkj Legion by Barbara Scott Pupils find lots of junk along old trail On April 22/98 the. grade 2/3 class from Walton Public School collected garbage for an Earth Day activity. We were surprised at what we found along the road and on the railroad trail. This is a list of some of the items that we discovered - beer bottles, pop bottles, Christmas orna- ments, a Halloween decora- tion, a coat, t -shirt, bracelet, pencils, pop cans, glass, chocolate bar wrappers, bags, jars, containers, rusty pipes, headlight, a hike, paper, lids. barbed wire, Pringles con- tainers, car parts, a shoe and some stuff that Mrs. Vivian wouldn't let us pick up because we didn't have gloves on. We feel sorry for the animals who sometimes die because of all this garbage. We wish people would stop littering and Walton by Patty Banks 887-6156 respect our ear( Since it was Earth Day the Kindergarten class took a look at lady bugs. Derick Bachert, Christopher Becker and Brandon McGavin all brought in jars of lady hugs. Brandon had done some research on his computer and shared that information with the rest of the class. The kids observed the hugs and drew pictures in their journals. Wendy Bachert and daughter Haley, brought in cupcakes to help celebrate Derick's birth- day. The grade 1/2 are learning about taking care of planet earth. They are studying the `Special couple celebrate 40th food chain. They have learned that plants use the soil for food. Then animals eat plants and other animals. They made a food chain with pictures cut out of magazines. For Earth Day they helped pick up garbage around the school yard. The grade 3/4 in their study of pulleys and gears, went to McGavins where they were taken on a tour by brothers Jeff and Brian McGavin. Neil McGavin gave tractor rides to the kids in "Big Blue". The 3/4 class also picked up garbage around the school for Earth Day. Cassie Bressette took home the well travelled bunnies, Coke and Pepsi. Congratulations to Laura Elligsen and Cassandra Banks who have taken pan in Anniversaries are always a special time in our lives. Happy 40th anniversary to a very special Dublin couple, Cor and Nellie Vander Pryt who celebrated on April 26th. When it comes to a super couple for horticulture, farm- ing. helping out where need- ed or a great euchre party, here is the couple to admire. Enjoy many more good years. Cor and Nellie. Happy Birthday to Ursula Nicholson, London (formerly from Dublin) who celebrated yesterday. April 28th. Ursula, all your relatives, (sister-in- law Helen Krauskopf. Duhlin i and others in this area. and many, many friends wish you a happy birthday and many good years ahead. Happy, 80th birthday to Pearl Ruston. Kinkora. who celebrated on April 25th. Pearl. we all wish you good health and happiness in the years ahead. How to pick, a good bull 4- H CLUB REPORT By Louise McBride The Clinforth Dairy Club held its meeting at the, Gutsenpurgers. Thomas led us in the 4-11 pledge and roll call and Barbie read the minutes. Next Lorraine introduced our guest speaker Ron Westgate who discussed how to pick a good hull for certain cows. Next we split into groups and we discussed how to pick a good 4-H calf. We moved to the house for pop and treats while the new members signed the registration forms. After. we received informa- tion pages and registration forms for our calfs and Hays Classic. Safety Seekers opened by uttering the pledge and roll calf. Next Anita read the min- utes from the last meeting. Mary showed the group everything in a first aid kit and how to use it. They received some pamphlets on aid and watched a farm safety video. Soon, they were pick- ing a title page. Anita's won. Lindsey won a draw for the first aid kit and the meeting closed with treats from Tineka. League folds Goderich's industrial fast - ball league has folded after 29 seasons. The league's recent draft day had too few players. particularly pitchers, to staff enough teams. Instead, Godcrich now plans to field three teams in the Huron League. Heart disease CONTINUE= from Page 9. However, if a person stops smoking, within two years there risk returns to normal. The scary thing. said Dr. Percival, is that now more women than men smoke and the people that have the high- est rate of starting to smoke are teenaged girls. Obesity is also a risk factor. especially people with big waists and narrow hips. This can be controlled by eating low fat, high fibre foods. If a woman has diabetes, she should try to keep it under control to decrease her risk of heart disease, said Dr. Percival. Dublin h\ Duruthv Dillon .-145-2N-1_' Welcome to new babies. Congratulations to Brad and Pauline Linton on the happy arrival of a darling baby boy, Patrick Arthur, who arrived on April 10th. Dan. Emily and Sarah arc thrilled to have a new brother. Congratulations to proud grandparents Dave and Shirley Linton. Mitchell (their 17th grandchild) and to Don and Donna Crowley, Kinkora (their 18th grand" - child). Correspondent (Dorothy) wishes her neighbour, Ashley Elliott. a happy 7th birthday. Love, Ashley, from Mom and Dad, Aaron and Adam. Joe Eckert was pleased to have a visit from Jerry and Marie Eckert, Owen Sound, and Sister Margaret Eckert, Strathroy. THOUGHT FOR TODAY Poverty is catching - you can get it from Internal Revenue' Duck race this weekend The first week in May in 1945 was very important in history. The 25th German Army surrendered on May 5th and V.E. Day (Victory Day) was May 8th. May 5th each year is. also the day of the Battle of the Atlantic annual ceremony. That ,we can live in freedom in this wonderful country we owe to the thousands of young Canadian men and women and our allies who fought and those who gave their lives for this freedom. There are still a few tickets left for the Duck Race. Donations for the Yard and Bake Sale would be grateful- ly appreciated. For more Man killed felling tree in Hullett on Monday A -47 -year-old Auburn man died Monday after an acci- dent while clearing trees. At about 3:20 p.m.. William Sproul was helping clear trees on a Hullett Township farm when he was struck by a falling tree. Sproul received chest and head injuries and was trans- ported to Clinton Public Hospital where he died sever- al hours later from his injuries. information call 527-0740 or Dave Watson. The list for the Zone golf is on the hoard. Please sign up by May 5th. There is a Sunday Dinner for the public on Mother's Day, May 10. Desserts and help will be needed. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them. Saturday. May 2 STAG & DOE for SHANE LODER and MELISSA CONWAY Thursday, May 14 The MATTHEW GOOD BAND 1700 Advance 0100( Door 8 West. Clinton 482-1234 BAD CREDIT? NO PROBLEM! NEW CREDIT? NO PROBLEM! BVD Used Car Financing Specialists CARS 94Y GODERICI--1 5119995 PRE -APPROVED CAR LOANS Available for People with Credit Problems, Bankruptcies, Repossessions, First Time Buyers, Pensions No Credit Turn Downs, Fast Deliveries CALL JOHN FOR AN APPOINTMENT 524-9995 "GUARANTEED FINANCING FOR EVERYONE' the Kiwanis Music Festival of Stratford. Bill and Marie Coutts were greeters at Duff's United Church. Rev. announced that next Sunday is pulpit exchange and the congrega- tion will get the chance to hear Rev. Dave Jagger from Fordwich. The next UCW meeting will be on May 6th. at 8:00 with Patricia Young as guest speaker. She is a Girl Guide leader and will he showing slides from her tour called "Going places together around the World '98" She has been to places such as Mexico, Singapore, India, Switzerland and England. Everyone is welcome to come. Rev.'s sermon was called "Reclaiming Evangelism". In the Bible readings he read about Paul's • conversion. Happy Birthday to Rev. James Murray and Gracmc Craig on April 27. Sizzlers 10 -W.,- = FREE !!! WINGS ALL DAY EVERY THURSDAY wrra THE PUIFICHALIE OF EV r ,rr` . &v. SEAFORTH 527-0980 THURS. NITE POOR BOY NITE PARTY WITH SOUND IMAGE D.J. THE ONLY THURS NITE PARTY AROUND FRI. MAY 1 "TONY LEE" X -Rated Hypnotist 55.00 Advance 08.00 At The Door COME SEE WHAT EVERYONE TALKS ABOUT! Happy 19th Birthday What a cutie CHAD McCALLUM rp tee: . Love: Dad, Mom and Janice TIME MOON IXPO$ITOII, AMI* 2S, 18.11-17 BUCK & DOE for Maryann Saunders and Eric LaPierre Saturday, May 2198 9:00 pm- 1:00 am Tickets: $6.00 Age of Majority Lunch Provided For tickets call: 348-4936 345-2354 STAG & DOE for JULIE COOK and KEVIN WRIGHT Friday, May 1 9pm- 1 am Music by DJ Calvin Kerr Age of Tickets Majority $5.00 • For information call 482-7850 or 482-9021 0 In 25 words, in the space below, write why your mom is #1. Send or drop off at Jackie' Alf?efipes 8 Main St. Seaforth NOK 1 WO OTo be in by Monday May 4. Winner will receive a $30.00 Gift Certificate O on a service of her choice. 527-1743 _.• > pen 6 days, & 2 evenings! 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 STRETCH ijeo Iii de#4,,, 1 Rl\(I SS CRI ISI s' Cuiise Sale One wit Only! May 3 to 91998 "y`N \:\„' For One Week Only, Carlson Wagonlit Ellison Travel can offer you the world of Princess at substanital savings! • Guaranteed 1.35 exchange discount • FREE 1 & 2 category upgrades • Savings of 50% and more mated soap • Available on all 98/99 Princess Sailings Cali today to rewroeyoxr sable New Bookings only. Some restrictions apply. Carlson Wagonlit ELLISON TRAV°EI. Exeter 1-800-265-7022 or 235-2000 JOHN MUNRO 524-8547 or 1-888-344-4486