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Josie Nigh and Mary Barnes members of St. James Council -check -the hot casseroles during Catholic Womens League Fun Night pot luck supper; involving 24 councils in - the Huron Perth arca and being hosted by St. Josephs' Clinton, St. Michaels Blythe and St. James Seaforth. More than 1,00 people attended the supper. (Fitton photo) Restructuring option ready next year County is one of last to restructure and farthest behind By Blake Patterson Signal -Star Stall The Huron County govern- ment has decided to take lead role in restructuring the county and hopes to have a restructuring option ready by Jan. I, 1999. Huron County is one of the last counties in the province to restructure and one of the far- thest behind in the process. At the Feb. 5 meeting of Huron County Council, it was decided models for restructur- ing the county would he developed by the Administration, Finance and PersonneY Committee. They will investigate one -tier and two-tier government options with input from the munici- palities before returning to County Council where a final option will be chosen. Once a preferred option is selected by County Council. it will have to pass a triple • majority process he ore• it can be implemented. A triple majority means a majority of County Council. a majority of local nurnicipali- tics and "a majority of the county's popoulation must agree. 'i'he debate at County Council Feb. 5 centred on whether or not the restructur- ing options should he devel- oped by a committee or by the entire council. Reeve Brian McBurney of 'furnberry Township said another strategic planning day is needed to ensure all 26 county reeves have input. He said further debate would give the committee a better sense of what options the munici- palities want considered. Reeve Robin Dunbar of Grey Township supported McBurney and said another meeting would be "time well spent." In his opinion, the Strategic Planning Pay meet- ing held Jan. 20 was the coun- ty's "start on the road to 'restructuring" and another Meeting refining the path.- ahead ath-ahead would he a natural next step for the council to take. "i feel this is such a critical issue, we should be as involved as possible," said Dunbar. Reeve Doug Miller of West Wawanosh -agreed restructur- ing is a critical issue for the county, hut said another The 'Bear Facts' SDHS valentines day plans by Caitlin Ferguson and Ally Wood Grade 12 Seaforth District High School students were given order forms Feb. 2 to send a flower to their valentine. The flowers will he received in their homeroom Feb. 12. • Matchmaker sheets were filled out in the homerooms to help SUBS students find their true love. The match- maker sheets will be returned Feb. II so students can take • their matches to the dance on Feb. 19. This will not he a regular valentine's dance, hut a hip- pie valentine's dance. Grade 8 night was a suc- cess. This is where the Grade 8's and their parents carne to SDHS and look around thc school and talk to teachers. Thcy also got to sec the library, where some of the students wcrc on the comput- ers working on the Internet. SDHS `Bears' basketball schedule The boys basketball team played the number one team in the league - F.E. Madill. Although they were defeat- ed 82-57 and 62-41, they played an exceptionally good game. The SDHS midget boys basketball team has been undefeated this season. The student body is very proud of them. The boys basketball season is almost over and on Feb. 20 they have the Huron semi-finals. On Feb. 25 the . boys have thc Huron finals. Ooodluck from all of SDHS. The girls volleyball team hasn't been doing all that well this season but they do have great spirit. On Feb. 10 the girls have the Huron semi finals. Thcn on Feb. 12 the girls participate in the Huron finals. Good luck girls! • Strategic Planning Day for the entire council would be a waste of time. Miller said it would be irre- sponsible for the council not to look at various models for restructuring but added those models should be developed by a committee first. Then, after the "background work" was done, the County Council could rip the models apart, he said. Reeve Bruce Machan of Winghatn was most outspoken against further discussion of options by the council. He said the strategic plan- ning day. in January already provided a useful cross-sec- tion of opinions and clear direction to the committee developing the options. To return to the table before a committee determines what options could work hest in Huron County would be of lit- tle benefit, said Machan. Another strategic planning day would equate to "spinning our tires here one more time," he said. • The council deleatcu McBurney's motion 1ur anoth- er meeting and will now wait until the Administration. Finance and Personnel Committee returns with options for consideration. Members of the Administration. Finance and Personnel committee include Warden Jack Coleman, Cecil Pepper, Norman Fairies, Carol Mitchell, Bruce Machan, Bill Carnochan and Donald Schultz. County Council's involve- ment in restructuring comes more than a year after individ- ual municipalities tried on their own to reach restructur- ing agreements. X -files Spotted mistakes in the Feb. 4 issue. Page 1. Where they are have, should read where they have. Dolly McQuaid. Page 2 Paragraph 6. Baird - Jackson not Jackson -Baird. Ethel Walker Briefs... The value of building per- mits issued in town last year increased $211,398 over the comparable 1996 figure. There were 35 building per- mits issued in Seaforth last year with a total value of $1,404,498, including the town's new water tower at $596,448 In 1996 the total was $1,193,100, and the 1995 fig- ure was $1,149,050. In addition, there were five sign permits issued in town last year and three demolition permits. By a vote of four to two at its Feb. 3 meeting, council agreed to grant $10 to Brent Ribey of Seaforth and the Hensall Calf Club so he could show his animal at the upcoming Hensall Spring Fair. - At last Tuesday night's meeting, council carried a motion to increase the Seaforth Public Utility Commission's rent at Town Hall by $80 a month. The new rate, effective April 1, will be $615. The present rate is $545. Clerk Jim art' c� -7m mented the town also pays a monthly bill to the PUC for fire hydrant maintenance and this payment has gone up quicker than the utility's rent has, so last week's adjust- ment will bring the two rates more in line. TRUE FACT Roughly one in five of Seaforth's ratepayers don't have a high school in town now. The clerk's office con- firms that the breakdown of separate to public school sup- porters in this town is about 20 per cent to 80 per cent. Most high school students around here in the Huron - Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board go to either St. Anne's at Clinton or St. Michael in Stratford. AM Depositss 1 insured Within Limitsrimark Rates sublets Co Trimarkl. To Verification OIC • 5 year RRSP 445% .25% SO to N e0 Do/ D•ys G&W* Investment & Tax Planning Securebunco[ Products ... from people you can trust SEAFORTH \\`` . 96 Main St. 527-0420 Serving Seaforth Since 1986 FARM MUTUAL " FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. TOP UP YOUR RRSP WITH AN RRSP LOAN AT PRIME \IL iL:11"iL\IP" -MC, AGF, DYNAMIC C.I., MACKENZIE, O'DONNELL, TEMPLETON, TRIMARK AND MORE SLGRi:C [EIt) ILA DS -CI, ROYAL LIFE, EQUITABLE LIFE, TRANSAMERICA LIFE AND MORE John Hanson; Branch Manager 497 Main St. South, Exeter, Ont. 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