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The Huron Expositor, 1998-04-29, Page 16
1S -TNS UMW =Poem" ApU IS, RIM Mil Pm' all - DHS AIRBAND ASSEMBLY - Staff and students grooved to Ryan Jewitt's performance as Garth Brooks, left with Brent Ribey on guitar, and Wendy Case's and Bill Price's appearance as Sonny and Cher with 'I Got You Babe,' right, in Monday's Airband Assembly. Other acts featured include Anthony Wilkinson as Nirvana, the Students' Council as the Men in Black; Celine Dion's 'My Heart Will Go On' performed in sign language by Stephanie Dale, Jenn DelVecchio, and Kris Moran; the drama class reenacting the sinking of the Titantic; Brent Ribey, Starla Wick, Will Thompson, and Sean Ludwig as the Smashing Pumpkins; and, the SDHS Spice Girls; Janelle Wood and Sean Ludwig doing a 'Dirty, Dancing' routine to round out the show. Students enjoyed these and other performances, in a short day, offered to staff and stu- dents' by the SDHS Students' Council. (Powell photos) Drug kit recognizes teachers' influence By Philip J. McMillan The wzek began with par- ents' night on Monday from 5:30 till 8:30 p.m. The full staff was available to spend time speaking with parents about thcir son or daughter's progress as noted in the mid term reports sent home on Wednesday. Soccer season is in full swing now with all levels,of teams practicing and playing. There are games at St. Anne's on Tuesday through Thursday and a Junior Girls tournament in Goderich all day Friday. Our track and field team travels to St. Thomas Saturday. This past week we sent out our latest newsletter. Parents should ask students to bring the newsletters home so that the family is up to date on current happenings at the, school. The Huron County Health Unit came to St. Anne's to introduce the new ACTION KIT. This is a comprehensive document that helps teachers . to see the possibilities for curriculum development to promote healthy living and to deal with drug abuse through day to day classroom curricu- lum. During the meeting we heard that alcohol continues to lead the way as the most abused drug by people today. Tobacco use is up and the use of cannabis is as well. As a teacher I have attended meetings such as this before. What made this one unique was that these people brought materials that recognized that News from St. Anne's we were teachers and that we had some influence on stu- dent choices. Recently,'we at St. Anne's have made the issue of drug abuse and impairment a pri- ority. We began by staging a parents' information night on drug. abuse last year, and this year the School Advisory Council sponsored another meeting at which parents spoke with counselors, a police officer and a lawyer about the problems a family faces when their child gets involved with drugs. There 'were some great words of advice from these Huron County agencies who seem tireless in their efforts to help all, curb drug abuse and addictive behaviour. Our chapter of Ontario Students .Against Impaired Driving (OSAID) has worked hard. They helped set up the Smart Risk Program and shared in the task with CHSS the host school. Thoy are actively preparing for the OSAID Awareness Week events starting with a car wash at St. Anric's Sat. May 9th from 8:30-2:00 p.m. Staff are seeking input from our school government's stu- dent leaders about the issues that surround drug abuse. We are seeking new •ways to deal with a problem that has plagued all schools for far too king. As the mecttng,came to an end I thought how lucky we. were to have so many indi- viduals like these three from the Public Health Unit to assist us as educators to bring facts to our students in a truthful, current and knowl- edgeable fashion abbut an issue that affects all who live in our society. I looked at all who attended and was pleased to sec their interest during and after the meeting. We must teach the whole stu- dent and that mcans looking at all that affects them as they make their way in the world. Opinions about issues are powerful only if their basis is fact. Duck er 9oe MATT TOWNSEND AIMEE TALBOT FRIDAY; MAY 8 Clinton Arena 8:00 PM to 1:00 AM Age of Majority Required Tickets $5.00 each For Information Call 348-4543 SEAFORTH MINOR SPORTS COUNCIL ) .,,-;, .ter. B•I•N•G•0 Monday, May 25, 7:30 p.m. Seaforth Arena Doors Open at 5:30 p.m. All Game PRIZES Will Be DOUBLED Proceeds to Seaforth Minor Sports Licence #M466606 $2,000.00 JACapor Feeder finance update, The Huron Perth Feeder Finance Co -Operative had its annual meeting in Seaforth this year. The farmer operated beef co-op advanced $4,829,210 in loans last year for 55,734 head of cattle. CENTRAUA-HURON PARK LIONS "BINGO 11 PLACE: Huron Palk Roc. Centre DATE: Sunday, May 3198 TIME: 1:00 P.M. • Doors open at 12 noon $1,000 JACKPOT MUST 00 $YOUR SUPPORT a,PRECIAT[D) Atwood Lions BINGO Atwood Community Centre EVERY THURSDAY Doors Open at 6:30 pm Bingo Starts at 7:00 pm 4 QUICKIES $1000 on 54 calls Pot of Gold $1000 on 53 calls, Huron OPP stop 5,625 vehicles in seatbelt campaign Ontario Provincial Police in children not buckled in. Huron County were on a Police say at 96.8 per cent, seatbelt kick earlier this the percentage of people month. wearing setbetts was about They laid 81 charges and four per cern higher than they issued another 98 warnings. figured for a similar seatbelt during the campaign the first campaign last October. two weeks of April, from stopping a total of 5,625 vehicles. Seventy five of those charged were adult offenders, and the other half-dozen were SILK TREES Flowers & Gifts SPRING FLOWERS OPEN Daily 10-5 Sun. 12.5 Located on Cty. Rd. *3 pat east of Hwy. *21 In BAYFIELD Duality built ' We guarantee It Porter', Hill 565.5959 Toll Fro(' 1-888-1385-6060 Buck & Doe for Brent (ankyl Dkfz iKa ine t eery Lindemann Sat, May 2nd, 1998 Music by DJ Lunch Provided Age of Majority Required For more Info call Jen @ 522-1086 or Kent © 345-2566 r The Thomas McKay Family lost their home contents & personal belongings by fire in mid-March. BAYRELD LIONS CLUB are accepting donations to the "THOMAS McKAY FAMILY FUND". These can be made at CIBC branches at Bayfield, Goderich & Seafortil or the ,Clinton Credit Union. If additional information is needed call Gerry - 482-7625 after 5:00 p.m. or John - 565- 2479 and leave message. .r .P..r.r.A.r J.r.r.r . .e.a .A d .r .r.r.r .r .r .� .r.r J 1.P.r .r• .r 1 d�.i. .fr Planning A Wedding : ii Buck ik Doe, Anniversary f Or Any Other. Special Event? f Leave the music to us. For full D.J. Service 'CALL f J r 482-9984 M.C.L. SOUND JOHN McLEOD • "Where the customer is first!! .. ...r.r.....r.r.r.r.r.r...r.r...0.r...r.r.r.r.r.r.r.r .r.r.r.r .r .r.r.r ✓.r.r ENDS THURSDAY WINNER 2 ACADEMY AWARDS' Iti1UNWH.IIAMS MirI 1 L'. GOOD WILL HI.DVT�VG REQ Arurc� FRI. - THURS. MINNIE 11R1\'ER STEL1.,1 r::1I. NI �a:tt1........ 10M6 DISTANCE? CALL I-800-265-3438 FOR 1011 FREE MOVIE INFO Looking for effective advertising with quick results? The Classifieds can! Whether you want to sell Aunt Edna's old sewing basket or a used car, you can't do better1than ad- vertising it in the Classifieds. Looking.for a job or -a car or a new home? How about a home improve- ment handyYnan? From novelties . to necessities, the Classified sec- tion is the shopping place of mil- lions with the best buys in town.