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Wednesday, February 11, 1998
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Letters to the Editor
Don't wait for final
decision, reader says
Dear editor:
To the citizens -parents -
grandparents -students at
Seaforth there has been talk
of closing Seaforth District
High School.
Please don't wait until a
decision has been made final
and it is too late.
I urge you phone/write your
board representative, sign the
petitions or write a letter to
the editor now! Let them
know they can't close our
school. The "talk" has been
that if' hey closed our, high
school the building could be
used for the new board office
located here as well as the
rest of the communities
involved would, but not at
the expense of a educational
learning institute.
According to the interviews
of some students in the
Expositor they say our chil-
dren can't get the courses
they require for their chosen
Well take a mechanics
course for example, what pre-
requisite do you need in high
school that you can't get in
Seaforth high school, that
would keep you out of the
apprentice mechanics course?
The latest information is that
you need Grade 10, must be
16 -years -old, and the ability
to read and write was all that
was necessary to enter this
apprentice program. I am
sure you can still get these
here at Seaforth.
For those who are interest-
ed in this program call the
Ontario Apprenticeship
Program head office at 1-
800-265-1050 and ask for
Larry Ready, I'm sure he can
tell you the rest for forestry. I
may be wrong but don't think
any high school has a forestry
course, not just Seaforth. You
say that because of our size
we can not offer all course
our students need to succeed.
Well 1 know of one Goderich
OAC student who wanted
one particular course and was
unable to get it at Goderich
high.school, she went to
Clinton high school to try
and get into this course there.
Sorry full. This student has
taken responsibility from the
beginning of Grade 9 and
mapped out the courses she
needed, and arranged her
course selection accordingly.
She was lucky this course
was not a necessary course
but something related to her
chosen field.. This is what our
guidance counselors are there
It is the students responsi-
bility to know the courses he
or she will need in high
school and sit down with the
guidance counselor and plan
out the next five years of
This may not include
spares, but if the students is
serious then the student will
be successful. If the student
does not take this responsibil-
ity it will matter not what
high school he/she is attend-
Or why don't we save a lot
of time and close down the
Town of Seaforth at the same
Without our high school the
board of education may save
money. I say may save
money. If our children have
to be bussed to Mitchell or
Clinton, why not move there,
then our grade -school-age
children can go to the public
school that they have there,
then they can graduate onto
high school with their
friends. This way the board
of education won't have to
pay for bussing either, hey
we just saved a few more
This may cause a few busi-
nesses in Seaforth to go
down the tube such as the
grocery store, real estate
offices, (no one wants to buy
a house in a town that has no
high school, when a town
eight miles away has one).
How about our fast food
places and restaurants, how
much of your noon -hour
business is high school stu-
dents. Mind you, these busi-
ness pay business taxes, but
we arc here to save education
dollars right!
Do you expect our teachers
to remain living in Seaforth,
when they don't work here
anymore. If they move so
does their school tax dollars.
This could lead to higher
school tax dollars for the
remaining Huron -Perth sup-
porters! It is about time our
elected board members
looked at our students as peo-
ple, future taxpayers instead
of numbers on a paper which
need to be reduced!
Shirley Brugger.
50th reunion planned
Dear editor: Graduates please contact:
There is a Stratford Normal Harry W. Nesbitt, 39
School Reunion Class of Elizabeth Street, Apt. 1
1947-1948 '50th Stratford Ontario NSA 4Z1.
Anniversary' May 2 1998 at Tel. (519) 271-6742. —i
the Festival Motor Inn, 1144 Please bring any pictures,
Ontario Street, Stratford, anecdotes and memorabilia
Ontario. Registration starts at of your association with
10 a.m. with dinner at 12:30 Stratford Normal School.
v.m. Harry W. Nesbitt.
Could sex scandal rock Ottawa?
Chretien nearly 'ated
You really gotta love it! The
absolute irony of it all.
President Eisenhower had a
mistress, Kennedy had a
harem, Johnson had a lot of
women, Bush had a girlfriend
and now Clinton. When you
think about it, just about the
only President of the United
States in the last,50 years
who was able to keep it in his
pants was Richard Nixon --
and they nicknamed him
Tricky Dick!!!
Scarred forever by these
sexcapades, Clinton will
never see his portrait carved
atop Mount Rushmore
alongside Jefferson, Lincoln
and Roosevelt. However, in
Tight of all that's gone on, the
U.S. Parks Department is
now considering changing
the name of that geyser in
Yellowstone National Park to
Old Unfaithful.
Clinton's sex life could
have grave consequences for
Canada. We may not be such
close friends with the United
States as we were led to
believe. Prime Minister Jean
Chretien may not be such a
pal of the President's after all.
Indeed Chretien must now be
wondering if he's actually
ever met the man.
Given Bill's busy schedule,
it could well turn out that
Chretien has been playing
golf and having private
meetings with Clinton's
secret service double while
the President himself was off
nailing a second cousin from
Arkansas who holds down a
$70,000 -a -year job setting
pins in the White House
bowling alley.
Which brings to mind the
question -- could such a sex
scandal happen here in
Canad., '
I mean the closest thing
we've had to a real sex
scandal was in the late 50s
when it was. discovered that
prostitute Gerda Munsinger's
strong ties to Diefenbaker's
national defence department
included handcuffs and satin
chains. Although it proved
internationally embarrassing,
we did create the now
popular military term: "carpet
Unless of course you count
John Turner's hand patting
Iona Campagnolo's bum,
which upset every woman in
Canada, except Iona
Believe it or not, we just
had a sex scandal in Ottawa
and it didn't really
materialize. Lost in the media
frenzy surrounding President
Clinton, Jean Cretien's brush
with a potentially explosive
sexual encounter didn't even
make the news.
But I'm told that just last
week, our very own Prime
Minister, unable to reach his
model EH101 helicopter on
top of his credenza, stuck his
head out of his office and
yelled for a tall girl.
As you know, sometimes
Chretien's words are not
always clear and immediately
understood like when he
promised to eliminate the
G.S.T., failed to do so and
then was very hurt when he
found out we had believed
So hearing it wrong but not
Letter to the Editor
wanting to anger the boss by
having him repeat his order --
his secretary sent in a call
Confronted with a complete
stranger in his office,
Chretien immediately
grabbed a soapstone Inuit
carving and tried to conk her
over the head. The leggy
blonde was quite calm,
telling Chretian if he was
going to get rough it would
cost an extra hundred bucks.
In minutes Chretien was at
his secretary's desk, upset. "I
don't understand this
woman," he said. "She keeps
saying she wants to see the
little guy from Shawinigan,
and I keep saying, I am the
little guy from Shawinigan."
"Then she says okay, so
show me the midget from
Montreal. You better call
Eddie Goldberg, I think he's
got a fan."
Chretien goes back into his
office but in a minute he's
back at his secretary's desk.
"Now she wants to know
what I think of the
missionary position. Get
Axworthy on the phone and
ask him what our official
position is on missionaries. I
told her I was behind her
100% but I'm not sure, you
In the office and back out
"This woman! She says she
can make me scream out loud
and cause my knees to
tremble. I told her, that
happens every time I hear
Sheila Copps' voice."
"I think you better wall
security. She started to take
off her clothes and I told her,
please, you know I'm a very
ornery man!"
The call girl was whisked
away by security guards but
not before she said hello to
several cabinet ministers she
"I don't understand all this,"
said Chretien to his secretary.
"It's so strange, like that
night I was up late talking to
President Clinton. He put me
on hold, then he must have
hit the wrong button because
when he came back on he
asked me what I was wearing
and what I would like to do. I
told him, pajamas and watch
TV. He hung up on me. Our
relationship has never been
the same since."
At the end of the day,
winded and feeling all of his
64 years, our Prime Minister
trudges up the front steps of
24 Sussex Drive and into the
foyer where he hears the
voice of his lovely wife call
down: "Jean, come up the
stairs and make love to me."
Frustrated and annoyed,
Chretien replies: "Aline, I
told you before ... I can do
one or the other!"
No, relax. In this country
the only way a major sex
scandal could take place is if
the Canadian beaver mated
with a badger and the surly
little offspring took out
memberships in the Reform
Party of Canada.
Coalition wants full
review ofroadf'inances.
When the present provincial
government was first elected,
we heard a great deal about
users paying for services ren-
dered. This policy appears to
have been completely
ignored in the restructuring
program taking place
between the provincial gov-
ernment and municipalities.
Let us look at road user
fees. Here we have a situa-
tion where the province is transfer is known, estimates
transferring total responsihili- for 1997-98 show the
ty for the majority of'the road province is now collecting
system to the municipalities $1.275 billion per year more
to be finance by property in road user fees than is being,
taxes, while at the same time spent out our total transporta-
the province continue.0 to tion system. All this while
levy the same road' user fee. our roads continue to deterto-
Road users will now have to rate. Road safety becomes a
pay twice for this essential major issue and congestion
services. worsens. To put it bluntly, a
Meanwhile, even before the
full extent of this financial higher percentage of fees
75th anniversary reunion
Dear editor:
Danforth TECHers are call-
ing home from all over the
world. To date, we have
made contact with over 1500
former students and teachers
from Australia, Great Britain,
The Bahamas, Singapore,
Florida, California, other U.S
states and every province in
Most have indicated they
will be attending the 75th
Anniversary Reunion cele -
Question of the week
brations, May 1 and 2, 1998
at the school in Toronto •
In it's 75 year history,
Danforth has educated thou-
sands of students - former
NHL hockey greats Bill
White and Wally Boyer, car-
toonist Andy Donato (who
designed our 75th
Anniversary logo) are includ-
ed in our alumni. There arc
many more former students
and teachers of Danforth out
there, and we are trying to
locate them.
They can be assured that
this reunion will be a memo-
rable one.
For information, all former
day, night or part-time stu-
dents acid teachers of
Danforth Tech are asked to
contact the 75th. Anniversary
Reunion Committee, 800
Greenwood Ave. Toronto
Ontario M41 4B7 or E-mail
Arthur B. Kelly.
now being collected needs to
be put back into roads.
The Better Roads Coalition
urges the provincial govern-
ment to carry out a full
review of road financing
practices, not just from a
jurisdictional point of view
(province and municipality)
but from the road users per-
spective -the taxpayer that dri-
ves the roads and pays the
We would urge all road
users to contact their provin-
cial members of the
Legislature to request that
this injustice be corrected,
The Better Roads Coalition
is a coalition of road users
dedicated to the maintenance
and expansion of the total
road system.
Harold Gilheft
Chairman of Better Roads
What's the worst thing that
happened to you Friday 13th?
Frank Halley
Pat Flanagan
"...I've never had any,
it's one of my lucki- thing happen Friday the
est days." 13th out of the ordinary."
Barb Russell
"...ten years ago, I did
$1,000 worth of damage
to my car. Did $40 dam-
age to a jacket and ran
over a black cat."
Chris Ruston
"... if it's going to hap-
pen it's 4oing to happen
whether it's Friday 13th
or not."